BushMedicine - Leave Him Alone!

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Medic was healing the heavy at the last point in CP_Gravelpit, they were defending the last point form the blues and they were doing a pretty good job, then a soldier, medic and demoman from the blu team came out of nowhere and started to attack heavy and medic, heavy spun up his minigun and fires at the soldier, the demo shoots some stickies at medic and medic managed to move out the way to avoid the boom but the soldier managed to kill heavy with a crit rocket and heavy's body parts went all over the place, medic was in trouble and he didn't know what to do, the soldier, medic and demo came up to medic and were about to kill him when a bang went off killing the demo and soldier, the 2 medic look to see who killed the soldier and demo and it was sniper, sniper shot another shot killing the medic and sniper ran up to medic
"are you alroight doc?" sniper says putting his hand out
"ja, danke sniper" medic replies after sniper help him up
then the timer went to 0 and the victory went off, sniper and medic then head back to spawn to see their friends and chatted along the way, when they get back to the spawn room the door swing open and everyone looks at them and smile, then heavy walks up to medic looking angry
"doktor didn't heal me when i was attacked" heavy says "so heavy died to crit rocket"
"i'm sorry heavy but the enemy demo put stickies in front of me" medic replied "i would of died if i didn't move out the way"
"why didn't pop über" heavy says looking more angry
"it wasn't fully charged" medic says "it was at..." he was cut off as heavy picked him up by the neck
"heavy put him down!" sniper shouts
heavy lower medic a little then makes a fist with his hand to punch medic, sniper sees this and then pushes medic out the way to avoid the punch but sniper get punched instade, sniper flies across the room and hits the wall causing him to grown in pain
"SNIPER!" medic shouts and goes over to him "are you ok?"
sniper just growned and then passes out
"you" medic says angrily looking at heavy
heavy steps back in fear then medic pops his über, he then ran and punched heavy in the face causing heavy to fly back, heavy hits the wall with a big force then he looks at medic who still was really mad, the über ended and everyone was quiet and looking at heavy, medic went over to sniper, picked him up and took him to the infirmary, when they to the infirmary medic put sniper on the operating table then grabs his stethoscope, he listens to sniper's heartbeat and he hears it but it's weak, medic sighs happily as he knows sniper is alive and kisses him on the forehead
"thank you liebe" medic whispers and he puts sniper on the hospital bed
after putting sniper in the hospital bed, medic then climbs into bed next to sniper, snuggle up to him and falls asleep hugging sniper and his head on sniper's shoulder, sniper wakes up a few hours later and he looks around, he sees medic snuggled up to him and he smiles, he kisses medic on the forehead and then he falls back to sleep again holding medic close.
the end 😋

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