Helmet Party - Robin the Robot

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(Based on the picture i did on Tumblr and this is a long one so enjoy! 😋)

It was a calm cloudless night in new mexico and at the RED base, the mercs were settling down for the night, scout, pyro, demoman, heavy and sniper were all asleep with scout, pyro, demoman and heavy in their room and sniper in his and medic's bed, spy was in his smoking room enjoying the peace and quiet as he has a smoke and a drink of jin and tonic, medic was in his office writing down today's battle report to send to miss.pauling, engineer was in his workshop fixing a few kinks on his buildings and soldier was patrolling the area before he sets off engineer's workshop to chill with engineer, soldier always likes being with engineer and he knows he can just go to bed on his own but he prefers sleeping with engineer as he knows as he sleeps that engineer is safe in his arms, close to him and nobody can hurt him, he was also glad that tomorrow was the start of the weekend as it meant that he and engineer could sleep in for a little longer, he didn't mind waking up at 5am to get everyone else up even if they hated it but sleeping in with engineer is a lot better.
as soldier was daydreaming about cuddling engineer, he didn't notice a strange thing on the floor until he almost tripped over it as his right foot banged it
"what was that?" soldier says in a half serious tone and half confused tone
he looks around confused until he spots what almost tripped him over and it was a little robot the size of soldier's hand, the robot was a mix of gray and black, had little arms and stick legs, had 2 horn like ears coming out the top, very bulky in the middle and on the front was a screen, soldier looks at it curiously then he gets an idea as he does his goofy smiles and if he had a tail, that would be wagging like crazy, he then looks over at the base and starts running towards it
"ENGIE!" soldier says happily as he was running to the base happily
soldier ran inside the base but what he didn't notice as he was too excited was the little rocket that had crash landed into a big rock a few meters away from where soldier found the robot, meanwhile with engineer and he had just managed to fix out all of the kinks from his dispenser getting it fully working again
"right, that's the dispenser done and the sentry is done too, all i need to do now is the tele-" engineer says happily to himself as he looks at the fully working sentry and dispenser then glancing at the teleportwr but he was cut off
"engie!" engineer hears soldier yelling and he looks at the door confused
"solider?" engineer mumbles confused as he had a little head tilt as he pulls his goggles off as he had been wearing them almost all day
the door open lightly to reveal soldier and he looked super happy and excited making engineer confused on why he was so happy about
"soldier, what's the matter, hun?" engineer says calmly yet confused as soldier smiles at him then going over to him
"look what i found while patrolling the area!" soldier says excited and happy then he holds out something to engineer
engineer looks at the thing soldier has then takes it off him to see that it was a little robot, engineer smirks at the little robot as he examines it then he looks at soldier who was coming back from shutting the door to sit down next to him
"soldier, this little robot is cute, where did you find it?" engineer says as soldier sits down and soldier does his goodly smile then points to where he came from
"i found it over there, i was just walking around when i also tripped over it" soldier explains still poi ting to where he came from then lowering his hand while still smiling at engineer
"are you okay?" engineer asks a little concerned hearing that soldier almost tripped over
"yeah, i'm tough as a ox, you know!" soldier says happily and gives engineer a reassuring smile
the smile came off more like a innocent smile but engineer didn't mind as it was cute
"that's good to know, now, back to this robot..." engineer says calmly then he puts his focus back on the little robot "i wonder if i can-..." he says more in a mumble and then he grabs his screwdriver from his desk
engineer then starts getting to work on the robot unscrewing the screws in the robot and soldier sits quietly and smiling while he watches his mechanic boyfriend get to work on the robot, a few hours later and soldier has now fallen asleep with his head on his arms and snoring lightly while engineer was still working on the robot but he was almost done, the little robot contained stuff that engineer has never seen before which made him question where the robot came from, the robot also had a strange charging system so engineer had to make a new charging system from scratch using old parts and scraps he had in his workshop be he managed to do it, the problem now is that engineer was exhausted and it was coming up to 5am so he had spent all night building but it was luckily the weekend so he could probably take a nap in the afternoon with soldier after he sees what this robot can do
"ok, it's almost done, just need to see what this is" engineer says as he screws up the robot almost together and then he turns the robot around to the little robot to the little backpack like capartment at the back, it had a click open on the top so engineer just needed to push it down lightly to open and when it clicks open, he sees that it was a fuel tank but the fuel tank wasn't for fuel, instead it seem to be for-
"water? huh? that's new" engineer says first stunned and then surprised that the little robot took something so simple
engineer then grabs the water bottle that on the desk and pour the water into the tank, when he didn't know though was that both him and soldier had been drinking from that bottle as so the mixed mucas was also going into the tank too, when the tank was full, engineer shuts the top which also blocks the water in the tank from leaking and then he puts the little robot in the charging station he built from scratch, engineer watches after he puts the robot in the charger and the screen suddenly lights up showing a empty battery before a bar appears blinking showing that the robot was now charging
'oh, that's a relief it's working!' engineer thought as he sighs in relief after seeing the robot was now charging
he then yawns and after the yawn, he realises how tired he was as he can feel the sleep in his eye, he then looks over at soldier who was still asleep snoring lightly and drool coming out of his mouth and he smiles seeing how cute and peaceful soldier was when he was asleep, engineer then leans over to soldier, kisses soldier on the forehead and then he lays his head on soldier's back near his shoulder where he ends up falling asleep while the robot still charges in the charging station, a few hours later around 9am and some of the mercs have woken up which was scout, pyro, sniper, medic, spy and heavy, demoman was still passed out in his bedroom and both soldier and engineer were still in the workshop asleep, everyone either had a bowl of cereal or toast for breakfast and now they were off to do their own thing with spy, medic and sniper in the rec room having their support class meeting, heavy was checking the food to see if they had enough to last them till tuesday, pyro was in his room colouring in and lastly scout was outside.
scout was having a jog outside as it was a nice cool day and he needed his exercise as he is the fastest merc out of all the mercs, as he was jogging, he was thinking about random things until he stops as he heard a funny noise, the noise sounding like hissing and he looks around confused, he explore the area not realising he was in the same area where soldier found the robot last night and then he spot it, the rocket that had crashed into the rock
"holy crap!" scout says surprised seeing the rocket "umm...i need to get heavy, he might know what to do" he says to himself thinking of a plan and then he runs off back to the base
when scout gets to the base, he bursts into the kitchen seeing heavy but heavy wasn't surprised by the appearance by the younger merc
"hey heavy, can you come with me? i found somethin' outside!" scout says kinda panicking as he points to the back door
"what is it that little scout found?" heavy says calmly as he looks at scout confused
"i don't know, man, it seems to be a rocket or something metal, come on, i need you too see so then we can decide what we should do with it!" scout says still panicking and then he grabs heavy's hand trying to pull him but heavy was well, heavy
heavy rolls hos eyes and he puts down the paper he was using to keep notes of the things they needed in the store then follows scout outside, the pair reached the place scout found the rocket and the pair looked a little shocked by the rocket
"see! i told you it was a rocket! and it seems to be hissing" scout says still panicking a little but glad that he was with someone to see the rocket he found
"hmm...i think we should take rocket to engineer, maybe he can figure out this rocket" heavy says as he looks at the rocket then at scout
"oh yeah, hard hat is clever with this type of stuff, i'm sure he can figure out this rocket and why it's hissing" scout says feeling stupid for forgetting engineer but was smiling that that he remembered engineer was clever
scout then watches as heavy goes over to the rocket and he picks it up with ease making scout both amazed that heavy lifted it up with ease and jealous that he was as strong as heavy, heavy and scout then head off back to the base where they headed to engineer's workshop, meanwhile in engineer's workshop and both soldier and engineer were still asleep but soldier was starting to stir, soldier opens his eyes and he was trying to sit up but he felt a weight on his back so he glances over to see that engineer was on his back fast asleep with his right arm over soldier and his left arm under his head, soldier smiles and lays back down but he really wanted to get up, soldier then sees the little robot that he brought to engineer last night and sees that he was in a strange booth, on the robot's screen was a battery and it looked almost full as the last bar out of 4 thick bars was flashing, soldier smiles calmly loving that engineer managed to get the robot working in just a few hours but he sees that the fixing took a toll on his exhausted as he could hear engineer snoring lightly on his back.
suddenly, soldier perks up as he could hear footsteps approaching the room then there was a knock on the door which sounded fast so soldier knew it was scout, the knocking woke engineer up startled and he looks around before settling his eyes on soldier who managed to sit up when engineer was panicking
"yo, hardhat! it's scout and heavy, we have something cool to show you!" scot says both sounding annoyed yet excited and both soldier and engineer look at the door
"ugh...coming!" engineer says tiredly as he gets up slowly and goes to the door still exhausted as he only had 4 hours of sleep
engineer then open the door and he sees both scout and heavy standing at the door while heavy was holding something
"hey hardhat, i found this rocket outside and me and heavy decided to bring it to you so you can look at it" scout explains as he points to the rocket heavy was still holding with his thumb
"oh! a rocket? umm...okay, just bring it in and put it over there" engineer says surprised as he steps out the way to let heavy bring the rocket in
heavy takes the rocket in the workshop and he drops it down where engineer tells him to put it, soldier watches from the desk and he wondered where the rocket came from
"where did you find the rocket, anyway?" engineer says to scout as heavy walks back out the workshop going next to scout
"oh, i found it crashed by a rock over there" scout says pointing in the same direction soldier found the little robot "oh and it's also making this strange hissing noise so that needs checking out, anyway, have fun with the rocket" he adds and then him with heavy walk off after the pair wave at engineer
when the pair were gone, engineer shuts the door then looks over at the rocket which was in fact making a strange hissing noise, engineer goes over to the rocket after he glances at soldier who was looks at the rocket confused
"soldier darlin', did you see the rocket when you found the robot?" engineer asks after he looks over at soldier to see the helmet man shake his head
"no, i only found the robot...but i maybe would of seen it if i wasn't so excited to show you the robot" soldier says calmly and then thinks about it
"that's okay, now, let's see what this hissing is" engineer says as he goes back to the rocket again
engineer finds the panel leading to the mechanical part of the ship and sees that the part that was hissing was the air tank that had a little hole in it, engineer sighs seeing it wasn't anything serious and he grabs his wrench where he just loosen the air which causes the hissing to stop
"there, that's the hissing gone, now, about this robot" engineer says proudly yet tiredly and then he goes back to the desk where soldier was watching him curiously then looks at the robot
engineer sits down where he was before and as he does, the robot suddenly comes to life after showing it was fully charged, it sucks the water from its fuel tank to examine it to see where it is and the the screen lights up red
REBOOTING IN 3...2...1...
REBOOT COMPLETE...FACTORY SETTING ACTIVATED...WELCOME ROBOT - 001' the little robot reads in shut down mode
the little robot then reveals its eyes and mouth looking like a emote with little white dots for eyes and a little white smile, the robot makes a curious face as it looks around the room while soldier and engineer watch it quietly and curiously, the robot looks around the room curiously until it spots engineer and soldier who smirk at the robot
"why, hi little guy, welcome to my workshop, my partner here found you outside last night and i fixed you up again, you were in a bit of a bad shape inside but i managed to replace the parts, how are you feeling?" engineer says happily explaining to the robot while the robot looks at engineer curiously with a face similar to 😮
"...helno!" the robot says happily in a auto tune type voice and does a cute little wave making both engineer and soldier wave back while smiling (the robot's voice sounds similar to puppy cat's voice from that show called 'Bee and PuppyCat but more in english and i've only seen clips off but there were clips of puppycat talking)
"aww, it's cute!" engineer says smiling on how cute it sounds and then he looks at soldier who was doing his goofy smile then looks at engineer still doing his goofy smile
while engineer and soldier were looking at each other then back at the robot, the robot was reading them with its computer first with engineer telling it his name, birth place, job and other stuff but then suddenly, engineer's name starts glitching out till a crayon type writing appears saying 'mommy', it happened with soldier too, it first was telling the little robot soldier's name, birth place, job and other stuff but then soldier's name glitches out and it gets replaced with crayon writing saying 'daddy'
"now, i think you need a name as we just can't keep calling ya 'little robot' all the time, can we?" engineer says calmly as he was starting to think
"hmm...what about lieutenant robot!" soldier says happily and engineer smiles and pats him lightly on the shoulder
"no soldier, it needs to be something cute like, little robo or somethin', ya know?" engineer says calmly with a smirk then goes back to thinking
"oh...umm..." soldier says calmly then starts thinking as well
soldier was struggling a little as he was used to name things with military names like lieutenant bites so he decides to look out the window, he didn't see anything to help him at first but then a american robin lands on the window bottom to shake its feathers before flying away again
"robin?" soldier says loudly and engineer looks up confused then looks at soldier
"what?" engineer says curiously as he heard soldier but he wanted to see if it was really him that said it
"robin, little robin?" soldier says again and asks wondering if that will be a good name
"...soldier, that's a great name!" engineer says after a little pause and he kisses soldier on the cheek making soldier do a goofy smile with a bit of a blush "little robin it is, do you like your new name, little robin?" he adds happily then asks the robot calmly smiling at it
the robot thinks about it for a second before it makes a 😄 face loving the name making engineer and soldier happy, engineer then reaches out his hand and he pets the little robot on the head making the robot love the attention doing a ☺️ emote
"love you, mom-mee!" little robin says happily and suddenly making engineer stop petting robin looking shocked while soldier was wide eye surprised
"...wh-what did you say?!" engineer says shocked but in a calm tone
"love you, mom-mee!" robin says again happily but with a 😣 emote thinking it was in trouble
"...huh! i guess i can be your mom if ya want" engineer says finally recovering from the shock and was now smiling amused as he pets the robot's head again "but tell me, little robin, who's daddy?" he asks curiously as he thinks he knew the answer but he had to check
"dad-dee!" robin says in a heartbeat as it points to soldier happily making soldier a little surprised
"yeah, i though so" engineer says still amused and he glances over at soldier "what do you think, darlin'?" he asks curiously to soldier with a comfort smile
soldier looks at engineer still surprised and then the smile engineer gloves soldier calms soldier down and he looks back at the little robot again who was doing a 😊 emote to soldier, soldier then huff sighs accepting his new role after thinking about it and then he pets robin on the heads gently making robin change her emote to ☺️
"love you dad-dee!" robin says happily and this makes soldier blush having to pull his helmet down over his eyes and nose
"aww, adorable" engineer says calmly yet happily then he leans in to gives soldier a kiss on the corner of his lip
soldier uncovers himself and he looks at engineer who gives him a cute smile making smile feel calm, he gives a relaxed smile then pulls engineer in for a kiss, robin gains a blush and it looks away making a robotic giggle making soldier and engineer look at it then as they pull away, chuckle on how cute their robot child was being, suddenly as engineer was about to talk, the door open and it was pyro looking excited, robin freaks out by the suddenly appearance of pyro and hides behind soldier's arm for comfort making soldier a little surprised
"hey pyro, what can i do for ya?" engineer says amused to see the fire loving man child
pyro holds up a paper happily and he was about to show it to both engineer and soldier until he spots robin leaking out to look at pyro
"...oh, pyro, i would like to introduce you to little robin, little robin, this is pyro" engineer says realising what was going on and help introduce pyro and little robin to each other
little robin stepped away from soldier slowly to look at pyro while pyro studies little robin carefully, little robin was making a 😥 emote as it goes over to pyro and then holds out its little hand while making a 😖emote as it didn't want pyro to hurt it, pyro suddenly lights up grabbing little robin dropping the paper he had on the floor and then starts hugging robin happily, robin had a 😵‍💫 emote as pyro hugs it and then pyro pulls away happily
"i'm guess you like it, pyro. soldier asks happily and pyro nods happily and fastly
"that's good to know, firebug" engineer says happily as he picks up the paper pyro dropped on the floor "and this is a nice drawing, i will put it in the folder with the others" he adds happily and he places the paper on the desk for soldier to see it
the picture was of pyro, scout, soldier, engineer and heavy happily killing the BLU team similar to what happened in the battle yesterday, soldier smiles at he takes the drawing and he puts it aside near where engineer keeps the folder of pyro's drawings
"put down, please!" robin calls out wanting to be put down and pyro gasps before doing what the robot wants putting it on the desk then looking at engineer surprised as he points to the robot
"yes, pyro, i know it talks, it's quite a clever robot" engineer says amused then he pets robin on the head making it do the ☺️ emote
pyro claps happily and then runs off somewhere after looking like he had an idea leaving soldier and engineer confused on where the fire lover ran off too
