All The Mercs - Babies and Witches

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It was a normal day on the battlefield, lots of guns firing and shouting and by the end of the match the red team won and they all celebrated, all the mercs were tucked out and they all fall asleep in the rec room after they celebreated, during the night everyone was asleep when 4 witches appeared, 3 old witches and a young witch
"were these the guys the boss was talking about" one witch says
"yes they are" another witch says
"lets cast that spell on them sisters" the 3rd witch says
"yeah" the first witch says and they put their wands in the air
the young witch didn't really want to but she put her wand in the air anyway and they cast a spell on all 9 mercs, they turn them into babies and the 3 witches leave laughing but the young witch didn't like all 9 mercs being babies so she casts a spell on sniper and medic who were the nearest to her, medic was sleeping on sniper's chest and she turned then back into adults again before leaving looking worried, the next morning medic wakes up and he stretches, he then looks around and then his eyes widen, he sees all his friends as babies and they were doing what babies do, scout was chewing his hat, soldier was crawling around, pyro was poking things, demo was asleep, heavy was trying to eat a sandwich, engie was trying to catch soldier and spy was laughing and being happy, medic was confused and he looks at his hands, he was an adult and he looks at sniper who was an adult too
"how come everyone is babies but us?" medic thought
he looks at the babies again and he sees the heavy baby looking like he was going to cry since he doesn't have teeth to eat the sandwich
"heavy don't cry" medic says stretching his arms out and shaking his hands
heavy heard medic and he holded back the tears, he tries again to eat the sandwich and he manages to tare a piece of sandwich into his mouth, heavy was happy and medic sighs, he then looks back at sniper again and decided to wake him up
"hey sniper" medic says "wake up"
"5 more minutes" sniper moans and turns
medic sighs and shakes him again
"wake up sniper" medic says shaking him
"fine i'm up, what's wro..." sniper finally says and he wakes up
then he notice the baby mercs
"umm bloody 'ell" sniper says "what has happen to the others?"
"i don't know, i woke up and they were like this" medic replies
sniper tips his hat to make it comfy and rubs his eyes while medic was still watching the babies
"how are we going to change them back?" sniper says
"we could ask that wizard" medic replies
"how are we going to find him in this time of year? sniper says "he only comes out during halloween"
"that's true but we still need to find him" medic says "but that's going to be a problem"
medic then points at soldier
"soldier is the only one who knows where that wizard lives" medic says "and now he's a baby"
both of them sigh then they notice the babies looking upset
"what's wrong with them?" sniper asks
then their bellies rumble and the rumble spooks them so they start crying
"uhh i think they are hungry" medic says
"but what do we feed them?" sniper says "this base isn't made for babies"
"i have no idea, i look in the kitchen and see if i can find something" medic says "and you need to stop asking questions"
"...ok i'll try" sniper says rubbing the back of his head
medic chuckles then heads out the rec room and goes to the kitchen leaving sniper with the baby mercs, sniper stands up and the baby mercs looks at him, they then carry on crying in hunger, sniper didn't really know what to do since he has never looked after a baby before especially when it's his teammates so he goes over to the heavy baby who is the only one not crying since he had his sandwich, teared pieces of his sandwich and gives it to the other mercs, they stare at it before sticking it in their mouths and they loved it, they couldn't chew it but they tried with their gums and they all managed to swallow it with out choking, medic manages to return with some food for the babies and he feed the baby mercs with the help from sniper, after the baby mercs were fed the baby mercs did their thing, scout went to chewing his baseball, soldier is waving his shovel around, pyro colouring, demo still passed out, heavy on medic's lap, engie waving his wrench around and spy was trying to read a book, sniper and medic were sitting on the sofa watching the baby mercs and trying to cope with the baby mercs
"i wonder if miss pauling knows about this" medic says hugging heavy baby like a teddy and leaning on snipers arm
"probably not" sniper says "we might have to tell her"
as sniper was saying that miss pauling come in
"hey guys, what's uaaaaa" miss pauling says "...what happened to them?"
