Bushmedicine - Sick Day

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Sniper woke up one morning and he had the worst fever, he lost his voice, he had a runny nose, he was really tired and he kept coughing, he decided to stay in bed and he went back to sleep, sniper slept all day and it wasn't till dinner time that medic notice something, he looked around the table and notice that sniper wasn't there
"has anyone seen sniper today?" medic asks
everyone looked at medic and shook their heads
"i'm going to look for him" medic says, he got up and went to his camper van, when he got there he knock on the door
"sniper, its me" medic says, there was no reply so medic open the door and went in
he found sniper asleep but he looked really pale, medic went over and put his hand on his head, he was very hot and this worried medic, as medic removed his hand sniper, sniper woke up and looked at medic, he tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth
"don't worry, i'm here now" medic says putting his hand on snipers cheek and sniper smiles
"i'm going to the infirmary to get some tablets so ill be right back" medic says and leaves the camper van, sniper smiled as medic was leaving and he went back to sleep again when medic left
when medic got to the infirmary, he search though his medicine cupboard and found the fever tablets but the bottle was empty, he then remembered that scout had a fever a couple of months ago and he ate all the tablets in one go, medic was meant to order more but he got destructed, medic sighed and put his finger on the top on of his nose
"looks like i have to take care of him" medic thought, he check one last time to see if there was an alternative but there wasn't so he left the infirmary and went back to sniper
when he got back he saw sniper fell asleep again, medic decided to take sniper to his bed so he can keep an eye on his, he grabbed sniper who didn't wake up, took his blanket so he had something with his smell on it and went to the infirmary, when he got there he went to his room, put sniper on his bed, tucked him into bed and put his blanket ontop of him, he still was sleeping and medic decided to sleep in on his desk, as he was leaving he felt something on his hand, he turned around and saw sniper awake and holding his hand, he then shook his head and pointed to the spot next to him
"you want me to sleep next to you?" medic asked, sniper nodded in reply, medic shrugged, lefted to get changed into his pjs, come back and went to bed, when he got to bed sniper turned over and hugged him close, medic was surprised but then accepted it since he knew sniper was sick and needed company so he fell asleep with sniper hugging him
the next morning, medic woke up to find sniper still hugging him, he got up without disturbing sniper and went to the kitchen to get his breakfast, after medic had his breakfast, he made a hot chocolate for sniper, grabbed some honey from the cupboard and went back to his room, when he got there he saw sniper was awake but still looked tired, medic went over and gave sniper his hot chocolate and after sniper had a bit of hot chocolate he had a bit of honey for his voice
"are you feeling a little better" medic asked and sniper nodded, he still couldn't talk but he didn't mind
medic went over and put his hand on sniper to check his temperature, he was still quite hot but it was as bad as last night
"you rest now, this fever is quite bad and it drains you quite quick" medic says and sniper looks at medic with his tired eyes, smiled and went to sleep, medic smiled at sniper, stroked his hair and went to his office, as he left the room, he shut the door then scout came over
"medic, i have an injury" scout says showing his injury, meanwhile sniper could hear scout and medic talking
"scout, its just a scratch" medic says looking at scouts scratch on his finger "it will heal"
"but it might get infected" scout says, medic gave a poker face
"why is everyone treating medic like this" sniper though "he not a babysitter, he's doc and when i get better i will make sure the others remember this" sniper then fell asleep
after medic put a plaster/bandage on scout finger, scout ran off, medic sighed and went to his office, all day the other mercs came into medic's office for minor thing like cuts, scratches, scrapes and bruises and medic didn't like it, he manages to go into town and get some fever tablets for sniper and he managed to get some paperwork done but everyone came in every 5 minutes, at dinner time medic had his dinner and made sniper a soup and headed to his room, when he got there he saw sniper awake and smiling at him, medic smiled back, sat down next to sniper and gave sniper his soup, after he had his soup, he looked at medic and used his hand to ask for a pen and paper, medic didn't get it at first but then knew what he wanted so he went over and grab a pen, paper and something to write on and gave it to sniper, sniper wrote something down then gave it to medic, the paper said
"i've heard all day that everyone came to you for minor thing and i think they are treating you like a babysitter, they have forgotten that your a doctor and a great one at that, you are taking great care of me and i thank you for that, lastly i think you should just tell the other to go away when they have a minor injury to shoe them that you sort out major injuries and sick people over minor injuries, sniper :)"
medic looked at sniper, smiled widely and gave him a hug, sniper hugged back
"your right, they are treating me like a babysitter, i will not stand for this anymore" medic said after letting go of sniper "also you didn't need to put your name, i know who you are"
sniper tried to laugh but nothing came out and medic smiled, medic went over to sniper and kissed him on the forehead
"thank you...sniper" medic said and put his hand in sniper's hair and strokes it, sniper blushes a little and then leans in to medics hand, medic continued to stroke sniper's hair till medic got tired, medic climbed into bed, hugged sniper and went to sleep, sniper smiled and fell asleep next to medic
sniper didn't get better until a week later and after he was better, he missed being having medic company so one night he went to medic
"hey doc" sniper said entering the infirmary
"hi sniper, don't tell me your ill again?" medic asked standing up and walking over to sniper
"no i...i just...missed you after i got better" sniper says "i enjoyed sleeping in your bed and you taking care of me"
"it's ok, liebe you can sleep in my bed whenever you want and truth be told, i missed taking care of you too" medic said
sniper smiled and gave medic a hug, then he kissed medic on the lips, medic didn't back away and when they parted they both blushed up and smiled
"i love you doc" sniper say
"i liebe you too" medic says "i also kept that paper you wrote, it was very nice of you to say that you know"
"thanks, i see nobody visits you as much after i wrote it" sniper says
"no cause i taught them a lesson" medic replies
then sniper and medic head to bed, get changed into their pjs, get into bed and fall asleep with medic sleeping on sniper chest listening to his heartbeat
The End

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