All The Mercs - Slumber Party

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It was a cold, snow stormy night and all the mercs are just watching the end to a boring movie, at the end off the movie everyone started talking
"well that was a boring movie" soldier said
"yeah, i chose a better movie next time" engie says
"hey guys, let's have a slumber party" scout said all of a sudden
"a what?!" spy said
"a slumber party, its where a bunch of friends go over to someone's house and have a little party before going to sleep" scout explained
pyro mumble words that's sound like "oh i love slumber parties"
"what do at this 'slumber party' scout" heavy said
"well first, we can build a fort out of blankets, pillows and the couch" scout said
"me and sniper will get the blankets and pillows" medic said and both of them left
"right now as they are getting the pillows, we can sort the couch out" scout said and all of them got to work, later sniper and medic returned with the blankets and pillows and after sorting the blankets and pillows out the fort was complete and it was big enough to fit everyone, everyone was sitting in a circle it went scout, pyro, demo, soldier, engineer, sniper, medic, spy and heavy
"ok now that's done, we can play games" scout said
"like what" engie said
"well...there's truth or dare, spin the bottle and chinese whispers" scout said
"let's play truth or dare" pyro mumbled
"ok truth or dare it is but i'm going to go around and ask a truth first then go around again with the dare" scout said "ok first, pyro"
pyro clapped his hands
"is it true that you are...a phyco?" scout said
(in pyros mind)" is it true that your a handsome fire man?"
pyro just nodded and clapped his hands again
"well there you go guys, pyro a phyco" scout said "next demo"
"aye" demo said
"is it true that your ma is the loch ness monster" scout said snickering
"aye" demo said before passing out
everyone laughed just imaging demo having the loch ness monster as his ma
"next soldier" scout said
"what is it maggot" soldier said
"is it true that's engineer" scout said snickering again
soldier looks at engineer next to him
"of course i like engie, he's a great friend" soldier said
"that's not he means soldier" engie whispers "he means do"
"umm..." soldier said blushing up a little "no...yes...nes"
"nes? is that a mixture of no and yes" scout said giggling
"shut up maggot" soldier said pulling his helmet over his face
"it ok, soldier" engie said patting soldier on the back
"ok engie's turn" scout said
"go for it" engie said a bit worried
"is it true that you...make out with your dispenser" scout said
"no! what kinda question is that" engie said kinda mad
"alright alright, keep your socks on jeez" scout said "its just a joke"
"well don't say it again or i will do something you hate" engie said
" pooper, anyway sniper turn" scout said
"what scout" sniper said looking at scout with a annoyed face
"is it true that you and medic are a couple" scout said giggling a little
sniper and medic look at each other since this was really a sniper and medic question
"...maybe but we're not saying" medic said crossing his arms
"i did that to tease him" medic whispered to sniper who them smerked
"...ok..." scout said trying to find words to say "spy turn"
"scout...this is stupid" spy said
"is it true that...your wife is the eiffel tower" scout said laughing
"no it isn't you idiot, now go f*** yourself" spy said
"wow another party pooper" scout said "you and engie are no fun, heavy turn"
"what is it baby man" heavy said
"is it true that you...prefer sasha over a woman" scout said
"...i don't know" heavy after a long silents
"really?! you don't know" scout said "wow"
"it's now scout turn" spy said smugly "is it true your terrible with girls"
"no! miss paulin' loves me" scout said crossing his arms
"oh really, i read somewhere that she might be gay" spy said
"no! that's not true...i hope it's not true" scout said starting to worry
"see you don't even know" spy said
"shut up!, its time for the dares now" scout said "pyro, i dare you to burn all of spy's cigarettes"
"pyro don't listen to him" spy said
pyro just mumbled, bring out a lighter and starts to flick it
"i'm guessing he doesn't want to do the dare" scout said "then i have to ban you from the kitchen"
pyro ignore him
"then its soldiers turn" scout says "i dare you to ask engineer out on a date"
"and if i don't" soldier said
"then i will take your cardboard cut outs and burn them" scout said
"No! not pepper pot pete" soldier screamed
"then ask engie out and i won't see 'pepper pot Pete ever again" scout said
"ugh...ok" soldier said and he faces engie "engie...will you...go...on with me"
"now engie, i dare you to accept or i will hide all your tools" scout said
"fine...yes soldier" engie said slapping his hand on his face
"ahahahaha" scout said laughing evily on the floor "it now sniper and medic turn, i dare you two to kiss"
"WHAT! scout this isn't-" sniper said before getting cut off by medic giving a kiss on the lips
when they parted, sniper and medic look at each other then blush up and laugh
"well...that was unexpected" spy said
"yeah...i didn't mean for them to actually do it" scout replied "anyway it's your turn spy, i dare you to take off your ski mask or i will hide your cigarettes away"
"...scout!...fine" spy said and he take off his ski mask slowly, everyone stears while he pulls it off everyone looks on surprise
" wow look great, why don't you take it off more?" scout said
"it's because i like to keep it on like how medic keeps his glasses on and sniper keeps his sunglasses on" spy says
"me and medic take our glasses off sometimes, mate" sniper said
"really! i never see you two take them off" scout said
sniper and medic then take off their glasses, everyone looks at the surprised
"you two look compleley different without your glasses on" engie said
"sniper, medic and spy, you 3 should take your face wear off more" scout said
"we do but when nobody around and at night" medic said
"ok cool...oh we've lost track of our game, it's heavy's turn now" scout said then looks at heavy "i dare you to give me your sandwich"
"baby man doesn't need sandvich, he has drink" heavy says
"i know but i want your sandwich too" scout said "if you don't give it to me, i will hide sasha"
"i will kill you if you touch sasha" heavy says
" tough guy, bit overprotective aren't ya" scout said
"da, but it's for reason" heavy said "sasha is only friend"
"that's not true, you have us as your friends" engie says "even tho we're a team we are also best friends too...except for sniper and medic, i have no idea what they are anymore"
"we still best friends, a kiss won't change us" sniper said looking at medic with a smile
"best friend hug" scout shout and everyone except demoman who is still drunk have a group hug
"after that i think it time for one more dare, scout" spy said "i dare you to go to sleep or i will take all your bonk away"
"ok spy" scout says and after a while everyone was asleep, medic was sleeping on snipers chest, hugging him close and sniper had his hat over his face, scout was asleep on heavy, engineer was sleeping on soldier, demoman was still passed out and spy was asleep on pyro, everyone was snoring lightly and were all happy that they had this fun slumber party.
The End

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