BushMedicine with Scout - Scout's Nightmare

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In the red base, everyone was sleeping except for sniper and medic who were spending time together in the living room watching a wildlife program about birds, they like to talk about birds since both of them owned one and they will talk about birds and other animals for hours,

meanwhile, scout was asleep in his room but he was tossing and turning while sweating, he was having a really bad nightmare then he woke up with a scream that was loud but not loud to make everyone wake up, he looked around and sighed relived to back in his room, he picked up his favourite teddy (yes scout has a teddy, he had it since he was a baby and it his little secret that nobody knows about.... yet) and hugged it tightly

"man, i had that dream again ted, u know the one where a giant monster steals miss pauling away from me while we were making out" scout says to his teddy companion "i really hate it"

Scout looks at his teddy who was smiling with that teddy smile and the smile seems to calm scout down a little but he wanted company from somebody but he didn't know if everyone was asleep so he decided to go into the kitchen to grab a snack, he grabbed his teddy for comfort (just in case the monster does come and scare him) and went to the kitchen,

when he got to the kitchen, he grabbed his snack but then he heard laughing coming from the living room so he decided to investigate and when he got to the doors, he looked thought the window and he saw sniper and medic chatting, he looked away from the window and looked his teddy, he didn't really know what to do with it since he didn't want sniper and medic to see him with a teddy, they might pick on him on how childish he is so he his it in his pyjama top and walked in the living room

When he entered, sniper and medic looked at him

"G'day scout" sniper said with a smile "what are u doing up so late?"

"oh... i was just... getting a snack" scout said trying to think of words to say "can i come and...join u guys"

"sure" medic said after a little pause

scout walked over to sniper and medic sat next to medic but he didn't feel safe, even with his teddy under his pyjama top

"i...i know this sounds silly but... can i... sit between u guys.... u know... in the middle" scout says nervously and rubbing the back of his head

sniper and medic look at each other with confused look but then realised why scout is acting like the way he is so they smile at each other

"sure, mate" sniper said scooting over to make room for scout

scout gets up and sit back down between sniper and medic feeling a bit more safe, after a while there was a loud bang that came from outside causing scout to grab medic's arm in fright

"it's ok scout, it's just the thunder" medic said calming scout down

scout sighed and let go of medic's arm still a little cautious

"i guessing u had a nightmare" sniper said as he leaned up from his laid back position

"no.... i mean... yes" scout said looking down to the floor

"care to tell us about it, it might help to get it out of ur system" medic said leaning forward to look at scout

scout looks at medic with a sad look, he leans back up, looks at medic then sniper and starts to feel safe again

"well... i was minding my own business playing with my baseball and bat when miss paulin' came over and was like 'kiss me scout' so i did, then a big monster came out of nowhere and snatched miss paulin' away from me, i tried to catch the monster but it dissappered before i could go after it" scout explained

sniper and medic looked at each other then after a pause sniper started to snicker while medic put his hand on scout shoulder

"sounds like ur jealous of other people taking miss pauling away from u, my friend" medic said to scout

scout looked at medic then at sniper who was still snickering but them stopped when scout looked at him

"maybe i am but it doesn't explain why it's a big monster" scout said looking back at medic

"maybe ur mind thinks the 'boyfriend' might be a monster towards miss pauling" sniper said leaning agents the sofa are

scout went quite to think it over and after thinking he nodded his head

"ur probably right, thanks u 2" scout said with a smile on his face

sniper and medic both smiled at scout then sniper notice that scout pyjama top was bumpy

"hey what u got under the top?" sniper said as he pointed at the bump

scout looked at the bump in his top and became very unsure

"i'll show u but u promise not to laugh or tell the others" scout said after a long pause looking down at the floor

"...ok" medic and sniper said looking at each other with confused looks

scout went under his top and pulled out his teddy, he put his teddy on his lap and shut his eye and waited for the laughter but there wasn't any

"that's cute, what's his name" sniper said grabbing the teddy

"umm... his name....is ted" scout said wondering why they aren't laughing "why aren't u 2 laughing"

"cause we have teddies of our own" medic said "i have a dove teddy named archimedes jr and he's got a koala one"

"yep his name is oliver, my mom brought it for my 2nd birthday" sniper said smiling to himself from the memory

"oh cool... wait how do u know about his teddy, medic" scout said with a confused look

"we sleep in the same room together (my tf2 mercs bedroom opinion) and he keeps it on his side table" medic explained

"yeah and he keeps his dove toy on his bed and when it bed time he hugs it in his sleep" sniper said "it quite funny 'in a cute way'"

scout felt really safe now, he knows that he isn't the only one with a teddy and he knows why he's having that nightmare, he felt really happy, after a while scout fell asleep with ted in his arm, his thumb in his mouth and lying across on snipers and medic's lap, sniper and medic ended up sleeping on the sofa cause they didn't want to move scout so sniper lied back on the sofa and had his hat over his eye and medic slept on his shoulder.

The End 😋

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