BushMedicine - Snowing

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I'm writing this because i want it to be winter again, i hate summer and i perfect winter more so here a winter tf2 fanfic (love this ship so much 😍)

It was snowing when the mercs got back the base, they headed inside and all went to the fireplace to warm up, sniper decided he was going to make himself a hot chocolate so he went to the kitchen, when he got there he turned on the kettle and grabbed his favourite cup and a tub of hot chocolate powder, he put the powder in his cup and waited for the kettle to boil, as he was waiting medic came in

"oh hi sniper, what are you up too" medic said walking over to him

"i'm making myself a hot chocolate" sniper replied as the kettle was done boiling, he grabbed the kettle and put the water in the cup and stir the water

"oh i was about to make some hot chocolate too" medic said as he grabbed his cup from the cupboard "is they still some water left?"

"there should be" sniper said as he was finishing stirring his hot chocolate "we'll see you later"

"where you going" medic questioned

"i'm going to to watch the snow in our room" sniper said and he walked out the room

when sniper got the his and medic's room, he went over and sat on the window bottom, holding his cup close and watching the snow fall, a while later the door to the bedroom opened, sniper looked over and it was medic

"hi doc, what are you doing up here, don't you want to with the others by the fire" sniper said as medic walked over

"i've come to join you, they are being to loud so i decided to join you" medic said as he joined sniper on the window bottom

"that's alright" sniper said and looked back at the snow, sniper and medic watch the snow for a while till medic broke the silents

"didn't it snow much where you lived" medic said as he looked at the snow

"never, it was too worm for it to snow so if it stay, it will be my first sight of snow" sniper said

medic looked at the ground and it does look like the snow is staying on the ground and not melting

"when it snowed where i lived, i used to have a lot of fun in the snow, we had snowball fights, grab our snowboard and go down the mountain, build snowmen and make snow angels" medic said

"that's sounds like fun..." sniper said still watching the snow

sniper took a sip from his hot chocolate and the warmth of the hot chocolate made him feel all fuzzy and cosy, medic looked at sniper and smiled when he got warm cheek after drinking his hot chocolate

"maybe tommorow since it's the weekend, i can show you how to play in the snow" medic said finishing his hot chocolate

"that will be great, thanks doc" sniper said looking at medic and back at the snow

"well i'm going to bed, night sniper" medic said and walked over and started putting his pjs on

"night doc" sniper said still watching the snow not taking his eyes off it

medic managed to get his pjs on then he got into bed and went to sleep, sniper looked over at medic as he was asleep, smiled, finished his hot chocolate, put on his pjs and went to bed too

the next morning, sniper woke up and looked out the window, the snow had stayed and it was still snowing, it even looked like it was a little deep so sniper put on his dressing gond and headed to the kitchen, when he got there he made himself a coffee and started reading the newspaper, after a while scout and pyro came down with winter clothes on

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