All The Mercs - Separated

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It was a sunny day in the base and all the mercs were chilling about, scout was playing baseball, soldier was working out, pyro was reading a comic while flickering his lighter, demo was saying drunk words, heavy was eating a sandwich, engie was building something, medic was giving attention to his doves, sniper was having a nap on his hammock and spy was smoking in his smoking room, they were all chilling when the speaker go off
"can all mercs meet in rec room for a meeting" the speakers say sounding like miss pauling
all the mercs respond and head to the rec room, when they get there they sit down and then miss pauling enters
"right team, today we are going to explore a cave that was discovered a few days ago" miss pauling says
"why?" scout says "wouldn't you sent explorers to go look"
"yeah but i'm the one who found the cave and it might have austraillium in it" miss pauling says
"ok then partner" engie says "what's the plan?"
"ok so i will tell you engie and sniper the location where the cave is and prepare yourselfs" miss pauling "engie, sniper come with me"
engie and sniper leave the room with miss pauling and the others are curoius what's in the cave, after miss pauling tells engie and sniper the location she leave and tell the other that she will meet them there, the other start preparing themselves and when ready they wait by engie's truck and sniper's van, everyone got into engie's truck except medic, spy and sniper who went in sniper's camper van, they all go and when they got to the cave miss pauling was waiting outside
"hello again men, welcome to the cave i found" miss pauling says when the mercs got out of the cars
the cave was a really big cave and it goes very far in
"well, that's a big cave" engie says
"yes so i hope you brought flashlights with you" miss pauling says and she heads in turning on her flashlight
the other mercs follow behind her turning on their flashlights and they explore the cave, they were exploring the cave when a group of bats fly past them causing scout to jump
"i wasn't scared" scout says brushing off that he was
miss pauling rolls her eyes and carries on, they carried on walking till they got to a fork in the path and they was 3 paths to chose from
"i say we go left" soldier says
"no we head straight" engie replies
"what about right" miss pauling says
some of the mercs started to argue and then rocks started to tumble down, all the mercs bolted to a cave before all the rocks fell and blocked the entrance to a path, scout, soldier and pyro ended up going in the left path, demo, heavy and engie ended up in the straight path and sniper, medic and spy ended up in the right path, miss pauling managed to get back to the front of the cave and then she realises the others were still in the cave so she went back in, she gets back to the fork in the path and sees rocks covering the path
"are you guys all right?" miss pauling shouts
"yeah we're fine but we all got separated" engie replies "i have demo and heavy with me"
"i have soldier and pyro with me, miss pauling" scout says from the left path
"and i have sniper and medic with me" spy says from the right path
"ok..." miss pauling says and goes quite "head to the end of the cave and i will try and see if i can meet you on the other side"
"ok" spy, engie and scout say and they head off down the cave
miss pauling runs out the cave and explore the outside of the cave to find the exit, meanwhile scout, soldier and pyro were going down the cave with scout looking scared, soldier holding the flashlight looking around and pyro following behind
"when does this cave end? scout says "feels like we've been in here forever"
"scout, we've only been in here for 2 minutes" pyro mumbles
"well that means forever to me" scout says sulking
soldier rolled his eyes and carried on waking with a scared scout and bored pyro behind him, then they heard a growling noise from the end of the tunnel, scout jumps into pyro's arms and hugs his neck
"what was that?" scout says scared
"i don't know but it didn't sound like a bear" pyro mumbles
"don't worry, i will take it out with my shovel" soldier says pulling his shovel out
"soldier come back" scout says as soldier runs ahead
scout and pyro run after soldier, meanwhile engie was looking around while heavy was carrying the drunk demoman
"little demo dribbling on me" heavy says
"ignore it, he's too drunk to know where he is right now" engie replies
then the growl that the offensive team heard was heard again in the cave, heavy and engie flinched when hearing the noise
"what in tarnation was that?" engie says
"don't know but it came from over there" heavy replies
"come on let's go" engie says and they run in the direction of the noise
with sniper, medic and spy sniper had the flashlight and pointing it ahead, medic was holding sniper's hand being scared and spy couldn't care less thinking why did this happen to him, then the growl went off again, medic hugged sniper and spy jumped
"wh..what was that?" medic says scared
"i don't know but let's go and check it out" sniper says and he tries to run ahead but medic was hugging him so he couldn't move "ugh spook hold the flashlight" and sniper gave spy the flashlight
