Bushmedicine - Come to bed, Love

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For the last few day, medic hadn't gotton any sleep and was detracted by a lot of paperwork, it worried everyone that medic was overworking himself but sniper was the most worried about him so one night he goes to check on him, he knock and opens the door to see medic still working with black sleep bags under his eyes, he was writing a lot of things down
"hey doc, are you going to come to bed tonight?" sniper asks walking over to his desk
"nien, i got to much work to do and it's never going to finish itself" medic said tiredly
"your overworking yourself" sniper said worried "we don't want you going on the battlefield looking tired out and then passing out on the floor"
"i will go to sleep when this is complete" medic said stubbornly but still tired, sniper was quite for a couple of seconds
"suit yourself" sniper says and leaves
"why is he so worried about me?" medic ask himself, he then shuged it off and carries on writing
a couple of mins later, sniper returns but he was wearing his pajamas and he took his blanket and pillow from his van, medic looks at him confused
"why have you brought them?" medic asks
"i'm going to sleep here so i can keep an eye on you" sniper says going over to a hospital bed and putting his blanket and pillow on it
"ok then but you will be disappointed to see me still awake in the morning" medic says
"i'm not sure about that but it won't surprise me" sniper says sitting on the bed "well if you need me for anything, i'll be over here" and sniper get into bed, puts his hat and glasses out the way and shuts his eyes
medic watched sniper going to bed and it surprised him how much he cared about him when they rarely meet on the battlefield, they talked a lot off the battlefield and sniper never said that they were even friends, medic sighed and carried on with his paperwork, an hour later medic was still doing paperwork but he couldn't keep his eyes off how peaceful sniper looked while he slept and looking at him sleep was making medic super tired, he shook his head and went back to writing but he wasn't thinking straight anymore and he wasn't sure what it even said on the paper anymore, he looked at sniper again who was flat on his back with his right arm over and above his head, medic decided that sniper won over his stubbornness, he was planning to sleep at his desk or on his bed but he decided to sleep next to sniper instade, he went to his room, put on his pyjamas, grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went back to sniper, he put his pillow next to snipers pillow and lied down next to sniper, he shut his eyes and he was out like a light in a couple of mintures
as time passed, medic rolled himself over and he ended up on snipers chest, he put his right arm over snipers tummy, curled himself up and hugs sniper, sniper was in a deep sleep to notice but he smiles a little, the next morning sniper woke up and saw medic sleeping on his chest, he blushed a little then decides to sleep in since there was no use moving medic when he hadn't been asleep like this in days so sniper went back to sleep again putting his right hand on medic's back and his left over and above his head
an hour later spy came in the infirmary to check on medic for heavy since heavy was busy cleaning sasha, he saw sniper and medic fast asleep on the hospital bed with medic's head on sniper chest hugging him with his right arm and sniper holding on to medic with his right hand with his left arm over and above his head, spy would of woken them up if it was fight day but as it was the weekend, he decided to write and leave a do not disturb sign on the door and went to his smoking room, sniper and medic didn't wake up till midday and it was medic who woke up first, he opened his eyes and he lifted up his head to see that he was lying on snipers chest, he looked at sniper for a moment then put his head back on sniper chest so he can hear his heartbeat, he smiled to hear it and then he kept his head there till sniper woke up a couple of minutes later, when sniper woke up he looks at medic and smiles to see medic awake but still on his chest
"hi medic" sniper says with a yawn
"morning sniper" medic says lifting his head from sniper chest and lying on his pillow, sniper turn to face him and chuckles
"looks like i won over your stubbornness" sniper says with a smile
"ja and i thank you for sleeping in here, i wouldn't of fallen asleep without you being in here with me" medic says "and your heartbeat is nice to listen too"
sniper moves his head to touch medic forehead
"well it's here if you want to listen to it again, mate" sniper says putting his hand on his chest "and it will be your favourite soundtrack"
medic smiled while sniper grabbed his glasses and put them on his face, medic put his hand on sniper face and rubbed his thumb on his cheek, sniper liked this so he closed his eyes to enjoy it, medic kept rubbing snipers cheek and smiled, he then started to stroke snipers hairs and it was really soft, sniper didn't want medic to stop since he never had anyone touch his hair before in a long time, the last person who touched his hair was his mother when he was a kid so sniper loved medic stroking his hair, then medic put his hand on the back of sniper head and pulls him in for a kiss, sniper was a bit surprised but he was calm from medic stroking his hair to react
when they pulled away medic was all blushed up and sniper decided to give the same treatment medic gave him, he put his left hand on medic face and started stroking medic's cheek with his thumb,medic enjoyed it and closed his eyes to enjoy the warmth of sniper's hand, then sniper moved his hand to medic hair to stroke it and medic's hair was smooth, as sniper was stroking medic's hair medic moved his head so they could touch foreheads again and medic got lost in sniper's eyes, sniper got lost in medics eyes while still stroking his hair and both him and medic knew that they were in love with each other
sniper and medic spent the rest of the day with each other and they loved every moment of it, at night they decided to have some sexy time and they enjoyed it, they then pass out and medic fell asleep hugging sniper and hearing his heartbeat.
The End

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