How to Take Care of a Dragon - Part 2

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Cookie wakes up in the middle of the night, she looks around and sees that sniper and medic are asleep, she jumps out of the cot with a bit of struggle and she managed to get to medic, she snuggled up with medic in the bed and falls back to sleep again, medic does feel it but he's in a too much of a deep sleep to do much, the next morning sniper wakes up, he sits up and notices cookie and medic, he awws and he then leaves the room to go to the bathroom but leaves the door open a jar, cookie wakes up and notices sniper missing so she wakes up and goes and find him, she has struggle walking but she manages to do it with a bit of shakiness, after have a hard time walking she finds sniper in the kitchen having something to eat so she tries to open the door, sniper sees the door shaking and get confused but then realised that it might be cookie so he gets up and opens the door
"hi cookie" sniper says picking cookie up "what are you doing up?"
"dada" cookie says and cuddles sniper
"did you miss me?" sniper says and cuddles back "well i'm here now so don't you worry"
sniper takes cookie into the kitchen sits her down on a chair, he then looks though the fridge and finds a bowl of food medic prepared for cookie the night before
"here ya are" sniper says "your breakfast" and puts the bowl next to cookie, cookie eats the food slowly and she enjoys it, sniper smiles as he watches cookie eat and he carries on eating his food
after cookie had her breakfast she watches sniper eating his breakfast and she became curious, she jumps on the table and check what sniper was eating, he was having a coffee and toast and he notice cookie stand on the table, he watches as cookie pokes the toast and then takes a nibble from it, she like it so she took another nibble
"you like toast?" sniper says petting cookie on the head
cookie rawrs in happyness and enjoyed the pet then engie comes in
"hi" engie says
"hi engie" sniper replies picking up cookie and putting her on his lap
"hi there cookie" engie says giving cookie a pet
cookie rawrs happily and flaps he wings
"she is so friendly" engie says walking over to the kitchen counter to start making his breakfast
"yeah, her type are quite social dragons" sniper says remembering what the book says about the dragphin
cookie then jumps off sniper's lap and starts walking to the door but she tumbles over
"aww she fell over" engie says looking at cookie
"yeah she still hasn't learnt to walk yet" sniper says picking cookie up "but she's trying"
cookie looked at sniper as he was picking her up and she get happy
"come on cookie, lets go find medic" sniper says, cookie tilts her head in confustion and sniper then realises why she's confused "sorry, let's go find mama" sniper says 'did i just call medic mama' he though
cookie rawrs in excitement and flaps her wings, sniper smiles and then both of them head to his and medic bedroom, when they get to the bedroom medic was just waking up when sniper comes though the door
"mama" cookie says
"hi my little plätzchen" medic says looking at cookie, cookie jumps out of sniper's arms and goes to medic wobbley for attention
"she been trying to walk" sniper says "but she's really wobbley"
medic picks up cookie and checks her limbs
"they are pretty weak but she can get strength into them" medic says after checking her limbs
"she managed to walk all the way to the kitchen" sniper say sitting next to medic
"probably slowly thought" medic says
"yeah" sniper says and he pets cookie on the head
"mama, dada" cookie says "love love"
"did she just say love?" sniper asks
"yes she did" medic says
"love mama, dada" cookie says happily
cookie then puts her head on medic's chest then goes over to sniper and did the same
"we love you too cookie" sniper says
"yeah we love you my little plätzchen" medic says and both sniper and medic give her a kiss
cookie loved the kiss and tried to do it herself but she ended up licking them but they didn't mind, meanwhile somebody was watching them though the window
"yep that is definitely a dragphin" the person says
"how are we going to get it?" another person says "they are sentries everywhere"
"i will think of something, i am the collector after all" the collector says, the other person takes the collectors googles of him
"are you sure you want that one?" the other person says looking thought the googles at cookie "cause she to cute and sweet"
"yes we need that one so i can put it with my collection of dragons" the collector says "and you aren't going to stop me, maisy"
"come on dad, can't we just find another one" maisie says
"no maisy, we need this one or we will never find it again" the collector says
"this is why mom left you, you know" maisy says
"shush" the collector says "come on follow me" and they move
back in the base, cookie was sleepy so she was put to bed, sniper went to his camper van and medic was playing the violin, they were minding their own business the collector meanwhile was trying to figure out how to get in
"i know, ill shoot my sleeping darts at them, enter and take the dragon" the collector says
"yeah or we can just leave it, go home and spend time together" maisy says
"hush maisy" the collector says as he set up his gun
"...i'm sorry dad" maisy says and picks up one of the sleep darts, she then stabs the collector in the neck and it knocks him out "if you won't act like a dad, you won't be my dad" and she take the collector away, she dumps him in a cave near by and walks back to the van, she then drives off
back at the base, sniper managed to get to his camper van, he sets up his hammock and then he hears a truck, he goes to the source of the noise and he just see the truck start driving off, he catches the side of that truck and it says "the animal collector, collects all sort of mammals, birds, reptiles and others", sniper then realises that they might be after cookie so he runs back in the base to check on her, he gets to his and medics room and sees that cookie is still there asleep, he sighs and decided to take her to the hammock, he picks her up and takes her to the camper van, when he get there, he lies on the hammock, puts his hat over his face and falls asleep with cookie in his arms
later medic stops playing his violin and decides to check on sniper so he goes over to snipers camper van and when he gets there he sees sniper asleep with cookie in his arms, medic awws and heads over, he check on them both and as he touched snipers face, he wakes up
"oh hi doc" sniper says
"hi sniper" medic replies "why do you have cookie with you?"
