All The Mercs - Hypnosis

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Pyro woke up one morning and went down to breakfast but when he got to the kitchen nobody was awake
"that's odd" pyro though "usually the yellow helmet one is up first" he then looks around the base for the others
after looking for a while, he could not find anyone
"where is everyone?" pyro though "they were all here last night"
where is the boy with the headphones, the helmet one, the drunk pirate one, the big chubby one, the yellow helmet one, the white coat one, the lied back aussie one and the masked one, where have they all gone then pyro could hear muffling from outside so he ran outside, when he got there he can see all the mercs standing there looking weird and he ran over to engie
"yellow helmet" pyro muffled shaking engie
"well well what do we have here?" a voice came from pyro's left, he looks and there was a lady standing there
"who are you?" pyro muffles
"i am the singabies" the lady says (the name is a mixture of sing and scabies)
"what have you done to my friends?" pyro muffled
"well i've hypnotised them since they killed my cousin the sandmann" the singabies says
"give them back!" pyro muffled
"it's not that easy my gas masked friend" the singabies says "now get him"
all the hypnotised mercs charge at pyro and pyro runs for it, pyro manages to hide in a hay pile and all the mercs charge past him, pyro popped up from the hay pile when they disappear and sighs
"i need to figure out how to change them back" pyro thought, he then sees the singabies singing and all the mercs came back to her
"i need to find..." pyro though then he remembered that engie has earmuffs in his workshop so he runs off to the workshop
when he gets there he looks for the headphones and he finds 8 pairs in a box, he picks them up and gets to work trying to put them on the mercs, as he was running back he bumps into the hypnotised soldier, soldier was about to attack him but pyro slips the earmuffs on soldier and it seems to break soldier hypnotised state
"where am i?" soldier says, pyro then grabs soldier hand and takes him to his room
when they get there, pyro grabs a piece of paper and starts to write on it, soldier was a bit lost on what's happening but then pyro shows him the paper and it said
'soldier, don't take off your earmuffs there is a evil lady outside who has hypnotised all the teammates and we need to put these earmuffs on then to break them out of it'
soldier read the note, looks outside to see the singabies who is singing and looking around, he gave a thumbs up in agreement, pyro claps, grabs soldier's hand and they went off to find somebody, after walking around they bump into the hypnotised engie, engie was about to attack pyro but soldier slips the earmuffs on engie's head and it breaks engie out of the hypnotised state
"where in..."engie says and looks around
"engie!" soldier says going to him "are you ok?"
"i think so" engie replies then he feels the earmuffs
"don't take the earmuffs off" soldier says "there is a lady outside and she's hypnotised everyone"
"what?" engie says
pyro nods to agree with soldier
"we need to slip these earmuffs on everyone so they can't hear her song" soldier say holding up a pair of earmuffs
"...ok partner" engie says and all 3 of them went to find another merc to put the earmuffs on
the next person they bumped into was the hypnotised heavy and heavy didn't look happy, he charged at engie and soldier managed to distract him, heavy changed his mind to soldier and as he did pyro slips on the earmuffs, heavy breaks out of the hypnotised state
"where is heavy?" heavy says looking around
soldier, pyro and engie explained to heavy what's happening
"ok so we need to put earmuffs on everyone?" heavy says
"yes partner" engie replies "so let's go" and they went off to find someone else
with heavy on their side now they can easily slip the earmuffs on everyone cause of heavy's tallness but the next person they bump into was going to be a problem which was scout, scout was fast and it was giving them problem to slip the earmuffs on but after tempting scout with bonk they managed to get them on
"what..." scout says waking up from the hypnosis
"no time to explain, come" engie says taking scout's hand and picking him up "just keep those earmuffs on and let's go"
everyone ran till they bumped into demo who was alsleep from to much scrumpy again so pyro slips the earmuffs on him and walked away
"we just need to find sniper, medic and spy" heavy says and as he said that spy appeared behind him, scout sees and slips the earmuffs on him
"what...happened" spy says
"keep the earmuffs on" engie says "here is what's happening"
engie and soldier explain to scout and spy what's happening
"ok..." scout says "isn't the sandmann that one guy that snipes and doc killed a while ago?"
"yes it is so we need to firgure out how to kill her after we find sniper and medic" engie says
"you have just found them" the singabies says all of a sudden
everyone looks and they see the singabies is hovering with sniper and medic tied up still looking hypnotised
"these 2 are the one that killed my cousin so now they will pay" the singabies says
"let them go or you will die" soldier says
"you just bluffing" the singabies says smugly "i can't die anyway, i have the power to come back to life just by kissing men"
as the singabies was talking, spy turned invisible and went over to sniper and medic, he slips the earmuffs on them and it breaks their hypnotised state
"where..." sniper says and spy covers his mouth
"shush bushmen" spy says "we have a big problem"
"who is she?" medic whispers
"remember when you 2 killed the sandmann" spy says "well this is his cousin the singabies
"well how we gonna kill her?" sniper says "we aren't in a dream so we can't spawn our weapons"
"hmm" spy says "maybe we can get a woman to kiss her"
"where are we gonna find a woman around here?" medic says
then pyro walks over to the singabies which makes her hover to the ground and pyro kisses her, the singabies gets shocks and explodes into a million pieces
"what the bloody hell just happened?" sniper say while medic was uniting him
"i have no clue but now we can take off these earmuffs" scout says taking the earmuffs off
everyone took the earmuffs off and thanked pyro, pyro felt happy that he had his friends back again and hugs everyone one by one
"i'm so happy that your all back" pyro muffles "now lets have a party"
everyone cheers and go off to have a party, meanwhile someone was watching the mercs though their crystal ball
"they already killed the sandmann and the singabies, how am i going to kill them now" a voice says
"well we can send...them" another voice says
"yes...send then in" the voice says
"the boss wants to see you" the other voice says
"what is it boss?"
"i want all 4 of you to get these mercs and kill them for killing my family" the voice says
"yes boss" and the 4 people leave
"now lets see how they can handle them" the voice says
to be continued

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