"i wonder where he went off it in a hurry?" soldier asks confused as he looks at engineer and engineer just gives a shrug in response
"dunno but i know he'll be back with something, anyway, i'm hungry so do you wanna get something to eat?" engineer says while shrugging and he looks at soldier offering to let soldier join him
"yes! i am hungry too!" soldier says happily also realising he was hungry and the pair get up from their seats
"me come too!" robin says gaining a little sepration anxiety as it didn't want to be alone
"oh, alright, robin but you can't eat food, you're a robot" engineer says as he picks up robin and put it in his pistol pocket
"i know, just want to join" robin replies happily sitting in engineer's pocket
engineer smiles and then both him, soldier and robin leave the workshop to go to the kitchen, once the trio get to the kitchen, engineer whips up a quick meal for both him and soldier to have which was some sandwiches and some coffee and then they tucked in while robin explored around, the little robot was amazed by the new room it was in and all the stuff around it like the oven, the fridge, the draws and cupboards and just about everything, engineer was watching robin as he ate and it made him chuckle on how naive and cute robin was being, suddenly the kitchen doors open making robin freak out making a 😱 type emote before running to engineer, the little robot hides behind engineer's arm doing a 😖 emote and engineer chuckles then pets robin on the head making it calm down doing a 😌 emote, it was demoman, scout and spy who came in the room with demo trying to recover from one of his many drunk hangovers, scout was going to the fridge getting a can of bonk and spy was coming in to check who was in the kitchen as he likes to check everyone
"hello lads!" demo says happily with his drunk smile as he waves at soldier and engineer
engineer and soldier wave back and soldier went back to drinking his coffee while engineer looks at both scout and spy, scout was out of the fridge as he had grabbed his bonk and spy was looking between scout and engineer, suddenly the doors open again spooking robin and this time it was pyro who was holding a book
"yo, hey pyro, what do you have there?" scout says happily seeing pyro as he walks over to him
pyro shows scout what he had and scout looks at the book then at pyro a little confused
"a sticker book? why do you have your sticker book?" scout asks confused as he head a head tilt and he opens his can of bonk
pyro excitability points to robin that was still hiding behind engineer's arm shyly and scout looks over to finally spit robin
"umm...hardhat, what's with the little robot?" scout says looking confused as he points to robin
"this is little robin, soldier here found it last night and i think it what came out of the rocket that you and heavy found this morning, i fixed it up and now it's good as new! say hi, robin!" engineer explains happily and he offers robin to say hi to scout
robin looked nervous at engineer with the 😟 emote and engineer kindly reassures robin by patting its head and then robin, robin made a 🙂 emote then goes over to scout and waves at him
"umm...helno!" robin says shyly with its wave and pyro happily waves back while scout looked a little surprised as did spy and demoman
"...aww, it's nice to meet you, little one" demoman says kindly as he stands next to scout
robin does a ☺️ emote and it waves at demoman happily
"it is very cute" scout says happily and he picks up robin "it also looks like it should be a kids toy" he adds happily while robin made a confused emote
engineer smiles seeing robin bonding well with the other but he feels something weird, he glances over at soldier and he sees the ex-military man staring at the other, engineer at first didn't know why soldier was staring at the other but then he realised that the stare was a protective stare, soldier was protecting robin making sure scout doesn't drop him or the other don't do anything to the little robot, engineer smiles with a little blush seeing that soldier was showing off his dad role without realising it
"hey hardhat?" scout says breaking engineer out of his though
"what?" engineer says calmly with a confused head tilt
"pyro wants to know, can he decorate robin?" scout says for pyro and pyro nods his head happily smiling
"umm..." engineer says as he looks at soldier who looks at engineer waiting for his answer and then engineer smirks at soldier then at pyro "sure, i'm sure some stickers will make robin look nice, just make sure you bring it back when you are done" he says happily then a little serious
pyro claps happily and then he runs off with robin after taking it off scout, engineer watches pyro go off with robin and he felt a bit of anxiety hit his heart seeing robin leave, soldier also felt a bit of worry seeing robin leave but then he shook it off and went back to his sandwich, with pyro and he takes robin to his room where once there, he starts looking though his sticker book while robin watches curiously, after a bit, robin had now some sticker on it with a cute big teddy bear pattern sticker on the top of it, rainbows on both of the shoulders, pink peppermints next to the rainbows, on the back on the opening for the water fuel tank was 2 hearts, a sticker that said 'cute!' and a little pomeranian sticker and lastly, above the water fuel tank opening was another sticker that said '100% Cute!', pyro then grabs a mirror and shows robin its new stickers where robin looks at itself in the mirror then does a 😊 emote
"love it!" robin says happily with a 😄 emote and pyro claps happily
pyro then picks up robin as he knows he needs to take the little robot back to soldier and engineer, pyro first checked the kitchen where the pair were before but it seems that had moved on so he checks the workshop, the pair weren't in there either so the last place pyro can check with the pair's bedroom so he heads there, when he gets to the bedroom, he cracks the door open and sees that both soldier and engineer were asleep in their bed, pyro sighs happily and then he tries to take robin away bit the little robot stops him by wiggling
"no, need to be with them!" robin says frustrated with a 😠 emote
pyro sighs and he takes robin to the bed when he places the little robot at the bottom of the bed, robin then goes over to soldier and engineer, settle down between soldier and engineer and then it goes into sleep mode as it does a 😴 emote with the z moving as it slept, pyro smiles happily seeing how cute the scene in front of him was then he closes the door so the trio can sleep, as the door shut, soldier wakes up a little as he heard the door click, he looks around to see the room was fine, he sees that engineer was still asleep on his stomach snoring lightly then he sees robin was back and it had now stickers on places, soldier didn't mind and he pulls robin close to him before dropping back off to sleep again peacefully and happy.
while engineer was asleep, he suddenly has a dream and in the dream, he was in his workshop fixing the rocket, he was spinning his wrench, screwing a screw, hammering a nail and soon, he was done, he had for some reason repaired the rocket to be as good as new and he was very proud of it, suddenly, robin comes out of nowhere and gets in the rocket
"robin, wait!" engineer says reaching his hand out to stop robin from taking off
"i have to go, mom-mee, my people need me back home, goodbye!" robin replies in mote of a feminine voice then the rocket takes off quite quickly
"robin!" engineer calls out in so much stress as he tries to reach up the rocket
suddenly, engineer wakes up startled and he looks around seeing he was back in his room again, he sighs in relief as he puts his right hand on his heart and he turns to lay on his back
"oh good, it was just a dream..." engineer mumbles to himself still having his right hand on his heart
he then glances over at soldier and he sees the america loving man sleeping while hugging robin, engineer smiles seeing how cute the pair looked, engineer then notice the stickers that robin had on and it made the little robot looked very cute, engineer then started to think about the rocket in his workshop and what to do with it, he could fix it but that nightmare he just had made him think otherwise so after thinking about it for a bit as he layed in bed, he had an idea that he was just going to take apart the rocket to figure out where the ship came from, engineer then realised that he laying on the bed for a bit and he was now fully awake, he decides to get out of bed and head to the workshop to sort out that rocket so he left soldier and robin to sleep, it wasn't till about an hour and a half later when robin wakes up, it comes out of sleep mode feeling happy and somewhat refreshed but then the little robot noice engineer was gone so it panics a little
"mom-mee?" robin says concerned as it looks around for engineer but the little robot couldn't see engineer anywhere
robin then turns to soldier who was still asleep on his back with his left arm laing in his stomach while his right arm was stretched out sitting in the area engineer used to be, robin then climbs onto soldier and the little robot, looks around again for engineer who still wasn't there and then it start shaking soldier's arm kinda panicking
"mmm" soldier moans not wanting to wake up yet "not now, engie" he adds tiredly trying to push engineer away who wasn't there
"dad-dee?" robin says concerned and this causes soldier to open his right eye to look at the little robot on top of him
"what is it, robin?" soldier says calmly but also a little worried
"mom-mee gone!" robin says concerned and soldier looks over to where engineer sleep to see that engineer was gone
"i think he's in the workshop, knowing him, he's probably sorting out that rocket" soldier mumbles as he sits up and rubbing his eyes "come on, let's go find him" he adds before he starts getting out of bed after putting robin on the bed
soldier then picks up robin and he makes sure the sleep was fully out of him before he left his and engineer's room after putting his helmet on, soldier and robin head to engineer's workshop with robin sitting happily in soldier's arms looking like a baby and as the pair were heading over there, sniper, medic and heavy were walking pasted talking about something until sniper stops seeing robin in soldier's arms
"hey soldier, what's with that robot?" snioer asks pointing to robin making both medic and heavy stop to look at the little robot too
"this is mine and engineer's kid, its name is little robin and it is very cute like a puppy and sweet like love and candy!" soldier says proudly as he points to robin
"umm...helno!" robin says shyly with a little wave and it was doing a 😥 emote
"heavy thinks little robot is cute baby" heavy says amused and both sniper and medic nod agreeing with him
"it is very cute, where did you find it?" medic says as he goes next to sniper to looks at the little robot a little closer
"i found it last night while patrolling, i then i gave it to engie and he happily fix it up!" soldier says honestly and he was smiling happily while he was doing his protective stare at sniper, medic and heavy behind his helmet
"and what's with the stickers on the robot?" sniper asks as he points to the bear sticker on top of the robot while looking at soldier
"pyro did that using his sticker book!" soldier says being honest and both sniper and medic smirk at each other
"pyro did a good job with the stickers, it makes the robot look cute, anyway, we have to go now, we see you and engineer at lunch, soldier" medic says happily and then he walks off with sniper and heavy next to him
soldierwavew them off and when they were gone, soldier starts heading to engineer's workshop with robin curious on why there were so many people in this building, soldier finally finds engineer's workshop and when he peaks inside, he sees engineer busy looking at something while sitting on the floor behind the rocket which was half pulled apart
"engie!" soldier says happily as he steps into the workshop
"hi soldier-boy!" engineer says happily with a little wave "i see you finally woken up, i guess you needed that sleep as much as i did" he adds as soldier goes over to him
"mom-mee!" robin says happily with a 😃 emote as the little robot holds its hands out to enfunner making the mechanic smile
"hey there, little bud, did you sleep well?" engineer says happily as he takes robin off soldier
"yeah!" robin replies happily with a 😄 emote in engineer's hands and engineer smiles then looks up at soldier who was looking at engineer calmly and happily
"that's good!" engineer says happily smiling at robin then he places the little robot down on the sofa by where he was sitting
robin does a ☺️ emote while standing on the sofa and then it sits on the sofa as it watches engineer go over to soldier where the shorter man puts his arms around his slightly taller boyfriend
"how did you sleep, darlin'?" engineer says affectionly as he leans his chin on soldier's chest
"fine until i got woken up by robin getting anxious over you not being on bed" soldier says calmly and honestly and this makes engineer chuckle
"aww, our robot child has a little seperation anxiety" engineer says amused as he glances over to robin who was looking around the room doing its normal face
"i don't know how it's going to cope when we have to go back to work on tuesday" soldier says sounding a little worried for robin
"i'm sure it's going to be fine, as long we tell it beforehand what's going on and give it things to keep it entertained, it won't miss us that much" engineer explains calmly while smiling then he reaches his hands up to soldier's face
engineer places his right hand on soldier's cheek where soldier leans into the touch, engineer smiles as he places his left hand on his helmet removing it, soldier would usually never let anyone touch his helmet but as it was engineer, he didn't mind and when engineer takes off soldier's helmet, the shorter man smiles seeing how handsome soldier's face was
"you're so handsome" engineer mumbles affectionly as he rubs his right thumb on soldier's cheek while placing the helmet by his yellow hardhat on the sofa
soldier didn't say anything as he was enjoying the affection from engineer with his eyes closed while engineer smiles seeing how relaxed and happy his boyfriend was, engineer wasn't really sure how he managed to have a great romantic relationship with soldier as the guy was very military focus, loved america like he was married to it, loves to shout and is not very smart, kinda naive and can very easily believe things, but on the upside, he was very loyal, his naivete made him cute, was very handsome, very protective of anyone hurting engineer, had a heart of gold and was also as of last night-
"you're a great dad" engineer says affectionly making soldier open his right eye a little
"hmm?" soldier says a little confused as he was really listening as he was daydreaming
"you're a great dad to robin, you are very protective of it and you help it out when i went missing" engineer says affectionly now having both of his hands on soldier's face
"can say the same for you, you are a great mom to robin" soldier says calmly and in a bit of a mumble as he looks at engineer and this made engineer smile
"aww, thanks hun" engineer says happily with a chuckle and then engineer pulls soldier in for a kiss
the kiss was full of love and care and engineer could feel soldier putting his arms around him keeping him close, after the kiss, the pair looked at each other affectionly and then they smile at each other
"i love you, engie" soldier says affectionly then kisses engineer on his forehead
"i love you too, soldier-boy" engineer replies happily as he keeps looking at soldier full of love in his eyes then he chuckles by soldier now peppering his face with kisses
while the pair were having their moment, robin was just watching the pair amazed by the love they had for each other, the little robot then though about love and realised that it was going to be happy here with all the love it was getting from both soldier and engineer and even from the other mercs, the little robot also realised that it was going to safe here and it hopes to stay here for a long time, a while later and the workshop was calm, soldier was chilling on the sofa, engineer was still sorting out the rocket and robin was drawing on a paper opposite engineer with some crayons engineer keeps in his workshop for pyro if he either runs out or can't find them and a pencil, robin was having a great time colouring in on the paper even if it didn't really know what it was drawing at first but then it had an idea and stuck to it, while robin was colouring, soldier was glancing over at robin and wondering if he should make a little helmet like his and a little hardhat like engineer's for robin to wear or maybe he can grab one of his spare helmet and one of engineer's spare hardhat and try and shrink them down somehow, as he was thinking, he didn't see that robin was done with it's drawing and it stands up to look at it, robin smiles at its work of art and then looks over at soldier who had zoned out as he was not really looking at anything, robin then goes over to soldier and it pulls on soldier's sleeve a few times till soldier comes out of his thoughts and looks over at the little robot
"for you and mom-mee!" robin says happily while doing a 😄 emote as it holds the paper
soldier takes the paper and on the paper, he sees that it was a child like drawing which looked very cute, the picture was of the workshop and in the forefront was robin who was smiling with an arrow saying 'me!' at the top and behind robin was engineer and soldier holding hands and they had arrows pointing to them saying 'mom' and 'dad', soldier smiles happily and then he pets robin on the head making the little robot make a 🥰 emote
"what did robin draw?" engineer asks curiously as he looks up at soldier from tinkering the rocket then glances at the paper in soldier's hand
"this" soldier says simply and then holds out the drawing to engineer who looks at the drawing then smiles
"aww, that's a great drawing, robin! you are going to be a great artist" engineer says proudly as he looks at robin and the little robot makes a 😃 emote looking excited
robin then makes a ☺️ emote feeling embarrassed and then the workshop door suddenly open making robin do a 😱 emote, the person at the door was scout and he looked calm yet happy
"hey guys, it looks like we are having a camp night tonight in the usual spot as it's going to be a calm clear sky tonight, do you 2 wanna join?" scout says calmly but smiling and he points out the door with his thumb
"oh yeah, that sound like fun, we haven't had a camp night in weeks, you in, soldier?" engineer says happily loving the sound of the camp night then looks over at soldier
"yes, sir!" soldier says happily and a little excited making engineer smile
"okay, cool, what about the little robot?" scout says then asks as he points to robin who was still in the sofa looking at scout
robin does a 😄 emote and claps happily also wanting to join making both engineer and soldier smile at the little robot
"alright, okay, see ya later, guys!" scout says happily and then he runs off after giving a little wave to the trio
when scout was gone, soldier and engineer look at each other and then smile before they look over at robin, they knew that with this camp out, the little robot will be able to bond with the others a little more and help it know the other's personalities, engineer then goes back to messing with the rocket and soldier looks at the picture robin drew again, smiles at it seeing how cute it was and then places it on his lap before he goes back to thinking, a hour later and engineer was still messing with the rocket when he finds something in the cockpit of the rocket, he takes it out and it seem to be a strange disk with a casing around it (like the ones you use in the psp), engineer looks at the disk confused then he goes over and places it on his desk so he could look at it later, robin who had now snuggles up to soldier by sitting on his lap while soldier was fiddling with something that engineer gave him to keep his mind occupied, robin sees engineer put the disk on his desk and the little robot wonders what the disk was as it had a 🤔 emote, the little robot then watches as engineer goes back to the rocket to mess with it some more then robin gets an idea as it does a 😮 emote with a lightbulb at the top, it then does a 😏 emote and then lies down on soldier acting like it didn't do anything.
