All The Mercs - Cold Night

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One night, all the mercs were in there room but they couldn't sleep cause of how cold it was, it was so cold that even heavy has never felt this cold before so they all decide to go by the fireplace, engie comes downstairs first to sort the fire out and pyro is shortly behind to light the fire up, pyro and engie were sitting by the fire when soldier comes down
"maggots, i am freezing" soldier says joining engie and pyro
"the fire will keep you warm partner" engie says
soldier, engie and pyro were keeping warm by the fire then scout comes down
"my god it's so cold, my feet were almost frozen" scout complained
"came join us scout, its nice and warm over here" engie says and scouts comes over to the warm fire and warms himself up
a few mintures later spy and heavy come down
"i see you got the fire on, good it freezing" spy says and walks over to sit down by the fire
"never been this cold in russia but warm fire will warm me up" heavy says and joins the others by the fire
"i bet soon everyone will come down" scout says
"we only have demo, sniper and medic left to come down and knowing demo, he'll be out like a light" spy says and as he said that sniper and medic come down with blankets for everyone
"we thought you all might be cold so we grabbed some blankets" sniper says and both him and medic hand out a blanket to everyone
"thanks snipes" scout says as he wraps himself in his blanket
sniper and medic sit down by the fire and all 8 of the mercs were all cosy and warm, (from left to right) there is spy, engie, soldier, pyro, heavy, scout, medic and sniper
"hey does anyone want some hot chocolate?" engie asks
all of them said yes and engie with medic headed into the kitchen to make hot chocolate, when they come out a while later, they gave everyone a cup and medic gave sniper his in his favourite mug, they were really warm now they had their blankets, a warm fire and their hot chocolates and after a hour or so all of them fell asleep on each other, medic was sleeping snipers shoulder and sniper had his head on medic hair, scout was in heavy's belly and heavy was sleeping with scout ontop of him, engie was hugging soldier, pyro was laying back on the couch and spy was sleeping on pyro and they all stayed there till morning the next day.

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