BushMedicine - Drunk

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It was a successful battle and the mercs are having a party of a lifetime, everyone was drunk except sniper since he only wanted coffee, he notices that medic is really drunk and he even looked more drunk then demoman who had passed out again, medic was poking heavy in the face while heavy was telling a story he told 5 times already and medic thought it was funny when the story was kinda sad, medic then notices sniper sitting on the sofa drinking his coffee and he goes over to him
"hello sniper" he said drunkly "did anyone *hic* told you that *hic* you are handsome" medic says
"yes you have many times" sniper says and medic sits down next to him
"no i mean really handsome and *hic* really cute" medic says leaning into sniper face
"i...think you've had to much to drink" sniper says
"and i want to marry you and have all your kids" medic replies
sniper blushes but knows medic won't remember what he just said so he plays along
"how are you going to have kids with me when we're both dudes?" sniper says
"oh your forgetting *hic* that i'm the *hic* medic, i can *hic* do anything" medic says and kisses sniper
sniper kinda kisses back but then medic grabs his arm and drags him to the infirmary, when they get there medic pushes sniper to the wall and makes out with him while taking his clothes off
"umm...doc" sniper says "i think you are so drunk roght now"
"i don't *hic* care" medic says "i want *hic* to love *hic* you" and he kisses sniper again while removing his shirt
after medic removed all his clothes except his underware he starts to take off sniper clothes, sniper tries to stop him but he gave up when medic pins his hands to the wall, after sniper clothes except his underware was off medic takes him to bed and medic does the sexy time with sniper till medic passes out from drunkness and tiredness, sniper stayed with medic and fell asleep next to him cuddling him since they were lover after all
the next morning medic woke up and don't remember what he did last night, he then looked over at sniper and sniper was still asleep, medic looked at himself then realised that must of did the sexy time last night, medic smiled since it was his lover he spent time with and he snuggled up to sniper and went to sleep again, sniper woke up an hour after medic went back to sleep again and he sees medic sleeping in his chest, sniper smiles and kisses medic on the head before leaving the comfort of the bed to go to the toilet, when he sees medic is awake so he gets back he gets back into bed and medic kisses him
"morning sniper" medic says after the kiss
"mornin' doc" sniper replies "do you remember anything that happened last night?"
"no but i'm figured it out" medic says
"good cause it was some party, everyone was almost passed out when we left" sniper says
medic lays his head on snipers chest and sniper kisses medic head, medic smiles and both of them stay in the bed till they can be bothered to move.
The End

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