BushMedicine and Helmet Party - Baby Lucy and Baby JD

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(This is base on the bushmedicine art made by 'soukaze019' where medic and sniper magically gained a son which they named luddy but in this version, i've changed it to a girl as it will be cuter in my opinion so, enjoy)

It was a calm night and everyone was asleep in bed, scout was asleep in his bed with his arms above his head while snoring, pyro looked asleep as he lied in his bed, demoman was asleep on the floor as he drank too much scrumpy again, heavy was asleep with sasha next to him in her little bed and a sandvich waiting for him in the fridge in the kitchen, soldier and engineer were sleeping together with soldier hugging engineer lightly as he slept while engineer was asleep with his head under soldier's chin and he right arm over soldier, spy was awake in his smoking room as he was having a insomnia episode again and lastly, sniper and medic were asleep together in their bed with sniper on the right side of the bed sleeping on his right side while medic who was on the left side of the bed on his back.
medic was asleep when he suddenly sees that it was morning when he opens his eyes, he turns his head to see sniper wasn't in bed so he guess he was already awake so he gets out of bed, he starts walking out of the bedroom but as he does, he felt funny and he didn't know why, that wasn't until he went passed the mirror in his room and he backs up as he saw something, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he was shocked to see that he was pregnant and more scarily, he was 9 months pregnant looking ready to give birth at any moment, medic did in fact react to this in a shocked way as he steps back a little then he looks at himself again
"ho-what! how did this happen?!" medic says confused looking between the mirror and his any bump as he slowly hovers his hand over his baby bump
the reason he was confused was because of 2 things, the first thing was that he didn't even know he could get pregnant because last time he check, he didn't have a uterus, the second thing was that both him and sniper only had sex the day before yesterday and he knows pregnancy done happen that quick but he guessed that woman wished that it went that quick as he knows pregnancy is a 9 month hindrance to them, medic was about to touch his bump when suddenly he hears the door open making him jump a little, he then relaxes when he sees it was sniper and sniper smiles as he goes over to him
"mornin' love" sniper says in his deep sexy voice which made medic's heart flutter
sniper then leans in for a kiss and medic happily kisses back feeling starved for this kiss, after the kiss which made medic feel disappointed it was over, sniper lowers down and starts loving on medic's baby bump which made medic blush
"are you excited, darlin', we get to meet our daughter any day now" sniper says both happily and calmly and medic felt speechless on what to say "we are going to be dads, doc, you and me together with a daughter who could look like both of us, maybe with your hair and my eyes or maybe with your nose and my hands, you cannot tell till she's born" he adds sounding excited and medic loves it when sniper is excited as he loved his cute smile
sniper then stands up again and he gives medic another kiss, medic accepts the kiss and this causes medic to wake up from his dream as he also started feeling something on his chest, he looks around to see he was back in his room and he then sets his eyes on sniper who was still asleep next to him on his back with his head facing medic, medic smiles on how cute sniper looked when he was asleep but then he gets confused when he feels a movement on his chest again, he lifts up the duvet and there on his chest was a baby, the baby looked to be 2 months old girl and she looked a mixture between medic and sniper, she had sniper's hair colour, medic's fringe tuff and a little of sniper's side burns which were a few inches long, she also had sniper's eyes and ears but medic's nose and mouth and even the baby's body was a mix of the 2 with the hand palm looked like medic's but the fingers were sniper's while the feet looked like sniper's with the toes looking like medic's.
