Helmet Party - Engineer's Birthday

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Today was Engineers birthday and soldier knew this, he been planning for days for what present to give him and after thinking it over he has an idea, the day before engie's birthday he went into town with sniper, medic and pyro so pyro can help him chose out a present, sniper and medic could do what they want while soldier and pyro went to the shops, after going to the shops, they headed back to the base and soldier went to his and engie's room to wrap up engie's present, when he got there he saw engie in the room looking for something, he quickly put engie's gift in his coat and went into the room
"hi engie, what are you up to?" soldier said in a worried voice
"oh hi soldier, i was looking for my wrench" engie says then he sees his wrench on his work desk "oh here it is, well bye partner" and he left
soldier sighed and went to his bed to wrap his gift for engie, the gift soldier got engie was a little robot that he knew engie will love, he wrapped it up sort of and put it in his bedside draw, he then went about his day of shouting, telling people off and being dumb, at bedtime soldier was heading to his bed when engie stopped him
"so...do you know what day it is tomorrow?" engie asks
"...maybe" soldier says
"good well goodnight" engie says and he gets into bed, soldier smiled and gets into his bed, both engie and soldier fall asleep
the next morning, soldier woke up to the smell of pancakes, he got up and went downstairs, when he got there he saw engie with a birthday hat on making a lot of pancakes
"hi engie, we got pancakes this morning?" soldier says going over to engie
"yeah because today is a very special day for me" engie says
"could it possibly be your birthday" soldier teased
"how did you know?" engie said shocked
"cause of your hat silly" soldier say flicking at engie's hat
"oh..." engie says blushing a little "so did you get me a present?"
"you will have to wait and see" soldier says taking a plate of pancakes and sitting down
"i bet he's got me one of his helmets or something" engie thought and carried on making pancakes
everyone came down one by one and enjoying engie's special birthday pancakes, after breakfast engie went to his workshop to occupy himself, soldier went to his room to put engie's gift on top of his bed side table and he went off to cut head fence, half way though the day, engie came out of his workshop to look for something, when he got to his room, he looked around and he found it, he turned and he saw soldier's present on the bedside table, he looked around to see if nobody was about and he went over to look at the present, he picked it up and it was quite heavy and engie could tell it wasn't a helmet, he wanted to open it but he though otherwise and put it down, he then left the room to go back to his workshop
that evening, everyone gathered in the rec room to celebrate engie birthday and they all got him a present, scout got him a baseball bat, pyro drew him a cute picture, demo got him a beer, heavy made him a sandwich with his favourite toppings, medic got him science buddies t shirt, sniper got him a mug saying 'number 1 engineer' and spy got him a card, engie loved all his presents but then soldier gave him his gift
"happy birthday engie" soldier says giving the gift to engie, engie opened his gift and he lit up from what he saw, he looked at soldier and hugged him
"thanks soldier, you are always so thoughtful" engie says
soldier blushed and hugs engie back
"come with me for a moment" engie say, grabs soldier by the hand and takes him to their room, when they get there, they kiss for quite a while till they needed air
"i love you soldier boy" engie said kissing him again
"love you too engie" soldier says
they kiss and then they did the sexy time till they pass out
the end (sorry it's so short, i didn't really know what to do for soldier and engie 😕)

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