How to Take Care of a Dragon - Part 3

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Cookie wakes up the next morning and she sits up, she looks around to see sniper and medic asleep and she then get out of bed, she goes over to the door and she realises it was to little to reach the door, she rawrs then she hears movement and she looks to see medic was awake
"hello my little plätzchen" medic says "where you going?"
"mama" cookie says and puts her paws out to be picked up
medic picks her up and cuddles her
"do you want to have breakfast?" medic says and cookie rawrs in response
medic smiles then opens the door and heads to the kitchen with cookie in his arms, when they get to the kitchen medic puts cookie down on the floor and goes over to the fridge to find cookie some food, after a look medic finds some meat in the back of the fridge and puts it on a plate, he then give it to cookie and she eats it, medic looks at cookie eat then engie and pyro come in
"hi doc" engie says "your up early, it's usually sniper who up first"
"well i got woken up by cookie" medic says "she was wanting her breakfast"
engie smiles then pets cookie on the head
"hello little cookie" engie says during the pet
cookie looks up at engie and rawrs happily before carrying on eating her food, pyro then comes over and claps happily, cookie looks at pyro and she got spooked, she hide behind medic's legs and she was shaking
"oh don't worry plätzchen, it's just pyro" medic says picking cookie up "he's a big softy"
cookie looks at pyro still looking scared but she trusted medics word and rawrs happily, pyro then pets cookie and their calm her down a little, medic puts cookie back on the floor and she carries on eating her food
"well i'm making eggs, bacon, sausage and toast for breakfast" engie says
"ok i'll help" medic says and help engie
pyro sits at the table watching cookie eat her food, when cookie was finished she looks around
"dada?" cookie says confused
"dada is in his room asleep" medic says
cookie then leaves the room
"she's very clingy to you and sniper" engie says
"yeah i think it cause in the dragon book, dragphins can be very clingy to their parents" medic says
"oh ok" engie says and both engie and medic carried on making breakfast
cookie went to sniper and medic's room and when she got there she gets in the room though a gap in the door, she sees that sniper is still asleep so she goes over to him and jumps on the bed with a bit of difficulty, when she gets on the bed she goes over to sniper and cuddles up to him
"dada" cookie says snuggling up to sniper
sniper feels cookie cuddle him so he wakes up
"hello cookie" sniper whispers
cookie rawrs happily but quietly and then she licks sniper's face causing him to chuckle
"you are adorable" sniper says snuggling cookie
then medic comes in the room
"oh i see cookie woke you up" medic says going over to sniper as he was sitting up
"mama" cookie says smiling
"hello my little plätzchen" medic says rubbing cookie on the head
"love mama" cookie says and she rawrs happily "love dada"
"love you too cookie" sniper says
"oh i forgot why i came in here" medic says putting his hand on his head "breakfast is ready, we're having bacon, eggs, sausages and toast"
"ok" sniper says getting up "lets go" and he gives medic a kiss on the forehead
he sets off with cookie in his arms and he heads down to the kitchen, everyone was there when sniper gets to the kitchen and medic was behind sniper, both of then sat down and all of them were having their breakfast, cookie watched as she wasn't hungry but she was curious what foods they were all having so she goes over to scout
"hey cookie" scout says seeing cookie come over to him "wanna try some bacon" and he puts out a piece of bacon
cookie smells the bacon and then nibbles it, she likes it and she takes it out of scout's hand to eat it
"you like it?" scout asked
cookie rawrs happily and scout gives her another piece
"don't give her to much scout" medic says "she's been fed already"
"i know" scout says "this is her last piece"
cookie takes the piece of bacon and she eats it, after that she leaves scout alone and she lies down next to medic, after breakfast all the mercs went to do their thing since it was a sunday and the battle doesn't start till tomorrow so scout was eating bubble gum and reading his comic, soldier was planning for tomorrow battle, pyro was colouring in, demo was drunk again, heavy was snoozing, engie was in his workshop, medic was tending to his doves in his infirmary, sniper was also in medic infirmary having a nap with cookie in his tummy also asleep and spy was reading a magazine in his smoking room
when medic returned from tending to his birds he sees sniper and cookie asleep and he smiles, he sits down at his desk next to sniper and does some paperwork, a while later miss pauling enters the base
"hey guys" miss pauling says and scout runs up to her
"yo miss pauling, come to check out what's under this shirt cause it's awesome" scout says picking up the bottom of his shirt
"no scout i came to do the weekly check up" miss pauling says "how is everyone?"
