All The Mercs - Scout's Cousin

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Scout like to talk about his ma and his brothers a lot to the other mercs but their was one person he rarely talked about, her name was sarah and she was scout's cousin, when she was 5 and scout was 14 she got traumatised by clowns causing her to lose her voice and she never spoke to anyone so instead she drew and danced, scout's auntie didn't like her talking so she put sarah in a mental hospital to see if that help her to talk but they only gave her drugs and locked her in a room where she suffered, her mom didn't even come to see her and completely forgot about her but scout didn't, he'll visit her every week to see how she was doing but then scout got the job as a mercernary so he couldn't visit her anymore which made her lonely and scared, one day at the age of 16 and when all the doctors and nurses were destracted or asleep sarah managed to sneak out of the mental hospital and run away to have a mission to find her cousin
meanwhile scout was reading his comic in the rec room with the other doing their thing, soldier was planning a attack playing with his figures, pyro was watching tv, demo was drunk again, heavy was snoozing, engie was building, medic was in his infirmary cleaning his equipment and humming to himself, sniper was in lookout duty and by lookout he was napping and lastly spy was in his smoking room reading a magazine and smoking, scout decided he got bored reading his comic and he decided to play outside so he grabbed his baseball and head out
when he got outside he swings his baseball bat and inmagined himself being a baseball superstar with all the girls around him kissing his cheek and saying how handsome he was which made him smile, he then broke out of his daydream to some russeling in the bushes and this spooked him a little, he then grabbed his bat and slowly went over to the bush, when he got close to the bush he hooded his bat up when the bush starts russeling again and then a girl pops out of the bush, scout looks at her for a second then realises who it was
"sarah?" scout says and then sarah looks at him
she smiles happily and then hugs scout
"what are you doing here?" scout asked "i thought you were in the hospital"
sarah nodded then she holded her hand out and used her other hand to look like she was using a pen, scout realises what she wanted and nods
"ok wait here, i'll go get some paper and a pen" scout say and he bolts off like the flash
when he returns he hands sarah a notebook and a pen and sarah starts writing in it, after a few minutes she hands scout the notebook
"i was in the hospital but then i snuck out" the notebook read "they treated me so badly and i haven't seen you in year so i came to find you"
"does you ma know your here" scout asked handing back the notebook
sarah shakes her head sadly then writes in the notebook again and after a few minutes she hands it back to scout again
"she's forgotten about me remember, i don't even know where she is or what's she's doing" the notebook read
"oh yeah" scout says sadly " can stay with me for a while till i can find out what to do with you" and he hands sarah the notebook
sarah smiles then writes in the notebook again, after a few minutes she hands scout the notebook again
"really? ok" the notebook read
"just follow me" scout says and he holds out his hand for sarah to grab
they head inside the base and scout was telling sarah what he does
"so i'm a mercenary, which means i kill people for a living and money" scout rambles "i've been working here for a year or 2 and it's the best job ever, i'm also living here with 8 other guys and they can be their own way"
scout and sarah reach scout's room and they go inside
"this is my room, i know it isn't that big but the bed is big enough to fit both of us in the bed" scout says and smiles "ok well you stay here and you can use that notebook to doodle in while i go and phone me ma" and scout leaves the room
after scout phones his mother about sarah, scout's mothers tells scout to look after sarah for a few day till she can reach her sister about sarah, scout agrees and he head back to sarah to tell her the news
"ok sarah" scout says and he sits next to her "i had a talk with me ma and she says to look after you till she can reach your mother"
sarah nods and writes in her notebook before handing it to scout
"you ok doing this?" the notebook read "and what about the others?"
