BushMedicine - Winter Time

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It was coming up to winter time and it was starting to get really chilly outside, sniper is used to sleeping on his camper but as it was coming up to winter it always was very cold inside, sniper tried to sleep and cover himself up but he was just to cold so he got out of bed and went inside the base to warm up, when he gets to the living room he sits in front of the fire and he was warm, as he was getting warm medic was getting cold in his bedroom so he decided to go to the living room, when he get there he sees sniper by the fire and he goes over to see him
"hi sniper" medic says "what are you doing up?"
"hey doc" sniper says looking at medic and then back at the fire again "can't sleep, it's cold outside"
"me neither" medic says sitting next to sniper "so i came here"
"i thought you would be warm in your bed since you have a thick duvet" sniper says
"yeah but i need something else to warm me up" medic says
"and what's that?" sniper says confused
"you albern" medic says and he snuggles up to sniper "why did you go and sleep in your camper?"
"did i have another option?" sniper says
"ja with me in my bed" medic says happily "you can come with me to bed when you have warmed up"
"i will" sniper says and smiles at medic "i love you"
"liebe you too liebling" medic says and they both kiss
after the kiss they decide to head to bed and when they get there medic gets to bed and sniper get into bed after he went to pee, when sniper gets into bed medic cuddles up to him and sniper smiles
"your so warm" medic says cuddling up to sniper
"well i was by the fire not that long ago" sniper says
"yeah" medic says and he closes his eyes holding sniper tight
"goodnight love" sniper says and he kisses medic on the head before falling asleep
sniper and medic spend the rest of the night asleep and sniper also promises medic to sleep in his camper during summer time when it more warm.
The End

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