BushMedicine - Doodlebook and Doves

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When medic wasn't doing his work, he grabs his doodle book and draws stuff in it, he is very good drawer and he is as good as scouts but he never really told anybody about his talant because he was scared that they will make fun of his drawing so he kept it to himself, what he draws in his doodle book are his doves, the mercs doing their favourite things, and other random stuff.
One night he was doodling in his doodle in his doodle book when he hears a knock on the door
"come in" medic shouts as he was still drawing and then putting the book ontop of his other book, he then looks at the door and it was sniper "oh sniper, what are you doing here?"
"umm...i know this will sound weird but...i've come to spend time with you" sniper said shyly
medic like sniper, he was the quite type so he never really bothered him much and medic prefer people who are more quite then the people who he's use to (heavy, soldier and demoman) who are really loud and get annoying after a while
"really?! you rarely spend time with me" medic said smiling "why?"
"the others are talking about stuff i don't like and you are in here alone so i though you might need some company" sniper said walking over to medic
"sure, grab a chair" medic said pointing to a chair, sniper goes over, grabs a chair and brings it back to where medic is
"so what are they talking about that you don't like" medic asks
"they are saying that aussies are stupid kangaroos in clothes" sniper said looking down sighing
"don't worry, i don't think you are, i think your a great friend with a funny personality" medic said grabbing sniper chin and pushing it up to look at him
"you think so?" sniper said with a little smile
"yeah and between you and me, i think your quite cute too" medic said whispering to sniper
"umm...thanks doc" sniper said with a little red blush on his face and a cute smile "so uh...what you doing"
"i was doing paperwork, nothing special" medic said lying
sniper then notice the doodlebook ontop of the books and grab it, medic wanted to stop him but he just stared as sniper opens the book
"did you draw these, doc they are pretty good" sniper said looking though the book
"you really think so?" medic said suprised
"yeah, it's even better then my drawing" sniper replied
"you can draw too?" medic said
"i guess so but they aren't that good" sniper said rubbing his head
"show me sometime, i'll love to see" medic said
"alroight" sniper said smiling at medic then looking back in the book
in the book, medic had devoted each page to one of the mercs and some random drawings, on one page they was scout doing his favourite thing like swing his baseball bat, running and reading his comic, another page had soldier who was cleaning his rocket launcher, doing his salute and talking to engineer, the next page was pyro just watching fire, being in fire and playing with his balloonacorn, demoman page had him drunk, taking a drink and playing the piano, heavys page had him eating a sandwich, cleaning sasha and reading a book, engineers page had him building a dispencer, thinking with a pencil in his ear and drinking a beer, medic had his own page where he's petting archimedes, operating on someone and him holding a syringe, spy page has him smoking, laughing and teasing scout, lastly was sniper page and sniper notice something that wasn't on the other pages, the drawing were of him sleeping with his hat over his face, cleaning his knife and the last pic was him with archimedes and above him was a little love heart, the drawing reminded sniper of the time archimedes escaped
archimedes escaped in infirmary and medic went after, archimedes landed by sniper who was sitting on the roof of his camper van looking at the sky, archimedes gave a coo which got snipers attention
"archimedes?...what are you doing out here? your suppose to be with medic" sniper said as he was picking up archimedes, he gave the dove a pet on the head and then brushed his chest which he seem to love, then medic found them
"oh hi sniper, archimede! don't run off like that you scared me to death" medic said walking over and climbing up the ladder
"hi doc, your dove came to see me" sniper said as medic was sitting down next to him
"i can see that, archimedes tell me where your going before you fly off" medic said putting archimedes on his sholder, archimedes then jumped onto snipers shoulder and rubbed his head agents his cheek
"he's being very cuddley today" medic said "but i don't get why he came to see you? he loves getting attention from me and he doesn't like the others much but you are now an acception"
archimedes cooed and sat on snipers finger again wanted his chest rubbed, sniper rubbed his fingers on archimedes chest making him poof up, archimedes was loving it and it was making medic smile on how much archimedes trusted sniper when they hadn't met before, after being petted, sniper then took off his hat and put it next to him, archimedes sees this and put himself in snipers hat, poof up and fall asleep
"he seems to like my hat" sniper says looking at the dove in his hat
"yes and now it looks like i can't get him back to the infirmary now, can you take care of him for me, i will come back for him later when he wakes up"
"sure doc, i will be out here and if i'm not, i will be in my camper van" sniper said
medic got up, climbed down the ladder and left sniper and archimedes and go back to work, later it was dark, medic headed back to snipers camper van to pick up archimedes, he walks over and see that sniper isn't on the roof so he checks inside his camper van, he opens the door and sees that sniper was asleep with his pjs on and medic notice a little white dove head poking out of snipers pj top, archimedes does this with medic too when he gets into bed so he was surprised and cuted out when he sees archimedes doing this with sniper, he then quietly shut the door and decide to come back for him tommorow
(end flashback)
sniper looked at the pic of him with archimedes and smiled
"what you smiling at?" medic asked
"this pic reminded me of the time when archimedes escaped and spent the day with me" sniper said
"oh i remember, i appreciate you looking after him for me by the way" medic said
"your welcome, he's quite a cute dove, he's just like the owner" sniper said cheeky
medic blushed up, giggled and smiled at snipers comment, archimedes then flew over and sat on snipers shoulder rubbing his head on snipers cheek
"you can bring archimedes over to my camper van again when you come visit me" sniper said smiling at medic then petted archimedes
"or you can come visit me more, i loving your company and archimedes does too" medic said
"we can do both, you can also meet my owl, sir hootsalot, he's a lovely owl and he might get on with archimedes" sniper said
sniper then notice a paper sliding out the bottom of the doodlebook, he picks it up and looks at the paper, medic realises what he has and start to blush up, on the paper was a drawing of medic and sniper holding hand, cuddling and kissing, sniper looks at medic who was still blushing and blushes up a little with a cute smile, he then get closer, put his hands on medics face and kisses his lips, medic didn't hesitate to kiss back and after a while they pulled away
"you are adorable doc" sniper said leaning his head agenst medic and rubbing his thumb on medics cheek
"i liebe you sniper" medic said "but i was to worried you didn't feel the same"
"well thanks to archimedes and your sketch book, i know now" sniper said "i love you too"
"you can sleep in my bed tonight if you want since it's a long way back to your camper van" medic said blushing a little
"sure thing" sniper said
sniper and medic get up and head to medics room when they get there, medic got changed into his pjs and sniper wore only his boxers, they got into bed and archimedes buried himself into medics pj top, sniper and medic nuzzle and kiss each other good night and go to sleep, thought out the night, sniper slept on his back and medic slept on his chest with archimedes still buried in his pj top
The End

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