Support Class - Spy's Girdle

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(A/N - i writing this cause i saw this headcannon that spy wears a girdle and he's in fact really chubby, he's so chubby that he looks pregnant 😆 also this has sniper x medic in it just cause it's me 😋 so anyway enjoy the fic 🙂)
One day medic was in his infirmary petting his dove when sniper comes in for his daily visit to medic
"what's up doc" sniper says going over to medic and giving him a kiss
"hallo sniper" medic replies after the kiss "everything ok around the base?"
"yeah" sniper says grabbing his favourite chair "scout is in his room, soldier bossing around his raccoons again, pyro and engie are in the kitchen, demo in his room drunk, heavy is in his room and spoi oi haven't seen"
"speaking of spy" medic says remembering something "he has his check up today"
"maybe that's why oi haven't seen him" sniper says leaning back on his chair
then as sniper says that spy comes in looking kinda embarrassed
"oh hallo spy" medic says seeing spy come in "you ready for zhis check up"
"...oui" spy says quietly but loud enough for medic to hear
"good then lets begin" medic replies "sit here" and medic points to the operating table
spy does what he's told and sits on the table, medic then gets up and goes over to spy
"should the bushmen be here" spy whispers annoyed to medic
medic looks at sniper who was still sitting in the chair giving a cute smile to medic and medic blushes a little bit
"just ignore him" medic says "he's not going to bother us"
"but..." spy says "fine" and he looks at medic
"right first i need to check your knees" medic says and he goes over to the desk and grabs his check up kit
after he grabs his knee hammer he goes back to spy and hits the little hammer on his knees, when he does spy's leg jumps and he does it for the other leg and it does the same thing
"hmm" medic says "interesting"
"what?" spy replies
"you have very jumpy legs" medic says "but that's a good thing"
spy sighs then medic goes back to his check up kit
"right spy i need you to take off your shirt for this next bit" medic says
"umm..." spy says "are you sure?"
"yes..." medic says "why are you..." and then medic remembers why "oh..."
"what's the matter?" sniper says confused
"sniper..." medic says "i want you not to laugh when spy takes his shirt off"
"umm...ok" sniper says "but why"
"you'll see" medic says "ok spy take off your shirt"
"...ok" spy says and sighs before taking off his shirt
when everything comes off the only thing that was on him was he's trousers and a...girdle, sniper snickers when he sees this but then stopped when medic looks at him
"ok spy...lets check your heartbeat" medic says and picks up his stethoscope
medic goes over to spy and check his heartbeat but it was a little fast cause of how uncomfortable spy was
"spy calm down" medic says "it's just you, me and sniper in here"
"no it's not that" spy says "its...coming off" and as spy says that the girdle comes off and lies behind him
with the girdle off it reveals spy has a really big belly and it was even bigger then heavy's, the belly also looked like he was pregnant and sniper and medic couldn't hold it in and starts laughing
"oh spy" sniper says laughing "you didn't tell me that you were chubby"
"yeah, i never expected you to be so chubby" medic replies laughing
spy pulls a poker face
"yes let it all out so we can get this over with" spy says annoyed
sniper and medic keep laughing then sniper spoke
"oi spy" sniper says "when are the twins due" and this make medic laugh more
spy puts his hands on his belly and wait for sniper and medic to calm down, when they do medic carries on with his check up and now and again, him and sniper keep saying pregnancy joke, after the check up spy manages to get his girdle back on and put his suit on to
"well that was idiotic" spy says tidying himself "bye doctuor" and he leaves
when spy leaves sniper and medic start to laugh again
"oh that was the funniest this oi've seen in a long time" sniper says laughing
"ja i've never laughed that hard before" medic replies laughing
sniper and medic keep laughing and they wanted to stop but they couldn't so medic comes up with an idea, he leans into sniper and kisses him on the lips, sniper was surprised but it help him and medic stop laughing and they made the kiss longer, after they kiss sniper and medic look in each other's eye with a smile on their faces
"you promise not to tell the others about spy" medic says
"i promise" sniper replies and they kiss again but it was a short kiss
medic then carries on with his work and sniper leans back in his chair putting his hat over his face and went to sleep, meanwhile spy was in his room looking at his belly
"i should loose this weight" spy thought
spy then goes to his bed and lies down looking at his belly thinking on how to lose the weight without nobody else knowing, he then falls asleep with his hands on his belly and dreams about him with scout's ma on their dinner date they planned when the war was over.
The End 😋

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