All The Mercs - Pyro's Birthday

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Pyro woke up excited cause today it was his birthday, he got out of bed and ran over to his table to start writing party invitations to all his friends, meanwhile all the other 8 mercs were doing their morning routine and everyone was sat around the table having waffles that engineer made,

"Hey tough guy" scout said to heavy "do you want to hang out with me today"

Heavy looked at scout and then put his hand on his face to think about it

"ok little man, heavy will spend time with you" heavy said after thinking it over

Scout was delighted but medic wanted heavy for something

"oh but heavy, i wanted you to help me with something" medic said sounding sad

"don't worry doc" sniper said putting his coffee cup down "i can help you"

Sniper looks at medic giving him a smile, medic felt a little happier about sniper's smile

"oh thanks sniper" medic said to sniper returning the smile

Engie looked at soldier who was put the last chunk of waffle in his mouth and watching demoman who was telling a joke

"hey soldier boy" engie said to soldier, soldier heard engie and looked at him with a confused look

"what is it engie" soldier said

"i need help with something later and i was hoping you can help me with it" engie says to soldier with a smile on his face

"ok engie but why me" soldier says

"cause you are quite strong, heavy is busy with scout and it's heavy metal so i can't pick it up on my own" engie replies

Soldier tries and hides a blush coming to his face since he never heard anyone call him strong before

"i'll help you engie" soldier said while giving engie a very big smile

as everyone was talking to each other, pyro bursted into the room making happy noises with the invitations in his hand

"do all of you know what day it is today" pyro mumbled excitability and waiting for the excitement to appear on his friends faces

the 8 mercs looked at each other and they do know what day it is today but they are pretending not to know

" i have no idea" engie said trying to hide the fact that he does know and everyone else agreed to engie's comment

pyro face looked down on the floor, dropped the invitations on the floor and walked out the room in disappointment, he went back to his room, sat on his bed and looked out the window

"nobody remembered it was my birthday today, balloonacorn" pyro mumbles to the balloonacorn toy he has on his bed and pyro got off the bed, grabbed his favourite lighter and started flicking it

Back in the dining room, everyone looked at engie

"right everyone know the plan, me and soldier will make pyro's main birthday present, scout and heavy will decorate the rec room, sniper and medic will make the cake and other food and demo and spy will sort out alcohol"

Everyone agreed to engie and went to work, sniper and medic went into the kitchen, scout and heavy went to the rec room, demo and spy went to the basement to grab the alcohol and engie and soldier went to engie's workshop.

When scout and heavy got to the rec room, they saw the boxes full of birthday decoration that engie and spy bought from the birthday store,

"right i'll sit on your shoulders heavy and i'll put the banner" scout said to heavy holding up the banner, heavy gave a thumbs up and got ready for scout to jump on his shoulders, scout got up on heavy's shoulders and started getting to work

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