"yeah i'm find doing this and the other might take of you too" scout says "come on let me introduce you to them" and he stands up
sarah takes his hand and they head to the rec room where everyone in
"hey guys" scout says entering the room "i like to introduce you all to someone, this is my cousin sarah" and sarah enters the room shyly "she's doesn't talk cause she got traumatised when she was little and she's been living in a mental hospital, i found her this morning and she said to me that she escaped the hospital so now she's staying with me for a bit till my ma can see what my auntie wants to do with her"
"hi sarah" soldier demands "i'm soldier"
"hi lass" demo says "i'm demoman but you can call me demo
"hello little girl" heavy says "i'm heavy"
"howdy darlin'," engie says "i'm engineer but you can call me engie"
"hallo kleines fräulein" medic says i'm medic"
"g'day" sniper says "i'm sniper"
"bonjour" spy says "i'm le spy"
sarah waves at all the mercs then she sees pyro, she gets scared and hides behind scout
"what's wrong?" scout asked
sarah points to pyro and pyro tilts his head in confusion
"oh that's just pyro" scout says "he won't hurt you, he's just a kid in a suit"
sarah comes out from hiding slowly and pyro claps happily causing sarah to smile a little
"where is she going to sleep?" engie asked
"in my room with me since my bed is big enough for 2 people" scout says
"ok" engie says
"you all are quite calm about this" scout says "i thought soldier would be like 'no female are allowed on the battlefield' or something"
"i'm used to it cause of miss pauling" soldier says
"oh ok well i'll leave you all and help sarah settle in" scout says "see you guys later" and scout with sarah leave the room
all the mercs carry on what they were doing and scout takes sarah to the bathroom
"ok sarah i'll go and get you some clothes while you have a wash since you are very dirty" scout says
sarah nods and she goes in the bathroom, scout walk to his room and he looks for something for sarah to wear, after looking he finds a dress he was going to give miss pauling for her birthday but it to small for her to wear, he takes the dress to the bathroom sarah is in and knocks on the door
"hey sarah, i got you something to wear" scout says and he pushes the door open
he sees sarah in the shower with the curtain shut so he puts the dress on the toilet seat and leaves again, after a few mintues sarah comes out with the dress on that scout found and it fitted her perfectly
"ok good" scout says "now let's put you into bed since you look really tired"
scout takes sarah to his room and he puts sarah to bed, when she was fast asleep scout leaves her and he heads back to the rec room, when he gets there he sits on a chair
"so scout" spy says "what made sarah so scared she lost her voice?"
"i wasn't there but my ma says she got traumatised by a bunch of people dressed up as clowns crowding her" scout explains "me ma also said the last thing she ever said was my name and help me"
"so where were you at the time?" engie asked
"at high school" scout says "she's 9 years younger then me so she was 5 when it happened and i was 14"
"so i'm guessing she's 16 now" demo says
"yeah" scout says
"strange she doesn't look 16, she looks 10" medic says
"i think it's cause she hasn't got breasts and she's small in height" scout says "my auntie was like that too"
"so how long have you got to look after the sheila for?" sniper asked
"a week or 2, it depends on how quick me ma can get in contact with me auntie" scout says
"why does it take so long?" soldier asked
"cause me auntie doesn't like using phones so me ma has to send her letters which takes a week to deliver and get back" scout explains
everyone nods in acceptions and carries on on what they were doing, a while later everyone heads to heads to bed and falls asleep, the next morning medic and sniper were up first to get their breakfast and their morning coffee, sniper heads to the kitchen to start the coffee machine and medic joins him shortly after
"hey doc" sniper says as medic enters the kitchen
"morgen sniper" medic says seeing sniper "good sleep"
"it was alroight" sniper says smirking "you?"
"same" medic says "is the coffe done?"
"yeah just finished" sniper says and he pours a cup out for him and medic "here you go"
"danke" medic says and he takes a sip
he then sets the cup down and starts making his breakfast while sniper sat at the table drinking his coffee to wake himself up, then the doors swing open and it was sarah looking around
"mornin' sarah" sniper says seeing the girl standing at the door
"morgen sarah" medic says as well
sarah smiles then she grabs something to eat then sits down at the table to draw in her notebook
"where's scout" sniper says after taking a sip of his coffee
sarah jots something down in her notebook then shows it to sniper
"he's still asleep" the notebook says "i'm a bit of a early riser"
"oh ok" sniper says "your like me and medic then, we like to wake up early for the peace and quiet"
sarah nods and then writes something in her notebook
"i don't really like loud noises" the notebook says
"who doesn't" sniper says
"ja i heard somewhere that all babies are born with a fear of loud noises" medic says sitting next to sniper
sarah smiles and nods then the doors open then scout enters
"oh here you are sarah" scout says "i thought you ran off somewhere"
sarah smiles and then writes in her notebook
"no i'm here" the notebook says "just an early riser that's all"
"ok good" scout says "well time for breakfast" and scout starts making his breakfast
after breakfast scout shows sarah around the base and she felt comfy at her temporary home, a week later scout receives a letter from his mother saying that his auntie would like to see sarah again and to drop sarah off at her house, sarah says goodbye to everyone she got to know and she leaves with scout on his moterbike, when scout returns he tells the other that sarah got her relationship back with her mother and she'll look after her again which made the mercs happy, every week scout writes a letter to sarah to see how she's doing and all the letter back were really positive and happy which made scout smile for her cousin.
The End

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