medic suddenly freaks out as he gets out of bed yelping but also making sure the baby didn't fall out of bed, this in turn woke sniper up and he looks at medic looking tired
"doc? what's wrong, love?" sniper says confused as he looks at medic kinda tiredly
medic didn't say anything and just pointing to the bed, sniper was confused but he looks at medic's side of the bed expecting to be a spider or a bug of some kind, he lifts up the duvet and sees a baby looking around after the cover was lifted up, sniper freaks out as well dropping the cover but not on the baby and he joins medic near the door
"wha-where did that baby come from?!" sniper says confused and shocked as he looks between medic and the baby who was trying to crawl but couldn't
"i don't know, i had a weird yet sweet dream and then when i woke up, i saw that baby on my chest" medic replies freaking out and sniper looks at him confused
"what was the dream about?" sniper asked more curiously and medic blushes as he looks away for a second
"well, umm...i-uhh, in the dream, i woke up but i felt off and i didn't know why until i went past the mirror, then...i-i saw in the mirror that-...umm...i was 9 months pregnant" medic explains kinda shyly as he still couldn't believe he had that dream "then you came into the room and you were very happy bout me being pregnant and being very excited to 'see our daughter', we then kissed and then i woke up to someone moving on my chest which turned out to be her" he adds finishing the story and sniper smirks when he mentions the kissing
"mmm baba" the baby says making noises as she looks at sniper and medic both look at her
sniper goes over to her and he picks her up which made the baby happy, sniper then studies the baby while medic goes next to him
"she kinda looks like both of us mixed together, do you think she could be our daughter?" sniper says then asks as he glances over to medic
"she does, doesn't she but we won't know until a DNA test is done...hmm..." medic replies and he goes to think
he then leaves suddenly as sniper watches him go holding the baby close to him and he wonders what medic had planned, medic soon returns back with a cotton swab and he swabs the inside of the baby's mouth which she hated but didn't get upset about it, medic then leaves again this time with sniper following him still holding the baby and he sees that medic has this strange computer looking thing out on his desk
"what's that, darlin'?" sniper says as he goes over to medic
"this is my DNA machine, me and engineer made it a while ago to see if it was true that spy was scout's dad which as we know now, it is, so i'm going to put this in here and-..." medic explains and then he puts the cotton swab on a tray that looked like the cd tray, the tray then goes into the computer and the computer starts doing the loading logo, sniper and medic wait but they didn't have to wait long as the results were done and it prints out a paper from the printer that was attached to the computer
"ok, it's done! now let's see here and-...yep, we are her parents, look" medic says as he looks at the paper and he was a bit stunned by the result and then shows sniper
sniper looks at it and he sees that baby at the bottom and it then shows that both him and medic were his parents as it shows both their faces above the baby's image
"hmm...how did this happen?" sniper says after looking at the paper and medic shrugs unsure
"i don't know, could be magic or it could be something else" medic replies as he takes the baby from sniper "but whatever happened, we have a daughter now if we wanted one or not" he adds as he looks at the baby who was smiling happily at medic
"hey medic, do you have any-..." spy says as he comes into the room but then stops to process what he was seeing
he sees medic and sniper looking at him and medic was holding a 2 month old baby girl that looked a mix between medic and sniper
"umm...where did that baby come from?" spy asks confused and disgusted as he points to the baby
"we don't know as she just appeared on medic's chest earlier but what we do know that she's our daughter" sniper replies and he smiles at medic as he holds up the DNA results paper to spy
spy takes the results and looks at them before he looks up at the baby still in medic arms while medic rubs the baby on her hair
"we believe she's a magic baby but we aren't 100% sure" medic says happily and spy rolls his eyes as he hands the results back to sniper
"you know she can't stay here, right, she will be in danger if she stays here and you know this place wasn't built for a baby in mind" spy says annoyed and the baby starts to get upset "so you either have to get rid of her or i'll get miss pauling to do it" he adds and this makes the baby cry loudly which surprised the trio
medic tries to calm the baby down but she just kept crying, this crying caused the others to get alarmed and they all go running to medic and sniper's room, when they get to sniper and medic's room, they were all shocked to see that there was a baby there and scout, pyro, demoman, engineer and soldier were confused on how the baby got there, heavy on the other hand didn't care and he took the baby from medic
