All the Mercs - Being Kids

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The mercs went to twofort school when they were kids, that's how they got to know each other and build up friendships, they were in different years but in the same classroom and they learnt a lot of thing
the youngest was scout, he was 6 years old and he love to do pranks and cause mischief, he is also really fast so he can get away quickly when he's in trouble and he lives with his mom and 7 older brother, his brothers like to tease him but they do it cause they care about him.
Next was soldier, he is 11 years old and he likes to be bossy, he to tell everyone what to do and he likes to strong like his dad, he lives with just his dad since his mom walk out on his dad, the only person who he doesn't boss or shout at is engineer since both of them of best friends and they care about one another, they like to play together, talk to each other and when engie is upset about something, soldier will follow him and comfort him till he has calm down.
Next is pyro and it's also 7 years old, it likes to play with fire and burn everything up, it lives in an orphanage so it doesn't really know where it came from and it doesn't get along with the other kids at the orphanage but in school it hangs around with scout, scout doesn't mind it and he thinks it's pretty fun to play around with, it also likes to draw and it has drawn many things from the balloonicorn to its friends.
Next is demoman and he is 10 years old, he loves to drink juices and when he drinks to much he gets a sugar rush, the sugar rush lasts for around an hour till he falls asleep from tiredness and when he wakes up he doesn't remember a thing that happened, he lives with his parents and he's more a daddy boy, his mother is always bossing him around and telling him to do a lot of jobs in the house like cleaning up.
Next is heavy and he is the oldest being 13, he loves sandwiches and all the bullies are impress by his strength, he lives with his mom and 3 sisters who he does everything for to make them happy, his sisters love to  play girly games with heavy but he doesn't seem to mind and he spoils them rotten, he likes to hang around with scout and both of them do funny pranks together, play games and hang out, heavy is also a big softie by heart when scout is injured or someone has hurt him, heavy will stand up for him and protect him like one of his sister cause he cares about him.
Next is engineer and he's 11 years old, he loves to build and fix things, he has helped the teacher fix many problems during class and his dad and grandad are proud of him, he is very good at maths and he is called the maths god by his maths teacher, he hangs around with soldier and both of them do a lot of things together, they even been to each other's houses on multiple occasions and they learn a lot about each other while they are at the house.
Next is Medic and he's 9 years old, he loves to make potions and he's very good in science, he has a pet bird named archimedes, he lets archimedes out when he gets home from school and archimedes sit on his shoulder, he lives with his mother since his dad died in WW2, he loves to hang around with sniper and they are the best of friends, medic and sniper have done a lot of things together like, go over to each other's houses, play games, eat together in the dinner hall and all those friend things, medic misses having a dad but his mom has told him that he is watching over him even tho he can't see him and sniper is there for company too.
Next is sniper and he's 9 years old, he likes to be a loner and climb up trees to watch the others play, he lives with his mom and dad, his mother loves him dearly and his dad loves him too but in his own way, sniper has medic as a friend and when sniper wants to climb a tree or get away to a quite place medic is always with him to keep him company, they are like brothers the way they act and they care about each other dearly, sniper also get along with a lot of animals and even when sniper goes over to medics house archimedes always sits on his shoulder and medic was surprised at first since he though archimedes only sat on his shoulder but now he's used to it.
Lastly kid is spy and he's 12 years old, he likes to hide in the corner, eat a lollipop and be mysterious, he wants to get along with the others but since he's so mysterious the others don't know how to be friends with him and the only one he kinda get on with is pyro, he lives with mom, step dad and his baby sister who is a year old, he goes and visit his real dad over the holidays and spy looks up to his dad, his dad loves him back but he has to work so spy can't stay with him and his mom loves him too, his step dad doesn't really like him he thinks he's a creep wearing that ski mask all the time and spy's dad used to be his school friend who took his girlfriend (spy's mom) away from him, spy wants to like his baby sister but he is to old for her and he does spent time with her but there is a big age gap and spy doesn't know how to cope with it.