a while later and it was now dark outside with the stars twinkling in the sky with no clouds in sight, soldier, engineer and robin who was being held by engineer were heading to the campsite the group sometimes hang out at, soldier was holding engineer's guitar as engineer wanted to bring it with him but robin wanted to be held so soldier took it, the trio make it to the campsite and sniper, medic, demoman and heavy were already there
"hi boys! we're here!" engineer says happily as him with robin and soldier walk up to the campsite
the other look up then do a little wave to the pair then gwent back to what they were doing with demo drinking, heavy snoozing with his eyes closed while enjoying the heat from the fire and both sniper and medic were happily chatting about something, engineer and soldier sit down on one of the long logs that were around the campfire and engineer takes his guitar from soldier
"thanks for carrying my guitar for me darlin'," engineer says happily after he takes the guitar from soldier then looks back at him
"you're welcome, cupcake!" soldier replies happily as he looks at engineer affectionly
engineer smiles at soldier who smiles at him back and then he places robin on soldier so he can start playing the guitar, the music engineer plays after checking if all the strings were in tune which they were was a calm and soothing, as engineer played, the others that weren't there before joined starting with scout and pyro who had brought with them crackers, marshmallows and chocolate to make s'mores and then spy just appeared with his invisa-watch sitting by demoman unknown how long the frenchman had been at the campsite, scout and pyro get to work on the s'mores while the other were being calm with demoman drinking his scrumpy getting drunk, heavy tucking into a sandwich he brought with him, medic and sniper cuddling while enjoying the warmth of the fire, spy thinking while smoking his never ending cigarette, engineer was still posing on his guitar playing random music he knew, soldier was calmly listening to engineer's song while kinda leaning on engineer which he didn't mind and robin who was sitting on soldier's lap was looking around at everyone at the campsite.
robin was amazed by everything from the fire looking pretty to the beautiful starry night to how calm everyone is as they chill out to even the food that heavy, scout and pyro had, the little robot felt so happy as it does a 😄 emote and was glad that soldier found it and engineer fixed it up but deep down, it was wondering where it came from, it knew it has to do with that rocket engineer is messing with and it knows that disk engineer found would probably be the key to its past but at the same time, it didn't want to find out the past as it was happy here with its new family so the little robot was struggling on what to do, suddenly pyro walks over to robin, soldier and engineer and hands soldier and engineer a s'more that him and scout made
"thanks partner!" engineer says happily stopping his playing to take the s'more from pyro
"thanks smoky joe!" soldier says also happily after engineer as he takes his s'more
pyro then holds out a s'more for robin who takes it off pyro curiously, the little robot looks at the s'more wondering what to do with it then looks up at soldier who was eating his s'more calmly, robin lights up with a 🤩 emote then puts the s'more near its mouth only to get a tap from the s'more tapping the screen, robin makes a 😮 face then taps the s'more in its face again getting the same result of not eating it, the little robot makes a 😠 face then kept smashing the s'more into itself getting frustrated that it couldn't eat the delicious s'more, robin then hears engineer chuckle and then the s'more was taken from the little robot by engineer
"pyro, you know robin can't eat food, it's a robot, remember but thanks for including it" engineer says amused as he shows the s'more that belonged to robin to pyro
the fire lover smiles happily at engineer giving him a nod and then looks at robin who looked disappointed that it couldn't eat food as the s'more looked tasty, pyro then walks back over to scout and engineer looks over at robin who was making a 😠 emote being angry it couldn't eat the s'more
"hey robin, it's okay" engineer says calmly as he takes the little robot from soldier's lap and put it on his lap "i know you're upset that you can't eat but it's okay that you don't eat, it just makes you more special then you already are" he explains still calmly and this makes robin look up at him with a 😯 emote with a blush
"affirmative, little robin, you are the most special little robot in this whole base and i won't let anyone tell you otherwise!" soldier adds happily in his sargent voice and this makes robin do a ☺️ emote
"that's true but anyway, it is a bit sad for you that you can't eat as it means you can't taste food but don't let that down, okay?" engineer says calmly and robin does a 🙂 emote before nodding
"okay, mom-mee!" robin says happily then hugs engineer on the stomach
engineer smiles and he pets robin on the head like how you pet a cat making the little robot do a 🥰 emote
"hey hardhat..." scout says suddenly making engineer looks over at the younger merc "did the robot just call you 'mommy'?" he asks looking amused and engineer made a poker face
"yes, it did, maggot, you got a problem with that?" soldier says defensively as he looks at scout annoyed and scout instantly look a bit scared
"no, no, no, it's just that...why don't you correct it?" scout says first scared then curious as he points to the robot
soldier and engineer look at each other confused, looks down at robin who was looking at them curiously then look back at scout still looking confused
"you said that you found it last night, right? by the rocket me and heavy found, so this means that technically, you are more the little robot's co parents as it's real parent is somewhere in space" scout says thinking about it but probably think too loudly "yes, i know hardhat fixed it up but he just replied it from whatever happened to it in the ship before it crash landed on earth, what did happened to the ship causing it to crash anyway? was it to do with the hissing noise it was making?" he adds more rambling at this point
everyone just looks at scout stunned not really sure why scout said that and scout looks around at them looking a little confused
"what?" scout says with a shrug not sure what he did
robin who heard the whole thing was first making a 😧 emote as it stares at scout, the face then went to 😕, then to 😖 and then to 😭 before it runs off into the darkness
"robin!" engineer calls out to the little robot when he sees it running off
"little robin! come back!" soldier shouts concerned as he reaches out into the darkness where robin ran
"good job, scout!" spy says annoyed as he gives a death glare to the younger merc
.what did i do? i was just being honest, is being honest too mean now?" scout says defending himself looking a little offended
"little scout was too harsh, little robot acts like a child and you broke its robot heart" heavy says coldly and scout looked annoyed
"yeah well, whatever!..." scout says annoyed and frustrated before crossing his arms and looking away from everyone
soldier wanted to punch and strangle scout for being mean to his child but then he feels engineer's hand on his shoulder making him looks over at engineer who looked calm but he can tell from his eyes that he was a little mad
"soldier, you go and find robin, i'll deal with scout" engineer says in a serious whisper and soldier looks at engineer for a moment before nodding
soldier then gets up and walks in the direction robin ran off to while the others were left back at the campsite, soldier looks around for his little robot child but he couldn't seem to see it anyway
"robin! little robin!" soldier calls out to robin hoping the little robot could hear him but there was sadly no reply "robin!" he calls out again more concerned this time but still no reply
suddenly, soldier hears a scuffle to his left and he runs into the desert part of the base area where he sees some opossums attacking something, soldier goes a little closer and then see gasps as he sees the opossums attacking robin
"robin!" soldier calls out stressed then he gets mad as he pulls out his trusty shovel from one of his pockets "get away from my child, you rodents!" he shouts angrily and he charges at the opossums
the opossums freak out seeing soldier and they do try and run still holding onto robin but then dropped robin as they freaked out, the opossums run into the distance and soldier makes sure they were gone before he goes back to robin
"little robin, are you okay?!" soldier says stressed as he crouches down to robin to check if the little robot was okay
robin look a little damaged around the left arm, right leg and one of its little stub ears but it seem to be fine other that it was still very hurt and upset about what scout had said as it was still doing a 😭 emote, soldier picks up the little robot as it tries to fight him away but it left arm was a little too damaged to move, soldier then holds robin close and then he ran back to the campsite to find engineer as robin needed help, when soldier gets back to the campsite, he sees that half of the mercs were gone only leaving demoman who was passed out drunk, heavy who was picking up demoman to take him to his room, spy who was chilling with a cigerette and engineer who looked calm but still a little annoyed
"engie, help!" soldier says stressed as he runs over to engineer
"what?...what happened?!" engineer says first worried then concerned when he sees what had happened to robin
"opossums attacked it thinking it was food but i chased them off" soldier says worried as he watches engineer take a look at robin
"come on, we need to go to my workshop" engineer says sounding like a worried parent and soldier nods seriously
the pair ran off going to engineer's workshop and spy and heavy watch the pair run off with heavy having demoman over his shoulder
"hope engineer can fix little robot" heavy says worried as he glances over at spy
"...me too" spy mumbles as he pulls his cigerette out of his mouth then looks over at where soldier and engineer ran off too
soldier and engineer make it to engineer's workshop and engineer puts robin down on the desk concerned, soldier sat next to him and robin was looking tired but sees engineer put the disk that came from the rocket ontop of some book in the corner of the desk
"robin, i need you to go to sleep for a bit while i fix you up, okay?" engineer says to the robot trying to keep calm but he was worried
the little robot does a 😔 face before going into sleep mode with the 😴 emote, a while later and robin wakes back up to see soldier and engineer looking at him full of concerned before sighing in relief
"your okay!" soldier says happily with his goofy smile while engineer smiles in relief
robin wanted to do a 😄 emote after seeing that it's left arm, right leg and one of the stub ears was fixed up nicely but then it remembers what happened so it did a 😞 emote instead
"robin, look at me" engineer says calmly and robin looks at engineer with a 🙁 emote "*sigh* listen, it's hard to now know that me and soldier here wasn't the one who made you but it doesn't mean that we don't love you anymore, i know that we've only known each other for over 24 hours now since soldier found you but, you've become our child and we adore having you around" engineer says and robin looking at him still looking sad
"yeah, robin, we like you here and we adore your drawing that you did of us, we also love you call us mommy and daddy, it's still weird to hear but we are getting use to it!" soldier adds in his calm yet slightly shouty voice with engineer nodding agreeing with soldier
"so, don't let what scout said get to you, you hear, i know he let his mouth run while he spoke as he tends to do that but he didn't man to what he said, he was just curious on where you came from, we were too but we don't really care now as your past is well, in the past and you're here now with me, soldier and the others, we all like you and you with pyro bring some happiness to this place as our job is sometimes draining, so, are we good?" engineer explains full of emotion and then he holds his right hand out to the little robot
robin looks at engineer's hand then at engineer who was smiling calmly and honestly at him then to soldier who was smiling his big smile, robin still had the 🙁 emote then it change from 😔 to 🥺 to then 😭 as it ran over to engineer and hug him around the top of his stomach crying like a toddler, engineer gave a sad smile send then start petting robin on the head gently to give the little robot some comfort after he looks at soldier who smile had changed to a sad smile, the petting seems to make robin calm down as it back away from engineer after a while of it hugging him with a 😢 emotr but then it looks at soldier remembering what he had done with saving the little robot from those mean opossums then it does the 😭 emote again running to soldier and hugging him around the stomach
"what happened to scout?" soldier asks as he looks at engineer while petting robin on the head affectionly
"don't worry about him, i made him think about what he said and to never talk like that around robin again" engineer says looking calm but soldier can see a tiny of anger in his eyes
what engineer did to scout was basically a very severe telling off so now scout was in his room sulking and thinking of a good apology to tell robin
"anyway *yawns* i think i'm getting tired, should we head up to bed?" engineer says calmly and looking tired as he worked hard fixing up robin
"...*yawns* yeah" soldier replies also tiredly as the yawn was contagious and this makes engineer do a tired chuckle
engineer then looks at robin who was still hugging soldier but the hug was loose so engineer picks up the little robot
"you tired too, robin?" engineer says with a smirk as he can tell robin was tired
the little robot in reply does a 🥱 emote then a 😴 emote showing engineer and soldier that it was ready for bed, the pair smile and then they head off to their room to sleep while engineer holds robin in his arm like how you lay a cat in your arm, the pair make it to the bedroom and after brushing their teeth and undressing so now engineer was in his shirt and underwear while soldier was in his vest and underwear, the pair get into bed, engineer places robin in the middle of them, they have a loving short goodnight kiss and then go to sleep, about 3 hours later and robin wakes up as it sits up, it looks at soldier and engineer who were still asleep with soldier who was snoring and drooling was on his back with his left arm over his stomach while the right was stretched out while engineer was asleep on his left side with his legs pulled in, his arms pulled in next to his head and soldier stretched arm and hand under his neck, the little robot looks at the pair and it does a 😌 emote before a 😔 emote.
the reason why robin was awake because of the growing rash in its computer mind about its past, what scout had said and that disk in the workshop so the little robot gets off the bed quietly so not to wake engineer and soldier and leaves the bedroom heading to the workshop, it was a little bit of a trip due to robin's size but when it gets there, it opens the door and jumps on the desk using the chairs parked by the desk, when the little robot gets on the desk, it goes over to the books the disk was on, grab the disk which was a bit if a struggle and then goes over to the sofa, when it sits down on the sofa not realising it was sitting by the drawing it drew of it, soldier and engineer, the little robot looks at the dish then had a instinct like thought to push on where the black part on robin is at the top, robin pushes the black part and it was a click door revealing a disk slot which was the same size as the disk, robin puts the disk in the slot and then closes the black part before it starts reading the disk with a moving hourglass, suddenly, robin goes into shutdown mode but it was t in full shutdown as it was now seeing pictures like it was watching a first peson POV of the past.