"🎵Proshchay, detka, na verkhushke dereva, kogda duyet veter, kolybel' budet kachat'sya, kogda vetka slomayetsya, kolybel' upadet, i vse pridet, detka, kolybel' i vse takoye.🎵" heavy sang and this seems to came the baby down as she starts giggling happily
"h-heavy? how did you do that?" medic asks as he watches heavy hand the baby to sniper
"hmm, having 3 younger sisters and them having sleepless nights at times" heavy says simply and he goes over to the left wall "so, where did baby come from?" he ask wondering and the other nod wanting to know too
medic explains with sniper chipping in now and again and when they were done, the team all look at each other confused
"so, this baby literally came out of nowhere and looks exactly like you and sniper?" scout says and both medic and sniper nod confirming scout's thought "...well, this isn't the first weird thing that has happened to us, right soldier?" he adds and he glances over to soldier looking suspecious
"what?! what did i do?!" soldier says genuinely confused and scout rolls his eyes
"merasmus? he does magic and you peeved him off a few times causing us to fight him every halloween?" scout says like it was obvious and the others nod with some humming
"oh yeah, i forgot about him" soldier says looking guilty and engineer pulls him in for a side hug
"anyway, what are you going to do with this baby?" scout asks and both sniper and medic look at each other before shrugging
"we don't know, we are thinking about it" medic says and the others hum simply
pyro then goes over to the baby who was first a little freaked out by pyro but when she sees that pyro was handing her a little balloonicorn, she smiles at pyro and clumsily takes it from him which made him happy as he claps
"i think i'm going to get my breakfast now, i'm starving" scout says and he walks away
the others join him as they follow him to the kitchen except for engineer who wanted to see the baby, soldier was walking with the others but when he notice engineer wasn't there, he went back to the room where he sees engie holding the baby after taking her from sniper
"aww, look at this little darlin', hello sweetheart" engineer says happily yet calmly and this made the baby giggle happily "have you thought of a name for her?" he adds as he looks up at sniper and medic
"not yet but as you brought it up, we are thinking about it" medic replies and engineer smiles at him before going back to the baby
engineer then tickles the baby playfully on her belly and this makes her giggle happily, soldier who was at the door watched engineer with the baby and he smiles seeing how cute engie was with the baby, he knew engie had a soft side but seeing it with the baby made soldier wish he could see it more and now he thought on giving engineer a baby but he didn't know how, he remembered sniper and medic saying that the baby appeared by magic so maybe he can wish on the magic gods to grant them a baby too!
"hey soldier?" engineer says happily which snaps soldier out of his thoughts
"umm yeah, engie!" soldier replies trying to act like he was listening and engie smiles as he walks over to him with the baby still in his arms
"do you want to hold her?" engineer says calmly yet happily and soldier looked a little freaked out "don't worry, you won't hurt her, i promise" he add calmly as he takes soldier's right hand into his left hand
engineer then slowly hands soldier the baby making sure he was holding her right and when soldier had the baby, he looks down at her to see her smiling at him and his heart felt swallen with the cuteness of this baby
"i've only known this baby for a minute but if anything happens to her, i will kill the person who harmed her then their entire family" soldier says protectively and engineer chuckles as he makes sure soldier was still holding the baby right which he was
"okay, soldier, that's going a bit too far but i understand what you're saying" engineer says calmly and he chuckles again
the baby giggles happily then she suddenly started to feel hungry so she starts sucking her thumb
"oh, i think she's hungry" engineer says happily as she her from soldier "do we have anything we can use for a baby bottle?" he asks as he looks over at sniper and medic
"umm...i guess i can go and clean a flask and put a baby bottle topper on it" medic says as he stands up from sitting on the bed next to sniper
"where are you getting the topper and the baby formula from, doc?" sniper asks as he stands up too from the bed
"don't worry about that, just follow me" medic says to sniper after taking the baby from engineer then starts walking out of the room
