How to Take Care of a Dragon - Part 4

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The next morning all the mercs were up around 6am and they were getting everything ready for the battle, cookie was still asleep in her cot and when all the mercs were ready medic comes and checks on cookie, he smiles to see her asleep and then leaves her to sleep, all the mercs went to the respawn room waiting for the door to open
"mission begins in 30 seconds" the adminatrator says thought the speakers
"is cookie still asleep?" sniper asks medic when he walks into the respawn room
"ja so i'm kinda worried when she wakes up she won't know where we've have gone and look for us" medic says
"she'll be fine as long she doesn't go on the battlefield" sniper says
"mission begins in 10 seconds" the speakers say
"come on, let's go" sniper says
"ok" medic replies and they both head to the respawn door where everyone was waiting
after a few more seconds the doors open and everyone bolts out to do their thing, a while later with everyone still on the battlefield cookie wakes up and she sits up to look around, she sees that sniper and medic are gone and she gets confused
"mama?" cookies says but no reply "dada?" she says but still no reply
cookie manages to get out of her cot and she starts to look around the base, she looked in every room she can find shouting 'mama' and 'dada' to see if she can find medic and sniper but she couldn't find them, she was about to cry when the front door opens to see miss pauling standing there
"right...lets see" miss pauling says going over to cookie "you are...a dragphin" she says looking in the book the adminatrator gave her "and you...can help us find autraillium good"
cookie had her head tilted in confusion the whole time then miss pauling was about to leave, cookie runs up to miss pauling and rawrs at her
"oh...i bet your wondering where the other are" miss pauling says "well they will be back later so wait for them in the rec room" and miss pauling leaves
cookie watches miss pauling leave then she heads to the rec room, when she gets there she jumps on a chair then on the table and she waits, she ends up falling asleep after a while and the mercs come back from battle a few hours later, they head to the rec room and they find cookie sleeping on the table when they get in the rec room
"looks like she was waiting for us to return" scout says seeing cookie on the table
sniper goes over to cookie and picks her up, she wakes up from the movement and she opens her eyes to see sniper looking at her
"dada!" cookie says and she cuddles sniper and licks his face
"hello cookie, did you miss us?" sniper says
cookie rawrs happily then she sees medic stand next to sniper
"mama!" cookie says and jumps into medic's arms
"hi my little plätzchen" medic says and gives cookie a run on the head
"she's really miss you 2 hasn't she" engie says
"yeah i'm guessing tomorrow we have to tell her where we're going" sniper says
all the mercs then sit down and chilled, scout and heavy were chatting, soldier, demo, pyro and engie were playing snap, spy was smoking and sniper and medic were giving cookie attention since they haven't seen her all day, meanwhile miss pauling gets back to the adminatrators hideout and she goes and sees her
"i've found out what she is" miss pauling says entering
"well is she a..." the adminatrator says
"yes she is a dragphin" miss pauling says "and one of the dragon breeds that can help us find austraillium"
"good" the adminatrator says "bring the dragon to me tonight so we can test it out"
"umm...ok but she is very clingy to sniper and medic remember so she will call for them a lot" miss pauling explains
"bring one of them along then" the adminatrator says
"ok helen" miss pauling says and leaves
"we will be able to find all the australiaum" the adminatrator says and she laughs evilly
miss pauling hops on her moped and she goes to the base, when she gets back to the base she gets off her moped and heads inside, when she gets to the rec room she sees only sniper, medic and cookie in the room and medic fell asleep on sniper's shoulder while sniper was calming cookie down to go to sleep, miss pauling pushes the door open and sniper notices
"hi miss pauling" sniper says quietly
"hi...umm...i need you to come with me and bring cookie with you" miss pauling says
"ok...?" sniper says and he carefully moves out the way so he doesn't wake medic
after not disturbing medic sniper, cookie and miss pauling get onto miss pauling's moped with cookie sitting in the basket and sniper holding onto miss pauling, they head back to the adminatrator's hideout and when they get there they head inside, they reach miss paulings office and miss pauling heads into the adminatrator's office while sniper and cookie waitied outside
"helen!" miss pauling says "i've brought cookie and i also brought sniper too"
"good bring them in" the adminatrator says