"we don't know, we woke up and they were babies" medic says
"hmm" miss pauling say "this is a pickle"
"we were thinking we can find that wizard to help turn them back" sniper says
"marasmus?" miss pauling says
"yeah that wizard" medic says "but we don't know where he is"
"well it looks like you 2 will have to go on an adventure to find him" miss pauling says
"but we don't know where to start" sniper says
"well there is an old mansion quite a treak from here but you might find merasmus there" miss pauling says
"how do you know that?" medic says lifting his head up
"i bumped into it while on one of my errands" miss pauling says "it was pretty dark and scary like all mansion are and you might find him there"
"thanks for the help" sniper says
"well it's the only thing i can do" miss pauling says "well i got to go ad tell the adminatrator what's happenend"
"ok" medic says and miss pauling leaves
"does that mean we have to them with us?" sniper says pointing at the baby mercs
" does" medic says sighing
sniper and medic do poker faces then start to set off to the creepy mansion, meanwhile the 3 witches are watching them thought their big metal pot
"how come 2 of them aren't babies?" witch 1 asked
"...WILLOW!" another witch shouts and the young witch appears
"yes?" willow the witch says
"is this your doing?" witch 2 says
"umm..." willow says
"well..." witch 3 says
"yes and i'm sorry" willow says and bows
"ugh willow" witch 1 says "go and fix it"
"ok aunties" willow says and leaves, the witches laugh and go off to have a drink
willow is the daughter of merasmus, she's 8 years old and she joined witch school cause her father made her, merasmus met this witch before he met soldier and they fell in love, they were so in love that they decided to get married and have willow but sadly willows mother died from afterbirth, merasmus has taken care of her dearly but then he met soldier, soldier messed up everything and it had to make merasmus put willow in witch school since he was to occupied, merasmus still visits willow every week and she loves witch school but she is doesn't like the 3 witches minty, poppy and casey, these 3 witches are the younger sisters of willows late mother and they run the witch school, they have a few students but willow is their special student since she's there niece, they care for her dearly but magic has over come them and they will do anything for money, merasmus stays away from then cause of their attiction for money and he has tried to put a spell on them but they broke out of it, their addiction of money had turn them old and ugly when they are only in their early thirties, willow still loves them but she wishes they won't be so addicted to money.
Willow goes to her room and picks up her broom, she then flies out the mansion miss pauling was talking about and goes to the base, meanwhile sniper and medic managed to get the baby mercs in sniper camper van and strap them all in the back of the van
"are they all strapped in?" medic asks
"i hope so" sniper replies "this van isn't meant for babies"
"good now lets go" medic says and he was about to get in the van
"hey" a voice say "misters"
medic and sniper looks around and then they see willow behind a tree
"are you trying to find a way to turn your friends back?" willow says
"uhh...yeah" sniper says
"good" willow says and steps out "i'm willow and sadly it was my aunties who turned your friends into babies"
"your aunties?" medic says
"yeah...they were hired to do it for money" willow says sadly "and they are really addicted to money, i can help you turn them back but i haven't learnt that spell yet but i can help take you to my dad"
"and who is your dad?" sniper asks
"he's a wizard called mer...mera..." willow says
"merasmus?" medic says
" do you know him?" willow says
"he knows one of our friends" sniper says "and he's caused us a lot of trouble, i'm surprised he hasn't told you about us"
"me too" willow says "i learn something new everyday"
"us too" medic says "he never told us he had a daughter"
"well he does and that's me" willow says pointing to herself
sniper, medic and willow laugh
"so willow, are you sure you want to help us?" sniper says "won't your aunties get mad?"
