All The Mercs - Amnesia

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Every now and again, demo will make a super drink for the mercs, they were always good but they cause side effects mainly really bad headaches or a lot of vomit, but one night demo makes a drink and he needs one more ingredient
"hmmm" he though looking around his room "ah there's nothing here"
he leaves his room to find something for his last ingredient, he ended up in the infirmary and he was lucky that medic wasn't in there, after looking around he sees a big a big bottle in the corner of the room and grabs it and takes it back to his room, when he get back to his room he puts the bottle liquid in the flask and he shake it up to mix them all together, he then grabbed 7 glasses and headed to the rec room, when he got there he burst though thr door
"ey lads, i have a new drink, wanna try it" demo says putting the glasses down
"oh let me try some" scout says
"hold on lad, let me pour it out" demo says, he pour the liquid into the 7 glasses and gave everyone one except sniper and medic
medic had to stay sober just in case something bad happens again and sniper was more a coffee person who only drank beer at parties
"down the hatch" demo says and everyone drank the beer, everyone enjoyed the taste with a sight tingly after taste
after drinking a lot of it everyone except sniper and medic were drunk and having good time
sniper and medic were on the sofa about to take a nap but then everyone stopped, they looked around
"who am i" or "where am i" came out of everyone mouth and this made sniper and medic confused, medic went over to scout and checked him out, there was nothing wrong with him but he seem to have forgotten who he was and he was a bit drunk
"i thought they get the amnesia when they wake up from passing out" sniper says
"i thought that too, what did demo put in that drink" medic says
"check in his room, he might of left something" sniper says
medic zoomed off to demos room while sniper was left to keep an eye on the confused mercs, medic went to demos room and found the bottle, he realised it was the bottle from his infirmary and got a little mad, he took the bottle and went back to the rec room, when he got back he saw that the confused mercs were acting like they are on drugs and checking things out
"did you find anything?" sniper says
"yeah, that demo used one of my medicines in his drink" he says putting the bottle down
"he would, what does that medication do" sniper says
"it...well...i don't know, i took it from my dad when he passed away and i never firgured out what it is or how he made it" medic said "so i left it in the infirmary to one day try it out"
"well from the looks of it, it makes everyone lost and look loike zombies" sniper says watching the mercs poke each other "at least we didn't have it or we'll end up like them"
medic sat down next to sniper and watched the other mercs look like a mixture of zombies and toddlers exploring the rec room, they kept poking each other, get scared by something, make funny noices and were reintroduced themselves to each other but with names that they made up, sniper snd medic were watching them then sniper got an idea
"lets mess around with them" snipers says all of a sudden
"huh?" medic says
"well since they may not remember this in the mornin', let's put funny things in their head, they will believe it since they don't know who they are" sniper explained
"are you sure?" medic says
"yeah" sniper says evilly
"well i'm convinced" medic says and they got to work
medic and sniper had fun with the others and told the other funny things, they convinced scout that he's a baby in an adult body, told soldier that he can see ghosts, made pyro to sleep in the fireplace and he did, made demo drink the biggest bottle of alcohol he had, convinced heavy that sasha is his wife, engie to make out with his dispenser and lastly convinced spy that he was a human crab, sniper and medic felt mischievous after doing this and they watch the weirdness unfold in front of them, they laughed so much and had a good time
"oh...i don't remember when i laughed this much" medic says
"me neither but it was worth it" sniper replies
they snicker and then watch for a while longer still laughing now and again, it was 3 in the morning when sniper and medic decide to have enough, they knock everyone out with sleepy drugs that medic keeps with him at all times for some reason, they put them to bed then medic and sniper go to the infirmary to put back the bottle, after they put the bottle down they were to lazy to walk back to their room so they decide to sleep in an hospital bed, they both get in a hospital bed and do their normal thing where sniper lies on his back and medic sleeps on his chest with his arm over sniper's tummy
they woke up the next day still feeling quite tired but they will probably have a nap later so they left it, they went to the kitchen to find everyone with a hangover, they were all moaning with hands on their heads or eyes, sniper and medic sat down
"hey guys, do you remember what happened last night, i don't remember a thing" scout says
"well demo..." medic says looking at demoman "put some of my medicine in his drink he made last night and now this is now why you all have bad hangovers"
"do any of you remember what happened last night?" sniper asks and everyone shook their heads in reply, sniper and medic look at each other and give an evil grin before saying something
"well we'll never what happened last night" medic says
everyone just shrugged and carry on eating their breakfast, later that day when everyone hangovers had subsided everyone was going about their business, scout was looking in a mirror check his non exciting mussels out, soldier was planning the next battle with action figures, pyro watched fire, demo was drunk again, heavy was with sasha, engie was in his workshop, spy was smoking in the smoking room and both sniper and medic were having a nap in the living room.
the end

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