"there fine" scout says
"good but i'll check them anyway" miss pauling says and she walks off with scout following
miss pauling check on almost all the mercs and they were doing their one thing, the last people miss pauling needed to check on was sniper and medic so she heads to the infirmary and when she gets there she opens the door
"hey guys" miss pauling says causing sniper and medic look at miss pauling "how you...what's that?" she says noticing cookie on sniper's tummy still asleep
"on this is cookie" medic says "we found her 2 days ago as an egg and now she's hatched she thinks me and sniper are her parents"
"she's a cute little dragon" scout says from behind miss pauling "you'll love her"
miss pauling was stunned since she didn't think dragons were real but right in front of her eyes was a pink dragon baby sleeping on sniper's tummy, cookie then wakes up and looks at sniper, she then looks at miss pauling and rawrs happily
"aww, she is quite cute" miss pauling says and she goes over to cookie "hey there little one" and she pets cookie on the head making her rawr
"she's a friendly dragon" medic says acting like a proud parent
"hey cookie"'miss pauling says scratching underneath cookie's chin which she loved "anyway i'm going" and she heads to the door "see you guys next week" and she leaves with scout still following her
sniper and medic look at each other then go back to their own thing with medic carrying on with his work, sniper going back to his nap and cookie lying on sniper's tummy and chest going back to sleep, she purrs when she goes to sleep and sniper smiles when she purrs and strokes her back before leaving his hand on cookie's back, miss pauling leave and she heads back to her office, when she gets back she goes to her desk and starts writing things down in her merc book where she keeps tabs on the mercs, then she goes in to the adminatrator to tell her the info
"what you got for me today miss pauling?" the adminatrator says spinning around in her chair
"well all the mercs seem to be ok this week and 2 of the mercs have a new pet baby" miss pauling says
"tell me more about" the adminatrator says
"well it's a dragon" miss pauling says "that medic found on the friday when they had the day off, he says it appeared on his bed when he woke up, then it hatched on the same day and decided to make medic and sniper her parents"
"interesting" the adminatrator says "i didn't know dragons existed"
"they do and this one really cute" miss pauling says "i think they named her cookie"
the adminatrator goes quiet to think then she speaks again
"i'll let them keep it but if i see it causing trouble, i want it gone" the adminatrator says harshly
"ok helen" miss pauling says and she leaves
the adminatrator turn herself back to the monitors and she laughs evilly, miss pauling then sits at her desk and picks up the phone, she calls the base and it was spy who picks up
"hello" spy says
"hi spy pauling here" miss pauling says "i have news about the dragon"
"go on" spy says
"well i told the adminatrator about her and she says if the dragon ever causes trouble she want the dragon gone" miss pauling explains
"ok i will tell the others" spy says "is that all?"
"yeah" miss pauling says "see you next week" and she hangs up
spy puts the phone down and he heads off to the infirmary, when he gets there he sees sniper and cookie asleep and medic about to nod off on his desk
"oh hey spy" medic says when he sees spy enter the room "what's the matter?"
"i got a call from miss pauling" spy says "she said that she told the adminatrator about cookie and the adminatrator said you can keep cookie but she causes any trouble like example burn down the base or something like that, she will be gone"
"ok" medic says "she's a good dragon so she won't do anything bad"
"i know but just...keep an eye on her" spy says and he leaves
medic watch spy leave then he gets sleepy and he falls asleep in his desk with his head on his crossed arms, a while later cookie wakes up from her nap and see sniper and medic asleep, she jumps off sniper without waking him and she heads out the infirmary, she wonders around and as she was she was being watched by the adminatrator on one of the cameras she walks passed
"yes that's a dragon all right" the adminatrator says taking her cigarette out of her mouth "i was expecting it to be bigger"
the adminatrator watches as cookie leaves the room and she heads to the living room out of view of the camera, the adminatrator then turns off the monitor and thinks, meanwhile cookie was heading to the rec room when she bumps into soldier
"hello maggot" soldier says as he see cookie "what you doing?"
cookie rawrs happily closing her eyes and soldier picks her up
"come with me" soldier says "i will teach you how to be a pro soldier like me" and soldier takes cookie to the rec room
when they get there soldier opens the door and engie, pyro, demo and heavy were in the room chilling
"hey soldier boy" engie says "why do you have cookie?"
"i found her wondering so i brought her in here" soldier replies and he sits by engie on the sofa
engie pets cookie on the head and cookie rawrs happily
"right then maggot" soldier says "to be a true soldier you must..."
