Helmet Party - Engineer's Nightmare

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Engineer was tossing and turning in his sleep (Jumping in to the dream)
"you are the worst engineer i ever seen" scout said
"yeah, you can't even build a dispenser right" demoman said
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you angry" engineer said scared
"Engineer is terrible to team" heavy shouted "come we will find new engineer"
everyone was waking away from engineer
"no wait come back i can improve making my dispencer" engie shouted as everyone was walking away
"No! come ba-" engie said
(Jumping out the dream)
"-ck!" engie shouted waking up soldier
"what happening, did the aliens attack again" soldier said grabbing his shovel
"no solly, it's fine" engineer said sighing
"what wrong, engie" soldier said putting his shovel down and walking over to engie's bed
"soldier, do you think i'm a bad engineer?" engie said looking down
"no!, you are a great engineer, you build the greatest thing i've ever seen, why you ask?"soldier said
"i had a dream where everyone didn't like me and told me i'm a horrible engineer" engie said looking sad
soldier grabbed engie and holded him close for a hug
"your the greatest engineer i have on this team so don't you think otherwise" soldier said comforting engineer
"thanks soldier, your the bestest friend i've ever had" engineer said
when engie said that, soldiers heart melted, he though nobody like him from how loud he shouted and how demanding he is but hearing engie calling him his best friend made him feel happy and soft inside
"umm...i know this sound silly but...can i sleep with you for the rest of the night...i'm scared i might have that dream again" engie said worried and scared
soldier didn't say anything and picked engie up and walked him over to his bed, he put engie on the bed, get himself into bed, pulls the blanket up and goes to sleep
"im guessing that's a yes" engie said before falling asleep, a couple of mins later, engie rolls over and hugs soldier, soldier wanted to tell engie to get off but he couldn't, something made him feel love towards the scared texan so he roll around and hugged engie close before falling asleep
early next morning, engie wake up and notice he was in soldier arms, he didn't know what to do at first then he remembered it was the weekend so he tuck his head into soldiers chest and fell back to sleep, an hour later soldier wakes up, he looks down at engie and he smile, engie was hugging soldier with his head in soldiers chest, soldier hugged engie close before getting out of bed, he gave engie a pillow to hug so he doesn't wake up and he heads out the room, when he gets back, he sees engie awake looking at him
"mornin' soldier" engie said
"morning engie" soldier replies
" i hope you slept well with me sleeping in the bed with you" engie said jumping out of bed and walking over to soldier
"not at all, engie" soldier replies
"also, you are quite comfy, comfy like a giant teddy bear in fact" engie said
soldier blushes up by that comment
"you think i'm a giant teddy bear" soldier said hiding the blush with his helmet
"yes and you know what else?" engie said getting closer to soldiers face "you look very cute when your asleep"
soldier looks at engie with a blush on his face
"engie...do you...do you love me?" soldier said
"...yes, yes i do soldier, you are always so protective of me and your there when i need you most and i love you for that" engie said blushing up
soldier leans down to engie's level then kisses engie's lips, engie kisses back and after a bit they pull back
"i love you too engie" soldier said "i've never had anyone say that they were my best friend but i think we're more then best friends now" soldiers said looking in engie's eye
"really?!, i thought demoman was your best friend" engie said
"no he's just a friend like the others are" soldier said sighing
"don't worry anymore about friends when your darlin' engie is here to make you happy" engie said placing his hand on soldiers cheek
"thanks engie" soldier said and gave him another kiss
"now come on, lets go and make breakfast" engie said and both of then headed to the kitchen
The End

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