BushMedicine - Sick Medic

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It was a chilly winters morning and sniper just got out of bed, he put on his dressing gown, turned on his coffee machine and made himself a coffee, when his coffee was done he grabbed his cup and headed downstairs to join the others for breakfast, when he there everyone was waiting for breakfast to be served, it was Engie and Pyro cooking a English breakfast, sniper sat down

"yo sniper" Scout says seeing sniper

Sniper did a little hand flick to scout and carried on drinking his coffee, then engie came into the dining room with 4 plates of English breakfast saying,

"breakfast is served, i have scout, soldier, heavy and mine and pyro is coming with Demomans, his, sniper and spy's" Engie says

he put the plates down and sat down while pyro came in and put snipers plate in front of him and everyone else before sitting down, as everyone was eating, a little later, heavy looked around the table and notice medic wasn't there

"where is dockor, he isn't at table" heavy says looking around

Sniper managed to finish his food and coffee and got up

"i go and check on him since i finished my food" sniper says and he leaves

Sniper went upstairs to his and medic's room and opened the door, when he entered he walked over to medic and notice he was really pale, medic wanted to say something to sniper but he didn't have the strength to say, so he put his hand on medic's head and it was really hot, he pulled his hand away shaking his hand like he was trying to put a fire out on his hand

"Medic, ur boiling up, i think you have a fever" sniper says taking his hand away

Medic looked at sniper with a worried face as to say "i can't get ill, i'm the medic"

"i'll look after you so don't u worry" sniper says and gives medic a smile

Medic smiled back and went back to sleep since the fever was making him really tired and sniper walked out of the room, grabbed a flannel from the bathroom and soaked it in cold water, he came back into the room and put the flannel on medic's head which cooled his fever down but he was still boiling hot and he was flushed, sniper decided to head back downstairs and grab some hot chocolate powder for medic for when he wakes up, When he got there, everyone had finished their breakfast and went to do there thing, soldier was watching TV, Engie was cleaning up, Pyro was watching the warm fire, scout was warming himself, demoman was drunk again, spy was on his chair drinking wine and heavy was eating a sandwich, heavy asked sniper as he was in the cupboard looking for the hot chocolate powder

"where is doktor, sniper" Heavy says seeing sniper

sniper wanted to tell him but he then realised he might get worried so he said,

"He's... sleeping in since... it's the weekend" Sniper says lying

heavy believed his story and carried on eating his sandwich, sniper grabbed the hot chocolate powder, slipped it into his pocket and went back upstairs, engie did see he was acting suspicious but went back to cleaning the dishes. when sniper got back to medic's room he saw medic still fast asleep in his bed so he put the hot chocolate powder next to his coffee machine, made another coffee, sat at the bottom of medic's bed and started drinking his coffee and cleaning his knife, after 2 hours of sleep, medic woke up and look at sniper who managed to stay up for this lon

"how you feeling, doc" sniper asks medic

"yeah i'm feeling a little better" medic says in a crocky voice

Sniper got up from medic's bed, grabbed some hot water from a hot kettle he was heating up while medic was asleep and pour the hot water into medic's cup, medic got up from lying down to watch sniper as he put the hot chocolate powder into the hot water, stirred till it was chocolatey brown, put a little milk in it to cool it down and gave it to medic

"have some hot chocolate, it will help ur voice get less crocky" sniper says giving the hot chocolate to medic

Medic took a sip from his cup as sniper sat back down at the bottom of his bed

"thank you sniper, i wouldn't of gotten better if u didn't notice i was ill" medic says in a less crocky voice

Sniper smiled and blushed a little, medic told sniper to come closer to him, which he did, lie down next to medic and they chatted for quite a while till sniper started to feel sleepy and he was going to get up to go to his bed

"come and sleep in my bed, you can keep me company" medic says grabbing sniper's arm

sniper blushed saying thanks, got into medic's bed, lie down, put his hat over his eyes and went to sleep, medic also lied down, went near sniper who was asleep, kiss him on the cheek and fell asleep on his chest.

Later engie notice that after this morning, sniper never came downstairs so he went over to soldier who was playing with action figures

"hey soldier boy, have u seen sniper or medic, i haven't seen sniper since this morning" engie says looking at soldier

"no engie, i haven't seen them but we can look for them"soldier says shrugging

so soldier got up from his chair and both of them went to look for Sniper and Medic, when they got to their room engie opened the door a jar and saw sniper asleep in medic bed and medic sleeping his chest with a flush face, engie shut the door slowly

"that's why sniper was acting strange this morning, soldier, can u go into the kitchen and get some honey and i'll go into the medical bay and grab some fever tablets" engie says

soldier nodded and both of them went to grab the honey and the fever tablets and put them on medic's bed side table for later, soldier and engie went back downstairs

"so what happened?" soldier asks

"medic got a fever and sniper must of notice when he went to check on medic so he now looking after him but medic can't get better without taking the fever tablets and the honey will help calm his voice down" engie replies

Soldier agreed to what engie said and went back to his figures and engie sat with him and watched him play with his figures

around 6 hours later, sniper and medic woke up and sniper notice the honey and fever tablets on the table and showed it to medic

"looks like someone notice i was gone for to long" sniper says showing medic the tablets

medic smiled at sniper, took the tablet bottle, shaked the bottle till 2 pills fell out, put them into his mouth and drank water to wash them down

"i had a dream that you kissed me and it was lovely" sniper says looking into medic's blue eye

medic looked at sniper and said calmly leaning over to sniper

"do you remember where i kissed you" medic says calmly

"on the... lips" sniper says blushed and said nervously

"do you want me to recreate it cause i'm going to" medic says sexy like

sniper nodded lightly and then medic kissed him on the lips causing sniper to blush even more, when medic tried to back away, sniper put his hands on medic's sides and pulled him back in for a longer kiss, when they let go of the kiss, medic took of sniper's glasses

"i love you, sniper"medic says

"i love you too medic" sniper replies

and kissed again.

The end
(A/N -Another fanfic i wrote on tumblr)

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