BushMedicine - Healing Up

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Sniper was really hurt after todays battle, he had a big deep scar on his hip from a blue spy cutting him with his knife, he was so hurt he didn't know if he'll live much longer till medic came over
"what happened?" medic says kneading down to sniper
"that bloody spoi" sniper says and looks at medic "he cut me open"
"poor sniper, don't worry i'm here now" medic says and picks sniper up in the bridle way "lets go to my infirmary" and he takes him to the infirmary
when they get there medic puts sniper on the table bed, sniper sits up while medic was healing him with his medigun but as he was healing sniper the medigun acted up and it shut off, medic tries fixing it but it just wouldn't turn back on
"what happened to the medigun?" sniper asked
"i don't know, this has never happened before" medic says confused
medic looks at sniper wound, it only half healed and they was still a big bleeding cut on his hip so medic had to grab a needle, sews it up, grabs a bandage and wrap it up
"there all wrapped up" medic says "until i can fix this thing"
sniper looks at his bandage and it feels better then before
"can the medigun be fixed?" sniper asks
"i sure i can..." medic says trying to fix it when a lot of medigun healing beam came out the medigun into medic's face and it was quite a lot, sniper manages to turn it off and when he does he looks at medic
"are you all rought doc" sniper says shaking medic's shoulder
medic face all of a sudden gains a red blush and he looks like he's drunk
"oh hey sniper, what's going on" medic says sounding drunk "i am ze bird king"
"uhhh" sniper says "doc..."
"i zhink you are very beautiful" medic says going over to sniper and point to his chest "can i kiss you?"
sniper blushes at what he said and he was about to reply when medic kisses him, he was kinda expecting it since medic asked but not this quickly and when medic pulls away, he giggles like a school girl seeing her crush
"that was funny" medic says "now lets do it again"
sniper still has a blush on his face and medic was pushing him down, as medic was pushing sniper, sniper could see medics face and it looked like he drank a bunch of vodka all at once, sniper tried to struggle but medic was resisting
"calm down my liebe" medic says "i'm only gonna kiss ja"
medic was about to climb on the table with sniper until the door swings open and it was engie
"hi fellas" engie says "was wondering where you were"
"who is the guy with the yellow hat?" medic says to sniper still sounding drunk "he looks funny"
"something wrong with doc" sniper says sitting up "he was trying to fix the medigun when a lot of medigun bean shot into his face and now he acting a mixture between being drunk and high"
"go away yellow helmet man" medic says "me and my boyfriend are busy"
"boyfriend?" sniper says blushed up and confused
"ja your my boyfriend now since i kissed ja" medic says looking at sniper with sexy eyes
"ummm" sniper says blushing up again
"i'll take a look at the medigun" engie says walking up to the medigun, medic sees this and picks up sniper
"my boyfriend, don't touch" medic hissed being protective over sniper
"this...is weird" sniper says blushing
"calm down doc" engie says "i'm only going to look at this medigun"
medic then runs to his bedroom and leave engie on his own with the medigun, when medic and sniper get to his room, medic plops sniper on his bed and locks the bedroom door
"now where were we" medic says walking over to sniper "ah ja" and he climbs onto sniper
sniper was blushed up and confused on medic was doing to him, then he realises he probably going to make out with him
"umm...doc, you need to get some rest" sniper says "your not thinking straight"
"yes i am" medic says sound drunk with a deep sexy voice "and i want you my schön scharfschütze" and he kisses sniper
sniper didn't know how to react or what he just said but then he remembered if his a mixture of drunk and high, chances are he won't remember what happened by morning so he gives up and goes with it, they kiss and kiss while clothes start flying off them until they were both completely naked, they then do the sexy time till they are both tired out and pass out on the bed, the next morning sniper wakes up first and sees the chaos they did last night, he puts on his clothes and after grabbing a coffee from the kitchen, he goes to the infirmary onto a hospital bed, medic wakes up a couple of minutes later with the most terrible headache and he notices he was naked so he get up, get dressed and goes into the infirmary, when he gets there he sees sniper on the hospital bed drinking his coffee
"hey doc" sniper says drinking his coffee
"hey sniper, do you know what happened last night?" medic says confused "the only thing i remember was trying to fix my medigun and then nothing"
"well engie has fixed your medigun since the medigun explodes with medibeam in your face" sniper says walking over "and let's just say...that was the weird way i've ever seen you drunk"
medic then remembers the medigun exposing a lot of medigun beam in his face
"now i remember the medigun exploding in my face" medic says "well this proves nobody should be exposed to so much medigun beam especially on the face"
"yeah your telling me" sniper says shaking his head and taking a sip of coffee
"so what happened while i was out of it?" medic asks
"well...at one point you though you were the bird king" sniper says "and...umm" he says blushing up
"and what?" medic says confused
"well...you....you fell in love with me" sniper says
"what?" medic says really confused 
"yeah you said i was beautiful and you kissed me" sniper says "then you said i was your boyfriend and when engie came in you were very protective of me"
medic blushes and then remembers he was naked when he woke up
"don't tell me we..." medic says blushing
"yep we did that too" sniper says blushing up
"oh..." medic says looking away "does anyone know?"
"only me and engie" sniper says "engie only seeing the protection bit but he doesn't know about the sexy time"
"oh...ok" medic says "don't tell anyone"
"i won't" sniper says and then he kisses medic on the cheek "my beautiful doc" he whispers in medic ear and then he walks back to the hospital bed
medic blushes up and then puts his hands on his face, sniper sees this and chuckles, he then sip his coffee as medic grabs some painkillers and takes them, medic then looks at sniper then goes and joins him
"hey doc" sniper says "last night before the...sexy time, you says a german word and i don't know what you says"
"do you remember what it was?" medic says sitting down
"umm...schön...scharfschützu" sniper says remembering
"oh...that's means" medic says leaning in to sniper "my beautiful sniper" and medic kisses him, sniper kisses back and when they pull away they leave there foreheads together and blush up
"does this mean i'm your boyfriend now?" sniper asks
"you been my boyfriend since last night" medic replies "remember?"
sniper smiles and kisses medic on the nose
"i love you doc" sniper says
"i liebe you too" medic replies and they kiss again
the end

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