"well when i was finishing setting up my hammock, i heard a van and i went to check it out" sniper explains "and when i got there it was a truck for an animal collector"
"and you got worried about cookie and went to check on her" medic says
"yeah so i decided to take her with me and here we are" sniper finishes
"you are definitely a great father to cookie" medic says pinching snipers cheek
"umm...thanks...i guess" sniper says blushing
then cookie wakes up, she looks confused on how got to where she is but shrugged it off when she sees sniper
"dada" cookie says cuddling sniper then she sees medic "mama" and hugs medic
"did you have a nice sleep cookie?" sniper asks
cookie nods and licks sniper softly on the face
"you are cute" medic says picking up and petting cookie, cookie licks medic on the cheek and buries her head on medic's neck
"if i'm a great dad then you are a great mom" sniper say smirking
"well thanks" medic says with a little blush
then cookie looks around after taking her head out of medics neck, she never been outside before and it was big, she like the breeze in her face and she loved being outdoors, medic puts cookie on snipers tummy and she still looks around
"this is your first time outside, isn't it" sniper says realising
cookie rawrs happily and looks at the sky
"when you be able to fly you'll be able to go up there" medic says
"yeah and see everything" sniper says
cookie liked that idea and flaps her wings
"but not yet my little plätzchen, you are only a day old" medic says
"so don't rush yourself, you are ok as you are at the moment" sniper says and pets cookie on the head
cookie looks happy after the pet then her tummy rumbles
"oh its dinner time" medic says "lets go plätzchen and sniper" medic says and he picks up cookie, sniper gets up and heads back inside with medic
at dinner, everyone was eating their food and cookie was having fish and after her fish, cookie was looking at the other eating and then she got curious, she went over to spy and she invistigates him
"huh...oh hello little biscuit" spy says and he pets cookie, cookie rawrs happily and then goes to invistigate demoman
"hi draglassie" demo says and pets cookie, she rawrs and then goes over to soldier
soldier doesn't notice her and she sniffs his legs, she then tries to jump up on his lap but she almost falls over but soldier manages to catch her before she did but she banged her head
"gotcha" soldier says pulling her up
"what happened?" scout asks
"she tried to jump up but she lost balance and almost fell over" soldier says "bit now her head hurts cause she banged it"
cookie had tears in her eyes from the pain from her head and she was about tp cry when medic took her out of soldiers hands
"it's ok plätzchen" medic says in a calming voice and walking out the kitchen
"mama" cookie says looking at medic
"mama's here" medic says and kisses her head
cookie snuggles up in medics arms and the pain went away, she then closed her eyes and fell asleep, medic smiled and took her to bed, when medic got back to the kitchen everyone looked at him
"is cookie going to be ok?" scout asks
"she'll be fine, she only banged her head so nothing worse" medic says sitting back down next to sniper and engineer "thanks for catching her soldier, she would of had more wounds if you didn't catch her"
"i just glad that i caught her when i did" soldier says
"what was she doing anyway?" engie asks
"i think she was meeting the people she hadn't met yet" spy says "which was me, demo, soldier, engie and pyro"
"oh..." scout says "well i'm off to bed see you all later" and he leaves
as scout was walking to his room he sees cookie in her cot asleep, he walks towards her and see her cute face, he awws to himself and goes to his room, about 2 hours later everyone heads to bed and goes to sleep, before sniper and medic go to sleep, they say goodnight to cookie and as they were heading to bed cookie wakes up
"dada" cookie says, sniper heads over to cookie and she's looks sleepy
"you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" sniper asks
cookie nods and sniper picks her up, he takes her to his bed and gets into bed with her, cookie then snuggles up agents sniper and both of them fall asleep.

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