All The Mercs with Reader - Dog Fortress 2

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First what dog breed is who
Scout - Boston Terrier
Soldier - Pitbull
Pyro - Dalmatian
Demoman - Scottish Deerhound
Heavy - Caucasian Shepherd
Engineer - Corgi
Medic - German Shepherd
Sniper - Australian Cattle Dog
Spy - French Bulldog
Also all the dogs wear collars with their logo on
Fanfic Time -
You are the owner of 9 dogs, you were given the dog as puppies by an old lady and she said these dogs are really special dogs, you ask where she got them from you just took them in and love all 9 of them, all the dog have different personality and you watch the dogs everyday and learn new things about them like the boston terrier
his name is scout, he loves to run and is the fastest out of all the dogs, he love baseballs and he wears a baseball hat and headphones and the hat has holes in them for his ears, he love to tease the other dogs and make sure they know he's there
next is the pitbull and his name is soldier, he wears a helmet over his eye but he can see though them cause he knows where he's going and he knows which dog is which, he barks a lot and loves to tell the others off if they are doing something he doesn't like, he spends a lot a time with engineer and sleep next to him a lot at bed time or when they have nap
next the dalmatian and his name was pyro, he love to watch the fire in the fireplace and he wears a gas mask, when he's not watching the fire he tries to help the others the best way he can but he always ends up back at the fireplace teething a toy
next is the deerhound and his name is demoman, he wears a beanie on his head with ear holes on it, he has an eyepatch on, he loves to drink dog beer and he quite a social dog, he tries to calm soldier down when he's having a go at somedog and he drinks himself to sleep
next is the caucasian shepherd and his name is heavy, he is the biggest, tallest and heaviest dog out of all the dog but his big size doesn't bother him much, he a big teddy bear at heart and love the attention from you and the other dogs, he loves to eat beef and he has a teddy bear called sasha which he had since he was a puppy
next is the corgi and his name was engineer, he wears a yellow helmet with ear holes in and a yellow glove on his right paw, he's the smallest dog out of all the dogs and he like to carry a wrench around with him, he can surprisedly build stuff when he's a dog and he quite a calm dog, he love to have soldier around him sometimes and they play, sleep and eat together
next is the german shephard and his name is medic, he wears glasses on his face and he love to take care of the other dogs, when they are injured or hurt medic will lick the wound or go and fetch you to sort out the problem, he a caring dog and he spend most of his time with sniper, they play, sleep and eat together
next is the australian cattle dog and his name is sniper, he loves to sleep anywhere and he wears a hat and sunglasses, he a lookout dog and keep an eye on the other, he will bark if something happened to one of the dogs and warn medic, he spends a lot of time with medic and loves his company
lastly is the french bulldog and his name is spy, he loves to stay in the shadow and he wears a ski mask, without spy's ski mask, scout's hat and headphones on and their collars on, you cannot tell the different between the two, they are so alike the only way you kinda tell the different is that scout has a more annoying bark then spy's and scout like to go over to heavy a lot, spy also likes to pounce on the others when they aren't paying attention and he gets told off a lot for that,
all the dogs love playing with their toys, going for walks, food and attention from you, they also like to sleep by you at night to guard you and make sure your safe cause even if some of the dogs don't show it they love you in every way.
One day you wake up and do your morning routine with the dogs which is feed them breakfast then take them for a walk and after their walk you head to your room and play on the computer
(you have now the ability to understand dog talk)
scout bounces over to heavy and stands in a playing pose
"hey tough guy, wanna play" scout said in his playing pose
"no, heavy is sleeping" heavy said
"oh come on, i know you want to" scout says going over and pulls heavy's ear
"fine but heavy needs sleep after" heavy says and tackles scout
scout then gets up, runs over to the toy box and grabs a tug of war rope, he brings it back and heavy grabs the other end and scout is trying his hardest to get it out of heavy' stuff mouth while heavy just stands there watch the boston terrier, meanwhile engie was playing with his toy wrench when soldier comes over
"what you doing, engie" soldier asks
"i'm playin' with my wrench" engie replies then shakes his wrench about
soldier then lies down and watches engie play with his wrench, demoman was in the living room but he sneaks if into the kitchen to find his dog beer, when he does (you hid it everywhere but demo always finds it) he puts it in his mouth and goes back into the living room to drink it, pyro was watching the fireplace as usual, spy was in the corner chewing a chew toy and sniper and medic were having a nap on the couch with medic on top of sniper but the nap was short when the doorbell goes off, all the dogs bark at the door and you come down and check what happeneing, you answer the door and it the mailman delivering your package, you didn't order anything so this came quite a surprise to you, you open the package and it small dog clothes, the clothes are neatly wrapped up and they have a logo of the class on a card stuck to the top, one by one you grab one of the dogs and change them into their clothes, when you were done all the dogs looked good in their outfits and you go back upstairs to carry on what you were playing on the computer
"we got clothes on now" scout says checking his clothes
"i can get use to this" heavy says
all the dogs were impressed by their clothes, scout had a red shirt on, soldier had a red jacket, pyro had outfit, demo had an t shirt and a thick jacket on, heavy had a t shirt and a jacket on with bullets wrapped around him, engie had a t shirt and overalls on, medic had a white long coat, sniper had a shirt, jacket and a glove on his left paw and spy had a suit on, after check their clothes all the dogs went back to what they were doing, scout decided to go out the back and play with his baseball, soldier went to sleep, pyro watched the fire, demo drank his dog beer, heavy went to sleep, engie went to sleep using soldier as a bed, medic and sniper went back to sleep and spy went back to his chew toy.
Later all the dogs were asleep and you came down
"hey puppies" you say and all the dogs look at you "do you wanna go for walkies?"
all the dogs jump up and run towards you wagging their tails
"i'm guessing that's a yes" you say and you grab the leads
you then open the door and all 9 dogs bolt out, you and the dogs head to the park and it's the dogs favourite place, when you all get there the dogs did there thing, scout and heavy were chasing each other, soldier and engie were meeting new dogs, demonand pyro was meeting new dogs, medic wanted sniper to play with him, sniper was on lookout then he played with medic and spy was pouncing on dogs, they were having the best time but then after a while it was time to go back home
when you and the dogs get back home you feed the dogs their lunch and then head back upstairs to play on your computer, scout was a fast eater so he finished first and he went to the living room, heavy finished next and he joined scout, when heavy gets into the living room he sees scout on his dog bed all tuckered out, heavy goes over to scout, picks him up like a mother dog picks up her puppy and takes him to heavy's bed, heavy then got into the bed and put scout next to him, scout made himself comfy and both heavy and scout went to sleep, then soldier, engineer, demo, pyro and spy came in, put themselves to bed and went to sleep, last to come in was sniper and medic and since the others were asleep they always take this time to play with each other without the others waking up, sniper goes over to the toy box and grab a toy, him and medic played with it and they had a good time, they then start playing with each other with bites, rolls and other thing dog do while playing, after they done playing, they jump on the couch and fall asleep on each other, a while later it was bedtime and all the dogs come up to bed and sleep.
Part 2 coming soon

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