sniper shrugs and then follows medic with engineer and soldier going off to join the others in the kitchen, they get to the kitchen and see that heavy was the one cooking as he had made everyone toasties which they were all eating happily, engineer and soldier also got a toastie and they loved it even if soldier was eating it slowly as he was thinking, meanwhile in the infirmary and medic was bottle feeding the baby while sniper was eating some toast he made in medic's kitchen
"so...have we got a name for this baby?" sniper asks after swallowing his toast
"umm...i uhh.,,i thought of one, i think" medic says as he was thinking and had thought of a name
"what is it?" sniper says with a curious head tilt
"how about lucy?" medic suggests and sniper smirks a little
"how did you come up with that?" sniper asks with a little head tilt and medic smiles as he looks down at the baby who is now named lucy
"well, i first thought of what our names are together which is luddy and then i thought of what female name sounds like luddy which was lucy, so yeah, that's how i thought of the name" medic explains as he looks between lucy and sniper
"i like you thinking" sniper says happily and this made medic smile too "who do you think she's going to be like when she gets older?" he asks as he looks at lucy's sweet little face
"i hoping you more then me as you are calm, laidback and serious when you need to be" medic replies as he looks into the baby's eyes then back at sniper
"...yeah but i think she'll act like you when she's mad, sad or angry" sniper says thinking as he had his hand on his chin
"probably but we'll have to see" medic says calmly as he pulls away the bottle after seeing that lucy was done with her milk
lucy then squeaked happily feeling happy that she had been fed but then she started to feel sleepy that her tummy was full so she drops off to sleep, medic then stands up and takes lucy to the bed cot he has in the infirmary and places lucy on there where she stays asleep making medic relieved she wasn't a velcro baby
"let's go check on the others while she's asleep" medic says to sniper as he goes over to him
sniper nods and the pair leave lucy to sleep, meanwhile in engineer and soldier's room and soldier was just sitting on the bed thing before he looks up
"magic gods! hear me out! whatever you did to make medic and sniper to have that baby, do it for me and engie too!" soldier shouts to the celling and he doesn't get a response
soldier sighs sadly and he leaves the room thinking he wasn't heard but in truth he was and high pitched giggle can be heard from somewhere in the room, for the rest of the day, everyone except spy were talking about lucy and how she got into the base and why was a mixed copy of sniper and medic, after lucy woke up from her nap, the mercs had one to one with lucy and all of then grew to love her except spy who wasn't around, in the evening and medic and sniper finally got lucy back after all 7 mercs bonded with her and she really loved all of them and now they were in the infermary, it was now her dinner time and she was having a bottle of milk with sniper holding lucy and feeding her, medic was sitting next to snioer still trying to think on where lucy came from when suddenly, the doors to the infermary opened and it was spy, lucy remembered spy from this morning and she grabbed sniper's shirt looking upset
"what do you want? ya spook!" sniper says a little defensively as he also hadn't forgiven spy for what he did this morning
"i can to ask again have you thought on what you are going to do with the baby, you know she can't stay here, it's too dangerous for her" spy asks in a emotionless yet calm voice and sniper feels lucy starting to tear up again
"we don't know, spy, she seems like she wants to stay with us and she had bonded with the others really well, even soldier" medic says calmly yet serious as he looks between lucy and spy
"yeah, the only one who hasn't bonded with yet is you but i don't think she wants too as you made her cry and she hasn't forgotten it, look" sniper adds as he looks at spy then he points down to lucy who was trying not to cry while still holding onto sniper
spy looks at the baby and he sighs seeing that he made the baby upset from his selfishness, spy then goes over to sniper and holds out his hands for the baby, sniper was hesitant at first but then hands lucy to spy, lucy looked upset but then looks up at spy who was smiling at her calmly
"i'm sorry, my petite étoile, i didn't mean to make you cry earlier, i was just so stressed and confused about you suddenly being here, do you forgive me?" spy says calmly and lucy looks up at him with her big blue eyes
