BushMedicine - Suducing you

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Sniper was chilling in the living room with scout cleaning his knife when scout gets curious
"yo sniper" scout says looking at sniper
"what is it scout?" sniper says looking at scout annoyed
"have you tried to suduce doc?" scout says (everyone knows about sniper and medic love and they don't care since soldier and engie are a thing and so is scout and miss pauling)
"no why?" sniper says
"you should man, it proofs that you love him" scout says "i can teach you some pick up lines to get him to love you"
"i think me and doc love each other enough already" sniper says confused
"oh please let me teach you the pick up lines, you'll love them" scout says
"ok fine" sniper says "what you got?"
"they are all doctor and australia related but you'll love them" scout says and he tells sniper the pick up lines
after scout says a bunch of pick up lines to sniper with some laughs and smiles sniper decides to leave scout to his thing and visit medic in the infirmary, when he gets there he see medic operating on heavy to give him a new lung since the old one wouldn't heal
"hey doc" sniper says walking in and sitting on his chair by medic desk
"hi sniper" medic replies putting the new lung in heavy
medic messed around with heavy's organs for a bit to get the new lung in and then he healed heavy up again
"here you are, a new lung" medic says helping heavy up
"thank you doktor" heavy says "see you and sniper at dinner" and heavy leaves
medic sighed then goes over to his desk and sniper, he gives sniper a quick kiss before sitting down next to him
"what have you been doing today?" medic asked looking at sniper
"well i was cleaning my knoife in the living room with scout" sniper says "and now i'm going to do something scout dared me to do" sniper coughs "do you want an aussie kiss?, it's just loike a french kiss but from down unda',"
medic snickers then scoots closer to sniper
"i already get aussie kisses from you anyway" medic says and laughs making sniper laugh too
after both of them calm down medic then came up with a pick up line
"have you got a fever?, cause your hot!" medic says and chuckles (fun fact - there is a audio line on tumblr of medic's voice actor saying this line 🤣)
"how do you know pick up lines?" sniper says after a little laugh
"scout also taught me pick up lines too you know" medic replies
"well, i'm like a boomerang cause i just keep coming back to ya" sniper say and smiles
medic laughs and smiles
"looks like you have to find another doctor, cause i've got a crush on you" medic says
sniper laughs and medic laughs too for a few seconds then sniper came up with another one
"wait till you see my thunda from down unda" sniper says and moves his eyebrows
"you cheeky aussie" medic says and chuckles "oh i got one, wie fühlt es sich an, der schönste aussie im zimmer zu sein?"
"...and that means?" sniper says
"how does it feel to be the handsomest aussie in the room?" medic says and sniper looks around blushing
"it's just you and me in the room" sniper says smiling
"well there you go, now you know" medic says laughing
"ok i got two more" medic says "i can make your heart skip a beat. no really, i certified to do it" and he laughs
"you kinda are" sniper says and laughs too
"ok last one" medic says and he calms down "did you know that medics (me) know how to pick you up 5 different ways" and he smiles
sniper smiles back then he kisses medic after the kiss sniper looks at medic in the eyes loverly
"can i didgeridoo you?" sniper says in a low voice very cheekily and still looking in medic eyes
medic smiles then he gave sniper a nod before making out with him, they head to bed and they did the sexy time till it was dinner time, at dinner scout was telling everyone about the date he went on with miss pauling and how much fun it was, sniper and medic were trying to think up more pick up lines to say to each other and after dinner sniper was about to follow medic to the infirmary when scout stops him
"hey snipes" scout says running over
"what's up scout" sniper says turning to scout
"how did the suducing go?" scout asked
"really good" sniper says "also did you tell medic pick up lines too?"
"umm...a while ago but i didn't think he'll remember them" scout says rubbing the back of head
"well he did and we had the best time ever" sniper says rubbing scout on the head "see ya" and he leaves
scout smiles then he goes to his room, sniper gets to the infirmary and meets medic at his desk again
"wanna try pick up lines again, love?" sniper says going over to medic
"sure thing liebe" medic replies and gives sniper a kiss "i go first"
sniper sits down and medic smiles on what he's about to say
"Are you Australian? Cause you meet all my koala-fications!" medic says and giggles
"sure am love" sniper says cheekily "and don't you forget it"
sniper and medic both laugh then sniper though of one
"wanna play 'doctor', doc?" sniper says and medic looks at sniper chuckling
both of them carried on saying pick up lines to each other till they got tired and went to sleep with medic curled up in sniper's chest and sniper hugging him tightly.
The End 😋
(I'm sorry if there's any bad pick up lines in this, i was looking for the good one on google 🤣 this also make me laugh the whole way thought writing this 🙂)

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