BushMedicine - Swapped Jobs

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it was morning and sniper was asleep when medic came to see him in his and medic's room, he was seeing him to ask him something and it was quite strange to medic anyway, he goes over to sniper and give him kisses to try and wake him up
"wake up sleepyhead" medic says softly
"umm...what is it medic?" sniper say moaning a little
"i was wondering...i know this is going to sound silly but... can i be you for a day?" medic asks
"wha...? you mean you want to be a sniper for a day?" sniper asks sitting up now fully awake
"ja and you be me" medic says
"hmm...ok" sniper says
"danke" medic says giving sniper a hug and a kiss
"does that mean i will have to say german words and you have to speak australian" sniper says
"probably" medic says
"i would love to hear you do an impression of me" sniper says
"i liebe to hear you do my voice" medic replies
"ok let's try" sniper says getting up
"ok...g'day mate, i'm ze sniper" medic says in a mixture of german and australian
sniper laughed a little "that was a good start" he says "now it's my turn"
"umm...i'm ze medic, lets go practise medicine, herr medic" sniper says mixing his accent with german
medic laughed "that was good" medic smiles at sniper
"well i have been picking words up from you" sniper says
"same here with you" medic replies
sniper and medic chuckle
"i'm going to get changed into your clothes now" medic says
"and i'm getting changed into yours" sniper replies
sniper and medic then get changed into each other clothes and they fit with ease since they are only a inch apart in height, after getting changed medic and sniper looked at each other
"he looks quite cute in my outfit" sniper thought
"he looks very smart" medic thought
"so want me to teach you how to use my rifle?" sniper asks
"ja...mate" medic said turning australian
"hehehe, ok follow me" sniper says and both of them head outside to do some rifle training
a while after medic medic mastered the rifle, medic taught sniper how to use the medigun and the crusader crossbow, when they finished their training the battle was about to begin and they went to the respawn room
"hey doc, why are you snipes?" scout asks
"i wanted to try something different...mate" medic says
"ja, he wanted to see if he can be a good...scharfshütze" sniper says
"...what does that suppose to mean?" scout says
"you'll have to figure it out" medic says and they set off into battle
After battle the team ended up winning twice and they were celebrating, sniper and medic went to their room
"you were a good sniper" sniper says
"and you were a good medic" medic replies
"we should trade more" sniper says opening the door to their room
"yeah...well i'm off to bed, g'night" medic says in autrailian again
"night" sniper replies after getting changed into his pjs and getting into bed
the end

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