All The Mercs - Baby Time

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One day, sniper was in his watchtower doing lookout duty, soldier told him to do it since he thinks the aliens will come back for revenge also he wants some time alone, as he was watching in front of him then he heard screaming, he looks down to where his camper van is and he sees a lady running with a baby in her arms, he also sees a madman chasing her with a gun, sniper points his gun at the madman and shoots but at the same time the madman shoot his gun twice and sniper bullet hits the madman in the head and the madman bullet hits the lady in the neck and chest, the lady and the madman fall to the floor and sniper climbs down his watchtower, he then ran over to the lady is barely moving
"are you alrought" sniper asks
"please...take" the lady says "" and the lady passes
sniper picks up the baby that's wrapped in a pink blanket and take it and put it in the camper van, he then moves and bury the bodies and then goes back in the camper van and drives back to base, when he gets back he goes in and bumps into nearly all the mercs who are having lunch
"back so soon, sniper" engie says
"did you find those aliens?" soldier shouts
"no but i found this" sniper said looking at his arms where the baby is
"is that a baby?" scout says
"yeah i was in my watchtower when i saw a lady being chased by a madman 'not medic' anyway i shot him but he shot twice at the lady, i went to check if she was alroight but she was close to death and she told me to take her baby" sniper explains
"poor darling" engie says "she doesn't even know what happened"
"what's her name" spy says out of nowhere
"i think it was Lily" sniper said
"that's a nice name" engie says
"i need to find medic, do you know where he is?" sniper asks
"he's in lab as usual" heavy says
"ok thanks heavy" sniper says and leaves to go find medic, when he gets to the lab he knocks and opens the door
"hey doc i found this" sniper says going over to medic who was sitting at his desk
"what is gott" medic says noticing the baby and getting up "where did you find this?"
"long story short, a dying lady gave her to me after being shot by a madman" sniper says
"give her to me" medic says and sniper hands medic the baby, medic did a check up on the baby while sniper was sitting where medic was and after a check up medic signs
"thank goodness she isn't hurt, i checked her over and she hasn't got any wounds or any injuries" medic says
"that's good" sniper said
"it also turns out that she just turned 6 months old, that means her birthday is on...April 6th" medic says
"you firgured all that out from looking at a baby" sniper says
"yeah it's a secret talent" medic says "anyway what's the little fräulein name?" and medic tickles the baby making her laugh
"it's Lily" sniper says smiling at medic tickling the baby "that what the lady say before she passed"
"poor little fräulein" medic said "me, sniper and the other will take good care of you"
sniper got up from the chair and went over to medic and the baby, he then put his finger to the baby's cheek and tickled it causing her to laugh
"she's a cutie" sniper says
"yes she is" medic says and as he was picking her up, miss pauling came in
"scout told me you found a baby" miss pauling says, she then notice the baby and went over to medic and the baby
"her name is Lily, her mother died when she got shot by a madman" sniper explained
miss pauling takes the baby out of medic's hands and ticked her
"i'm going to see is she got any other family so they can know the bad news and see if they can take her in" miss pauling said "you all will look after her until further notice"
miss pauling then gives the baby back to medic and leaves the room
"looks like you are staying with us for a while, little fräulein" medic says
"come on, i'll show you to the other" sniper says and both sniper and medic leave the lab and head to the others who are in the rec room, when they get there they open the door and everyone looks at them
"how is she doing?" engie asks
"she fine and miss pauling has gone to find out is she can go and live with the mother's family" medic explained
"i'm going to train private girly up so she can be a strong fighter like me" soldier says
"her name is lily, soldier" scout says
"well now it's private girly" soldier says
"c'mon now partner, she's too young to know all that stuff" engie said "and we only have her for a while till her family can be found"
"i will train her till she can leave then" soldier says
everyone grunts and face palms to soldier comment
"anyway i just realised, where is she going to sleep" scout asks
"i think i have a cot in the lab that i...borrowed from my medical school" medic says lying the fact that he stole it
"is she sleeping with you then medic?" spy asks
"and me too, remember me and medic share room" sniper says
"remember at night the baby will cry for food so keep a bottle ready" spy says
"how do you know this, spy" scout asks
"let's just say...i had to take care of one when i was younger" spy says
everyone except scout know what spy was talking about
"ok...anyway give her to me" scout says and takes the baby out of medic's hands "so you you know of any relative who are older then 18"
"scout!" spy says "she's to young to know that"
"you don't know that, she might know something" scout says
the baby moved her arms about and squeaked
"see, she just told me that she has a cousin who is 23" scout says
"how did you get that from a sqeak" sniper questioned
"umm...secret talent, duh" scout boasts
"...right" medic says "anyway i'm going to get the cot, see you later" and medic left
scot sat down with the baby on his lap and he was inteducing everyone to the baby, sniper sat down on the couch and watched, a while later it was time for dinner and everyone was eating and pyro was helping the baby eat her food, after lunch medic took the baby and put her to bed with a milk bottle on her mouth (if you want to know where the baby bottle came from, medic found a lot of baby stuff in a bag in his lab) and they took care of the baby for a couple of day and they loved her company, one day miss pauling came in the rec room, all the mercs were having a chat and sniper was playing with the baby, everyone looked at miss pauling when she came in
"i have found the family of the baby" miss pauling says "they were devastated when i told them the bad news about the mother but they are happy to look after her baby in her honour"
"we're going to miss her" scout says "but it was fun while it lasted, when are they coming to take her?"
"i going to meet them in town in half an hour so say your goodbye to her and then give her to me" miss pauling says
sniper looked at the baby who was smiling and being happy, he hugs her and smiles
"i'm going to miss you and remember to tell your family that i'm your hero" sniper says giving her another hug then he passes the baby to medic
"i'm going to miss you too my little frälein" medic says hugging her too and passes her to soldier, everyone says they goodbyes and when scout said his goodbye he passes the baby to miss pauling, miss pauling then leaves the room with the baby
"even tho babies are hard to look after, she was fun to look after" scout says and everyone nodded in agreement
"lets have a drink to celebrate" demo said and everyone has a toast and then has a little party
The End

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