BushMedicine - Medic's Birthday

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(Follow up to support meeting so read that one first before reading this one 😋 also today 'in my opinion' it's medic's birthday 😄)
Today was a special day cause it was medic's birthday and sniper was kinda excited for it since he was going to propose to medic, they been going out for a year and sniper felt it was the right time since he loved medic so much and medic loved him so much, sniper got woken up by medic
"hey liebe" medic says stroking sniper cheek "liebling get up"
"what's up love?" sniper moaned
"guess what day it is today?" medic says
"umm...is it valentine's day?" sniper says jokingly
"no silly" medic says and gives sniper a kiss on the cheek "it's my birthday" and medic chuckles
"i knew it was i was just teasing" sniper says and he sits up
"so what did you get me?" medic asks
"oh you have to wait till later to find out" sniper says "it's a suprise"
"oooooo" medic says "i can't wait"
sniper smiles then he and medic hear cooing from the top of the cupboard and they look up, they see archimedes and sir hootsalot with presents in their beaks and they fly down to medic, they give medic their presents and archimedes gave medic a feathers with a blood stain on it and sir hootsalot gave also gave medic a brown feather 
"oh thank you both" medic says and he pets archimedes and sir hootsalot which both of them seem to love
medic and sniper then gets up and both of them have a shower together before getting dressed, they both head downstairs to see the other mercs waiting for medic
"happy birthday medic/doc" everyone says when medic enters the room
medic chuckles and he sits down at the table, everyone gave medic their present and scout got him a badge with medic's logo on it, soldier got him a medal with medic's logo on it, pyro got him a drawing of him with medic, demo got him a german drink, heavy gave him a special sandwich he made, engie got him a new pair of glasses and spy got him a new lab coat
"thank you all" medic says after getting all his presents
"yo snipes" scout says "where's your present?"
"i'm giving it to medic later" sniper replies
"ok what did you get him?" scout says
"you'll have to find out tomorrow" sniper says and smerks
"ok" scout says and he walks off
the only other people who know about what sniper was doing is soldier and engie since sniper asked engie to make the ring for him and since soldier and engie are a couple they go everywhere together so that's how soldier knows, after breakfast everyone head to battle and after a long battle the reds won over the blus, it was almost dark as medic was heading back to base sniper stopped him
"you coming love, it's time for the surprise" sniper says and smiles
"oh sure" medic says and follows sniper to his camper van
"now put this blind fold on" sniper says as they get in the camper
"umm...ok" medic says and he put the blind fold over his eyes and then sniper sets off
when they get to their destination, it was a hill with the moon looking big in the sky and the night sky was beautiful
"ok you can take it off now" sniper says as he put the wrapped ring box in his pocket
medic takes off the blind fold and he was amazed how pretty the sky was
"it's...its...beautiful" medic says and smiles widely
"i know right" sniper says "come" and he gets out the camper
medic follows and he sits on the dry grass with sniper to look at the night sky, after a bit sniper takes out the wrapped ring box from his pocket
"here you are love" sniper says and kisses medic on the cheek
medic takes the present and opens it, he sees the wooden ring box that said medic name on top of it and when medic opens it he sees a gold ring with his logo all over the ring and in the ring was a caving of 'medic x sniper'
"will you marry me love?" sniper says nuzzling medic cheek in his deep voice
"...sure liebe" medic replies and puts the ring box in his lap and kisses sniper on the lips, after the kiss sniper grabs the ring box and takes the ring out of the box, he then grabs medics left hand and sticks the ring on his ring finger, medic blushes and then after the ring was on medic kisses sniper again
"i liebe you so much" medic says after the kiss
"love you too darlin'," sniper replies
sniper and medic spend quite a while outside in the night sky before medic grew tired so sniper carried him bridal style to his camper's bed and puts medic in it, he then climbs next to medic and after some kisses and love both of them fall asleep knowing they to plan a wedding.
The end

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