BushMedicine - Missed You

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(This is based on the tf2 comic in comic 5 so spoilers ahead but i bet all of you have read the comic and waiting for comic 7 to come out so it doesn't matter 😋 on with the fic 🙂)
the cheavy has medic alone after he realises that sniper ran off and the other mercs were on the lose, medic kneels down and he picks up his bonesaw as archimedes says something to him
"yes archimedes" medic says looking into his bonesaw "i couldn't agree more"
"is he gone?" sniper says coming out of the hidey spot he was in
"yes but i thought you ran off" medic says surprised to see sniper
"i wanted to but i couldn't leave you" sniper says and then he rubs his head "sorry for shouting at you, i thought you betrayed me...i mean us"
"no i would never do that my liebe" medic says walking over to sniper and hugging him
"i know" sniper says quietly hugging back
after the hug medic sits on the operating table and sniper sits next to him
"so 6 hours huh" sniper says
"ja, it was long but i'm happy to see you again like i said" medic says and he leans on sniper "i missed you"
"i missed you too doc" sniper says and he kisses medic on the head
medic smiles and then he closes his eyes
"you know you've been dead in a total of 12 hours, that is how much time people sleep for" medic says
"i know but remember my sleeping has been skittish since i took up the job" sniper says "so being dead has helped me a little"
"sniper" medic says
"mmm" sniper replies
"don't die again" medic says "it broke my heart when you got shot and i don't want it to happen again"
"it won't" sniper says "as i said, i'm the most dangerous man on this island and you are too when you want to be"
"oh yes i forgot" medic says and smiles evily
then archimedes flies up onto sniper's shoulder and sniper pets him making archimedes coos happily
"archimedes says he missed you too" medic says "and he's happy your back"
"well i missed you too archimedes" sniper says and he pets the dove again making he coo happily
"so what are you going to do?" medic says
"well i'm going to kill that so called sniper for killing me then i'll come and find you" sniper says "ugh and i think i'm going to get that spook to help me"
"ok but...be careful" medic says
"i will, don't worry love" sniper says and he kisses medic on the lips
medic kisses back then when they pull away sniper brushes medic's hair
"you know you worry to much"sniper says and he chuckles "but i don't mind"
medic giggles and then medic smiles
"so what were you doing in new zealand before we came along" medic asked
"well i found out that i'm from new zealand" sniper says "i went to find my parents and i found out they are a bunch of bastards"
"so do you miss your other parents?" medic asked
"yeah i guess i do" sniper says and he sighs
"don't worry my liebling, you got me" medic says and he kisses sniper on the cheek "and i love you dearly"
"i love you too" sniper says and he smiles "have you decided what to do when this is over?"
"i don't know" medic says "what're you doing?"
"i'm probably going back to my parents house and finish sorting it out but then i don't know" sniper says
"can i go with you" medic says "i need to keep an eye on you with the animal organs in to see if it changes you"
"sure, i don't want to leave you again anyway" sniper says and he smiles
both sniper and medic then snuggle each other then the alarm goes off and the cheavy talks though the speakers making sniper and medic angry
"let's go and sort this guy out and then we'll think more about this plan" sniper says
"agreed liebe" medic says and both sniper and medic leave the room
archimedes flies off and he perches himself on something and watches sniper and medic leave, he coos happily then goes to sleep.
The End

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