How to Take Care of a Dragon - Part 1

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One early morning a mother dragon was flying invisibility over the merc's base (dragons know they are rare and they have an invisibility shield on), it was relocation its home and it had a basket of 5 eggs in its arms, one of the eggs fall out of the basket, the mother doesn't notice and carry on flying off, the egg does an obistcal course until ending up in the merc's base, it was still an obistcal course till it ended up landing in medic's bed in his and sniper's room, medic was sleeping in his bed and he rolls over to where the egg was, he feels the egg and it makes him jump, he sees the egg and he rubs his eyes and then looks at the egg again
"wha..." medic says "how did..."
he sits up right and picks up the egg, the egg was a mixture of light and heavy so medic had a bit of trouble lifting it, he looks at it and as sniper puts it "its not something you see everyday", speaking of sniper he was asleep in his bed and snoring lightly, medic is trying to think on what to do with the egg then he decides what to do, he picks up the egg, get out of bed then he puts it back on the bed, he then wraps his blanket around it to keep it warm and then watches it, he then notice sniper waking up
"hi doc" sniper says with a stretch
"morning sniper" medic says kinda worried
"what's going...what's that?" sniper says noticing the egg
"it's an egg but it's huge and i found it when i woke up" medic says
sniper gets out of bed and walks over to medic and the egg
"well....this is new" sniper says sitting down on the bed
"your telling me, i've never seen an egg this big before" medic says (the egg is as big as the egg in the picture)
"yeah even an ostrich egg isn't even this big" sniper says
sniper and medic look at the egg and then it jumps
"did the egg just...jump?" sniper asked
" did" medic replies
"this is some egg let me tell ya" sniper say after a little pause then he put his hand on the egg, the egg respond by moving
"egg aren't suppose to move"'medic says putting his hand on the egg "so why is this one moving?"
the egg then moves and jumps when both sniper and medic have their hands on the egg, then the egg stopped moving
"that was weird" sniper says
"yeah" medic replies
"so what are we going to do with this thing?" sniper asks
"we can keep it until it hatches and then we can raise it" medic says "then we can release it into the wild"
"yeah but from the looks of the egg, i don't think that will be easy" sniper says
"that's true" medic says "then what do you want to do with it"
"well when it hatches, we raise it loike you said but then we just see what happens" snipers says
"yeah i like that idea" medic says "we are going to be parents" he says as he stands up
"umm...i didn't say that" sniper says blushing and trying to find words to say
"whatever" medic says "lets go and tell the others"
sniper and medic tried to leave but their parent instincts kick in and they didn't want to leave the egg alone, so sniper decides to leave and medic stays in the room with the egg, sniper heads downstairs and everyone was there having breakfast, engie was making breakfast and everyone was waiting for him
"hi snipes" scout says
"g'day" sniper says
"where is doktor?" heavy asks
"umm...he is...occupied at the moment" sniper says
"isn't he hungry" engie asks
"he is so ill bring him up food later" sniper says
"oh ok partner" engie says "i'll make his breakfast while everyone is having theirs"
"thanks engie" sniper says and engie gave sniper his breakfast "i wonder what's medic is doing" sniper though
meanwhile medic ended up falling asleep hugging the egg and his head on the top, after sniper finished eating his breakfast he went upstairs to give medic his breakfast, he went into his and medic's room to find medic asleep on the egg, sniper smiled
"doc, wake up" sniper says shaking medic
"5 more minutes" medic moaned hugging the egg tighter
sniper made a poker face and shakes medic again
"doc, i've brought you your breakfast" sniper says
"...archimedes, what you doing with that spachelor?" medic mumbles
sniper sighs and put medic's breakfast on his bedside table, he then goes over to his bed and starts cleaning his kukri, a while later medic was still asleep on the egg and sniper was finishing cleaning his kukri when they was a knock on the door, sniper walks over to the door and opens it, it was scout
"hey snipes, i've notice you and medic have been in your room for quite a while" scout says "is everything alright?"