All the mercs live right next door to each other except for pyro since the orphanage is a mile away from the school, they all i rows of 4 opposite each other and on the right side is scout, heavy, spy and demoman and on the left side is soldier, engineer, medic and sniper, all the mercs really met each other in kindergarten and they have all been friends since, sometimes after school all the mercs gather together and go to a secret base that is a treehouse in a forest that behind the school and they have dares, talk about the girls, trends and learn more about each other and in sniper's case take naps, they been going there for years and one time the bullies found it (the bullies being 4 of scout's brothers) and tried to destroy it but heavy put a stop to that, the mercs have named the treehouse kidd co and they are happy that they have found it.
Fanfic Part now -
Scout wakes up one morning to a scream so he jumps out of bed and sees what's going on, when he get to the scream, it was his mom freaking out over a spider, scouts brothers came in after scout and sighed when they saw what it was
"boy help!" scout mom says, scout oldest brother went over and put the spider out the window
"thank you, now time for breakfast" scout mom says and all the brothers head into the kitchen
meanwhile in heavy's house heavy was sleeping till his sisters came into his room
"hey misha, it's time to get up" one of his sisters says and shake him
"alright alright, heavy is getting up" heavy says and he get out of bed, the sister dart out of heavy's room when he gets up and heavy then follows behind
in spy's house spy was woken up by his sister crying and his mom trying to calm her down, spy get up and checks why his sister is crying, in demo's house demo get woken up by his mother shouting at him, in soldiers house soldier gets woken up by his dad's daily morning routine which is to run laps around the house before having breakfast, in engie's house engie gets woken up by the smell of pancakes, he gets up and dart to the kitchen quickly, in medic house medic wakes up on his own and heads to the kitchen where his mother is cooking eggs, sausages and bacon, lastly in snipers house sniper also wakes up on his own but early so he can some quite time onto of a big tree that's in his back garden, when sniper is in his tree he can see medic eating breakfast, engie eating breakfast and soldier doing laps in his garden
"at least i don't have to do laps in my garden" sniper though and as he was thinking he didn't notice medic was looking at him though the kitchen window
"he's going to get hurt if he's not careful" medic though "but he's knows i'll be there if he does"
"earth to ludwig, hello" medic's mom says
"oh sorry mom, just daydreaming" medic says
"well don't daydream for to long, your food is going to get cold" medic's mom says
"ok" medic says and carries on eating his food
sniper was still in his tree then he decided to go back in the house since his parents should be awake by this point and he jumps down the tree to go back inside, after everyone had breakfast, had a wash and got dressed everyone went outside to play since it was the weekend and they was no school so everyone planned to go to their favourite treehouse to play, scout was out first and he tried bolt off to the treehouse with a doodlebook, pen, pencil and coloursao he can draw, next came pyro, it lives a mile away from where the mercs lived so it have to walk a long way to get to the treehouse so it setted off, next was heavy he had to convince his sister that he was going to weekend school so they don't follow him, when he got out he sees scout about to bolt off
"SCOUT!" heavy shouts getting scouts attention, scout walks over to heavy
"hey heavy, you headin' to the treehouse cause that's where i'm going" scout says
"da lets go" heavy says and both of them head to the treehouse
next was soldier and engineer, they came out at the same time and bumped into each other
"hey soldier, you heading to treehouse?" engie asked soldier
"affirmative" soldier replies
"well i'm going to" engie says and both soldier and engie went to the treehouse
next was demoman and he slowly made his way there, then it was spy and he was going there on his own till he bumped into pyro as he was walking to the school
"hey pyro, heading to the treehouse?" spy asked
pyro nodded in response
"well i'm heading there to" spy says "come on" and spy and pyro headed to the treehouse
the last 2 to come out was sniper and medic, sniper came out and went over to medic to wait for him, medic came out
"see you later schätzchen" medic's mom said
"ok bye" medic says and walked up to sniper "ready to go"
"yeah i think the others are already there" sniper says
"then lets go" medic says, he grabs sniper hand (since their bromance is strong, they can hold hands, hugs and sleep next to each other) and headed to the treehouse
when they got there, the other were already on the treehouse and they climb up the ladder, when they get to the top the see everyone looking at them