"yeah but they need help" willow says "their money addiction has got to them and i want my old kind aunties back"
"how long have they had this addiction" medic asks
"a few years, it started after a few weeks after i started witch school" willow says  "and my dad has tried a spell to break them out of it but they are to clever"
"ok we will help" sniper says
"oh thank you but what will you do?" willow asks
"we don't know till we get there" medic says "you going to lead the way"
"yeah...follow me" willow says and she jumps on her broom and flies in front of the camper
Willow, sniper and medic head to the mansion and when they get there, they hides the camper van out of sight
"who's going to look after the babies?" medic whispers
"i don't know" sniper replies
"i know what to do" willow says and she casts a spell
the spell made a big bubble appear and all the babies went inside, a rope came out of the bubble and it looked like a giant balloon
"it's called a silence bubble" willow says "you can sneak around and the babies won't make any noise"
"ok" medic says "lets go"
"let me just" willow says and she cast another spell to make them invisible "ok now let's go"
so sniper, medic and willow with the baby mercs in the bubble sneaked inside and head to the 3 witches room, when they get there willow tells sniper and medic to hide while she went to check where her aunties were
"aunties!" willow shouts "i did it"
she goes into the next room then the door slams behind her, sniper and medic bolt to the door shake it but it doesn't open
"hello willow" a voice says
willow looks where the voice was coming from and it was the boss that hired the witches to kill the mercs
"you" willow says
"yes willow" the boss says "it is i"
"what do you want?" willow says "my aunties did what you told them to do"
"but they didn't kill them like i asked" the boss says "they just turned them in to children and you my sweet child turn 2 of them back into adults again and i don't appreciate that, so i'm going to have to punish you"
the boss click his fingers and willows aunties appear
"aunties" willow says
the witches look at willow but they look hypnotised
"get her" the boss says and the 3 witches
sniper managed to kick down the door and him, medic and the baby mercs came in, willow casts a spell which cause sniper and medic's weapons appear
"kill him" willow says before casting another spell the make her teleport
sniper nods and points his rifle at the boss and shoot, the bullet hit the boss in the arm and the boss is confused
"where did that bullet came from?" the boss says looking around
"quick hit him again, he can't see you"'willow whispers
medic crits sniper with his medigun and sniper takes another shot, the second bullet hits the boss in the head and it kills him
"he's dead" medic mumbles and the witches break out of their hypnotised state
"where are we?" poppy says
"...willow"'casey says and runs over to hug willow
the other 2 witches run over to hug willow
"do you know what happened willow?" minty says
"he happened" willow says pointing at the boss
the 3 witches look at the boss' dead body and then the witches remembered what happened
"hes the one who hypnotised us to being addicted to money" casey says
then the oldness from the witches disappear and they become young again
"these are the aunties i remember" willow says and hugs her aunties again
"oi, a little help" sniper says
"oh sorry" willow says and casts a spell to make sniper, medic and the bubble with the baby mercs visible "and these are the guys that killed the boss"
"g'day" sniper says tipping his hat
"hallo" medic says waving
"they need help, their friends got turned into babies by the boss and they need changing back" willow explained
"ok one unbaby spell coming up" minty says and waves her wand
the baby mercs turn into adults again and fall out the bubble
"what happened?" scout says "and why do i have my hat in my mouth?"
all the mercs look around confused then they notice the witches
"hey ladies" scout says "any of you single?"
all the mercs except sniper and medic got over to the witches and willow go over to sniper and medic
"i want to thank you...for everything" willow says
"no problem darlin' we just happy that we've got our friends back" sniper says and smile
willow smiles back then they was a knock on the door that was open, willow looks at the door and it was merasmus
"daddy!" willow shouts and runs over to merasmus
"hello willow" merasmus says hugging willow back
mersamus looks at the mercs and the witches after hugging willow
"why are they here?" merasmus says talking about the mercs
"don't worry daddy, they helped me" willows says "mainly those 2" and she points to sniper and medic
"well...thank you...sniper...and medic" merasmus says thanking them
sniper and medic smile and then solider notices merasmus
"hello merasmus" soldier says "it's me soldier"
"uhhh i know who you are soldier" merasmus says annoyed
"well good" soldier says then looks at willow "who's the girl?"
"she's my daughter that i'm now telling you about" merasmus says
" never told me about her" soldier says
"you never told them about me daddy" willow says chaming in "you should tell them"
"ugh fine" merasmus says and he told the mercs about his daughter and his late wife
after the chat the witches, merasmus and willow say their goodbyes to the mercs and teleport them back to the base with sniper camper van not far behind, everyone sighed and went back into the base where miss pauling was waiting for them, the mercs wen back inside but as sniper and medic were heading back in a little willow appears
"oh hello again" medic says
"hi, i forgot to say it before but if my dad ever gives you trouble again, here is my number" willow says and a paper appears in sniper's hand with willows number on it
"ok we will call you if merasmus causes us trouble again" sniper says
the little willow smiles then dissappears again, sniper and medic smiled at each other and then head back into the base again.
the end

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