Support Class - Support Class Meeting

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It was a nice evening at the base with a mixture of orange and purple in the sky, the mercs were fast asleep and since it's ceasefire tomorrow they didn't need to get up early, the only one who were still awake were sniper, medic and spy were having their weekly support class meeting, both offensive and defensive classes have their meeting too but today was the support classes turn, they call it a 'meeting' but it was more of a chill out time were the 3 support classes get to know each other better and even though sniper and medic knew a lot about each other since their were lovers, they still find things out about each other, spy was the only one who sniper and medic didn't know much about and they know half the thing about spy like him being scout's father and he's nosey but other then those thing they have no idea about him, spy on the other hand knew most things about all the mercs since he is so nosey and he been looking though documents on the mercs that he keeps in his room, spy didn't really to reveal much stuff to the other mercs but he is warming up to sniper and medic since they are not bothered with the other mercs and just each other so they never tell secrets to them, also all the mercs knew about sniper's and medic's love relationship but they didn't care since soldier and engie had a love relationship too and as long they don't boast about it or do it in front of the other it's ok.
tonight was looking like any other night with all 3 of them sitting outside by the warm campfire, sniper was drinking his coffee, medic had his head on sniper's shoulder with a cup of hot cocoa in his hands and spy was smoking his cigarette with a glass of alcohol oppisite sniper and medic
"so gentleman, did anything happen to any of you today in battle?" spy says after sipping his glass
"umm" medic says sitting up "let me think" medic puts his hand on his chin and recaps his day in his mind
"well i saw a weird thing today while sniping" sniper says "it involved our soldier and engie and the blue scout"
"what happened?" medic says looking at sniper
"well i was sniping in my sniping spot" sniper says (flashback to CP_hightower) "when i saw the blu scout using his soda, he ran to the sentry engie put down and the blue was teasing the sentry, then soldier came flying down and shot a rocket at the blu's feet causing him to fly...into a pit" (flashback end)
spy and medic looked at sniper then started laughing
"that blu scout is as worst as our scout" spy says while laughing
"ja" medic replied "i can just see his face when he realised he was about to fall of the cliff"
they all laughed then the laughing calm down, all 3 of them took a gulp of their drink and then spy spoke
"well while i was sneaking around" spy says (flashback again) "i saw the blu's demoman drunk again so i disguised as their spy and went over to him, i asked him what he was doing and he made words that made no sense before shooting a pettle, the pellet bounced off the wall and...exploded in his face causing him to die and i survived" (flashback end)
sniper and medic looked at spy then at each other, they then chuckle
"demo would do that" sniper says "both of them will since they are drunk 75% of the time"
"ja zhe demo is always drunk" medic replied "well that story about demo reminded me of a funny thing that happen"
"i was healing the heavy by the blu's cart" medic says (Flashback a third time) "when the blu's heavy and medic appeared, the medic ubered and i hid behind the heavy but the other heavy wasn't firing, we looked and we saw that the blu heavy ran out of bullets on his minigun and he was stuck on what to do, the ubercharge ended and then it was my turn to pop, i popped my uber and the heavy wrecked the blu heaby leaving the blu medic confused then the medic pulled out his syringe gun to fire at me but then you sniper killed the medic" (flashback end)
spy looks at medic and sniper remembers
"oh yeah i remember that event" sniper says "i just killed a soldier rocket jumping when i heard the über, i looked to see the blu heavy looking lost and confused and then the uber ended, you and heavy wreaked the heavy and the medic looked confused, you went to congratulate heavy when the blu medic pulled out his suringe gun and aimed it at you, i panicked and sniped the medic killing it" he explained
"ah yes i remember fully now" medic says remembering the whole event "and i wanted to thank you but the other made me forget about it, so thank you...sniper" he says and blushes
then a noise goes off causing spy to look where the noise was and when he did sniper and medic give each other a quick kiss before spy looks back again
"what was that noise?" spy say looking back at sniper and medic
"i don't know" medic says
"it was probably an animal moving about" sniper says
spy shrugs it off and carries on drinking his drink, medic drinks his cocoa and then remembers an event that happened a few day ago
"i just remembered another funny thing that happened" medic says
well tell us then" sniper replies
"well i was healing the soldier" medic says (flashback time) "and then we bumped into a blu scout corpse that was doing the funniest pose, he was leaning agents the wall with his legs crossed and has a gormless expression on his face, me and soldier laughed before taking off again" (end flashback)
"sounds like the corpse want to chill" spy says smoking his cigarette
"yeah me and soldier still don't know how that scout corpse got that way but it was funny" medic says
sniper, medic and spy laughed and then they go quite for a bit to think of something to talk about, then sniper mind got curoius, he knew that he played the saxophone and medic played the violin but he didn't know if spy played anything so he asked
"oi spy" sniper says and spy looks at him "do you play?"