the first thing robin sees was if 2 people watching it as it boots up, the people's faces were blurry but robin can tell it was a man and a short haired woman
"is-...working?" the man says to the woman with his voice sounding broken
"it-...working-...doctor-...should-..." the woman replies but robin couldn't really understand what she was saying
"good-...know, take-...the-..." the man says still sounding broken
"right-...doctor-..." the woman says and robin sees the lady picking it up
it then gets fuzzy with static but then robin sees the lady standing in front t of it then she with a stick points to a board, the board reads 'step 1 - go into rocket, step 2 - go to planet, step 3 - when land on planet, look for life, step 4 - kill all life on planet, step 5 - return to home planet with valuables, step 6 - report, step 7 - repeat all steps again' and robin felt both shocked about this plan and being serious about the plan, the footage then goes fuzzy with static again after the lady picks up robin again and the next thing robin sees was it being with loads of other robins but they were all different from each other, they all had different colour screens, different shapes and different sizes but all built the same, robin seem to be the smallest robot as the other around it were a lot taller and larger then it was and it felt intimidated by the bigger robots, suddenly a voice appears making robin jump
"robots! go-...rockets!...deployment-...5 minutes!" the voice says strictly and robin sees all the robots saluting
robin couldn't stop itself from saluting too and then it goes fuzzy with static again, next thing robin knew was standing in front of the rocket engineer had in his workshop that scout and heavy found but it was more new and put together, robin looks around seeing all the taller and larger robot getting into the rocket which like the robots were all taller and larger then robin's little rocket which now looking at it, looked like a missle and robin gets in the rocket before it went fuzzy again with static, the next thing robin know, it was in space in the rocket, soave looked really beautiful with the stars all over the place, there was a galaxy to robin's right and it was nicely peaceful, suddenly a warning flash happens, the rocket shakes and then it goes into fuzzy static before it says 'end of disk' in white on a black background, robin then comes back to its senses seeing it was still in the workshop and then feels the disk coming out of the slot, robin takes the disk to look at it and one thing that was sticking out the most was that board with the steps.
it couldn't believe it was original going to go to a planet and kill everyone for the valuables, it was going to be a killer and a thief but thanks to that factory reset, the rocket crashing near the base and the water engineer put in its fuel tank, it lost it killer thievery programming replacing it with love, care and bring a straight up toddler, robin was go relieved that those 3 things happened as if it didn't, robin would have to kill engineer, soldier and the others then steal the valuable stuff that was in the base before heading back to its original birth planet again, robin then feels something on its right hand and picks up the paper that it drew itself, soldier and engineer on, it stares at the picture while both engineer's and soldier's words were playing in its computer mind making the little robot do a 🥹 emote, robin then looks at the toaster seeing its reflection of itself having the stickers on it from pyro which were surprisingly not damaged from that opossum attack and the little robot does a 😊 emote knowing the love, support and care from engineer, soldier, pyro and the others is what was going to keep this little robot from not going back to its original program.
robin then looks at the disk and the little robot does a 😠 emote as it know what to do with the disk, robin places the picture down on the sofa, jumps off the sofa still holding the disk, goes over to the desk to grab a hammer which was a steel head block hammer, leaves the workshop to go outside the base, when outside, it lays the disk on the concrete for the truck and then starts smashing the disk with the hammer making the disk go into a lot of pieces, when it was smashed to death, robin does a 😮‍💨 emote and then picks up the broken disk, it then buries the disk a few feet into a flower garden so nobody would find it and then it heads back into the base doing a 🥱 emote as it was tired while dragging the hammer, robin places the hammer back in the workshop luckily remembering where it was before it took it and then heads back to soldier and engineer's room doing a 😪 emotr as it was really tired, once in soldier and engineer's room, the little robot jumps on the bed using the duvet to climb up and then when it was on the bed, it goes over to engineer who hadn't move from the sleeping position he was in when robin woke up and then robin snuggles into engineer's chest before going to sleep with a 😴 emote with the z moving on the screen as it slept.
a few hours later and it was now morning being about 7am, soldier was the first up out of him and engineer and after he stretches and rubs his eyes after he sits up to sits at the side if the bed, he turns to look at his still sleeping boyfriend to see him hugging robin hear his chest as he slept while robin was also asleep with a 😴 emote, soldier smiles but was inner screaming on how cute engineer and robin looked together, soldier then leans back on the bed near engineer's face and then he first gave engineer a kiss on the forehead but then moved down to give engineer a loving kiss on his lips, engineer smiles in his sleep after the kiss making soldier smile lovingly and then he realises he needed the toilet so he gets up and heads to the bathroom, after soldier's bathroom break, soldier comes out and goes out of the room to head to the kitchen, once in the kitchen, he heads over to the coffee machine where he fiddles with it before turning it on, after the coffee was done, soldier pours himself a coffee and then he pours another coffee out for engineer, he then grabs the 2 mugs of coffee and leaves the kitchen to head back to his and engineer's bedroom where when he gets there, he sees engineer had just woken up as he was sitting up rubbing his eyes and he was holding robin like a newborn baby
"oh, hi soldier, is that coffee for me?" engineer says still trying to wake up as soldier holds out engineer's coffee mug
"yeah, i thought i would bring it up to you as you have robin sleeping on you" soldier says calmly as he watches engineer take the coffee from him
"aww, thanks darlin', you're a sweetheart~" engineer says happily before taking a sip from his coffee "it's also my favorite" he adds happily as he puts the coffe down on his bedside table
"i know it is as i made it with full american love" soldier says kinda joking after he takes a sip from his coffee
"that's the best kind of coffee" engineer says joining in with the joke and it makes both him and soldier chuckle happily "anyway, sleep well last night?" he asks soldier scooting over to the taller man
"yeah, i must of been more tired then i thought" soldier replies calmly yet happily as he hugs engineer close to him
"good, i must of been too, working on robin with its arm, leg and ear from that opossum attack must of sucked the energy out of me" engineer says as he points to robin's left arm, right leg and left ear that got damaged
"is it okay?" soldier asks unsure as he points to robin who was still asleep in engineer's left arm
"i think so, i think it just wants to have a sleep in after what happened last night, poor thing was so upset after last night and probably now a little traumatised by opossums too" engineer says feeling sorry for robin as he looks down at it
"those stinking rodent! i won't let them go near my child ever again!" soldier says in his sargent voice but it was a calm version of the voice
"that's good to know..." engineer says smiling and then he gives soldier a kiss on the cheek "you're a good dad, you know that, right?" he adds calmly after the kiss and soldier smiles as he glances at engineer
"you told me before and i told you you're a great mom, remember?" soldier says happily and he can see that engineer was blushing a little
"yeah, i do, but did you know that i love you" engineer says cheesily and soldier chuckles happily
"i do and it's kinda funny really as i love you too!" soldier replies just as cheesily and the shorter man chuckles then engineer tilts his head so they could kiss
the kiss was long but full of love and as they kissed, soldier turned his body then hugged engineer close so the kiss could keep going, soon, the pair pulled away from the kiss but looked at each full of love for each other, suddenly, engineer feels robin move in his arms and he scoots back from soldier a little making soldier look down at robin too, the little robot opens its eyes doing a 😶 emote before seeing soldier and engineer both looking at it smiling
"hey there, robin, did you sleeo well?" engineer says happily and then he pets robin on the head affectionly
robin nods happily then does a ☺️ emotr as it was getting pet by engineer, engineer then spots petting robin so soldier can pet it and as he reaches up to robin's head, he grazes his finger over the little LR-01 on robin making the little robot do a 😆 emote, soldier gets confused then does it again making robin giggle a little still doing the 😆 emote and this makes soldier realise that robin was ticklish so he gets an idea as he smile cheekily
"come here, you!" soldier says happily and starts tickling robin while it was still in engineer's arm
the little robot mixes between the 😂 emote and the 🤣 emote as soldier tackles it while it laughs and this makes engineer laugh happily seeing how funny and cute this was, engineer then decides to join in and he starts tickling robin making robin laugh more, the pair keep doing it until they took a rest and robin soon calmed down from laughing
"oh, that was funny!" engineer says as h calms down and wipes a tear away from his eye
"yeah, i didn't even know robots can be ticklish" soldier replies happily as he pets robin on the head making it do a 🥰 emote
"me either so i'm guessing the more it spends with us, the more it starts acting like a toddler but i don't really know" engineer says thinking a little before shrugging
robin smiles knowing that the bond it was having with soldier and engineer was getting stronger and it was pushing away the original programming more and more, it hopes thatt doesn't have to think of the original programming and be the child of soldier and engineer like they keep saying to the little robot which made robin do a ☺️ emote, suddenly a knock on the door was heard making the trio look at the door then the door open a few seconds later to reveal spy who looked emotionless
"miss.pauling is here in the rec room to talk to us about tomorrows mission and location so you two better get ready and head down" spy explains in his deadpan voice and emotionless face then he leaves heading to the next room
soldier and engineer looks at each other wondering what just happened as it felt so quick yet so slow at the same time but then they remembered on what spy said and they get up from the bed, they chug down their coffee as it had cool down enough to drink and when the cup was empty, they get changed into their mercenary outfits that they grab from the wardrobe, robin watched the whole time and it was very confused on what was going on as it has a question mark above the 😐 emote
"right then, robin, me and soldier are going to a meeting so i need you to stay here, okay, we won't be long" engineer says after he was changed and robin does a 😄 emote while nodding "good, we'll, see you later!" he adds happily and then both him and soldier leave the bedroom with engineer taking the 2 empty coffee mugs with him
when the pair left, they tried to shut the door but accidentally left it open a jar, robin doesn't notice as the little robot was laying on the bed bored about what to do with itself while soldier and engineer were at their meeting with this miss.pauling person, robin then heared some voice and footsteps walk past the room before it goes quiet again, robin wondered what this meeting was about, the little robot remembered the job engineer and soldier had which was mercenary work but thinking about, it didn't really know what 'mercenary' meant, was it a type of musician? no, the outfits don't suit for music, was it a type of fireman? no, that didn't sound right either, robin just didn't know and this made it stumped, robin then notice that the door was open and this made robin curious so it comes off the bed and head out the bedroom, as robin looks around the hallway, it realises that the the hallway looked different in the day then it did at night as it was brighter, the little robot then perked its little stumpy ears up as it heard a voice and went to where the voice was coming from, the voice lead it to the rec room but it didn't know that and it pushed the door quietly to look inside.
inside the rec room, all 9 mercenaries were there listen to someone and robin couldn't see who it was as the mercs were blocking them, robin sees that the mercs were sitting in somewhat of a arranged order as he first sees soldier and engineer standing together, scout was in front of them in a chair, heavy was next to scout, pyro was leaning on the table next to heavy and demo was sitting down next to pyro, spy was at the back behind demo and then next to engineer was medic and then sniper next to medic, robin then sneaks under the table and then looks up to the person talking to the mercs which was a black haired lady with glasses on and a lilac purple dress, the little robot guess this was miss.pauling that spy mentioned earlier and she looked sorta pretty as robin does a 🤩 face
"right, i will repeat in simpler terms where you are all going, you are all heading to landfall tomorrow, then to harvest on wednesday, thursday is at double cross on thursday and then on friday before your next weekend is at 2fort, got it?" miss.pauling says in her serious voice and all the mercs hum and nod understanding
"hey, miss.pauling? why are we going to so many capture the intelligent areas?" scout asks after putting his hand up as he just wanted to hear miss.pauling talk more
as miss.pauling explains to the mercs about the arrangement, robin was looking around the room from under the table, the little robot sees that the room had some filing cabinets, some folders scattered about, a wooden board with some papers pinned up on it, a white board at the front of the table with some writing on it, some tattered sofa at the sides, a coffee table by one of the sofas and some other stuff, robin was amazed by the room and wonders how many other rooms there were in this place, as robin was looking around the room, engineer who was originally listening to miss.pauling talk suddenly had a feeling about robin, the feeling was of 'where is it? i feel it nearby' and engineer starts looking around the room, he couldn't see robin in visual view and he puts his head in his hand wonders why he was suddenly thinking about the little robot
'me and soldier left it in our room and shut the door, right?' engineer thought as he was thinking and his mind went onto if the door actually closed
engineer still thinks and wonders with a worried face if robin was okay on its own in the bedroom, meanwhile under the table and the little robot was peaking out of the bottom of the table a little to look around some more, it then spots something and it was a small yet thick and round red lollipop sticking out of a mug with some pens and pencils sitting ontop of a stack of book while also being ontop of a filing cabinet, the cabinet was also behind miss.pauling and the draws were slightly open doing some type of stairs, the little robot does the 😍 emote as it thinks the little lollipop was really cute and it then decides it wants the lollipop so it goes over to the cabinet, when robin reaches the cabinet, it starts climbing up the cabinet using its arms and somewhat its little legs, as robin was climbing the cabinet, all the mercs were started to get bored listening to miss.pauling ramble except for scout who was doing a goofy lovestruck face while leaning his head on his hand, heavy had dropped off to sleep, soldier looked like he was listening but he had dropped off to sleep too, engineer looked worried as he didn't know where robin was as he didn't know if his and soldier's bedroom was fully shut, sniper and medic were kinda listening but not really, pyro was distracted by his lighter and demoman was drunk again as he lay on the table with scrumpy in hand.
