BushMedicine - Where's Archimedes

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"Are u sure u done want to came" Engie said to medic as he is outside medic's door

"No i will stay here to look after my doves and carry on with my work" medic replies as he is sitting down at his desk

"ok then" engie said shrugging his shoulders, "if anything happens when we are gone, sniper is here to help"

"Sniper?, doesn't he want to go?" medic said with a confused face

"No, he is to tired so he asleep in the living room on the sofa" engie said

"oh ok then well see u later" medic said as he is writing something in his book

"see u later partner" engie said as he was walking off

all the mercs are going to fair that miss pauling offered to take them for her and the mercs day off but medic and sniper decided to stay, sniper because he was driving all day yesterday to transport miss pauling about and medic got catch up work to do.

as the mercs left, sniper was still asleep on the sofa with his hat over his eyes with his arms crossed and lightly snoring and medic was still writing stuff in his book, a while later medic stopped writing in his book to feed his doves, he grabbed the bird seed and poured it in a large container, all the dove came over and started eating the bird seed, as medic was watching the doves eat he notice his favourite dove archimedes wasn't there, he called for him to see if he'll come but no reply he looked all over the lab for him but he's couldn't be found so he decided to look around the base for him. As he was looking around he remembered engie saying that sniper was in the living room asleep,

"Maybe sniper has seen archimedes" medic thought to himself and went into the living room

When he got there he looked around to see if archimedes would appear but he didn't so he walk over to sniper who was sleeping

"hey, sniper wake up" medic said with a worried voice

"ugh what do you want doc" sniper said sleepily

"have you seen archimedes, he didn't come for his lunch" medic said still worried

"no i haven't seen your dove now let me sleep" sniper said turning towards the back bit of the sofa

"well can you help me look for him, i'm worried something bad has happened to him" medic said sounding more worried

sniper heard medic's worried voice and went quite, he then said "if i help you find archimedes, you let me go back to sleep right"

"yes so are you going to help me or not?" medic said worried still

"alrought" sniper said sitting up from the sofa

"oh thank you" medic said sounding happy

As sniper got up from the sofa, medic couldn't control himself and hugged sniper

"Alrought doc, calm down" sniper said smiling but trying not to blush

"oh sorry, couldn't control myself" medic said letting go "come on let's go"

As they were walking out the living room

"when was the last time you saw archimedes?" sniper said to medic

"well...um" medic replies trying to think where he last saw him "i last saw him...yesterday morning when i woke up, he came to get his seeds but he never came back"

"strange that is when i last saw my owl, sir hootsalot" sniper replies

"you have a bird too?" medic said surprised

"yeah, he's my buddy, i had him since he was a chick since his mother abandoned him" sniper said

"do you think he's eaten archimedes?" medic said all worried

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