All The Mercs - First Day on The Job

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(A/N - there are not very many fanfic on the mercs' first day on the job so here is my version also here are my thoughts on the age of the mercs when they started
Scout - 21
Soldier - 45
Pyro - An Age
Demoman - 40
Heavy - 48
Engineer - 44
Medic - 34
Sniper - 24
Spy - 46
Enjoy the fic peeps 😋)
There was 9 men on a train heading to there new job as asssians, there was a boy from boston who was very excited for the new job, a very bossy american man who was looking grumpy, a masked person who looked creepy, a drunken scottish guy who was drinking scottish beer, a giant russian who looked like a bear and he was watching the window, a texan builder who was being social, a german doctor who was looking around the train to check out the others, a aussie outbacker who has his hat over his face having a nap and a french man with a sock over his face waiting to get off the train to have a smoke
they reached their destination which was 2 coloured bases one red and one blue, the mercs got off the train with their luggage and they went inside, when they got in they see a lady in a purple dress and glasses
"hello mercs, i'm miss pauling and im here to show you around" miss pauling says to the mercs
"well hello hot stuff" the boston boy says "wanna go out some time?"
miss pauling shakes her head and then brings out a clipboard with a pen
"right these are going to be your new names for the battlefield" miss pauling says "first is you" she point to the boston kid "your new name is scout"
"oh cool" scout says with a thumbs up
"your job is to run fast and do close combat" miss pauling says
"ok then hot stuff" scout says and gives miss pauling a wink which she ignored
"next is you" miss pauling says to the bossy american "your name is soldier"
"hoo raa" soldier says content
"your job is to use a rocket launcher" miss pauling says "and jump around using said rocket launcher"
"ok maggot" soldier says
"right your next" miss pauling says to the masked one "your name is pyro"
pyro claps happily
"and your job is to use a flamethrower" miss pauling says
pyro claps again and makes happy noises
"next is you" miss pauling says to the scottish drunk "your name is demoman or demo"
"aye" demo says
"your job is to use a granada launcher and sticky bombs" miss pauling says
"ok lassie" demo says
"next is you" miss pauling says to the big russian guy "your name is heavy"
"ok lady" heavy says
"your job is to use a minigun" miss pauling says
"ok" heavy says
"next is you" miss pauling says to the texan builder "your name is engineer or engie"
"ok miss" engie says
"your job is to build sentries, dispensers and teleporters" miss pauling says
"ok" engie says and miss pauling hands engie some blueprints
"right now for you" miss pauling says to the german doctor "your name is medic"
"oh wunderbar" medic says happily
"your job is to heal your teammates with a medigun" miss pauling says
"oh that's sounds like fun" medic says
"your turn" miss pauling says to the aussie outbacker "your name is sniper"
"yeah" sniper says
"your job is to use a sniper rifle and shoot people's heads off" miss pauling says
"good" sniper says giving a thumbs up
"ok lastly you" miss pauling says to the frenchmen "your name is spy"
"ok" spy says
"your job is to use a knife to backstab people and use a watch to turn invisible" miss pauling says
"ok manquer" spy says
"ok now everyone has their bedroom over there" miss pauling says pointing to a door "there are on 7 room so 4 of you have to share"
everyone looks at each other to see who would chose who
"ok i'll chose" miss pauling "soldier and engie share a room so do sniper and medic"
"ok miss" soldier says
"alrighty" engie also says
"ok" sniper says
"ja ok" medic says
"well i leave you all to settle in and i'll come back tomorrow with more info" miss pauling says "see you" and miss pauling leaves
all the mercs pick up their luggage and take it to their rooms, when they get to their room they all unpack and then look around the base, sniper finds his camper van in the garage, medic finds the infirmary, engineer finds his workshop and the others find the rec room, the living room and the kitchen, after settling in they spend the day chilling and getting to know each other, before they knew it it was bedtime and all the mercs went to sleep ready for their first battle tomorrow.

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