"yeah we are just...chilling" sniper says trying to hide the egg with himself
"oh cool, what's medic up too?" scout says
sniper looks at medic who is still asleep on the egg
"he's asleep cause...he has been up...all night...again?" sniper says rubbing the back of his head with his hand
"you must take 2 pints of sugar..." medic mumbles
"wat?" scout says and then laughs
"he sleep talking, ignore him" sniper says
"ok hahaha...i will see you later" scout says and he walks off laughing
sniper shuts the door, sighs then chuckles
"you are funny sometimes doc" sniper says still chuckling
"remember to love your sniper like i do" medic mumbles
sniper blushes a little when medic says this
"umm" sniper says then he shrugs it off and starts walking back to his bed, when he got to his bed he lies down, puts his hat over his face and takes a nap, a while later medic wakes up, he looks around and sees sniper taking a nap, he then gets up, cleans the egg since he realised he drooled on it and he goes over to sniper, when he gets to the napping sniper, he flicks off his hat which falls off the floor and wakes sniper up
"oh hey doc, i see your awake" sniper says then yawns
"yeah, what happened while i was asleep?" medic asks
"just scout checking on us and you mumble in your sleep" sniper says sitting up
"i do i?" medic says denieding it then became curious
"yep you said the funniest things" sniper says
"like what" medic says looking at the egg and back at sniper
"well you said '5 more minutes', 'archimedes, what are you doing with that spachelor', 'you must take 2 pints of sugar' and..." sniper says blushing a bit trying to say the last one
"and?" medic says
" your...sniper like i do" sniper says then blushes
medic sees that sniper is blushing and he smiles a little
"the first three sound ridiculous, why would i say that?" medic says sitting next to sniper
"i don't know but you did" sniper replies watching medic sit down next to him
"but that fourth one..." medic says leaning in "sound true" and he kisses sniper
sniper blushes up when medic kisses him and then was accepting of it so he puts his hands on medic face and pull him in to deepen the kiss, after the kiss they both blush up then they was a knock at the door, medic gets up and heads to the door, he opens the door when he gets to it and it was heavy
"hello doktor" heavy says
"oh hello heavy" medic replies
"why has doctor been in room for so long?" heavy asks
"well if you gather everyone into the rec room, me and sniper will tell you" medic says "when you've gathered everyone come back to my room"
"ok doktor" heavy says and walks off
medic shuts the door and walks over to the egg
"i've told heavy to gather everyone in the rec room so we can show this egg to them" medic says
"yeah it's about time we showed it off" sniper says grabbing his hat off the floor and walking over to medic
as sniper sat on the bed, the egg started to glow really brightly then dimmed down
"i don't know what that was?" sniper says after the egg dimmed down
"i don't if it was trying to hatch or it wanted to be a lamp" medic says putting his hand on the egg
"anyway let's wait for heavy to come back" sniper says "then we can show...eggy off"
"eggy?" medic replies
"it temporary till it hatches" sniper says
"ok" medic replies, medic then lies his head on the egg and he could hear a heartbeat from the egg
"well this is interesting" medic says lifting his head ball up again "i could hear a heartbeat"
sniper then lies his head on the egg and he could hear a heartbeat too
"i can too" sniper says lifting his head back up
"well we know it's alive" medic says
"but we still don't know what it is" sniper replies
"that why taking care of it will be so interesting" medic says excited
"yeah" sniper say then they was a knock at the door
"that will be heavy" medic say "you carry it"
"i'll try" sniper says
medic opens the door and it was heavy
"everyone is in rec room" heavy says
"good you go on ahead we will be there in a second" medic says and heavy walks off
medic looks at sniper and he managed to pick the egg up, it was a bit heavy but he managed to do it and he holded it like a baby.
Everyone was in the rec room when medic appeared
"what's up doc" scout says
"well i would love to introduce you all to...eggy" medic says and he opens the door to let sniper in with the egg
everyone was stunned when they saw the egg
"where did you find that?" scout says
"i found it in my bed this morning, i have no idea where it came from and how it got in my bed but it was there" medic says
"that's is a big egg" engie says
"yeah i've never seen an egg this big" soldier says
pyro mumbles something
"he says do you know what's in the egg?" scout says
"no but we do know it's going to hatch anytime soon...we think" medic says looking at sniper then back at the others again
"*gasp* thats...that's" demo says waking up and seeing the egg "that's a dragon egg!"
"a dragon egg?" sniper says
"aye, i've seen one before when i went on my journey years ago" demo says "but the mother was very protective of the eggs so i couldn't stay long"
"at least someone knows what it is" scout says
"the dragon breed i met was called the dragadon" demo says "but that egg i've never seen before"
"is it different to the ones you saw?" engie asked
"so different, hold on" demo says and he bolts off somewhere leaving everyone confused, when demo gets back he has a book in his hand
"look" demo says handing medic the book "that's what a dragadon egg looks like"
"i see" medic says, he then turns the pages to see if he can find the picture of the egg they have in the book "ah-ha"
"you found it" scout says
"yeah, it thinks it's called a dragphin" medic says (I just looked at a dolphin plushie i have for that name XD)
"a dragphin?" scout says "it is half dolphin or something?"