lucy then smiles and claps happily after a few seconds and spy smirks seeing lucy has accepted his apology, sniper and medic smile as they watch spy bond with lucy and they knew that spy was scout's dad but they didn't know how much spy was in scout's life pretending to be scout's mom or being invisible when scout was around, spy spender some time with lucy before he gave her back to medic and then he leaves to go to his smoking room, both sniper and medic were smiling the whole time finding out that spy had a soft side to him and they went to play with lucy until she got tired and went to sleep, they seen went to bed at 10pm and the others went to bed an hour later, while everyone was asleep, in soldier and engineer's room and engineer starts having a dream, the dream was a lot similar to the dream medic had but the only different was it was in soldier and engie's room, engie was the one pregnant, it was soldier instead of sniper and soldier mentions them having a son instead of a daughter, engineer was very confused by the dream and when he wakes up in the morning, he was wondering what that dream was about, he then felt something in his chest and he lifts up the duvet to see a baby on his chest, he freaks out making soldier wake up and then he smiles his big goofy smile seeing the baby on the bed
"look, engie! we have a son now!" soldier says happily and he picks up the baby
the baby was a mixture between soldier and engineer while looking 2 months old like lucy, he had brunette hair like soldiers but shaped like engineer's hair when he still had hair which also reminded him of his dad's hair, he had engineer's nose and mouth while having soldier's eyes and ears, the hand were like engie's but the fingers were like soldier's while the feet were like soldier's while the toes were liked engie's
"i can see that but how?" engie asks confused as he watches soldier and the baby
"i think it was the same magic that caused sniper and medic to have lucy" soldier says happily and engie looked stunned before huff sighing
"i guess if that's the case, we are now parents too like with the doc and slim" engie says calmly and he takes the baby from soldier "hello, little one" he says happily yet calmly and he makes the baby smile "so, what should his name be?" he asks soldier as he looks over to him
"umm...i know! how about, private twinkle toes!" soldier says happily after thinking and this made engineer chuckle happily
"no, hun, that sounds like a name for a pet, you have to think of a name that a good name for a human and he will like, for example, jack, daniel, fred, timmy, like those names" engineer says explaining to soldier and he looks down at the baby to think of a name
soldier starts to think and engineer glances over at soldier and starts smiling seeing that soldier's rusty gears in his head were turning like they had turned on after being off for years, soldier was think as much as he could until he lights up having an idea
"how about JD?" soldier says happily and engineer looks at him confused
"i like it but how did you come up with it?" engineer replies looking a little confused
"uhh, well i, just put my and your name together to get JD so-" soldier says a little embarrassed as he was blushing and engineer chuckles as he leans over and kisses soldier on the nose to calm him down
"i like it, honey, but 'jane-dell' sound close to your name so let me think of some name to fit better..." engineer says and he goes to think "how about...'james-daniel'?" he says after thinking about it "or 'jackson-dominic' or even just 'jay-dee', what do you think?" he says giving name suggestions
"umm...i-i like the last one" soldier says half think and half daydreaming about how cute engineer looks with the baby
"ok, 'jay-dee' also known as 'JD' for short it is!" engineer says happily and he hugs the baby now named JD close to him
the baby smiles and soldier smiles seeing the cute sight in front of him, meanwhile in the infermary and medic was feeding lucy while sniper was chilling next to medic
"so, did you sleep well, last night?" sniper asks as he wonders if medic had to get up during the night to sort out lucy
"yeah, lucy slept all the way though the night which is quite surprising, usually babies wake up at least three times for either attention or food" medic replies looking surprised and sniper nods before looking at lucy
"i guess we got lucky with this baby" sniper says as he rubs lucy's cheek affectionly which makes her smile while guzzling her milk
suddenly the infermary doors open and it was soldier with engineer behind him
"medic and sniper! look, the magic baby gods give us a son!" soldier says happily and he holds up JD to show sniper and medic
"you two were given a baby too?!" medic says shocked and both soldier and engineer nod too
"yeah, he's a boy though and we decided to name him, JD which means jay-dee" engineer says as he goes over to medic and sniper with soldier behind him cuddling JD which made him happy
"that's cute, is the name a take on your names together?" medic says as he points between engineer and soldier
engineer nods and then sniper notice that lucy who had finished her milk was looking at JD curiously, both medic and engineer notice this too and engineer grabs soldier's attention
"i looks like lucy is interested in JD" engineer whispers to soldier before taking JD from soldier
medic places lucy on the counter holding her up as she can't sit up yet and engineer does the same after placing JD next to lucy, the pair look at each other stunned by each other then JD smiles as he reaches out to lucy, lucy watches as JD put his hand on her face and then the pair smile at each other before lucy puts her hands on his face