he then gave medic a piggy back ride and ran further in the tunnel, after a while of running all the mercs were still in the cave and they was no end to it, scout, soldier and pyro were tired out and also out of breath
"we've...been running...for a...few" pyro mumbles
"yeah i know, i'm tired out" scout says
"don't want to admit it...but i'm tired out too" soldier says
"pyro, can you sort out a campfire?" scout asks
"yeah i have some firewood in my backpack" pyro mumbles and starts setting up the campfire
the defensive group stopped running after a few hours and they decided to take a break
"how are we gonna make a fire? engie asks
"i don't know" heavy replies dropping demo on the floor by the wall of the cave
engie looks around and he spot something on the floor, he walks over and it was some wood
"i strangely found some firewood" engie says "set the campfire up"
heavy and engie set up the campfire while demo is still drunk and drunk talking to himself, the support team stopped and sniper checked his watch for the time
"it's 8:55pm" sniper says "and we came here at 3:00pm"
"yes it seems we've been running for a while, let's set up camp" spy says
sniper drops medic and medic leans sits on the floor agents the wall, spy also sits by the wall and sniper sets up camp with some firewood he brought with him, after the campfire was set sniper brought some meat out that he also brought with him and put it on the campfire
"what meat is that?" medic asks
"it's deer meat" sniper says "i got it while we were getting ready"
"is there enough for all 3 of us?" spy says
"they was enough for the whole team for a couple of days" sniper says "but now it's just us 3 they will be enough for a while"
sniper sits next to medic and keeps an eye on the meat
"how long do you think this cave is?" spy asks
hopefully not forever, caves don't last forever and they should be an opening soon" sniper says
"ja i'm starting to miss sunlight" medic says "and this cave is quite scary"
"i don't know what that growl was we heard earlier was but it seems to have disappeared now" spy says
"i wonder what that was and if the others heard it too" sniper says
"probably, it was quite loud" medic replies
sniper, medic and spy went quite as they watched the meat on the fire cook, meanwhile the offensive team managed to find some meat in scouts bag and they were cooking that, the defensive team had some sandwiches that heavy brought with him and watching the fire flicker
"do you think we can get out of this cave?" engie asks heavy still eating his sandwich
"probably, caves don't last forever" heavy replies
engie nods and still watches the fire, he then starts thinking about what was soldier up to with scout and pyro, he was thinking that soldier was bossing scout and pyro around and showing them something that isn't right, engie chuckles to himself and carries on eating his sandwich, with the support team the meat was ready and sniper, medic and spy were eating the meat, after all 3 group had their food they all fell asleep with scout sleeping on pyro's shoulder and soldier sleeping on his own, engie and heavy sleeping on the wall and demo sleeping on the floor drunk, medic hugging sniper with his head on sniper's chest and spy also sleeping on his own
in the night spy has a dream where he wakes up form his sleep to the growling noise again
"there's that noise again" spy thought looking at where the growl came from
he then look at sniper and medic who were still asleep and he goes over to them
"hey i heard the growling noise again" spy says shaking sniper
"you go check it out" sniper moans "let me sleep"
spy rolls his eyes and goes further on the cave on his own with the flashlight, he was shaking and looking around with the flashlight then the growl got louder, spy jumps and shines his flashlight down the hallway and what he saw scared him, there was a black smog with big red eye and the thing was looking at spy, the thing then charged at spy and he screamed closing his eyes causing him to wake up
"ahhh" spy screamed waking up
he looks around and finds out it was just a dream, he sighs then looks at sniper and medic who were still asleep, he then decides to fall back asleep again, soldier and engie also had the same dream as spy and they woke up screaming, they looked around realising it was a dream and they sighs, soldier looks at scout and pyro who were still asleep with scout sleeping on pyro's shoulder and soldier smiles before going back to sleep, engie looks at heavy and demo and both of them were asleep with heavy sleeping on his side and demo still drunk asleep, engie goes back to sleep again and none of them didn't wake up till morning
when it was morning sniper was the first to wake up, he sits up and stretches, he then rubs his eyes and then looks around, he knows where he is but something was different about it, he didn't know what it was so he shrug it off and then looks at medic who was still sleeping, sniper smiles and gets up without disturbing medic, he stretches his legs and then looks at spy who is waking up
"mornin' spook" sniper says after his stretch
"morning bushmen" spy replies tired "what time is it?"
