BushMedicine - Injury

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Sniper was minding his own business in his lookout tower when the blue spy appears, sniper grabs his kukri and fights the spy and he managed to kill the spy but the spy managed to brake his arm and cut it while in the fight, sniper was in a lot of pain and he didn't know if he could shout, meanwhile medic was healing the heavy capturing the last point and they won
"victory" the announcer says though the speakers
"yes! we won again" scout says cheerfully
"good job team, lets go and get a beer" engie says and head off back to base with soldier
everyone was heading back to base when medic notices something, they was 8 teammates
"who missing?" he thought "...sniper!" he says and bolts off to sniper's watchtower with heavy looking confused
when medic reaches the watchtower, he goes in and sees sniper on the floor holding he right arm with his left
"medic?...ow" sniper says weakly looking at medic
"what happened?" medic says kneeling down to sniper
"the spy...he...broke my arm...while...attacking me" he says in pain
"it's ok now, i'm here" medic says stroking sniper face and smiles
sniper smiles back then passes out from all the pain, medic picks him up and carries him to the infirmary to heal him up, when they got to the infirmary medic heals up sniper cut but the broken arm is a different thing, he manages to wrap a bandages around it and put a sling in it, he then moves sniper to the hospital bed, strokes his cheek and kisses him on the lips before carrying on with his work, sniper didn't wake up till a few hours later and he gets up, he remembered his arm is still broken and he looks at the bandage
"oh i see you awake" medic says smiling and walking over
"yeah, i see i'm wearing a sling" sniper says looking at medic then at his bandage
"ja, sadly the medigun can't heal broken bones so it will have to heal on its own" medic explained "it was broken in 2 different places, here (points to his middle of the arm) and here (points to his elbow)"
"that spy is going to pay" sniper says fisting his right hand
"not for a while tho" medic says "since broken bone take about 6 weeks to heal fully, you will have to stay off the battlefield for a while" he says sound sad
"aww, i was looking forward to getting revenge on that spy" sniper say looking down sad
"i can do it for you" medic replies lifting sniper head back up to look at him
"will you?" sniper says looking at medic with his lovely blue eyes
"ja, i will do anything for you liebe" medic says then they kiss
after the kiss sniper lies back down again, medic curls up next to him with his head on his chest and both of them fall asleep
the next morning medic wakes up early, he looks at sniper with his broken arm and nuzzles him, he them gets up and does his daily routine, sniper wake up an hour later and sees medic at his desk petting archimedes
"hi doc" sniper says stretching and getting up
"hi sniper, how is your arm?" medic asks
"still broken" sniper says pulling up a chair and sitting next to medic
"i though it might be" medic says chuckling and it make sniper smile
then they hear the door go and it was engie
"hi engie" sniper and medic say
"hi fellas, soldier is rounding everyone up for today's battle" engie says "are you coming?"
"i am but not sniper" medic says "he's broken his arm and he's on absences till it fully heals"
"oh...ok are you going to tell the others" engie says
'ja" medic says getting up "should we go?"
"yeah partner, lets go" engie says and both medic and engie leave the infirmary leaving sniper on his own
sniper sighs putting his head on the table then archimedes flies down to him, he pets archimedes on the head and the dove coos in response, when medic and engie get to the the rec room soldier is waiting
"i'm glad you showed up, maggots" soldier says "where is sniper?"
"he on absents" medic says "the blue spy broke his arm yesterday and it's quite bad so he not coming"
"for how long?" soldier asks
"quite a while since bones are very slow to heal" medic says
"ok..." soldier says "anyway the plan, we win and then have beer dismissed"
everyone looks at soldier funny about his simple yet agreeable plan and leave, medic heads back to the infirmary and when he get there he sees sniper looking though medic doodlebook, sniper then sees medic and shuts the book
"hi medic" sniper says "that was quick"
"yeah solder plan was to win so then we can have beer afterward" medic says
"that's soldier for ya" sniper says and walks over to medic "thanks for healing me by the way, i would of been still in the watchtower if you haven't found me"
"your welcome my liebe, to me your the most important member of this team" medic says and it made sniper blush
"same" sniper says "i don't know what would of happenend if you weren't here being a medic"
"you all would probably die" medic says leaning his head into sniper "but let's not think about that"
"ok doc" sniper says and kisses medic, after the kiss medic grabs his medigun
"you can go back to your camper van if you want, you aren't stuck here" medic says going over to sniper and putting his hand on snipers cheek
"i probably will but i'm coming back to see you when you return" sniper says "you know to...keep you campany"
"i will love that" medic says and kisses sniper on the cheek "well got to go, meet you later" and medic leaves
"see ya love" sniper says as medic goes to the door, he then sighs again and starts heading to his camper, when he gets to the camper goes on the roof, lies down and watches the world go by, he then decided to look at his arm bandage so he lifts it up slowly since it still hurted and look at it, as he was looking at it when he hears a voice next to him
"yo snipes" scout says
"aren't you suppose to be in battle?" sniper says not taking his eyes off the bandage
"yeah but..." scout says "i wanted to see your bandage"
"why? it not like any other bandage?" sniper says putting his arm back in the sling and sitting up to look at scout
"well...i wanna sigh it" scout says pulling out a felt tip pen "you know...write a message on the bandage"
"what do you mean?" sniper says getting down to go to scout
"well when i was at school, one of my friends broke his leg and me and some friends wrote good luck messages, pictures and our names on the bandage" scout explained
"and you want to do that to my bandage?" sniper says questionably
"..yeah" scout finally says
"...ok" sniper says and put his arm out to scout, scout get happy and writes on the bandage
after scout writes on the bandage, sniper looks at the message and it says 'get better soon camper man, scout', he smiles at scout and scout smiles back before bolting off, sniper sighs and gets back on the roof of his camper van, he then puts his hat over his face and has a nap, after his nap it was the end of the fight so he goes and finds medic, when he gets to the infirmary he sees medic at his desk petting archimedes
"hi doc, did you miss me?" sniper says walking in
"hi sniper, yes i miss you a lot" medic says standing up to give sniper a kiss
"i mised you too" sniper says and kiss medic
"what's that on your bandage" medic says after the kiss and noticing the writing on the bandage
"well scout came to me before the battle and asked if he could write on my bandage" sniper says
"why did he do that for?" medic aked
sniper explained the story scout told him about his friend
"oh i see" medic says thinking, he then grabs a marker and starts writing on sniper's bandage
"what you writing?" sniper asked trying to look at what medic was writing
"i show you in a minute" medic replies, then as he finished he shows sniper and it read 'to my liebing sniper, from your medic ❤️'
sniper smiled at medic and gave him a kiss "thanks doc" he says calmly and nuzzzels him
"now lets go to bed" medic says, he grabs snipers hand that isn't broken and they go to bed
after around 6 weeks of no sniping, sniper was able to go back to sniping again and he was happy about it, he was in the infirmary with medic removing his bandage
"there you are" medic says with the bandage in his hand "good as new"
sniper moves his arm around and was happy to have he arm not broken anymore, he kisses medic and they went to bed for the night.
The end

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