BushMedicine and FlashFire - Dancing Lessons

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One day scout was in his room, lying on his bed and tossing his baseball in the air when he hears music, the music sounds like pop music so scout decides to investigate, meanwhile medic and sniper were in medic's infirmary and medic was storing his animal parts away while sniper was sitting on the operating table cuddling archimedes
"i think that all of them" medic saying putting a whale heart in the freezer then a pig liver in the fridge
"when are you going to kill me?" the spy head says in the fridge
"umm...later" medic says and shuts the fridge
he then walks over to his desk and sits on his chair, he faces sniper who had archimedes on his shoulder
"danke for coming out with me today to get those animal parts" medic says smiling
"your welcome" sniper replies and smiles cutely
medic blushes and then he and sniper could hear music
"do you hear music?" sniper says looking around confused
"ja, lets go see what's happening" medic replies and they head off
when they find where the music is coming from they find scout at the door
"what's happening scout?" medic asks scout
"it pyro, he dancing" scout says
scout heads in and pyro turns off the music, sniper and medic follow behind pyro
"hey guys, what's up" pyro mumbles
"came to check what was the music" scout replies
"oh...i was trying to dance since i don't know if i can" pyro mumbles
"everyone can dance" scout says "you just got to move ya body a lot"
"oh can you teach me" pyro mumbles
"sure, do you want to join us snipes and doc" scout says
"we just watch" sniper says with a smile
sniper and medic sit down and scout turns on the music box to the music pyro was listening to, they were dancing about and scout teaching pyro some move which he picks up really well and then when the music ends pyro got curious
"can you 2 dance?" pyro mumbles to sniper and medic
"yeah" sniper says
"what dance can you do" pyro mumbles
"we can tango" medic says "i taught sniper how to and he was a bit clumsy at first but then he got really good at it"
"can you teach me?" scout says all of a sudden excitability "it might help me get miss pauling"
"sure" sniper says and he gets up to sort out the music box till he put on some tango music
medic gets up and sniper stands in front of him, pyro and scout sit down on the sofa and watch sniper and medic do the tango, they was a lot of tango moves and when they were done sniper and medic looked a little tired out
"and that's how you tango" sniper says
"that was cool" scout says "lets try it out pyro" and scout pulls pyro up
"umm...ok" pyro mumbles and they both face each other
scout and pyro hold hands and they start to tango while sniper and medic watch sitting down, scout had learn a lot since he was pretty good and the end of the music scout perks a kiss on pyros muffle making pyro blush really red
"scout!" pyro mumbles covering his face
scout smiles then lets go of pyro
"that was quite good scout" medic says
"thanks" scout replies and then looks at pyro "that was great pyro"
pyro didn't say anything since he was all blushes up and he was covering his face, scout then leans towards pyro
"yo pyro" scout whispers "do you love me?"
pyro blushes up even more and nods
"i loved you for a long time" pyro mumbles quitely "but i was to shy and i didn't know if you liked me back"
scout smiles and takes pyro's hand
"come to my room" scout says and he drags pyro away
sniper and medic smile and watch pyro blushing and smiling about getting the lover he loved for a long time
"looks like that's 3 relationships now" medic says (there is sniper and medic, soldier and engie and now pyro and scout)
"yeah, i'm guessing everyone might have feeling towards someone" sniper replies
"like i have with you my liebe" medic says leaning towards sniper
sniper smiles and they kiss
"yeah...i love you my love" sniper says "now let's get to bed, it's quite late" as he checks his watch and it was 23:30 (11:30pm)
"ok liebe" medic replies and they head to their bed in their bedroom
when they get there, they get changed into their pjs, get into bed, kiss each other good night before going to sleep and in the night sniper and medic have a dream that they were living together in an cottage looking old but still in love
The End

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