All The Mercs - Puppies

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It was a normal day in the base, scout was jogging around outside, solder was bossing people around, pyro was playing with a lighter, demo was drunk again, heavy was eating a sandwich, engie was tinkering with something, sniper and medic were having a nap together in the infirmary and spy was in his smoking room drinking
as scout was jogging around he hears something in the distance, it was a almost quite noise but he could still hear it so he goes and investigates, when he finds the noise he is at the river and the noise is loud, it was squeaking noises and what scout finds shocks him, they was 9 bags, he opens the bags and there were a puppy in each bag, scout looks around to see if he can find something to put the puppies in and he finds a box so he runs over, grabs the box and comes back to the puppies, he puts each puppy in the bag and there was a boston terrier puppy, a pitbull puppy, a dalmatian puppy, a scottish deerhound puppy, a caucasian shepherd puppy, a corgi puppy, a german shephard puppy, a australian cattle dog puppy and a french bulldog puppy, scout carefully puts then all in the box and sighs when he sees they are all safe and alive, he then runs back to the base with the box of puppies
when scout gets back he takes the puppies into the kitchen and feeds them, heavy was on the kitchen when scout comes in with the box
"what's little man got there?" heavy asks
"there puppies, i found them by the river and they were tied up in bags but i saved them" scout explains putting the box on the table
"poor little guys" heavy says picking up the caucasian shephard, the puppies wags its tail and sticks its tongue out 
"do we have anything the puppies can eat?" scout says looking though the cupboards
"think there's meat in fridge" heavy says and scout goes over to the fridge, in the fridge was loads of bear meat heavy brings with him when he visits russia from visiting his family
"i have no idea why i didn't check this first?" scout questions himself, he then puts half the bear meat on a plate and gives it to the puppies
"here you go" scout says putting the food near the puppies and all the puppies ate all the meat
"they must be super hungry" heavy says watching the puppies eat
after they ate the meat, their tummies were full and some of then started playing with each other, the boston terrier puppy came over to scout and wags its bum
"hey there" scout says and pets the puppy, the puppy barks in excitement and jumps up at scout "your cute"
the caucasian shepherd looks at heavy and runs to him clumsily, then jumps up at him
"little puppy loves heavy" heavy says as he is getting licked by the puppy
then soldier comes in the room
"alright maggot, we are to..." soldier says realising the puppies on the table "where did these puppies come from?"
"i found them by the river" scout says as he is getting licked by the boston terrier puppy "they are all friendly"
soldier walks up to the puppies and the pitbull puppy runs over to him
"this one looks tough like me" soldier says picking it up
"well that puppy is a pitbull puppy and they are tough breeds" scout says
"that how i like them" soldier says then the puppy licks his face while wagging its tail
"looks like soldier has a friend" heavy says looking at soldier
soldier smiles at the puppy who has its tongue sticking out and it's wagging its tail, then spy comes in the room
"gentleman" spy says then notice the puppies, he goes over to the french bulldog and he looks at it, the puppy wags its bum and yaps at spy
"i found them by the river" scout says to spy
spy looks at scout them back at the puppy again when scout stops talking, the puppy wags its bum and jumps up at spy, spy manages to catch the puppy and looks at it
"looks like it like you spy" scout says looking at spy, spy looks at the puppy and looks around to see if nobody was looking
everyone was distracted by their puppy so spy looks at the puppy again and nuzzles it, the puppy licks spy's face and spy awws in his head, then demo and pyro come in
"what's up" demo says coming in, he then notices the scottish deerhound puppy, he goes over to it and pets it on the head, the puppy licks his hand in response and demo smiles
then pyro notices the dalmatian puppy, he bounces over to it and the puppy wags it tail, he picks it up and starts giving it attention and the puppy loves it
"pyro already chose his puppy" scouts says "the only ones left is the corgi, german shepherd and the cattle dog"
"the german shepherd can be medic's" heavy says
"yeah and the cattle dog is snipers" scout says
"what about the corgi?" soldier says
"that can go to engineer" spy says
"i take it to him" soldier says, he picks the corgi and leaves
"i take the german shepherd and cattle dog" spy says, he puts the french bulldog, shepherd and cattle dog in the box and leaves the room leaving everyone to know their puppies
when soldier got to engie's workshop, he knocks on the door
"come in" engie says and soldier enters
"hi engie" soldier says "scout found this when he went for a jog"
engie turns around and sees soldier holding out the corgi and he had the pitbull in his other arm
"poor fella" engie says standing up and walking over to soldier and the puppy "did he find that pitbull too?"
"he found 9 pure breed puppies in bags by the river and he brought them back, almost everyone seen the puppies and the puppies chose who there owners are going to be, i ended up with this this tough guy" soldier explains
"that's a story" engie says "but i like it, this little fella is quite cute" he picks up the puppy and it wags its tail in happiness
"look like he like you engie" soldier says putting his pitbull puppy down
"yeah" engie says putting the corgi down and petting it "have you thought of a name for you puppy?"
"no have you?" soldier replies looking at his puppy for a name
"no..." engie says going quite thinking of a name, after being quite for a couple of minutes soldier says something
"i got it" soldier says "ill call mine bullet"
"bullet a good name" engie says "still trying to think of mine"
soldier looks at the corgi puppy and then looks at a sentry
"how about sentry" soldier says
"...yeah sentry sound good" engie says "sentry it is" and he pets sentry the corgi on the head, the corgi barks happily
soldier pets bullet on the head and it's barks happily then goes over to sentry and they play together, meanwhile spy get to the infirmary he opens the door to see sniper and medic sitting at his desk talking
"hello spy" medic says
"g'day spook" sniper says
"look gentlemen" spy says and puts the box down, he then picks up his french bulldog and strokes it head
sniper goes over to the box and sees the german shepherd puppy and the australian cattle dog puppy, he picks then up and walks over to medic
"a german shephard!" medic says happily, he then take the puppy out of snipers arms and cuddles it
"i didn't know you like dogs doc" sniper says "i though you were more a dove person"
"i love dogs mainly german shepherd" medic replies "i grew up with one and i loved it"
"well you got another one now" sniper says "and i have this pup" he looks at the puppy and the puppy wags it tail and licks sniper face
"i'm going to call it Rudolph" medic says
"but it hasn't got a red nose" spy says "it not even a reindeer"
"don't care" medic replies "it's name is Rudolph" 
"what's your called spy?" sniper says
"Frenchie" spy says
"like you frenchie" sniper says snickering
"2 frenchies, sounds about right" medic says
"shush" spy says "his name is frenchie and that's that"
"alrought calm down" sniper says "now a name for you" he says pointing at his dog "hmm...i got it, i call it max"
"max really?" spy says "i thought you would call it joey or something"
"nah i not that original" sniper replies
"fair enough" medic says
then max walks over to ruldolph and they started to play, medic and sniper put them on the floor and watch them play, spy leaves at this point and spends time with frenchie, back in the kitchen heavy, demo, pyro and scout was playing with his puppy, heavy decided to call his puppy grizzly, scout called his speedy since it was so fast, pyro called him patchie and demo called his rummy, all the mercs loved their new puppies and by bedtime all the mercs fell asleep with their puppies all happy.
The end...for now

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