sniper was looking at miss.pauling but he had turned his brain off from the rambling, he then suddenly spots something in the corner of his right eye and he looks over to see robin climbing up the cabinet for that red lollipop in the mug
"robin!" sniper whispers in shock seeing the little robot then he turns to medic "oi, doc!" he says as he lightly nudges medic with his elbow
"what?" medic says whispering curiously about what sniper wanted as he looks at him
"look over there" sniper says as he does a little point over to the cabinet behind miss.pauling and medic looks to where sniper was pointing before doing a quiet gasp
"no, robin! that cabinet is unstable!" medic says in a whisper but sniper could tell he was a little stressed out
"why is it unstable?" sniper asks not really sure what medic means
"that cabinet is very front heavy and it's why the draws are out, it keep it balanced and the stuff in the top is to keep it down, it's just not safe and we should really replace it but we keep forgetting too" medic explains in a serious yet concerned tone as both him and sniper couldn't keep their eyes of robin who was still slowly climbing the cabinet
at this point, spy has also spotted robin as he heard medic and sniper talking and he looked a little worried for robin's safety, he looks over at soldier and engineer who doesn't seem to notice robin as soldier was asleep and engineer was looking down in thought, back with robin and the little robot has now made it to the top of the cabinet but the cabinet was starting to wobble from robin's weight, the little robot was determined though and it goes over to the books which has the mug on the top with the lollipop in it, robin starts climbing the book but as it does, the cabinet was getting more and more wobbly like it was on jelly, robin then managed to goat to the top of the book and it reaches its right hand out to the lollipop, it then grabs the lollipop and does a 😄 emote seeing that it now has the lollipop but the cabinet was now rocking a little
"robin!" a voice says sounding really stressed but robin couldn't see who it was as the cabinet was now falling over with it ontop of it
it does a 😖 emote as it falls but then it feels someone grab it then the cabinet hitting the ground with a loud thud making everyone react to it, everyone was looking at the cabinet that was laying on the ground with the books scattered, the mug broken and the pen and pencils also scattered, they were shocked but then looks over at where robin was, robin opens its eyes to see that it was in the hands of scout who looked stressed and concerned
"r-robin? are you okay?!" scout says concerned and worried as he looks down at the little robot in his hands
robin looks up at scout doing a 😦 emote then after a few second which felt like forever, robin does a 🥹 emote while nodding and scout sighs in relief seeing robin was fine
"umm...sorry to uh, ruin this moment but umm, what's with the robot?" miss.pauling says confused after she recovers from the sudden falling cabinet and points to robin in scout's hands
"this is little robin, it belongs to hardhat and soldier, they found it on saturday night while soldier was doing his nightly patrol and then the next day, i found a rocket and with heavy's help, we took it to engineer's workshop where it still is now" scout explains as best he could and miss.pauling looked stunned before she shakes her head
"helno, you pretty!" robin says with a 😊 emote as it looks at miss.pauling while still holding the lollipop it obtained
"oh umm...th-thank you, little guy" miss.pauling says stunned and a little embarrassed on what to do as a robot just complimented her
"robin! what were you doing climbing that unstable cabinet?! that was dangerous and you could if gotten hurt!" engineer says sounding like a worried parent while looking angry as he goes over to scout and points at robin
"...sorry, mom-mee..." robin says with a 🥺 emote and then it looks down with a 😔 emote
engineer looks at robin still mad but then he sighs frustrated as he pinches his nose and he takes robin from scout who looked sorry for the little robot
"anyway, umm, you are all dismissed, i'm going to go back now to the administrator" miss.pauling says and then she goes off
the others had a choice to leave but they wanted to stay as they were a little concerned for robin as they looked very worried
"...it's okay robin, i know now you did it just for that lollipop and you didn't want to disturb the meeting but i wished you stayed in the bedroom, it would be a lot safer there and i would know where you are" engineer says calmly yet still worried and he then hugs robin
robin does a 🥹 emote then hugs engineer back doing a 😊 emote, soldier who was standing back goes over to engineer and robin and joins in with the hug by hugging engineer and laying his head on engineer's helmet, the others smile and then leave wanting to give the 2 helmet wearers some privacy, when the others were gone, soldier, engineer and robin keep hugging until they pull away feeling happy again, engineer then looks at robin who was looking up at him with a 🙂 emote
"come on, let's go to the workshop, i need to finish tinkering with that rocket" engineer says to both robin and soldier smiling at them
the pair nod and then they set off to the workshop, as they were walking soldier was thinking about something
"umm, what i want to know is, why did you want that lollipop?" soldier says after thinking kinda breaking the silence them points to the lollipop robin was still holding
"...looked nice" robin says happily with a 😄 emote while looking at the lollipop then back up at soldier
"it does look nice but the issue is that it's meant to be eaten so i'm not sure what you want to do with it" engineer says smirking as he points to the lollipop while looking at robin in his arms
"umm...i don't know" robin says with a 🤔 emote as it didn't know what to do with the treat it couldn't eat
engineer chuckles happily hearing the answer and soldier smiles at both engineer and robin amused by the little robot's response, the trio then make it to the workshop where engineer places robin down on the sofa then goes over to the rocket which was half destroyed in a tidy way, soldier sits down on the sofa next to robin and he grabs a blank paper, the crayons and a pencil robin was using yesterday to draw from the draw beside the sofa where he was sitting
"do you want to draw something?" soldier asks happily as he places the paper, crayons and the pencil next to the little robot
the little robot nods while doing a 😄 emote then picks up the pencil after placing the lollipop down, it then starts drawing and soldier smiles seeing how much fun robin was having while it drew
"engie, i'm going to go check on some things but i'll be back later" soldier says as he stands up and looks over at engineer
"ok, hun, see you later and don't do anything stupid" engineer says as he looks up at soldier with a smile soldier thought was cute
"i won't, bye!" soldier says happily and he gives engineer a kiss before he leaves the workshop
engineer and robin were now the only ones in the workshop and engineer was busy taking apart the rocket while robin was happily still drawing, though out the day engineer was busy looking at all the things he found in the rocket, soldier first did a patrol of the area as he couldn't do it last night, after that was done, he went to an area of the base which was a big wooden shed and in the shed was some of the raccoons he brought with him from the accidental raccoon sanctuary he made with merasmus' castle, the raccoon in the shed were more of the friendly raccoons soldier took as the others that are still in the sanctuary were more rabid and then there was lieutenant bites who soldier refuses to acknowledge that had rabies but engineer did convince him to put him in his own area away from the other raccoons so they don't get bit by bites, soldier was at the shed so he can feed the raccoons as he kinda forgot to do it yesterday so soldier grabbed a big bag of dog food and pour it out onto the floor, the raccoons tuck into it happily with purring noises being heard as they ate and then soldier went over to bites' area where he pours out food for the rabid raccoon, soldier pours the food into bites' food bowl while the raccoon was in a corner growling and snarling with foam coming out of his mouth
"here you go, bites, your food!" soldier says happily as he pours the food into the big dog bowl "now, eat up!" he adds happily and then leaves the shed as engineer told him that he should leave bites alone to eat as soldier before did annoy him while he ate
after the raccoons were fed, soldier went back in the base to check what everyone was doing, he saw that scout and pyro were together reading a comic in the living room, demoman was blabbering to spy about his past in the rec room, spy was kinda listening but not really as he had heard this story before, heavy was in his room on the phone talking to his mom and sisters about what has been happening at the base lately, he calls them once a week and he always sounds happy when he talks to them and lastly, medic and sniper were in the kitchen talking about what animal tasted the best, after checking everyone, soldier went to his and engineer's bedroom so he could clean his and engineer's weapons for tomorrows battle in landfall tomorrow which is that woodland area with the big tree in the middle, soldier gets to work making sure all the weapons were clean which was his rocket launcher, engineer's battle wrench, his and engineer's shotgun which can be told apart by the little class logo carved on the handle, engineer's pistol, his shovel, some of his other rocket launchers, some of engineer's other shotguns and pistols and other things, after soldier was done, it had become evening and soldier decided to check on everyone one more time before going to engineer and robin.
he sees that demoman was in the living room laying on the sofa asleep, spy had gone back to his smoking room, scout was in his room laying on his bed while chewing gum and tossing his baseball in the air, pyro was in his room messing around probably in his pyroland again, heavy was reading a book in the living room opposite demoman and lastly, medic and sniper were ontop of sniper's camper chatting while looking out into the nice sunset, soldier smiles seeing everyone was alright and then goes to the workshop, when he gets there, he opens the door and sees engineer has finally dismantled the rocket but he was covered in oil on his face, arms and clothes while he was sat at the desk looking at soldier as he opened the door, meanwhile robin was still on the sofa doing some doodling on some paper which wasn't the paper soldier gave him, the paper robin has seem to be its third or fourth piece of paper so this man's the little robot had been doodling all day
"hey there, darlin', what did you do today?" engineer says calmly and happily seeing soldier again after many hours
"oh, you know, first did some patrolling, then fed the raccoons and then spend the rest of the day cleaning our weapons for tomorrows fight" soldier says happily as he sits down next to engineer
"that's nice and thanks for that, hun, you're a big help" engineer says affectionly and he gives soldier a little pat on his cheek
soldier smiles and then looks over at where the rocket use to be
"what happened to the rocket?" soldier asks as he points to where the rocket use to be
"oh i took it apart, couldn't find anything else with it so now, the metal parts are in that basket over there, i might use it to make a new weapon or something but i can't figure out what yet" engineer explains as he points to the plastic basket full of metal then leans on his hands as he goes to think "i also seem to have lost that disk i found in the rocket yesterday, i put it on these books here but it's now gone" he adds as he looks at soldier then points to the small stack of books he had put the disk on when he was trying to fix robin from the opossum attack
robin who was still on the sofa looks over at soldier and engineer with a 😕 emote as it knew what it had done with the disk, it also wanted to tell engineer and soldier about its past so now was the best time to tell the pair as it does a 😓 emote
"mom-mee?" robin says to engineer making both engineer and soldier look over at the little robot
"what is it, robin?" engineer says happily then he sees robin holding up its hands as it wanted to be carried
soldier goes over to robin, picks the little robot up and then places it on the desk with the little robot doing a 😔 emote
"what's wrong, robin?" soldier says looking worried about robin as he sees robin's face
"...it-it me who took disk, disk...for me and i use it..." robin says feeling guilty with a 😞 emote "disk was video of past...it...bad, i-i built for bad" it adds and both soldier and engineer looked sorry for the little robot
"why were you built for bad?" engineer asks as he reaches his hand out to the little robot who did a 😔 emote
"built...for kill and theif, then home planet but, rocket destroyed in space, landed here, dad-dee found me" robin says still doing the 😔 emote and both soldier and engineer look at each other then back at robin looked sad
"you were built to be a killer theif?" soldier asks trying to piece it together and robin nods as it looks away with a 😖 emote
"i...no kill, i love you and know that me won't hurt you but-...scared of original program come back..." robin says honestly with first a 😔 emote then a 🥺 emote
"...aww! robin, it's okay! your original programming won't came back as the factory reset erase that program to kill and steal, you have too many new memories with the new programming to make the old programming come back" engineer says comforting the robot with a comfort smile as he pets the little robot
"yeah, you're are our little soldier and our child, i won't let that program get in your smart little head and make sure you are safe and happy!" soldier adds happily with his goofy smile and robin looks up at him with a 🥹 emote
"it's true for me too, you're our baby and you have been the best thing that's happened to us in a while, we love you, robin and we will also be your parents" engineer says calmly yet happily and little robin goes from the 🥹 emote to the 😭 emote as it runs over and hugs engineer around the stomach like before "shh, it's okay, you're safe now" he mumbles comforting robin while petting it on the back of the head calmly
robin was still hugged engineer for it's comfort as robin's face goes from 😭 to 😌 to then ☺️ feeling the comfort from engineer but it then soon grew tired doing a 🥱 emote as the hug loosens making engineer see the yawn
"aww, is my little baby all tired? you poor thing" engineer says in a amused voice as he picks up the tired little robot holding it to his face "crying it out tends to do that, maybe it's time for you to go to bed, huh?" he adds calmly then he places a little kiss on robin's forehead
the little robot does a ☺️ emote before doing a 😴 emote with the z moving as it was sleeping, engineer smiles at the little robot then looks at soldier who was smiling at engineer seeing how cute it was with engineer and robin, engineer smiles as he lay robin down on his right arm holding it like a newborn baby and he leans over to soldier and gives him a kiss on the lips making soldier kiss back, after the kiss, the pair look at each other affectionally and then engineer stands up making soldier confused where he was going
"i'm going to put robin to bed and then have a shower before we go down for dinner, i think it's pyro cooking tonight and he hates it when everyone misses his food" engineer says calmly slowly walking past soldier
"okay, i'll-uhh..." soldier says happily then was stumped on what he should do
"you can either watch robin for me while i shower or...you can join me in the shower~" engineer says calmly at first but then in a flirty voice as he smiles at soldier while leaning on the door
"oh! i love the sound of that second idea, toy maker" soldier says in his flirty voice as he goes over to engineer
"good, see you in a few minutes, rocket boy" engineer says flirting and then he walks off smiling still having robin in his arms
soldier smiles and he was about to follow but then his attention turned to the drawing robin did throughout the day, he picks them up and sees there were pictures of different things, the first paper was child like drawing of engineer with 'mommy' written sloppily in the right corner, the second paper was child like drawing of soldier with 'daddy'written sloppily in the right corner, then the third paper was of the other mercs mainly scout, pyro, demo and spy with 'my friends 1' in the right corner and lastly, the fourth paper was of the other mercs still but mainly sniper, medic and heavy with 'my friends 2' in the right corner, soldier smiles on how cute and good robin's drawings were before he takes them and walks off still leaving the first drawing robin drew on the sofa, when soldier gets to the bedroom, he sees robin has been placed in the bed in the middle still asleep with a 😴 emote and engineer was at the bathroom door smiling at soldier
"you coming in, hun?" engineer says smiling calmly and soldier smiles as he starts stripping his clothes off as he walks over to engineer
the pair go in the shower and they spend about an hour in the shower before coming out with towels around their waists but looking flustered yet happy, the pair then get dressed and head to the kitchen leaving the sleeping robin to sleep, the pair surprisingly made it on time as pyro had finish cooking and he had made a nice big tray of lasagna, the food was delicious and the others couldn't get enough as they chow down making pyro feel proud that his cooking was loved
"so, hardhat, where's robin?" scout asks after eating some lasagna seeing that the little robot was absent from the table even if it can't eat
"it's gone to bed after having a emotional moment, it recently found out its past and it wasn't good" engineer says looking bad for robin and the others look at him confused
"yeah, poor little thing found out it was made to go to planets, kill everyone and steal stuff before going back home again" soldier says after eating then puts another chunk of lasagna in his mouth
"wait, what?! really?" scout says stunned as well as the others and engineer nods while eating
"yeah, but thanks to it crash landing from hitting something and then the factory reset kicking in from it having a damaged memory, it's now a happy little robot that we love dearly, right soldier?" engineer explains after swallowing his food and then he looks over at soldier smiling
"affirmative!" soldier says happily and this makes engineer chuckle a little "as i said before, little robin is my and engineer's child and if any of you make it upset, i won't let you forget about it, got it?!" he adds looking at the others seriously and they all nod scared before going back to eat
"heavy glad little robot isn't a killer, it's too cute" heavy says calmly as he was eating
"i'm glad too, mate, that little thing act too much like a toddler and i can't imagine it being a killing machine" sniper says also eating and the other hum agreeing with him
"...do you think miss.pauling like it? as i notice she did a cute blush when robin told her she was pretty" scout says looking up again looking curious
"i think she did, scout and maybe, if you are more straight forward with miss.pauling like what robin was, maybe then miss.pauling would be more wrapped around your fingers" spy says in his deadpan tome but there was some amusement in his voice
"shut the hell up, spy!" scout says annoyed then goes back to eating but giving spy a death glare
the others chuckle amused and then they go back to eating in silence, after they ate, the mercs went to have a little bonding time in the rec room with beers that demoman brought, the beers were simple store beers so they was no heavy drinking as they had to fight tomorrow but demo never really listens to the no heavy drinking as he always drunk on the battle field anyway, the group had a amusing time talking and laughing while little robin was still fast asleep in soldier and engineer's bed but soon, the others had to come to bed as it was a busy day for them tomorrow and for the next few days so they head to bed and sleep the night away, soldier and engineer were asleep in their bed and robin was still happily asleep between the ones who loved it dearly hoping that their love will continue for a long time.