"i think they were checking if each other are real" medic says to engineer who nods also believing this
"*sniff* my son has made a friend!" soldier says emotional and sniper who was standing next to soldier rolls his eyes and does a face plam
engineer shakes his head while smirking at soldier and medic was smiling at the babies who was happily enjoying each other, JD then started to feel hungry as he was getting fussy so engie picks him up and looks around
"do you have any formula we can use?" engie says as he looks at medic
medic walks away and he comes back a few seconds later with a box of formula, he hands it to engie who happily takes it and him with soldier were about to leave when scout comes bursting in with spy not that far behind him
"yo guys, miss pauling says that we need to-...another baby! why is there 2 babies now?" scout says sounding in a hurry then getting confused as he points at the 2 babies
"this is my baby, maggot and if you do a hint tho him, i'll make sure your teeth won't be fixable" soldier says threatening as he hugs JD close to him after taking him from engie
"alright, alright, jeezs, anyway, come with me to the meeting room, miss pauling wants to talk to alll of us, i think we're about to lose our jobs" scout says scared but recovers as he points to the infermary doors
sniper, medic, soldier and engineer all look at each other worried and confused and then they go off to the meeting room after they settle down JD and lucy to sleep, miss pauling was there and she had announced that the mercs were splitting up as both redmond and blutarch have sadly died so it means that the mercs were now jobless
"so, i guess this means we won't be able to see each other again" scout says after miss pauling explained what happened
"heavy is going to miss all the times we've had together" heavy says emotionless but there was a bit of sadness in his voice
"i suggest you all pack your bags and i've hired a taxi for you all" miss pauling says emotionless as she stands up "it was nice working with you all, gentlemen" she adds then she leaves the room
the mercs all look at each other quietly feeling sad that they were essentially fired and then pyro starts crying
"i know, pyro, we're going to miss you too" engineer says comforting pyro and pyro hugs him
soldier also hugs engineer and pyro and soon, the others join in with the hug except spy, spy huffs annoyed and he soon joins in with the hug, after the hug, everyone went to their room to pack up their stuff and they were all sad doing it, while packing, sniper went to medic and he looked lost
"what's wrong, liebe?" medic says seeing sniper's worried and confused face
"i-it's just, how is lucy going to cope with us being apart, i guess you'll be going back to germany while i'll be going home to my parents so..." sniper says and medic realises before thinking
"i don't mind going back to australia with you, we could find a place together so we can raise lucy together" medic says calmly as he grabs sniper's face gently
"umm...yeah, i-i like the sound of that, lucy would too" sniper says calmly and happy and medic smiles too
the pair then had a kiss and the kiss was full of love and relief, meanwhile with engineer and soldier and soldier comes in and places his head on engie's back making him surprised
"what's the matter, solly darling?" engineer says realising who it was without checking and he turns around to look at him
"i'm going to miss our time together" soldier says sadly and engineer smirks as he gently lifts up soldier's head to meet his
"what are you talking about, silly, you are coming with me, we can't split up now after we magically had a baby together, it won't be fair on JD" engineer says calmly and soldier looked stunned not realising it before smiling sweetly
"oh yeah, i forgot" soldier says happily and he pulls engineer in for a hug
after the hug, they have a kiss and it was full of love and smiles, a while later and everyone had left the base heading to their homes, scout went back home to his mom, soldier and engineer went home to engineer's house in beehive, texas, pyro went off somewhere, demoman went back home to his mum in scotland who wasn't happy to see him, heavy went back to russia to see his mom and 3 sisters, medic and sniper went to australia where they bought a house in the country after meeting sniper's parents to check up on them and spy was still in america secretly seeing scout's mom behind scout's back, miss pauling was now in her office and she was going to check on the adminatrator but when she gets to her office, she sees the room empty with a message on the screen that reads 'hide, miss.pauling, things are about to get bad' which makes miss pauling confused but she had a feeling she needed to recollect the mercs again.
To Be Continued...

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