"hey fellas" engie says
"hi" sniper replaces heads to his lookout spot at the top of the treehouse, medic wants to sit by him but he wants to know what happening so he sits with the others
"everyone's here now scout so tell us your story" spy says
"well i got woken up this morning by a scream, i ran to where the scream came from and it was my ma being scared over a little spider" scout explains "my oldest bro sorted it out tho and my ma was happy"
"at least she's isn't livin' in australia mate, spider over there are huge" sniper says from outside the treehouse
"yeah she will scream the whole house down" scout says "anyway anything happened to you guys lately"
"heavy got woken up by sister today" heavy said "sister only wake me up when something special is happening"
"have you forgotten anyone birthday or anything heavy?" medic asks
"no...heavy doesn't think so" heavy said after thinking about it
pyro mumbles and pulls out a diary
"ya gonna check your diary pyro?" engie asks
pyro nodded and it opens its diary to today's date, under today's date was written 'friendship anniversary', pyro shows everyone
"i'm guessing its the anniversary of when we first met" engie said
"we need to celebrate" scout says
"but how?" soldier asks
"we can go back home, grab some food and decorations to decorate the treehouse and then have the party" scout explains
"ok that sounds like a plan" engie said
"but who is going to keep an eye on treehouse?" soldier says
"well sniper is out there so you don't need to panic" engie says
"i'll stay too just in case he needs back up" medic says
"ok everyone mission party is about to" soldier says and everyone except medic and sniper leave the treehouse
when everyone has left medic joins sniper at the lookout spot
"seen anything?" medic asks sitting next to sniper
"nothin' yet" sniper says then he puts his scope that his parents bought for him for his birthday and he hugs medic
"what was that for?" medic asks after sniper let go
"for being such a great bro friend" sniper says "you are like a brother to me and your my friend"
medic blushed and thanks sniper, medic then lays his head on snipers shoulder
"i saw you this morning in the tree" medic says "if your not careful you might fall out the tree"
"but i know your my neighbour so you would probably see me fall out the tree from your room" sniper says
"true" medic says "i'm going to lie down for a bit till they get back, tell me if something happens"
"you got it" sniper says, medic lies down and watches the sky while sniper is looking though his scope
"if you want" sniper says "we could come here at night, the stars are amazing at night"
"but my mom will worry about me" medic says
"just tell her you are have a sleepover with the others at the treehouse" sniper says
"ok" medic says "when do you want to have it?"
"tommorow night, gives your mom time for it to sink in" sniper says
"ok your lucky your parents don't really mind what you do" medic says
"yeah..." sniper says then it went quite, then sniper puts his scope down and lies down next to medic, as sniper was lying down medic hugs sniper
"was that a return hug" sniper says
"yeah" medic says "you are the best brother i've ever had"
"same" sniper says, medic puts his head on snipers shoulder and sniper puts his hand on medic side
sniper and medic watch the clouds go by in the sky till the others got back with the food and decorations, medic and sniper got down and helped the other till the treehouse was completely decorated
"there all done" engie says "now lets have this party" and everyone started to party
everyone partied till it was getting dark, everyone took down the decorations and headed back home, when medic got back, he said goodnight to sniper and headed inside
"hello honig" medic's mom says "how was your day?"
"fine mom" medic says "the other are having a sleepover tomorrow at the treehouse, is it ok if i go?"
"sure" medic's mom says "just make sure you have everything you need and come home if anything happens"
"thanks mom" medic says and heads to his room to pack a bag
(the next day)
Medic takes his bag and goes over to the treehouse, when he gets there he sees sniper waiting for him
"you got everything?" sniper says looking at medic's bag
"i think so, my mom checked twice" medic says
"good now lets go" sniper says and climbs the treehouse to get to his lookout, medic follows him and when they get there the star looked beautiful
"you were right when the star looked amazing" medic says
"yeah" sniper says and both sniper and medic get out their sleeping bag "and with the others at home, we can spend some alone time together"
medic hugs sniper and puts his head on his chest
"even tho i said it before, i'm saying it again you are the best brother ever" medic says
"and your mine too mate" sniper says rubbing medic hair
after watching the stars together, both of them drift off to sleep and medic has a dream where him and sniper were flying and they were saving the world.

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