"it's...8:30" sniper says looking at his watch
spy gets up and streches, he then notices medic still asleep
"are we going to wake the doctour up?" spy asks
sniper sighs and shakes medic
"doc, wake up" sniper says shaking medic
medic moans and then opens his eyes
"morning sniper" medic says and he sits up
"morning doc" sniper replies helping medic up
medic streches and then all 3 of them set off continuing in the cave, the offensive and defensive groups have woken up and they were continuing down the cave, after a few hours walking they all managed to get out of the cave but they still couldn't see each other from the thick woodland blocking them but they could hear each other
"look we're outside" scout says when they get outside the cave "i missed the outside"
"me too" pyro mumbles
"HEY, SOLDIER!" engie shouts
"ENGIE?!" soldier replies happily hearing engie's voice again
"OK ENGIE" soldier replies "MEET YOU THERE" and soldier runs forward with scout and pyro trying to catch up
engie also ran ahead but heavy decided to take his time with demo on his back again, demo has been know to have really long pass out times and they can last for days before he wakes up, heavy carried on walking and rolled his eyes, when the support team get outside they hear soldier and engie shouting at each other and they sigh
"looks like the other are going to meet each other ahead" sniper says "lets go" and they run ahead
all the mercs run ahead till they see a big field like opening, soldier was the first one to run out and he looked around, he was followed by scout and pyro with both of them out of breath
"where are we?" scout says after catching his breath
"i don't know but it's peaceful" pyro mumbles
then engie pops out of middle part and soldier sees him, he runs up to engie and gave him a hug
"i missed you engie" soldier says after the hug
"i missed you too soldier boy" engie replies
then heavy and demo pop out and scout runs over to heavy
"hey tough guy, miss you bud" scout says
"miss you too little man" heavy replies
then sniper, medic and spy pop out and everyone was happy to see them, they then all look around to see where they were and then scout spots a temple looking thing
"hey guys look at dis" scout says pointing at the temple
everyone sees the temple and they were kinda shock seeing this all the way on the other side of a cave but they all decided to check the temple out, they go though the entrence and they turn on their flashlights, they looked around the temple to see a lot of ingravings on the walls and pictures telling a story of some description, they walked for a while till they see something that made their eyes sparkle, it was some jewels and gold in a room
"i'm going first" soldier shouts
"soldier wait" engie says and runs after him
then a rumble went off and the wall shuts where soldier and engie bolted into
"SOLDIER!" "ENGIE!" the other mercs shouted from the other side of the wall
"soldier we're stuck" engie says to soldier
"i don't care we got money now" soldier says going over to the gold
engie walk over to soldier and then looks around to see if he can find an exit, meanwhile the other mercs are trying to find a way in
"i can't find one" scout shouts
"me neither" pyro mumbles
"looks like they are stuck in there" spy says
"what are we going to do now?" sniper says leaning on the wall
then the wall opens again, sniper leans back up and sees he pushed a button the wall that was hiding in the wall
"well...that was weird" sniper says "but at least we got the wall open"
everyone went in except sniper just in case the wall shuts again and they grab some gold, they put it in their backpacks and pockets before leaving the temple
"strange, i was expecting a lot of traps to go off" scout says walking out the temple
"me too" spy says "but i guess the people that built this temple don't know how to set traps"
they all managed to get outside and they were met by miss pauling
"oh thank goodness you're all ok" miss pauling says "i have found a way back to the cars so we can go back to base"
"ok lead the way" engie says and everyone followed miss pauling
when everyone got back to the truck and van they got in and headed back to the base with lots of gold in toe, when they get back to base they all grabbed their gold and put it in their room and they though what to do with it in the rec room.
The End

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