BushMedicine - Belly Bloat

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One day medic was minding his own business in his office waiting for sniper to appear for his daily visit and then sniper appeared but he was holding his belly in pain
"ow...medic...ow...help" sniper says walking over in pain
"what's wrong?" medic replied running over to sniper
"my tummy is...swollen and...in pain" sniper says
medic picks up sniper bridal styal and takes him to a hospital bed, sniper was quite surprised medic could pick him up but then his belly was in so much pain to pay attention, when medic places sniper on the bed he climbs on the bed
"why is it in so much pain" medic asked
"i don't know, i went to bed last night and it been in pain since" sniper says "it wasn't that bad but then it got worse by morning"
"so you haven't slept all night" medic says
"no" sniper replies "ow"
medic lift up sniper's shirt to see a swollen tummy, he leaves the bed so he can get medicine for sniper's tummy and when he gets back he had 2 tablets in his hand
"here" medic says "take these"
sniper takes the tablets from medics hand and eats the tablets, medic then climbs back on the bed and starts rubbing sniper's tummy
"i say you have a mixture of belly bloat and tummy flu" medic says "but those tablets should ease the pain"
"thanks...doc" sniper replies still in pain
medic gives sniper a kiss and continues to rub sniper's tummy till sniper fell asleep and medic smiled, puts sniper's shirt down and kissed sniper on the forehead before getting up and carrying on with his work, a while later sniper wakes up from his sleep and sees his belly isn't bloated anymore, he looks around for medic but he wasn't at his desk
"doc?" sniper says but there was no reply "medic?"
he gets up and looks around for medic, he then leaves the infirmary and it was really dark so he enters the infirmary again, he then started feeling like he was being watched and then something comes for him in the shadows causing him to wake up
"ahh!" sniper says waking up from his nightmare
"sniper!" medic says running over "are you alright?"
"...yeah" sniper replies "just a bad dream"
"oh well i think that was a flu dream" medic says "but it's gone now"
sniper sighs then medic gets into bed with sniper
"your tummy bloat has gone down" medic says pointing to sniper's tummy
sniper looks at his tummy then lifts up his shirt to see the bloat was gone
"it's gone now" sniper says "thanks for helping me doc" and he gives medic a kiss
"no problem liebe" medic says after the kiss "now you go back to sleep and i'll be here when you wake up"
sniper nods and falls back to sleep, medic smiles and puts his head on sniper's chest and falls asleep hugging sniper.
The End 😋

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