Helmet Party - Soldier's Kitten

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It was a nice day and engineer was in his workshop, he was minding his own business when he suddenly hears a scratching noise at the door, he was confused but then the door opens to reveal soldier with one of his rabid raccoon
"sorry, engie, lieutenant bites wanted to come in the room" soldier says happily but apologetic then he shuts the door again
engineer smiles and shakes his head before going back to his work but then his minds wonders off to soldier and his raccoon, he has no idea why soldier decided to keep some of the raccoon from merasmus's old home, they were rabid and they are biting soldier all over the place causing him to have multiple visits to medic to heal him, engineer thinks if he should get soldier a different animal to look after as he could tell he likes animals but he's messing with the wrong type of animal, maybe he should give soldier a chick to look after or a lamb as he knows that they are a lot more friendly then a rabid raccoon.
engineer then snap out of his thoughts and he carries on doing his work, a while later and engineer, soldier and the others were now in the kitchen as it was lunch time and everyone was grazing though their food happily yet calmly
"yo, soldier, why have you brought your stupid raccoons with you, you know that have rabies, right?" scout says as he notice soldier holding one of his raccoons
"lieutenant bites was hungry so in feeding him his favourite food and he doesn't have ribbles, he's a cute little raccoon, aren't you, bites?" soldier says annoyed then he cuddles bites who didn't like being touched by soldier as he tries to bite him
engineer shakes his head while rubbing his face and then he looks over at soldier who was going back to eating, soldier then looks over at engineer and he gives engie a sweet smile making engineer smile back at him, a while later and engineer decided to get some fresh air outside to stretch himself from sitting in the workshop all morning, he looks around with his goggles around his neck and he smiles as he looks around at the bare desert with only sentries around, suddenly engineer hears a noise and he looks around, he thought he was hearing things until he heard it again and he decides to investigate, he looks around for a moment trying to see where the noise was coming from and he knew he was getting close as it was getting louder and then he finds it, he sees by the road was a box and in the box was a kitten, the kitten looked to be 8 weeks old, was a tortoiseshell which was black, ginger, cream and a bit of white making it more likely a female and she was very weak
"aww, you poor little thing!" engineer says shocked and sad as he picks up the kitten "don't worry, little one, you're safe now" he adds as he holds the kitten close to him
the kitten squeaks and then snuggles up to engineer making him smile, he then goes back into the base still holding the kitten and he takes her to his workshop, when he gets there, he puts the kitten down on his work bench then grabs a bowl, clean it and then puts some water in it
"here you are, some fresh water" engineer says happily as he puts the water bowl on the table
the kitten smells the water then starts licking it up like she needed it, engineer smiles and then remembered he needed to get food for her too but there wasn't any cat food in the base, he then remembers that heavy uses ham in his sandwiches so he runs off to the kitchen to get them while shutting the door but it doesn't lock, soldier sees engineer run off after leaving his workshop and he wonders why engineer ran off, he goes slowly into the room then he pushes the door open curiously, he scan the room then his eyes land on the kitten on the table, he looks at her confused and then goes over to her to look at her, the kitten stops drinking to look at soldier then gives him some slow blinks while looking like she was smiling, engineer then comes back with the ham and sees soldier looking at the kitten confused making him smile
"hi darling, i see you've met the kitten i found" engineer says as he walks over to soldier with the ham in his hands
"kitten?" soldier says confused as he looks up at engineer
"yeah, you do know what a kitten is, right?" engineer says as he puts the ham down for the kitten  who chomps on it happily
"uhh...yeah, i remember, it's just been a while since i saw one" soldier says after remembering and he felt guilty that he forgot
the kitten eats all the ham now feeling full and soldier puts his hand out to the kitten, the kitten smells soldier's hand then she rubs her head ageist soldier's hand happily
"aww! i think she like ya, darling" engineer says happily as he smiles watching the kitten rub ageist soldier's hand
soldier was in awe seeing the kitten like him as he was use to being bitten by his raccoon when he pets them, he then watches as engineer pets the kitten with his left hand who enjoys the attention then the kitten jumps up onto soldier's shoulder where she curls up to go to sleep
"she thinks your shoulder is comfy" engineer says amused and soldier was stunned as he glances at the kitten who was purring happing on his shoulder
he then smiles his big goofy smile and he looks at engineer who was smiling on how cute it was seeing the kitten choosing soldier as her favourite
"engineer?" soldier says as he slowly turns to engineer
"yes, dear" enigneer replies looking happy yet he was curious on what soldier wanted
"...i love this kitten, she is the cutest thing ever and if anyone hurts her, i'm going to do violence!" soldier says in his demanding voice and this makes engineer chuckles
"aww! that's nice, darling but you cannot let your raccoons near her as she could get the rabies they have so i suggest you get rid of them for her sake" engineer says and advices soldier as he shows soldier his hand full of raccoon bite marks
soldier looks at his hand then at the kitten who was still purring happily on his shoulder then he sighs knowing what he had to do, a while later and soldier had dropped off the raccoon he kept in the base back at the sanctuary which was merasmus' old home and then he returned to the base where he makes his and engineer's bedroom, he put down a few cat beds, he moved in a scratching post engineer made from some old wood and rope he had and he put up a bed on the window bottom
"there! all done!" soldier says happily standing by the door as engineer goes over to him and puts his hand around soldier
"wow, this place looks very kitten friendly" engineer says happily and he smiles at soldier who smiles back at him
the kitten was on engineer's shoulder after soldier put her on there and she was snoozing while lightly purring feeling safe and comfy
"so, what is the kitten's name?" engineer asks as he realises they never gave the kitten a name
"umm...how about...muffins!" soldier says after thinking long and hard for a name
"hmm, yeah, that's a cute name for this little lady" engineer says happily as he scratches the kitten now called muffins' head
soldier smiles to engineer and engineer smiles back to him before they decided to cuddle in bed happily with little muffins between their pillows, the pair soon went to sleep and they were smiling as they slept with muffins still asleep in the middle of the pair
The End

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