"kind of, it's intelligent and it communicates like a dolphin but everything else is so different" medic explains "it has the ability to turn invisible, it can make electricity and it breaths fire, ice, poison, water" medic says
"what do you mean love?" soldier asks
"well i'm guessing it like my medigun bean but it makes people fall in love" medic says
"well that weird" heavy says
"yeah" sniper says then the egg starts to glow again "it's glowing again doc"
the egg glows and then it's starts to crack
"it's hatching" medic says and then the egg hatches
a cute little baby dragon was born and the first thing it see is medic
"mama" the baby dragon says then it looks up at sniper "dada"
"aww" scout says "the dragon thinks you 2 are its parents"
sniper and medic look at each other
"i told you we were going to be parents" medic says excitability
"to a dragon" sniper added
"whatever" medic says "hello little dragon" and medic takes the dragon out of snipers arms
"mama, mama" dragon says and looks at sniper "dada, dada" then the dragon falls asleep
"guessing all that hatching made it tired" engie says
"my, my bushmen you've become a dad" spy says on the corner
"shut up spook" sniper says even thought spy was right
"what it's gender is the dragon" engie asks
"let me looks" sniper says and takes the book out of medic's hands, he then looks at the dragphin page "it's a...girl"
"how do you know?" scout says
"the females are pink and have red tip on its horns on the head but the males are blue and have a blue tip" sniper says showing the picture
"yep it's female" medic confirms
"do dragons stick in pairs like birds do then?" scout randomly asked
"...yes they do" sniper says looking in the book
"strange, there was only one dragadon" demo says
"it says here that the male father dragon protect their young from a distence and only attack when the mother dragon or the babies are in danger" sniper reads "the male must of though you were that much of a threat"
"well i wasn't wielding my sword at the time and i wasn't expecting dragons to be there so male must of though the female will scare me off which she did" demo says
"it also says here that both mother and father dragon are very caring towards their young, they will spend a lot of time with them everyday like humans, they will teach them and if the mother or father dies, the other will greve for days and won't cope caring for the young, they will still care for them but not as long" sniper reads
"how long?" soldier asks
"well...with the both parents it's...2 years and with one parent it's...1 year" sniper says and looking in the book
"do they have family to help them?" engie asks
"umm...yes they do, if the have family member near by, they can take care of the young while both mother and father go and look for food" sniper says and reads
"that's means we can all take care of her" scout says "but mainly sniper and medic since they are her parents now"
sniper and medic look at each other and blush slightly
"mama medic and dada sniper...sound cute" spy says
"yeah it does" scout says
"any more info on the dragon?" engie asks
"let me see...ah it says here that the dragphin is a rare dragon since of the invisabilly so nobody hasn't seen one, the younger dragon like to play with the kids but the kids parents always scare it off so thats why it's get so aggressive toward humans when they get older" sniper reads "they love attention from their parents and playing with anything they can find like kittens, lastly the dragphin hit maturity at a 18 months old"
"so that's a year and a half" scout says
"yeah" engie replies
"how big is it gonna get" scout asks
"hmm...about the size of my camper van so this dragons aren't that big" sniper says looking in the book
"oh so that mean we can keep it in the base and not put it outside" scout says
"ja" medic says "well before i put her to bed, we need a name for her"
everyone was thinking of a name when sniper thought of one
"i know, how about cookie" sniper says "since we can go 'my little cookie'
"yeah i like it" medic says "my little plätzchen" and medic snuggles her
"well we are going to put her to bed now" sniper says "you can all see her later when she's awake"
sniper and medic leave and head to their room, when they get there, they realise something
"what are we going to put her in?" sniper asks
"...oh i know" medic says and hands cookie to sniper, he then runs off somewhere leaving sniper confused and cookie still asleep, when medic gets back he has a baby cot in his hands
"where did you get that?" sniper asks
"i sto... i mean borrowed it from my old medical school" medic said lying
"...right" sniper says and they go in the room
medic puts the baby cot by his bed and sniper pure cookie inside it, sniper and medic look at how cute cookie is before leaving her to sleep, medic decides to go to his infirmary while sniper went to his camper van since it was a hot day and he wanted to lie in his hammock, later medic was writing stuff down when heavy comes in holding cookie
"hi heavy" medic says "why do you have cookie?"
"doktor, cookie is awake now" heavy says "what do i do with her?"
"give her to me" medic says standing up and taking cookie out of heavy's arms
"mama" cookie says "hungry"
"are you hungry my little plätzchen" medic say "what do dragons eat?"
