Helmet Party - Sick Engineer

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(Sick fic request for soldier and engie 🙂 enjoy)
One day soldier woke up to do his daily routine so he gets out of bed and he goes over to engie's bed
"wake up private" soldier says "it's morning
engie moans and turns to look at soldier, he was really pale and he looked sick
"are you all right engie?" soldier says "you look ill"
"it cause i am partner" engie says "can you go get medic for me"
soldier nods and leaves the room, he heads to the infirmary and when he gets there he sees medic and sniper still in their pj chatting
"doc" soldier says walking in the room "engie is ill"
"what?...ok i'm coming in a moment" medic says and he grabs his doctor's bag "ill be back later liebe"
"ok doc" sniper replies and he sits at medic's desk as medic and soldier walk off
medic and soldier get to the bedroom and medic goes over to engie, he does some doctor things then after a bit he knows what's wrong with engie
"engie has the flu" medic says "but don't worry, i have medication here" and medic pulls out a tub of medication
medic gives engie the medication and he takes it
"he just needs rest and he'll be back to his usual self by tomorrow" medic says
"ok thanks doc" soldier says and medic smiles
medic then leaves and engie settles down, soldier then climbs into bed next to engie
"soldier boy, what you doing" engie says
"looking after you" soldier replies and he hugs engie
engie didn't fight back and he falls asleep with soldier hugging him tightly, meanwhile the other mercs were in the rec room chilling
"hey has anyone seen soldier today?" scout says "he didn't do his morning shout till everyone wakes up routine"
"i think he's with engie" sniper says "engie is ill and there a thing so...yeah"
"ok" scout says and carries on what he was doing
medic then comes in and sits by sniper
"engie got the flu but i gave him medication to get rid of the flu" medic says
"that's good to hear" pyro mumbles
everyone carried on doing their thing and soldier and engie slept, a few hours later engie wakes up and he felt better then this morning, he turns to soldier who was asleep and smiles, he then cuddles himself up to soldier and falls back to sleep again, a hour later soldier wakes up and sees engie cuddling him, he blushes and then he gets out of bed without disturbing engie, he heads to the kitchen and he decided to make engie dinner in bed, with the help of medic and pyro soldier makes engie a soup with bread and a drink of beer and soldier takes the tray to engie, when he gets there he sees engie awake and sitting up
"howdy partner" engie says "is that for me?"
"yeah i with medic and pyro's help made you dinner in bed" soldier says
"oh thank you" engie says and soldier puts the try on engie's lap
engie eats his food while soldier watched and after eating medic comes in
"i'm here to check on engie" medic says and he goes over to engie
after a check thought medic smiles
"he's much better then this morning so he should be better by the battle tomorrow" medic say
"oh good" engie says "thanks for your help doc"
medic smiles then he leaves again, soldier takes the tray away from engie then climbs into bed with engie again
"thank you soldier" engie says and kisses soldier on the cheek
soldier blushes then he kisses engie on the lips, after the kiss they went back to sleep again and they were happy.
The End 😋

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