"you know she's to young to learn this" engie says "she's only 3 days old"
"but she acts like she's a human toddler" soldier says
"remember dragons act differently to humans" engie says "i guessing you can compare her to a foal"
"oh i see" soldier says smiling
then pyro got an idea and he takes cookie off of soldier's lap, he then puts cookie in front of him and grabs his lighter, he blows on the lighter and the fire starts to act like his flamethrower
"oh yeah i forgot dragons can do this" engie says "you have a go cookie"
cookie tilts her head and then she starts to blow raspberrys but the harder she tries fire just wouldn't come out of her mouth
"i'm guessing she's to young to gain this ability" soldier says
"yeah your probably right" engie replies
cookie looks sad that she can't make fire but then pyro cheers her up by showing her a picture of his balloonicorn, cookie smiles and rawrs happily, everyone smiles and carries on doing their thing, meanwhile sniper wakes up from his nap and he looks around, he sees medic asleep but he notices cookie missing, he scans the infirmary but she was nowhere to be found, sniper gets up and leaves the infirmary to find cookie, he doesn't go far when he hears happy rawrs from the rec room so he heads there and when he gets there he sees cookie getting entertained by pyro
"hi sniper" engie says
"hey engie" sniper replies "just checking where cookie went"
cookie turns around and sees sniper standing at the door
"dada" cookie says and runs over to sniper
"hey there cookie" sniper says and rubs cookie on the head
cookie rawrs happily and then goes back to pyro
"well i'm going back to see if medic's awake" sniper says "take care of cookie"
pyro mumbles 'i will' and sniper leaves, he heads back to the infirmary and when he gets there he sees medic still asleep, he smiles then he decided to cleans his and medic's weapons for tomorrow's battle so he leaves medic to sleep, a while later medic wakes up to find he was all alone then heavy enters the infirmary with cookie crying
"cookie is upset" heavy says going over to medic
"what wrong my plätzchen" medic says to cookie
"mama" cookie says and she cries again but not as loud, medic takes cookie out of heavy's hands and starts rocking her
"shh shh it's ok" medic says calming cookie down "mama here" 'did i really just say that?'
cookie looks at medic with tears in her eyes then she calms down completely and she rawrs happily, she then gets tired and she falls asleep in medic's arms
"is she asleep?" heavy asked
"yeah she just fell asleep" medic says "i'll put her to bed" and he leaves the infirmary with heavy following
"what made her cry in the first place?" medic asked heavy
"pyro accidently threw a crayon at her face" heavy says "pyro was getting excited and the crayon slip out of hand"
"oh...well tell pyro to be more careful" medic says with a sigh
they finally reached medic and sniper's room and heavy decided to tell pyro what medic said to him, medic enters the room and he sees sniper cleaning his smg
"hey doc" sniper says
"hi sniper" meidc replies and he puts cookie in her cot "what you doing?"
"cleaning our weapons for the battle tomorrow" sniper says as medic sits on sniper's bed
"oh yeah i forgot we had to battle tommorow" medic says remembering "i've been so distracted by cookie i completely forgot"
"well it's a good thing i reminded you then" sniper says putting his smg down "there everything is clean"
"thanks for cleaning my weapons" medic says and smiles at sniper
sniper smiles back, puts all the weapons on the draw top and then sits back on his bed again, he then he puts his hands on medic's face and he pulls medic in and kisses him, medic was surprised but then he he kisses back, during the kiss medic pushes sniper on the bed and when they stop kissing sniper looks at medic
"what do you think love? shall we...go on a date?" sniper says loverly
"ja but i think the date should be here, away from the others and where i can keep an eye on...our baby" medic says and he moves next to sniper
"it's weird being a dad to a dragon but it'll do" sniper says and he kisses medic on the forehead
"ja i've never been a mutter before" medic replies making himself comfy "i've been a dad to my doves but not a mutter"
"i think your a good mum" sniper says smiling
"danke liebe" medic says with a blush
sniper and medic have another kiss then they both fall asleep with medic sleeping on sniper's chest, meanwhile after a lot of thought the adminatrator calls miss pauling in her office
"yes helen" miss pauling says
"i want to know more about this...dragon so i want you to head back to the base tomorrow and get some info" the adminatrator says
"ok...but why?" miss pauling says
"i've read in this book i randomly had that some dragons can find autralliam and i want to know if this one can" the adminatrator says and she tosses the book to miss pauling with a clumsy catch
"ok helen" miss pauling says and she leaves
the adminatrator then turns back to the monator and on the screen was the collector as a voice message
"i happy to be working with you collector" the adminatrator says
"yes i'm happy to work with you too" the collector replies
both of then laugh evily, miss pauling heads to her desk and she opens the book that the adminatrator bookmarked, back at the base the mercs were having their dinner and then they stayed up as long as they can till they all wen to sleep.
(A/N - I hope you are enjoying this, i also uploading this series on AO3 too and it's going to be a fun series 😋 see you all next part 🙂)

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