BushMedicine - Massage

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One day after a long battle, sniper was heading back to his camper van but he had a bad ache in his shoulders, he was spinning his sholders to try and calm the pain but it was no good, as he was heading back medic sees him and notice him spinning his shoulders, he went over to him
"hey sniper is there something wrong?" medic asks
"yeah my shoulders are giving me a terrible ache and i can't get rid of it" sniper says
"come with me" medic says, he grabs sniper's hand and takes him to the infirmary
when they get there, medic tells sniper to sit in a chair and medic then goes behind the chair
"now relax" medic says
sniper relaxes and medic puts his hands on sniper shoulders, he then start massaging them and sniper likes this, medic did this for a while till he heard light snoring, he went in front of sniper and saw that he fell asleep
"you are funny" medic say lifting up the sleepy sniper's head and rubbing snipers face agents his, he then picks sniper up and puts him in a hospital bed
medic climbs in the bed and falls asleep on sniper chest with a smile on his face, the next morning, sniper wakes up and sees that medic moved to the hospital bed and he has fallen asleep on him, he smiles and start checking if his shoulder are better, they were and they didn't hurt anymore, sniper smiled and he turns to face medic and hugs him tight, medic response by burying his head under sniper chin, sniper closes his eyes falls back to sleep again, after that day, sniper come into the infirmary to get a massage from medic and medic doesn't mind doing then, sometimes sniper gives medic a massage and medic loves it and ends up falling asleep like sniper did, sniper always took him to bed and slept by his side, they love having massages and each other
The end

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