BushMedicine - Be My Valentine

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(As requested, here is a cupid sniper x medic and it's also a early valentine's day present so happy valentine's day 😘)
Today it was valentine's day and it was also a sunday so the mercs didn't have to battle today, in the rec room and medic looks around as he sees soldier giving engineer some flowers which were just dandelion that he pulled from the back garden of the base but engie didn't mind, scout was trying to think of a poem to give to miss.pauling and pyro was helping him, heavy was giving affection to sasha, demo was drunk again, spy was in his smoking room writing a love letter to his love scout's mom and sniper...wait, where's sniper? medic looks around as he had just notice that the autraillian camper and his crush was missing.
'where is sniper?' medic says in his head as he sounding really worried
he then gets up from his chair and decides to look for sniper and luckily nobody had notice that he left, medic had looked and looked but sniper wasn't in the base which made medic almost anxious but there was one more place he hadn't looked, snipers camper van so he heads out to the van, when he gets there and he knocks on the door
"sniper, are you in there?" medic says trying to hid the worry in his voice
at first medic didn't hear anything in the van which caused his anxiety to go up but then he hears a crashing noise then the door opens revealing sniper who looked like he overslept
"oh, hi medic" sniper says sleepy and he was rubbing his left eye "what's up?" he asks after a yawn
'oh thank god he's here' medic thought with relief "hi sniper, i was just wondering where you were all day?" he says with a smile
"oh, i was...just sleeping, yeah" sniper says and medic felt like he was lying "do you wanna come in? i was just going to make a coffee" he adds as he invites medic in
medic nods and he steps inside the small camper, he then sits down at the sofa while sniper was at the kitchen part of the camper making a coffee for him and medic
"so why are you so tired?" medic says curiously
"well...uh...i-i couldn't sleep last night, yeah" sniper says and medic can tell he was lying
"sniper, you don't need to lie, i can hear that you're lying" medic says as he gets up and stands next to sniper
sniper was blushing now and medic was smiling a little on how cute sniper's was looking, sniper then looks at medic, looks around to check if they were fully alone and then he leans into medic's ear
"ok i tell you but promise not to tell anyone?" sniper says and medic nods when sniper looks at him "...i'm a cupid" he says and medic became wide eyed
medic took a moment to process then he sits down as sniper hands him a coffee
"i am...a valentine's day cupid" sniper says again with a sigh
"i thought they were a fairy tale" medic says with a tilt in his head
"everyone does but...we're real and we work really hard these days to keep people in love" sniper explains "that's why i was super tired"
medic felt sorry for sniper and he rubs sniper's arm affectionly which sniper didn't mind
"i'm just glad it's almost over" sniper says with a sigh
"almost?" medic says after he put his coffe cup down
"yeah, i have one more heart arrow left" sniper replies and he pulls a arrow from his quiver which was hanging up behind him on a hook
the arrow was so much different then the arrow sniper uses in battle, the arrow was pink and white with a heart as the point
"so that's what a cupid arrow looks like...very interesting" medic says as he looks at the arrow
"yeah, it's a bit girly for me but i've gotten use to it" sniper says "anyway, this last arrow is super important...to me" sniper says as he picks it up and he looks at medic "medic...will you...will you be my valentine?" he asks and medic becomes shocked
"oh my god, sniper, yes!" medic says getting excited and he then pounces at sniper giving him a loving kiss
sniper was suprised at first but then he calms down as he kisses medic back, sniper then places the arrow on medic's back and the arrow absorbs into medic making medic kisses more desperately, the pair then spend their evening loving each other as now they are boyfriends and that end the valentine's day that changed sniper and medic's live
The End

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