the next morning, soldier, engineer, sniper, medic and the others were about to set off and robin was doing a 😟 emote wondering where everyone was going
"okay, robin, i know your confused but here's what's going on, me and the others are heading off to our job we won't be back till tonight about 6pm so, you have the base to yourself!" engineer says calmly as he picks up robin and robin makes a 😦 emote then does a 🙁 emotr realising it will be lonely "aww, i know you'll be by yourself for a few hours but soldier has left you with some things to do while we are gone so you don't get bored" he adds smiling at the little robot then looks over at soldier
"i have left you some paper so you can draw! i really liked the drawing you did yesterday by the way, you are a great drawer!" soldier says happily as he points to the paper then he holds up the drawing he placed on his bedside after walking over to his side of the bed making robin do a 😊 emote "i also left you with a TV so you can watch TV! some toys i found and...i even found this!" he adds showing off the things he brought then holds up a cup and ball
"so, you have many things to do, just don't try and do anything dangerous like before, you almost gave me a panic attack when i saw you fall" engineer says calmly then worried as he puts his free hand on his heart
"okay, mom-mee, love you!" robin says nodding understanding then does a ☺️ emote
"we love you too, robin, well, be a good little robot and we'll see see you tonight, okay?" engineer says happily and he gives robin a light kiss on the forehead before places it on the bed
robin had a 😊 emote from the kiss then it got a rough head pet from soldier making it do a 🥰 emote, the pair then leave and robin wave goodbye to them with a 😄 emote before the door shuts with a click, robin then makes a 😔 emote hating that it was alone but then looks down at the things soldier has laid out for it to do so the little robot jumps off the bed and goes over to the paper with the crayons, pencil and now there was also a packet of colouring pencils and a packet of felt tips, robin does a 🤩 emote seeing the new things or can use to draw and it gets to work on the paper, robin spent a while on the drawing but then it became stuck on what to draw next, it then looks over at the TV and decides to turn it on to see what it had to offer, it uses the knob in the top right corner until, it stop on a channel the little robot was interested in making it do a 😦 emote, the channel was a show called 'scooby doo! where are you?' and robin was very invested in it as it sat there watching it as luckily, it just started, the show seem to be about a group of 4 teenagers with their great dane type dog named scooby and they were sorting out a mystery, in this episode, there were sorting out a mystery of this rouge robot that was causing chaos at a amusement park and to robin, the show was a little scary at first but then it was exciting and by the end, robin wanted more but there was no more, instead there was a different show on after the adverts and it was called looney tunes, robin watches and like with scooby doo, it enjoyed the show even laughing as the show as it was really funny, after that show was over, robin decided to go over to play with the toys soldier left out and there was a block stacking game, a jigsaw puzzle, a board game, a duck on wheels, the cup and ball with the ball on a string attached to the cup and some other things, robin decide to play with the toys and this gave the little robot hours of fun as it had a 😄 and a 😁 emote the entire time enjoying itself.
meanwhile at landfall and the mercs were fighting their blue counterparts and the fight was little more calm then usual, the blu scout along with scout and demo were doing the conga around the tree, the 2 heavies were having a sandwich eating contest with both medics watching annoyed as they wanted them to fight, sniper was snoozing on the roof by the base while the blu sniper was just in spawn for some reason, the blu demo was drunk and he was drunk sleeping on a near blu spawn, the blu soldier and engineer were in the other blu spawn unsure that they were doing and the 2 spies were leaning on the tree in the middle watching everyone in visual view being idiots, engineer was at red spawn lying in his ranch i relaxo seat snoozing with his hardhat over his eyes while his level 3 sentry beeps as it moves from left to right, the level 3 dispenser with 100% metal was sitting behind engineer and the entry teleport was sitting by spawn with the exit teleport spinning in a building near the blu's spawn, soldier was with engineer too was leaning on his rocket launcher bored with his head on his crossed arms while he was next to engineer and he was kinda snoozing too but he was hearing his surroundings and he does open his eye now and again to check on engineer to see if he was okay, the pair were just snoozing when soldier had a thought and he looks over at engineer with his left eye
"hey engie?" soldier says in a audible mumble and engineer lifts his helmet up a little to look at soldier
"yeah?" engineer replies also in a mumble curiously on what soldier wants
"do you think robin is okay?" soldier asks still in a mumble but he also sounded curious
"...i think it is, we gave it all that stuff to do so it shouldn't be bored" engineer says after he puts his helmet over his eyes
"okay...hey engie?" soldier says then looks over at engineer again who only gives a hum this time "do you think robin acts more like a boy robot or a girl robot?" he asks and it goes wuiets for a moment as engineer goes to think about it
"...i think it's a bit like pyro as we don't know his real gender but he acts like both a man and a woman, sure, robin has girly stickers on it but they are from pyro so i don't think it care or know what gender difference is" engineer explains after thinking about it and soldier hums understanding
the pair then went back to snoozing and the others were still messing around, meanwhile somewhere and the administrator who was watching screens which showed live footage of the mercs messing around which made her frustrated while miss.pauling stood behind her worried
"miss.pauling...why aren't they doing their job?!" the administrator says frustrated as she points to the screens while looking at miss.pauling
"uh, well i think it's because it's a capture the flag map and as they're is no time limit with the mercs just needed to drop off the intel to their base 3 times, they are just messing around to waste time?" miss.pauling explains the best she could with her theory
"ugh! men are such idiots!" the administrator says frustrated as she spins in her chair with miss.pauling looking unsure "and there's a whole week of this too! ugh!...next week, i'm making all of them push bomb carts" she adds still frustrated then calms down a little but still annoyed as she places her head on her right hand
"ma'am, you know that the mercenaries have to do at least one whole week of capture the intel places every other month so it's better to get it over with then not let them do it at all" miss.pauling says calmly yet still a bit worried about what she says
"...your right, miss.pauling, it is better to get it over with then to ignore it" the administrator says agreeing with miss.pauling but she still sounded annoyed "those cases don't have anything important in them anyway, it's just random ripped out papers from old animal books so i guess you can say that these capture the intel place can be a break for the mercenaries to mess around for the next few days..." she adds as she smokes her cigerette like it's her lifeline then she gets an idea as she perks up "unless..." she says thinking and this makes miss.pauling concerned
"yes, administrator?" miss.pauling says worried after she swallow in worry
"where are the mercenaries going on friday?" the administrator asks as she spins her chair around to look at miss.pauling
"umm, it's 2fort, what do you have planned?" miss.pauling says reading off her note board then looking at the administrator curiously
"oh, just something to make those mercenaries want to take a capture a intel place a lot more seriously" the administrator says as she taps her fingers together in a wave and then she chuckles evily while miss.pauling looked concerned yet curious about what her plan was
a few hours later and the match ended with the REDs winning after the BLU team let them, they then headed back to the base being at the base after 6pm and when soldier and engineer were in the base, they head upstairs to their room to check on robin
"robin? we're back!" engineer says happily yet curiously as he opens the bedroom door
he looks around the room then smiles when he spots robin, the little robot was sleeping on the bed with a 😴 emote while the floor was a little messy, there were a little pile of drawings robin did, the TV was on and playing the news, toys were scattered about but in a tidy way and it looked like robin had fun while soldier, engineer and the others were out, engineer smiles sweetly seeing how cute robin was as the little robot slept and then he looks at soldier who was also smiling sweetly, engineer then goes over to robin and he pets the little robot on the head lightly which makes robin wakes up, the little robot first does a 🥱 emote and then it tiredly looks at engineer and soldier then does a 😃 emote
"mom-mee!" robin says happily with a 😄 emote while holding up its hands towards engineer
"hello, baby, did you have fun by yourself today?" engineer says happily and affectionally as he was picking up robin
"yeah, fun all day, then fell asleep" robin explains happily in engineer's hands with a 😁 emote and engineer smiles on how cute robin we being
"that's nice to know, are you going to tell me what you did before going to sleep?" engineer says happily and calmly and robin nods happily with a 😃 emote
soldier smiles at the pair seeing that they were being cute together and then he was about to walk off to the truck so he could grab his weapons and check them for tomorrows battle
"dad-dee, cuddle!" robin says suddenly after seeing soldier walking off and soldier stops in his tracks
soldier huffs a amused sigh and then turns around going back to engineer and robin who was reaching out to soldier with a 😄 emote, soldier then takes robin odd engineer with engineer watching happily as the little robot hugs soldier around the neck making soldier smile as he hugs back by putting his left hand on robin's back
"aww, well ain't that cute" engineer says amused and proud seeing the cute sight in front of him and he sees soldier look over at him with his left eye open but he was smiling
"dad-dee?" robin says as it pulls away from the hug with a 🙂 emote and soldier looks at the robot curiously
"hmm?" soldier hums curiously wondering what his little robot child wanted
"thank you, saving me, love you" robin says happily with a 😊 emote then hugs soldier again happily
"you're welcome, cupcake, love you too" soldier replies happily in a mumble and he hugs back happily making engineer smile cutely
engineer then goes over to soldier and he gives soldier a light kiss on the lips making soldier a little surprised but then he loses back putting his free hand on the back of engineer's head, after the kiss, soldier and engineer look at each other for a moment then engineer sees robin pull away from the hug, robin then slides down soldier's arm landing on its back in soldier's left arm then does a 😌 emote feeling comfortable and happy
"should we head downstair as i think it's my turn to cook tonight" engineer says looking up at soldier happily smiling at him and soldier nods smiling at engineer
the pair go downstairs and robin was still on soldier's arms still having a 😌 emote, when the trio make it to the kitchen engineer looks around to see what he could cook after he puts his apron on which was hanging up by the double door, engineer's was a white apron but it had his logo on the chest area and on the pocket at the bottom of the apron, it says 'engineer is cooking'
"what we having to eat tonight, engie?" soldier says excited as he loves engineer's cooking and curious on what engineer was going to cook tonight
"umm...let's see here...ah ha! looks like we are having beef stew tonight!" engineer says happily as he holds up some beef and some vegetables
"yay!" soldier cheers happily like a child with his right hand up in the air
this makes robin open its eyes and it looks up at soldier then sees engineer walking over to soldier after putting some things down on the kitchen table
"now, why don't you take robin into the living room and i'll call you in for a taste test, okay?" engineer says calmly as he looks at soldier then pats his cheek affectionly
"okay, engie!" soldier says happily and he gives engineer a kiss on his forehead after removing his hardhat briefly then putting it back
soldier then leaves the kitchen with robin leaving engineer on his own then engineer claps before getting to work, soldier ends up sitting on one of the sofas in the living room with robin on his lap and robin decided to talk to soldier about what it did today while soldier, engineer and the others were at work, soldier smiles as robin was explaining in its own way what it did and when it was done, soldier gave the little robot attention making it do a 🥰 emote, then the others start coming in as it was close to dinner time and they were all hungry for engineer's cooking, engineer then calls soldier over for taste testing and he leaves robin with the others as scout takes the little robot off soldier before he left with engineer to the kitchen
"hey there, robin, how are you?" scout says happily as he puts robin down on his lap
"good! thank you saving me yesterday!" robin says happily with a 😊 emote and scout smiles as he rubs robin's head affectionally
"aww, that's okay and i want to tell you that-...i'm sorry for he thing i said at the campfire, i didn't mean to hurt your feeling, my mouth just makes me think out loud and i couldn't stop myself" scout says calmly then apologises as he looks down disappointed in himself
"forgive you, want lollipop?" robin says happily with a ☺️ emote then holds out the lollipop it grabbed from the mug ontop of the unstable cabinet
"thanks! i'll have it after eating my food" scout says happily taking the lollipop from robin then puts it in his pocket
suddenly, engineer comes in and he was smiling happily as everyone was looking over at him
"dinner's ready, boys!" engineer announces happily and everyone cheers before they all bolt past engineer to go into the dining room
engineer sees everyone has left but then he sees robin sitting on the arm of one of the sofa and it had a 😞 emote so engineer goes over to it
"robin, you still sad that you can't eat food?" engineer says comforting the little robot as he picks it up and the little robot nods still having a 😞 emote
"left out..." robin says in a sad tone and engineer hugs the little robot close to him
"aww, i know but that's okay, this just mean you're just unique from the others" engineer says as he comforts the little robot who was looking at engie with a 😳 emote
"i am?" robin says surprised and engineer smiles as he pets the little robot more
"yeah! you are mine and soldier's unique little child and don't forget that" engineer says happily and he affectionlly kisses robin on the forehead making the little robot do a 🥰 emote "now come on, the others are waiting for us" he adds and he walks our the living room with robin in his left arm
engineer then gets to the dining room where he sees that the others were tucking happily into the food he made and he sits by soldier who hands him a bowl, robin sits on soldier's lap after he jumps from engineer's arm to soldier and as everyone ate, the little robot was still low key feeling left out from eating but the words engineer told it kept replying in its robotic brain
'you're just so unique!' robin kept hearing and robin realises that this was a good thing as it does a 😊
after the food, everyone goes to hang out in the living room for a while to settle their food down before bed as the beef stew make everyone feel full and little robin was sitting with pyro in the middle of the floor drawing together, pyro had thought robin how to draw the balloonicorn and robin's was more cute then pyro's version with pyro's balloonicorn looked more childish, the pair were having a great time but then robin grew tired with all the laughing it had been doing, the others were getting tired too as they had another fill day tomorrow so they all went to bed, everyone was happily asleep in their bed and they all wondered for the next few days will be like the battle they had today, this turned out to be the case for the next 2 days as both the REDs and the BLUs were just messing around that the places they were sent to, the mercs were partying by doing the russian kick, the conga, high fiving each other, fish bumping each other, racing each other in carts and other vehicles, sitting in chairs, sitting in a tent, sitting by a campfire with a marshmallow, doing the dosedoe, laughing and other stuff, it was all a good time but what they all didn't know was that the administrator and miss.pauling were up to something and by thursday evening, the plan was ready for the 2fort capture the intel on friday, meanwhile, robin had been enjoying itself at the base all by itself in soldier and engineer's room but the little robot got really curious on what soldier and engineer do when they at their job, the little robot sat on the floor with a 🤔 thinking on what to do while it waits for soldier, engineer and the others to get back home and then it does a 😈 emote having a mischievous idea, soon, soldier, engineer and the others get home and robin greets soldier and engineer happily to see them and they were happy to see the little robot, soon, everyone had dinner with demoman cooking tonight, they chilled in the living room for a bit and then they went to bed about 8 wondering what tomorrow will bring the 9 mercenaries while robin was doing a 😏 emote before going to sleep having a plan about sneaking off with the others tomorrow to their job.