"what?" spy say
"you know play an interment" sniper says "like i play the sax and medic played the violin"
"well i can play piano" spy says "i remember trying to teach miss pauling to play"
"can demo play piano too?" medic says
"yeah he needed to play piano for when spy was teaching scout how to date" sniper replies
"oh ja i remember" medic says "the bread incident"
sniper, medic and spy went quite remembering the time with the bread monster and scouts fail attempt to date miss pauling, sniper during the whole event just wanted to nap, medic was having so much fun experimenting with engineer and spy just wanted to be left alone but scout got in his way, it was all quite when they was a bang from the base then loud shouting from soldier with screaming from scout
"what's scout done now?" sniper says annoyed
scout then runs out the base with guns firing behind him then soldier who had been drawn on, sniper, medic and spy faceplam and sigh seeing that scout is being a child to the wrong person
"that kid never learns" spy says with his hand still on his face "i don't even know where he gets this behaviour from"
"probably from his brothers he's told me so much about" medic says
"yeah he tell me many stories about them pulling pranks on one another on a weekly basis" sniper says
"does scout tell you a lot of things then about his brothers?" spy asks
tell us, he forces it in our faces when he's bathers" sniper says taking the last bit off coffee in his mouth
"ja, when he's being social he blathers about everything and anything" medic says
spy shakes his head and takes the last sip of his drink, then scout shouts for medic and medic stands up
"be right back" medic says annoyed and runs off
when medic leaves spy looks at sniper who is fiddling with his vest
"so bushmen" spy says and grabbing sniper attention but he wasn't looking at him "how is you and medic doing?"
"fine, why do you want to know spook?" sniper replies harsh but curious
"well it's medic's birthday coming up soon and i want to know if you remembered" spy say
"yeah of course i remember, his birthday here sticks out loike a sore thumb" sniper says looking at spy
"and did you get him anything?" spy says smoking his cigarette
"yeah but i ain't telling ya what it is" sniper says
sniper and medic have been going out for almost a year now and it all started at medic birthday last year, medic was really drunk so sniper decided to take him to bed, when they get to medics bedroom medic kisses sniper drunkly and reveals his felling towards him, sniper blushes and then reveals his feeling to medic which made him blush, medic then told sniper he wasn't that drunk and was acting more drunk then he was so sniper could take him to his room, medic and sniper then kissed each other again and had the sexy time, after that day they been doing a lot of couple things like hold hands, kiss each other on a daily basis, augue worrying about each others then make up afterwards, sexy time and go out on dates, so for this birthday sniper braved himself up and decided for medics birthday he was going to ask medic to marry him, he loved medic and medic loves him so if he asks medic to marry him, they will be able to spend more time together after the war was over
"oh secrets, i love secrets" spy says rubbing his hands together
"keep out of this spook, i don't want your french nose poking around" sniper says harshly then he blushes
then medic returns and sits down next to sniper again
"scout want to talk to you about something spy" medic says "i don't know what but i bet its about miss pauling again"
spy sighs and gets up
"i'll be right back gentleman" spy says and walks off
when spy leaves medic kissses sniper on the cheek
"miss you liebling" medic says after the kiss
"you were only gone for 2 minutes" sniper says looking at medic
"i know but i'm like a dog when the owner leaves the house without them" medic says "your that special to me"
sniper blushes then kisses medic with a smile on his face, when they parted sniper spoke
"so curious question, what are your plans for the future?" sniper asks
"well" medic says putting his face on sniper and putting his hands on sniper's sideburns "i love to spend it with you, we'll be married and living somewhere quite so nobody will bother us"
"i love that idea love" sniper says and kisses medic again
when they parted both of them were blushing and then medic holds sniper's hand
"so did you know it's my birthday soon" medic says
"yes love i do" sniper replies "anything you want for your birthday?"