miss pauling opens the door and waves her hand to let sniper and cookie come in, when they enter miss pauling takes cookie out of sniper's arms
"put her there" the adminatrator says point to a stool and miss pauling puts cookie on the stool
"what you doing with her?" sniper asked
"can i tell him?" miss pauling asked the adminatrator
"go ahead he is Australian anyway" the adminatrator says
"well cookie here is one of a few dragon breeds that can find and locate australlium" miss pauling says
"ok but don't hurt her" sniper says
"we won't" miss pauling replies and she brings out a coin
she puts it in front of cookie and she smells it, she picks up the senate and she starts running to the door
"sniper come with me" miss pauling says and they follow cookie
sniper and miss pauling leave the room and follow cookie outside, when they get outside cookie runs off and sniper and miss pauling jump on the moped to follow, cookie leads them to a cave a few miles away from the adminatrator's hideout and when they get to the cave entrance cookie stops in front of the cave and sniper and miss pauling get off the moped, cookie jumps into sniper's arms again and pointed with her paw to head in the cave
"guessing the austaillium is in there" miss pauling says and she brings out a torch from her pocket "come on let's go" and they all head inside
as they were walking in cookie was still pointing to head that way and after a while walking they find the back of the cave full of austraillium bars
"wow, the administrator's going to be happy with this, help me collect some" miss pauling says and they grabs some bars and put them in miss pauling's backpack
after they exit the cave miss pauling, it was morning since they were in the cave for so long and they were tired, sniper and cookie jump back on the moped and head to the base to drop off sniper and cookie, when they get back to base miss pauling says goodbye to sniper and cookie and she gives sniper a note telling him that he could have a day off tomorrow since he was so tired and she drives off, sniper heads inside and he heads to the rec room to see if medic was still in there and when he does he sees that medic wasn't there so he heads to their bedroom, when him and cookie were walking to the bedroom cookie was falling asleep in sniper's arms and sniper smiled, when they got to the bedroom sniper opened the door and sees medic asleep, he puts cookie in her cot and goes over to his bed, he gets changed into his pjs, puts the note on his bedside table, gets into bed and falls asleep
back with miss pauling and she ends up back at the hideout and she heads to her office, when she gets there she enters the administrator's office
"helen i got some autraillium" miss pauling says and holds out a block of australiaum "we found it at the back of a cave a few miles away from here"
"good job miss pauling" the administrator says "now put the block there on the stool"
miss pauling puts the austraillium blocks on the stool and she heads out the room
"oh miss pauling" the administator says
"yes helen" miss pauling replies
"tell that dragon thanks will ya" the administrator says
"ok helen see you tomorrow" miss pauling says and she leaves
a hours later medic wakes up to see sniper and cookie asleep and he then sees the note on the bedside table, he goes over and picks up the note, he reads the note saying about where he was all night and he could have a day off, medic smiles and then kisses sniper on the forehead, he then checks on cookie before leaving the room, when he does he sees soldier going room to room waking up the others
"hello doc" soldier says when he sees medic standing outside his room "where's the aussie boy?"
"he got a note from miss pauling that he can have a day off today since he helped her all night doing something" medic replied holding up the note
"oh ok doc"'soldier says and he goes off to wake up pyro
medic sighs and he goes to have his breakfast, after breakfast all the mercs got changed and ready for today's battle, sniper and cookie were still asleep when medic was getting changed and he gives both of them a goodbye kiss before leaving, medic meets the others on the spawn room and they were all ready for battle, the door open after a minute and they all head outside
a few hours later while everyone was still in battle cookie wakes up by a dream she had and she looks around, she sees sniper asleep in his bed so she gets out of her cot with a bit of trouble, lands on medic's bed and she makes her way over to sniper's bed, when she gets there she jumps on sniper's bed and she snuggles up to sniper before falling back to sleep again, sniper feels cookie snuggle up to him so he moves his arm and he cuddles her, cookie was in a deep sleep to notice and both sniper and cookie slept for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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