the next morning, soldier wakes up first followed by engineer and as the pair were having breakfast after having a shower, robin wakes up and it gets ready to start its plan, it gets out of bed and it goes over to the drawings on the floor and acted busy so engineer and soldier didn't expect anything, soldier and engineer soon come in the room to get ready and robin still acted busy
"okay, robin, you know the drill, we will see you later, okay?" engineer says calmly as he picks up robin happily
"okay mom-mee, love you and dad-dee!" robin says happily with a 😊 emote and engineer smiles before kissing the little robot in the forehead making robin do a 🥰 emote
"love you too, baby" engineer says happily as he places robin on the floor
"yeah, love you, cupcake!" soldier says happily and the pair start leaving the room
as they do, robin steps into action and it runs over to the wooden blocks, it then grabs one and slides it over to the door where it blocks the door from shutting with soldier who was shutting the door didn't notice and let's go of the handle walking away with engineer walking next to him also not noticing the door still open as he was looking away at spy's voice telling them to hurry up, robin runs over to the door where it peaks out to see soldier and engineer walking off and it sneaks off after them to see where they go, it follows the pair to outside and robin says it's chance to hide as it saw a open toolbox so it climbs inside and the box lid shuts after the little robot was comfy inside the toolbox, the toolbox was then put in the truck by engineer and he gets in the driver's seat while soldier sat next to him and demoman sat next to soldier, the trio then set off unaware that robin was with them too and they headed to 2fort which was one of the most common locations the mercenaries went too but when the mercenaries get to the location, the place was completely different as it looked half destroyed and run down, the mercenaries get out of the cars looking at their base super confused as they all stand by each other
"wh-what the hell happened here?!" scout says confused as he points to the base and then he looks at heavy and pyro
"i don't know but i have a feeling that the administrator has something to do with this after the last few days" spy says emotionless from next to demoman and the group except for engineer and soldier head into the part of the base that wasn't destroyed
engineer and soldier had to grab engineer equipment before they head in and one the things they grab was the toolbox with robin inside, the group end up heading into the intel room as it felt like it was the only place they could go and they see that the area around the intel room and the room itself wasn't destroyed like the upper area was, the mercenaries were still confused on what happened to the place and they wondered what they had to do here but they questions were soon answered as the administrator started talking though the speakers
"listen up, gentlemen, i've decided to change it up a little for your last day of capture the intel as with this capture the intel, you are protecting your intel from...zombies infected with a unknown alien virus!" the adminatrator says sounding evil and the mercenaries all look at each other concerned when she announced what the group be up ageist
"m-ma'am, what-?!" engineer says looking up at the speaker really confused and stunned on what she just said
"i know you are wondering how we managed to get zombies with a unknown alien virus, well, let's just say that some place were invaded and now the zombies are here at these bases and they are after your intel which isn't just intel, inside that case is a aroma that is luring the zombies over to your base and it's your job to protect that case until 5pm, oh, and if you are killed by the zombies, you do respawn but there is a limit for how many times you can respawn, it was 10 times but i want to be amused so i bumped it up to 20 times so be careful and good luck!" the administrator explains and then the speaker goes quiet after a bit of static
the mercs look at each other stunned and confused on what they've got themselves into until as usual, scout broke the silence
"what in the fricking hell, man?!" scout says freaking out and the others look at him worried "zombies with an alien virus and we have 20 respawns until 5pm! how are we going to fricking do this for 9 hours?!" he adds still freaking out but then was suddenly shushed by spy
"right, i have a plan, engineer, you set up your sentry and dispenser here, your teleporter entrance at spawn and the exit outside the base somewhere" spy says and he points to engineer seriously
"...alrighty then!" engineer says nodding seriously and he gets to work setting up his sentry and dispenser in the intel room
"pyro, you guard the corridor outside the intel room and both stairs on the left and right, got it?" spy says moving his pointing finger onto pyro
'okay mister spy!' pyro mumbles and he heads to the corridor outside the intel room with his flamethrower in his hands
"sniper, since the balcony areas have been destroyed, i will help you find a new location to snipe the zombies" spy says as he points to sniper
"okay, mate!" sniper says nodding then he sees spy walk over to demoman
"demoman, i want you, heavy and medic to stay at the front of the base and you three are the guard dogs of the base, got it?" spy says as he points to demoman, heavy and medic
"aye!" demoman says seriously as he holds up his sticky bomb launcher
"da!" heavy says seriously as he holds up his minigun proudly
"yes!" medic says seriously as he holds up the medi gum after checking if it was on
the trio then ran off and spy goes over to both scout and soldier just as engineer was coming back from dropping the teleporters down
"right then, you two, i need both of you to be serious about it and don't be reckless, you only have 20 respawns and i don't want to see you wasting them being idiots, got it?!" spy says super serious as he points to the pair
"ok, ok, jeez, you made you the boss?" scout says annoyed as he looks at spy then rolls his eyes making spy grit his teeth but then he calms down
"i did! now, scout, i need you to do your speed and jumping about to scout the area for where the zombies are coming out from while after i help the bushmen, i'll look inside for more info on where the zombies are coming from, got it?" spy says as he was pointing to scout
"okay, mr.boss spy!" scout says happily and he runs off out of the intel room
spy then goes over to soldier but he notice that the military man was more focus on what engineer was doing which was upgrading his dispenser and sentry, spy then clears his throat getting soldier's attention and it also got engineer's attention too as he looks up
"soldier, you need to go join demo, heavy and medic at the front, got it?" spy says after soldier looks at him
"yes, sir!" soldier says happily with a goofy smile and a little salute
"*sigh*, come on, bushmen, let's find you a sniping spot" spy says annoyed after he pinches his nose while sighing then he waves his hand for sniper to follow him
spy walks off with sniper only leaving soldier and engineer in the room and soldier walks over to engineer who pulls soldier over to the desk where he props himself up onto the desk
"soldier, like spy said, please don't be too reckless, i would hate to see you dead within an hour of us being here, you would be leaving me along to defend myself in the intel room and i know i have pyro with me but, i'll be sad knowing you won't respawn until 5pm and we also more likely lose if you are gone" engineer explains as he lightly puts his hands on soldier face while soldier was listening to him with a soft expression
"...okay engie! i won't be too reckless, i'll do it for both you and for robin" soldier says calmly as he was enjoying the attention he was getting from engineer
"thats good, also, remember i'll be here if you need anything like comfort, reassurance or company, okay?" engineer says happily and soldier nods still having engineer's hands on his face
engineer then pulls soldier in and the pair have a kiss which was full of love and care, the pair soon pull away and engineer smiles as he gives soldier a kiss on the cheek before he jumps off the desk
"now, go on, go and kill some alien virus infected zombies" engineer says happily and soldier smiles and nods seriously
soldier then grabs his rocket launcher and leaves the intel room to go join the others at the front of the damaged base, meanwhile, while soldier and engineer were talking, robin who was still hiding in the toolbox, peaks out of the toolbox which was laying on the ground and then comes out of the toolbox to hide at the more dark place of under the desk so it doesn't be seen, robin then sees soldier run off and then sees engineer sigh lovingly watching soldier leave before he goes back to upgrading his dispenser, robin looks around the room and sees that the place looked very run down and some of the areas in the room were damaged, the little robot was confused on why the place looked so destroyed as it didn't remember during the talks the mercenaries had about their dat mentioning anything about the places they went to looked run down and damaged so this made robin think if there was something wrong with this place.
meanwhile, engineer had finally got the sentry to level 3 and he relocates it do the sentry was pointing to both corridors in case a zombie comes in, he then was about to head to the dispenser to collect some metal he used on the sentry when suddenly he gets a funny feeling which was the same funny feeling he gained on monday when robin came into the rec room then almost injured itself when grabbing a lollipop from the unstable cabinet, this made engineer think if the little robot had somehow come with them but then almost denied it as both him and soldier had left robin at the base in their bedroom but then thought if they had shut the bedroom door as last time, they didn't so this makes engineer looked worried as he looks near the desk
"robin? are you here?" engineer asks as he looks at the desk and he looked concerned
at first, he didn't get an answer so he thought he left robin at home but then he sees a familiar little robot come out from the side it the desk having a 😞 emote
"i'm sorry, mom-mee, i wanted see what you and dad-dee do while gone" robin says guilty as it looks fish still having a 😞 emote
"robin!-..." engineer says sounding angry making robin do a 😖 emote expecting to be told off but engineer sighs and picks up robin placing it on the desk "i know you were just curious and wanted to come with us but today wasn't the best day for you to come, there is a dangerous situation heading this way and it's too dangerous for you to be here! you could get hurt or damaged to the point i can't repair you and-...i don't want to think about that so, please, stay in the toolbox you hid in and don't come out, okay?" he explains sound angry then trying to calm himself down but he sounded too frustrated as he goes around the desk and picks up the toolbox robin hid in them points to the toolbox while looking at robin seriously
"...okay, mom-mee..." robin says sadly with a 😔 emote now feeling bad for what it had done and it jumps back into the toolbox before shutting it
engineer looks at the toolbox now feeling bad for shouting as he knows it wasn't robin's fault for the situation the administrator put then all in, it was also just curious on what they did for a living as it has only heard stories about the day while it stayed at home trying to entertain itself all day which can get boring after the 3rd day so engineer sighs as he pinches his nose then turns the toolbox around, he open the toolbox to see robin sitting there sadly with a 😞 emote as it looks up at engineer then looks down again then engineer picks up the little robot making robin do a 😦 emote as it wasn't expecting it be picked up, engineer then sits down in the chair next to him calmly and he then places robin on his chest ontop of where his heart is
"mom-mee?" robin says confused as it looks up at engineer with a 😕 emote then does a ☺️ wmo's when engineer starts petting it on the head
"...i'm sorry for getting angry at you, baby, i didn't mean to make you sad, i was just concerned that you were here as we've been placed in a dangerous situation" engineer mumbles calmly as he still pers robin on the head
"i know, mom-mee, i be good, love you" robin says calmly still doing the ☺️ emote but was looking up at engineer happily
"love you too, baby" engineer says calmly and smiling then he picks up robin kissing the little robot on the head
robin does a 🥰 emote feeling better and engineer smiles still petting robin seeing robin was starting to get tired as it does a 🥱 emote, he keeps comforting the little robot like how you comfort a newborn baby until he sees robin doing a 😴 emote showing that it was asleep, he smiles on how cute robin looked when it was asleep then he places the little robot in the toolbox and shuts the toolbox so it stays safe as it slept, he then goes to check his sentry and dispenser which were fine, he then starts just stare at the dispenser as he realises that the others that were at the front of the base had no way to get ammo while fighting the robots so engineer thinks and thinks until he gets a idea as a imaginary light bulb appears next to his head, he then goes over to another toolbox he brought that was on the corner by the desk and he opens it to reveal the metal that he took off the rocket a few days ago, he picks it up and then he takes the toolbox with him over to the little room in the corner by the right corridor and starts getting to work.
meanwhile outside the corridor and everyone was in their positions ready to fight the alien virus infected zombies, pyro was in the corridor by the intel room ready to fight, in the courtyard and spy was there managing that area after he scout the inside of the BLU base so at the moment, he was out the front by the BLU base, meanwhile at the front and heavy was standing on the bridge with his minigun revved up, sniper had to end up using his camper for night so he was standing on his camper with the ladder blocked so the zombies don't get up, medic was with sniper on the camper healing heavy, soldier and demoman as well as sniper as he was there too, demoman was by the left base door with his grenade launcher out while sticky bombs scatter the door frame and soldier was on the right side holding his rocket launcher out ready to shoot any zombies that get in the door and lastly, scout was standing on the roof ready to start scouting when spy gives him the signal
"can i go yet, spy?" scout says inpatiently as he taps his fingers on the wooden part of his gun while looking at spy
spy holds his hand up telling scout to wait and then a strange, loud roar type noise came from the BLU base making everyone look shocked, even pyro and engineer heard the roar from inside the base as the pair look up from what they were doing
"what...was that?" scout says concerned as he turns around to look at sniper and medic ontop of the camper
the pair shrug at scput unsure what it was but they looked both scared and unsure about it, scout then turns back around and then out of nowhere, some alien virus infected come running out of the building and heavy freaks out by starting to fire, spy tells scout to go and he jumps into the BLU base as their balcony was still in tacked as the building was made of bricks while spy went in thought the left door invisible, back with engineer and he was done with his idea which was to make 7 mini dispensers for the mercenaries to attach to their pockets so they will have infinity ammo and infinity health, he only made 7 as he didn't need one due to him having a dispenser already and medic didn't need one as he was the healer, engineer smiles at the 7 mini dispensers he made then he grabs then and runs out of the intel room to hand everyone their new mini dispensers, he first gives one to pyro who was very happy with it and then he heads to the front having 6 mini dispensers left, he first goes to soldier and hands his dispenser to him, then to demoman, then to heavy and then to sniper
"these 2 are for spy and scout so give it to them when you see them" engineer says to sniper and medic as he hand them the 2 remaining mini dispensers
"okay, mate!" sniper says happily as he takes the 3 mini dispensers off engineer
engineer smiles and he runs back in the base but then he was stopped by soldier who grabs him on the left shoulder
thanks for making these, engie! i love you!" soldier says happily as he holds up his mini dispense and he gives engineer a kiss on the cheek
"aww, it was nothin', just looking out for the team" engineer says happily then he realises he had left robin on its own making him mentally concerned "anyway, keep fighting and come see me in the intel room anytime, see ya!" he adds then runs off in a bit of a hurry
soldier watches him go and then when engineer was gone, he goes back to fighting now having infinite ammo and health at his disposal, engineer makes it back to the intel room and he instantly checks on robin just to see the little robot still asleep making him sigh in relief, he then shuts the toolbox quietly and then decides to set up his ranch relaxo chair next to his dispenser and starts drinking the beer in the drink stand while relaxing, back outside and everyone was surprisingly having a good time mowing down aiken infected zombies and ir felt like a much easier version of the robot battle, sniper had giving both scout and spy their mini dispensers and the pair liked having the infinite ammo and infinite health but scout was still careful with himself as he shot down the zombies, both scout and spy also figured out that the zombies were coming out of a cage in the intel room that also their respawn area as spy saw some of then pop into existence from inside the cage, soon, an hour had passed and both engineer and pyro were getting a little bored so they decided to move up with pyro now at the front with the others and engineer moving his sentry at the end of the corridor where soldier and demoman were with the sentry now getting some kills but engineer decided to stay in the intel room to both keep an eye on the intel and to keep an eye on robin who was still asleep.
as engineer chills in the intel room still on his rancho relaxo chair, his mind thought of robin as the little robot has almost been with them for a week and it has grew on both him and soldier a lot, the little robot had become his and soldier's child and he was calmly okay with accepting the role as mother to robin while soldier was happy to be robin's father which engineer thought was cute, engineer smiles thinking on how much robin had changed both him and soldier since they met last week and he was glad to have robin now as the little robot has become a good child to him and soldier, the little robot had a heart of gold like soldier being honest, kind, loyal and having a cute smile like soldier's while it was also very intelligent like him, a good drawer like he was and it has also started to somehow gain a texas accent which engineer thought was cute to hear, he then smiles remembering the time him and soldier found out robin was ticklish and he then glances over at the toolbox with robin asleep inside and he realised that deep down, he wished that robin was a real child so when this war was over, both him and soldier could retire to raise robin into a really intelligent yet fun adult and make robin's childhood the best it will never forget but then this brought up a new thought.
if robin was a human, would it be a boy or a girl? he remembers soldier bringing this question up on tuesday and his reply was that robin probably didn't know what gender is as it's a robot toddler but if it was a human, it kinda would be a different story, sure, he could just keep getting robin both male and female things while dressing it in unisex clothing but there will be the issue of gendered bathrooms, school and other kids/adults, engineer was a bit stumped as an answer could be that he just can homeschool robin but soldier would probably want robin to grow up as a full on american so it meant sending robin to school to learn about america, speaking of soldier, he would probably be the one who will fight almost everyone about robin's gender and robin's comforts as most people wouldn't understand robin but when soldier is yelling in their faces to respect his child's wishes, they will probably either do a 180 and do everything to understand robin or soldier will get arrested being called a entitled dad which engineer didn't want to think about it.