"umm....surprise me" medic says
"oh i will and you will love it" sniper replies making his voice sound sexy
medic blushes then spy returns
"i'm back" spy says
"hello spy" medic says "what happened?"
"scout wanted to know if i can give him more lessons on how to suduce girls" spy says sitting down and pouring another glass of his alcohol
"and are you?" sniper asks
"i'm thinking about it" spy says sipping his drink
then they went quite spy was looking at the night sky daydreaming, medic lies his head on sniper's shoulder and sniper puts his hand on medics hip and kisses medic on the head, medic smiles and then both of them go off into a daydream, medic was thinking about his future life with sniper, living in a house out the way and all his doves flying around being free, archimedes will be with sir hootsalot grooming each other in a tree and he will be with sniper watching the sunset go down being by his side forever, sniper was thinking about medics reaction when he proposes to him, he knows medic might be shocked but then what, he thinks meidc will be happy and agree to since they love each other so much but he thinks medic might not want to get married yet since it's so early, he looks at medic and he's negativity goes away seeing how happy he looks, he sighs and kisses medic again on the head, spy was thinking about scouts mother and does she miss him, he been visiting her when scout is asleep in the weekends and when he gets there she hugs and kisses him before spending time together before spy has to go back, spy loves scout mother more then every other woman he's went out with and he wishes he can spend more time with her but he can't cause of scout, spy and scout have a sorta father son relationship but it's more like a brother relationship, spy loves scout but scout doesn't love him and it's tough especially when he think his father is tom jones, spy sighs and carries on looking at the sky.
After a while it was time for bed and spy heads off to his room to sleep, sniper and medic stay behind to help tidy up then they head to their room, when they get there sniper head in the bathroom to clean his teeth and medic puts his pjs on
"at least we know now that spy plays piano, maybe we can ask him to join us when we play our interments" medic says
"yeah" sniper replied with his toothbrush in his mouth
medic then walks into the bathroom after putting his pjs on and goes to brush his teeth, sniper looks at medic and then cheekily pinches medics bum
"hey" medic says reaction to the bum pinch
"sorry love, couldn't resist" sniper says after spitting out the toothpaste foam
medic smirks and then carries on brushing his teeth, sniper walks out and gets changed into his pjs before getting into bed, after getting into bed medic shows up and gets into the bed next to sniper (they have a king sized bed) and as sniper was going to settle down medic climbs ontop off him and gives him a surprise kiss
"what was that for?" sniper says after the kiss
"revenge for that bum pinch you did" medic replies settling back down in his side of the bed
sniper gives medic a 'oh i will get you next time' look and medic smiles
"so tell me" sniper says facing medic as medic lies down "if on your birthday i ask you to marry me, what will you do?"
"i would leap into your arms and kiss you saying ja as much as i wanted to" medic says and he moves his head and pillow to sniper's face "why, are you going to?"
"i might if your lucky" sniper says and kisses medic on the nose
medic smiles and huddles close to sniper
"well good night liebling" medic says closing his eye
"night love" sniper replies and they both fell asleep
in the night sniper had one arm over his head and another one holding medic and medic was curled up with his head on sniper's chest and his right arm over sniper's belly, they had a good nights sleep and they loved each other.
The end

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