"i go get book" heavy says and leaves
cookie looks around the infirmary
"dada?" cookie says
"she must be looking for sniper" medic though "he'll be in later, he's having a nap" he says to cookie
cookie rawrs happily and then heavy comes back
"here is book" heavy says
"thanks heavy...let's see" medic says putting cookie on the table and reads the book "it says dragons love eating meat, fish and sweet things" medic says "oh i think i have some meat in the fridge" and he goes over to the fridge, he opens the fridge and pulls out a piece of meat
"kill me" the spy head says
"still later" medic says and shuts the door "here you go, plätzchen, a piece of meat" and hand cookie the meat
cookie looks at the meat and tilts her head, she then takes a nibble out of it and she keeps eating little chunks
"little cookie is very gentle" heavy says watching cookie eating the meat by pulling the meat slowly
"must be a female dragon thing" medic says
cookie then notice medic and heavy looking at her, she tilts her head then lit up, she then pushes her food toward then
"are you thinking that we want some my plätzchen" medic says and cookie rawrs happily in response
"it's fine, we have food later, this is all for you" medic says and pushes the meat towards cookie and pets cookie on the head
cookie enjoyed the attention but then though of sniper, she pushed to food out again "dada?" she says
"you think sniper might want some?" medic says, cookie tilted her head in confusion "oh sorry, you think 'daddy' might want some" medic repeated thinking 'did i just call sniper daddy?'
cookie rawrs a happy rawr and wags her tail
"i don't think so but he might want it for dinner later when it's all cooked and safe for us to eat" medic explained
cookie rawred happily then notice archimedes, he was flying to medic shoulder and cookie realised she had wings so she tried to fly but the only thing she could do was flap then and not hover
"your only a couple hours old my little plätzchen so your wings aren't that strong yet" medic says softly going over to cookie, he then check the book "wings don't fully work until your 2 months old" medic reads the book then looks at cookie "so you've have a long way till you can fly like archimedes here"
cookie sighs but medic pushes her head up
"dont be sad about it, you just need practice and then your be able to fly as high as you can" medic says comforting cookie
cookie got happy then scout came in
"hey medic and heavy" scout says walking over "hi cookie" he pets cookie on the head, cookie rawrs in happiness from the pet
"you...are...adorable" scout says "especially for a dragon"
"what make you say that?" medic asks
"well usually, dragons are more...terrifying and scary but cookie is quite cute" scout says grabbing the dragon book
"well remember, she's just a baby and she will grow" medic says sitting back in his chair again
"but even when she's fully grown, she's still cute, look at the picture of the adult" scout says showing medic and heavy the adult of the dragphin
"your right" heavy says looking at the picture then scout shows it to cookie
"look cookie, this is what you will look like when you've grown up" scout say, cookie looks at the picture and then she rawrs happily" i just realised you haven't seen all the base" scout realises "do you want me to show you around?"
cookie rawrs happily
"ok let's go" scout says and picks cookie up "i was expecting her to be heavier"
"she's quite light" heavy says "i'm coming to"
"we'll bring her back medic" scout says
"ok be careful with her" medic says
"we will...mother medic" scout snickers and leaves
medic hear what scout says when he leaves and smiles, a while later after scout shows cookie around the base scout was going to head back to the infirmary with cookie when they bump into sniper
"hey snipes" scout says
"dada" cookie says realising who it was
"hello cookie" sniper says taking cookie out of scout's arms
"i was going to head back to the infirmary with her" scout says
"on i was going there to check on medic" sniper says
"oh good well i'm off to help spy cook dinner, see you" scout says and runs off
sniper and cookie head to medic infirmary and when they get there, sniper opens the door
"hey doc" sniper says going over to medic and giving him a kiss
"hi sniper" medic says looking at sniper after the kiss "why do you have cookie now?"
"scout gave her to me as i was walking up to see you" sniper says putting cookie on the table then rubbing her head
"mama" cookie says happy to see medic
"hello again plätzchen" medic says giving cookie attention then sitting down at his desk
"what happened while i was outside?" sniper asks sitting down next to medic
medic explained to sniper what happened earlier with the food, cookie trying to fly and scout showing her around
"so that's what happened" medic says finishing what he explained
"very interesting" sniper says he then looks at cookie and her tummy rumbles
"hungry" cookie says with her little paws on her tummy
"don't worry i have some food for you in the kitchen" sniper says
"she can only have meat, fish and sweet things" medic says "and she had meat earlier so try her with fish"
"i think we have some in the fridge" sniper says "hold on let me go check" and he gets up and leaves the infirmary, he then comes back a few minutes later with a bowl of fish
"here you are cookie" sniper says giving the bowl to cookie, cookie sniffs the food and takes a bite, she likes it and she slowly eats it
"she likes it" medic says then the door swing open and it was engie
"dinners ready" engie says and leaves again
"ok we are off to have dinner now cookie" sniper says and he picks up cookie and medic has her bowl and they all head to the dinner room, after dinner cookie ended up falling asleep by her bowl and medic picks her up and puts her to bed, then everyone goes to bed a couple of hours later.
(here is a picture on what cookie looks like, i know it's not the greatest but it's just to give you an idea on what she looks like)

(here is a picture on what cookie looks like, i know it's not the greatest but it's just to give you an idea on what she looks like)

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