some more hours past and everyone was having a great time still killing alien virus infected zombies as the more time passed, the harder the zombies seem to get but luckily nobody hasn't died once yet with all of them still have 20 respawns each, it was now 4:30 which means there was half an hour left till the match was over and the alien virus infected zombies seem to now be slowing down as less and less were now coming out of the BLU base, heavy, demoman, pyro, scout, spy, sniper and medic were still outside just messing with the zombies at this point with different weapons they had brought from dynamite from demo to a new flare gun pyro brought which explodes on impact with the zombie to some other weapons the others had, soldier had decided to go to be with engineer as he hadn't seen him in an hour but engineer hadn't told him that robin was with him, robin was now awake after a 3 hour nap and was now still in the toolbox drawing on some paper and a pencil engineer had found, engineer was still in the intel room and he smiles when he sees soldier walking over to him
"hey hun, how's it going out there?" engineer asks as soldier stands close to him smiling
"the zombies are slowing down now so everyone is just messing around with their weapons on them till the times is up in 30 mintues" soldier replies calmly and he pulls engineer close to him
"that's good to know, so, what are you-!" engineer says happily but he was cut off by soldier kissing him a little hard
engineer kisses back but he could tell that soldier wanted him in a sexual way so engineer pulls away making soldier look disappointed
"soldier, darlin', i know what you want but can't we wait to get back to the base, we have a nice bed there and i have to drive us back" engineer explains and soldier does a annoyed huff
"but! robin is there and it will be awkward!" soldier says as he puts his head on engineer's shoulder
"i know but you forget that i can just give it to one of the others to look after it like scout, sniper or heavy or i can put it in the workshop for a while with something to do" engineer says amused as he sees soldier lift his head up to look at him
"oh yeah, i forget" soldier says as his desperation melt away and he kisses engineer again not as hard this time
engineer happily kisses back but then he remembers that he hadn't told soldier that robin has stowed away in the toolbox so he pulls away again but gives soldier a little peak on the lips
"soldier, there something funny i need to tell ya and it's about robin" engineer says a little amused and soldier looks at him curious on what he was going to say "you see-" he say about to tell soldier but then he was cut off by scout running in looking stressed
"hey guys, we have a really big issue coming our way!" scout says panicking and both engineer and soldier look at him confused
suddenly a roar was heard and in e room came a alien virus infected zombie but this one was bigger then heavy and it was holding a really big revolver gun
"it didn't kill anyone outside but it looks like it wants to so we need to take it down! the others are coming but sent me to warn you!" scout says stressed out and he then shoots the zombie a few times
soldier went serious as he picks up his rocket launcher and then he fires a few rockets at the zombie just as the others arrive, the rockets hit the zombie damaging it and then the others start firing at it's back, engineer was also firing at it with both his shotgun and pistol while having his hand on the toolbox robin was in to protect it and all the weapons being shot at the zombie just made it angry, soldier then fires a crit rocket at the zombie with demo firing a crit grenade at the same time and both the rocket and grenade hit the zombie at the same time making it fall down in defeat, the mercenaries cheer happily seeing the zombie went down and engineer goes over to soldier to hug him happily
"you did a good job there, darlin', that crit rocket really saved the day" engineer says happily and soldier nods happily as he hugs engineer back
as they hugged, the others walked away as they wanted to go around to the right corridor as the zombie was blocking the left corridor but as they do, the zombie sits up and points the gun at soldier and engineer, robin was peaking out of the toolbox sees this and it does a 😧 emote
"mom-mee! dad-dee! look out!" robin calls out with its arm reaching out to its parents then it jumps into action
engineer looks over at robin then everything suddenly went in slow motion as the zombie shoots its gum at engineer and soldier, the pair stood there as the bullet was heading to then in high speed with soldier trying to push engineer out the way so he could take the hit but then robin appears from leaping and the bullet hits the little robot at where it said 'LR - 1' at the bottom, engineer calls out to robin in slow motion as he almost falls over from soldier's shove and scout went to deal with the zombie shooting it in the head with the shotgun he borrowed from pyro, everything sped up again with the zombie dead and robin falling with now a hole in the middle of the LR and the 1, it was about to hit the ground but then it was caught by soldier who looked really concerned as he caught the little robot
"robin! baby, are you okay!?" engineer says concerned afte he takes robin from soldier and he was kneeling on the floor holding robin in his hands
"...mo-mom-mee-..." robin says starting to glitch out with the screen glitching and the hole having sparks coming out of it
"it's okay, we can take you back home and i can fix you up, okay? just stay with me!" engineer says panicking as he was looking around the room
"d-d-dad-d-dee...i-i-" robin tries to say but the glitch was getting more and more worse
"hold on, robin! i got you! i got you, it's okay..." engineer says now starting to tear up reailsing he can't really do anything for robin
"i...love...you..." robin says struggling and then it shuts down with the screen going black making both engineer and soldier tear up as they stared at the little robot's lifeless body
the other stood there as they watch engineer cry hard and soldier kneels down and starts hugging engineer with his chin ontop of engineer's head also crying, the other were sad too as they were tearing up but also a little stunned to see soldier cry and the american lover never cries, suddenly a bell noise came though the speakers and everyone except soldier and engineer look up at the speaker
"well done, gentlemen, you survived the alien virus infected zombie apocalypse, you all may head back to the base and have your weekend off, dismissed" the adminatrator says emotionless and then the speakers do a static noise before going quiet
the other looks back at soldier and engineer who were still crying and half of then decided to leave so they could get ready to get back home with only sniper, medic, pyro and scout staying, a while later and the mercs were back home to the base but everyone was dead quiet as they all felt bad for soldier and engineer, with soldier and engineer and the pair were in their bedroom with the pair just crying their eyes out with engineer being a lot worse then soldier till they fell asleep hugging each other, the little robot's body was placed in the workshop on the desk by engineer and he put it there so he could figure out what to do with it tomorrow but then the workshop lights comes on revealing scout, the youngest merc walked over to robin's body and picked it up sadly, he wanted to help but he didn't really know how, he then spots the picture robin drew of itself with engineer and soldier and then all the other picture it drew even the ones it drew of scout making the baseball lover smile sadly
"i'm sorry, little buddy..." scout mumbles trying not to cry but it wasn't working as he tears up and tear drops hit the paper staining the paper
as he looks at the pictures, he suddenly gets determined to fix robin and he runs off to his room having robin in one hand and some of engineer's tools in the other, the merc then gets to work dismantling robin's body to find out what was wrong with it and to see if it can be fixed, a few hours later and scout who was a little exhausted at this point had finally found what was wrong with robin and it was just a damaged battery so scout took it out to look at it, as he looked at the battery, he has a feeling that he had seen this battery before somewhere until he lights up knowing, he then runs out of his room with the battery in his hand and he heads to the infirmary as that is where sniper and medic were, when he opens the door, he was relieved to see the pair still away but surprised to see scout
"scout, what are you doing awake? it's 2 in the morning" medic says confused and scout jogs over to sniper
"snipes, i know this is a weird question but do you still have your razorback?" scout asks calmly as he looks at sniper who looked confused
"yes but why do you need my razorback?" sniper replies looking confused then asks with a head tilt after looking at medic
"i need the battery from it" scout says seriously and he holds out the battery he had showing it to sniper and medic "you see, this is the battery from robin, as you can see, the battery is exactly the same shape and size as the battery from your razor back, also the bullet that robin took only damaged the battery so if i replace it, robin would be as good as new" scout explains as sniper takes the battery from scout and sniper nods confirming the battery was just like the one from his razor back
"s-scout, are you-...trying to fix robin for engineer and soldier?" medic asks as he looked amazed and this makes scout embarrassed as he looks away with a blush and rubbing the back of his head
"umm, well, y-yeah, because uhh, i-it's a cute robot a-and i feel bad for hardhat and soldier as the robot was their baby and i would feel upset too if robin belonged to me and it sacrificed itself to save me and stuff b-but don't tell them i said that! got it?" scout explains embarrassed and then gets annoyed as he points to medic and sniper
"ok, squirt, we won't, let me go and get the battery for you" sniper says smirking amused then he stands up from his seat
he goes over to scout where he rubs his hair affectionly then he leaves to his camper as that is where the razorback is, soon, sniper came back and he had the battery from the razorback which scout took from him happily
"thanks, guys! i'll see you later!" scout says happily and he runs off with the new battery in his hand
"it's nice of scout to fix robin, i didn't even know that he could" medic says as sniper sits back down next to him
"yeah and he can, he just needs to get his mind into it, also, when i went to grab the battery, it turns out that i had a box full of those batteries all unused and new so i gave scout one of them instead" sniper replies then explains happily and this makes medic smile at him
"sniper, you are so clever, scout will have robin up and running in no time and then both soldier and engineer will be so happy to see robin again" medic says happily as he grabs sniper's face with his hands and sniper smiles at him affectionly
the pair then have a kiss and then they decide to head to bed as it was way passed their bedtime, back with scout and he was now back in his room with the new and old battery in his hands and he puts the new battery in robin before he puts the little robot back together, when he was done, he turns robin around and places the little robot on the floor as the screen was starting to boot up, with robin and the screen was booting up slowly until the red screen came back and robin opens its eyes before looking around confused with a 😯 emote before looking at scout
"scout?" robin says confused with a 🙂 emote and scout does a excited smile as he holds up robin
"you're okay! i'm so glad!" scout says happily then he hugs the little robot making robin do a 😯 emote then a ☺️ emote enjoying the hug
"what doing here? where mom-mee and dad-dee?" robin says confused making scout pulls robin away from the hug and he places robin down on the floor
"well, after you saved them sacrificing yourself for their safety, i-i fixed you up, see, this is the battery you had in you and it got really damaged from that bullet you took" scout explains happily with a bit of embarrassment and then shoes robin the damaged battery
robin was doing a 😧 emote while it slowly put its toghtnhand on the hole in the battery and scout watches with a little smile, robin then looks up at scout and then does a 🥹 emote before going over to scout and hugging his left hip
"thank you save me again" robin says sounding sad as it hugs scout
"aww, it was nothing" scout says embarresed as he looks down at robin hugging him then he puts his hand on robin's back to pet it on the head
robin loved the attention as it does a ☺️ emote but then it does a 🥱 emote as it realised it was exhausted making scout smile
"do you wanna sleep with me tonight, robin? your parents are already asleep and i don't want to disturb them at this time of night" scout says offering as he holds his hand out to robin
robin does a 🥱 emote again and then a 😌 emote with a nod as it takes scout's offer making scout smile, scout then picks the little robot up and he takes it to his bed where he settles down into the bed after he gets changed into his pyjamas, robin snuggles up to scout's chest after he settles down and the pair soon fall asleep together with robin down a 😴 emote and scout sleeping on his right side hugging robin close, then next morning and engineer wakes up first then he remembers what happened yesterday so he was feeling depressed, he leave the room and heads to his workshop as he wanted to look at robin again before figuring out what to do with it but when he gets to the workshop, he sees that robin was gone and he starts panicking a little as he looked all over the workshop but can't find it, engineer looked everywhere from the rec room to the living room for robin but he couldn't find the little robot, he then goes into the kitchen where demo, sniper, spy and heavy were and they see engineer looking panicked but sniper smiles at engineer
"you looking for robin, right?" sniper asks engineer a after engineer looks around a little and engineer nods as he looks at sniper going over to him "go check with scout in his room, trust me, you'll find a nice surprise" he adds then goes back to leaning on the counter
engineer looks at sniper confused but then does what sniper tells him to do and goes to scout's room,when engineer was gone, the other look at sniper confused and sniper just smiles at then before he drinks his coffee, engineer heads to scout's room and when he gets there, he opens the door slowly peeking in the room
"umm, scout?" engineer says confused wondering what scout had to do with robin
"mom-mee?" the voice of robin replies and engineer looks stunned as he looks around the room trying to find robin
engineer then spots robin who was sitting on scout's bed next to scout who was happily at engineer with a 😄 emote and engineer smiles with tears in his eyes as he goes over to robin, he then picks robin up and hugs it tightly like a mother who had just found their lost child and robin hugs back doing a ☺️ emote, after the hug, engineer looked happy then confused as he looks between robin and scout who was still asleep in his bed
"scout fixed me, bullet damaged battery in me, scout changed battery, all fixed!" robin explained the best it could as it points to the place the bullet went in which was gone as scout somehow got rid of the bullet hole
"scout...did that?" engineer says stunned as he looks over at the sleeping scout and he feels in his hands robin nodding happily
"old battery over on floor" robin says calmly as it points to the floor in front of scout's bed
engineer goes over to the floor where robin was pointing putting robin in his left arm while holding it clos and he picks up the battery that used to be in robin, the battery was really damaged with a big hole in the middle and a bullet inside the hole, engineer then looks over at scout again who is still asleep and he smiles warmly at scout feeling happy that scout did something good for him, engineer then leaves the room and he heads to the kitchen as he wanted to talk to sniper, when he gets to the kitchen he goes in, places robin on the table where the other men were happy to see robin revived again after yesterday's ordeal and then he goes over to sniper
"why do you know what scout did?" engineer asks sniper as he leans on the counter next to the australian and sniper chuckles lightly
"he came to me and medic at 2 in the morning asking for the battery from my razorback as he figured out the battery in robin is the same type of battery i use for my razorback so in gave it to him and now, robin hood as new thanks to scout" sniper says happily and he could see that engineer was looking at robin then smiling happily
"wait, scout fixed robin? i didn't know he could fix anything?" demoman says as he looks at sniper confused then at robin who was being entertained by heavy
"as i told medic last night, he can when he can put his mind to it, he just chooses not to because of fun is more fun then being serious" sniper says calmly then takes a sip of his coffee
suddenly the doors open and it was soldier looking tired and robin smiles seeing soldier as it goes to the edge of the table in front of soldier
"dad-dee!" robin says happily with a 😄 emote as it had its hands up and soldier stops dead in his tracks after hearing robin's voice
he looks down and when he sees robin, his eyes widen and he smiles happily before he picks up robin and hugs it so close to his cheek that robin was slightly smushing his cheek but he didn't care, robin does a 🥰 emote and hugs soldier back making engineer smile on how cute the pair were
"engie, how did-?" soldier says after the hug looking confused as he lowers robin a little but was still holding onto the little robot
"it was scout, he decided to fix robin and he was up almost all night doing it, i should repay him for doing that but what to do for him?" engineer says happily as he goes over to soldier then he goes to think on what to do for scout
"you can cook him pancakes, he always boasts about how much he love your pancakes after you make them so you can do that for him" spy says casually but still having his emotionless expression as he was leaning on his chair and looking at engineer
"oh yeah, he does, doesn't he?" engineer says smirking as he was thinking and then he claps happily "okay then, looks like we are having pancakes for breakfast, anyone want some?" he adds happily and everyone smiles happily loving the idea of pancakes mainly soldier
engineer then gets to work on the pancake mix and the others especially soldier was excited to have pancakes, a few mintues later, scout who was still asleep wakes up to a familiar scent in the air and he lights up realising the scent was the smell of pancakes
"pancakes! whoo!" scout says happily and he bolts off to the kitchen making sure he doesn't miss pancakes
when he gets to the kitchen, he sees everyone was there eating pancakes except for robin who can't but liked to be involved and then engineer walks over to scout where without a word, hugs scout happily making the adult boston boy a little confused
"oh umm...okay?" scout says a little confused and he looks at the others seeing them smile at him happily before engineer pulls away
"son, i wanna thank you for fixing robin so as thanks, i made you your favorite pancakes for breakfast" engineer says calmly yet happily and he holds out a plate of 3 thick pancakes on a plate
"thanks hardhat!" scout says happily and he takes the plate off engineer "and uhh, y-you're welcome, i-i uhh, like robin so i-uhh, i'm glad i brought it back" he adds stuttering a little from embarrassment and he gives robin a smile who does a 😊 emote back
scout then goes over to a chair and he tucks into his pancakes while everyone resumes eating theirs, engineers then grabs his plate of pancakes and he eat his happily after he sits by soldier, robin was happily that it had such a nice family and it was glad that it didn't have to leave it's parents after that strange zombie creature tried to attack them, robin now felt safe, happy and content and it wishes this new life never changes as it preferred bring soldier and engineer's robot baby then a killer theif from a distant planet.
The End

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