Bushmedicine - Sir Hootsalot and Archimedes

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(in this fic, archimedes is female but nobody knows until its to late)
One morning sir hootalots was in a tree looking around for rats or mice, he sees one and swoops down to catch it, he manages to catch it and have a nice breakfast, after breakfast he flies over to the infirmary to see his lover archimedes and when he gets there he knocks on the window getting archimedes attention, archimedes flies over to sir hootsalot and lets him in, when sir hootsalot got into the infirmary both him and archimedes snuggle each other and then archimedes starts grooming him, the owl loved being groomed by the dove and it was a daily routine for them, meanwhile sniper and medic were chatting when they got distracted by the owl and dove doing their routine and they thought it was adorable
"i didn't know hootsalot loved archimedes" sniper says to medic
"i didn't know this neither" medic says "but i'm guessing they are being like their owner" and he leans in to sniper and kisses him and sniper returns the kiss
"your probably right" sniper says pulling away
then archimedes and sir hootsalot flew over to sniper and medic and perch on their shoulders, they snuggled their owners before flying over to a nest medic made for archimedes, the nest was made out of a old blood stained cloth and anything comfy, archimedes and sir hootsalot landed in the nest and snuggled together before falling asleep, sniper and medic smiled when hootsalot and archimedes snuggle together and fall asleep and they chuckle
"that's is entzückend" medic says
"does that mean adorable?" sniper asks
"yes it does" medic says
"then i agree with you" sniper says and medic smiles at him "lets go join the others for breakfast" and sniper and medic leave the infirmary
sir hootsalot checks if sniper and medic had really left and then looked around the room to see if anyone was watching, when hoots knows the coast is clear he flies back to archimedes and mounts the dove, they proceed to mate until sniper and medic return a couple of hours later, sniper looks up at hootsalot and archimedes and they went back to their sleeping pose, medic does notice archimedes feathers messed up but he thinks it from archimedes trying to get comfy, sniper and medic then go to the hospital bed and go to sleep cuddling each other like they normally do
couple of day later medic has notice archimedes hasn't left the nest since a couple of days ago, he goes and checks on the dove and realises that the dove is sitting on eggs
"so your a female dove" medic says to archimedes
the dove coos in response and moved around to make herself comfy before sitting on the eggs again
"who is the dad to the eggs then?" medic asks the dove
the dove doesn't say anything then medic put 2 and 2 together
"you mean it was..." medic says
the dove coos happily and then looks at the eggs
"can a dove and owl do this?" medic says (i have looked it up and birds can have hybrid babies like mammals do)
archimedes coo a shrug coo and and make herself comfy, then sniper and sir hootsalot comes in though the door
"hey doc" sniper says "what you up to?"
"hi sniper, i checking on archimedes since she hasn't left her nest in a couple of days" medic says
"wait...archimedes is a shelia" sniper says
"ja and it turns out that she layed eggs" medic says
"that's nice to hear" sniper says and sits down by medic chair at his desk
"but here comes the confusing bit" medic says sitting by sniper "it seems that your owl is the dad"
"really?! i didn't know owls and doves could do that?" sniper says confused
"me neither but now they can" medic says
medic and sniper watch sir hootsalot groom archimedes and they were happy, 2 weeks later the chick were born and there were a mixture of owl and dove, some of them had more owl then dove but some of them have more dove then owl but one of them was a pure mixture of sir hootsalot and archimedes, medic ended naming it hootamedes and it was so cuddly, medic and sniper loved they birds and when they were fully grown they blended in with medic doves but you could still tell who they were, hootamedes staying in the infirmary too but sometimes went out to join sniper and his dad, all the birds were happy and sniper and medic were happy
the end (sorry it short, i couldn't think on what to do)

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