BushMedicine and Helmet Party - One Last Adventure

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(This is based on the Comics but changed in places and make sure you read the last part to get this part, enjoy)

It has been 5 months since the mercs separated from redmond and blutarch death and miss.pauling heard that mann co has been taken over by gray mann with his daughter, olivia mann after somehow defeating saxton hale, miss.pauling was now on a mission to obtain the mercs so they can stop gray mann and save mann co, the first one miss.pauling was getting was soldier as she knew where he was so she approaches his and engineer's nice looking home and knocks on the door, inside, soldier was with JD who was now 5 and a half months old playing together with some baby toys when soldier hears the door knocking, he grabs JD and he goes to the door where he opens it to see miss.pauling
"oh, hi miss pauling! what can i do for you today?!" soldier says happily to see miss pauling and JD also looked happy to see her when this was his first time meeting her
"soldier, thank god you are home, i need your-help...is that a baby?" miss.pauling says a little stressed then calms down when she notice JD
"yeah, this is my and engineer's son, JD which is short for 'jay-dee', he's 5 and a half months old now from what engineer told me and he is the cutest little soldier ever, look!" soldier says happily and he holds up JD in front of miss.pauling
"you and engineer has a-never mind, i don't want to know, anyway, i need you to come with me, we are getting everyone back together again!" miss.pauling says looking confused then not bothered and then determined
"yay! but engineer's not here" soldier says happily and then sad as engineer wasn't at home
engineer hasn't been home since last week and soldier was getting worried about him even if he calls everyday to ask if JD was okay, if the house was clean and if soldier was okay, soldier didn't mind being alone but he did miss engineer, even when they have been engaged since last month making engineer, soldier's fiancé
"don't worry about engineer, he is with the adminatrator helping her out, okay, next on my list is pyro, so let's go!" miss pauling says seriously yet happily and she was about to walk off when she notice soldier was missing "umm...soldier?" she says confused looking around for soldier
soldier then appears again and he had a baby carrier on with JD inside, miss pauling looked at him confused and she watches as soldier goes over to a chubby raccoon chained to a dog house after locking the door
"alright, lieutenant bites, you guard the house and we'll be back soon, okay?" soldier says petting the raccoon happily and the raccoon didn't say anything but was enjoying the pets
"umm...okay?" miss pauling says confused unsure what she was seeing was real but she then gets in the car
soldier joins her in the back seat and miss pauling then sets off heading to the location of where pyro was, as miss pauling was driving, she looks at the rear view mirror where she can see soldier cuddling and kissing JD happily while JD was enjoying it
"why did you have to bring the baby with you?" miss.pauling says a little annoyed "this is going to be a dangerous mission and it's no place for a baby" she adds and soldier looks at her annoyed
"i'm not leaving him on his own, miss.pauling, i know i'm dumb but i'm not irresponsible!" soldier says annoyed and he hugs JD close to him "anyway, why are you collecting everyone anyway?" he adds confused but still looking annoyed
miss.pauling sighs and she explains to soldier what happened after the mercs broke up with the adminatrator going into hiding, mann co being taken over by gray mann and how she has now been tasked to collect everyone to stop gray mann and help the adminatrator
"so, now we are here getting pyro" miss.paulimg explains and she hears soldier hum a yes so she looks in the rear view mirror to see soldier had been listening but was now cuddling JD while laying sideways at the back seat
she sighs and she goes back to driving, soldier was still cuddling JD but the straight road was making him sleepy so he fell asleep on soldier's chest which makes soldier smirk, soldier then thought about the last time he saw engineer which was a week ago and it felt like it was yesterday
(flashback to a week ago)
it was a nice day in soldier and enigneer's house and the pair were cuddling on the sofa while JD was happily playing with his toys on the carpet in the middle of the living room, engineer was leaning on soldier while soldier was cuddling engineer close to him when suddenly the phone in the kitchen starts ringing
"i'll get it, darling" engineer says as he gets up and walks to the kitchen
soldier felt disappointed that engineer wasn't on him anymore and he missed the feeling of engineer on him, he waits for engineer to come back and when he does come back, he goes over to JD and starts cuddling and kissing him which he loved, he then goes over to soldier and kisses him lovingly before pulling away
"i been called to go somewhere and i don't know how long i'll be gone for, so, look after JD and keep the house clean, i'll also call you everyday to check on you so you don't think i've abandoned you, okay" engie says seriously and soldier nods but looking a little confused
"where are you going?" soldier says confused as he decided to follow engineer to the bedroom
"it's classified but it doesn't mean i can't tell you as i would love to tell you, it just means it's classified info that i don't even know but i've been summoned anyway" engineer explains as he packs a bag with some clothes and his overalls
after packing, he goes over to soldier still holding the bag and soldier gets pulled into a kiss by engie which he adored, soldier keeps kissing engie until he pulls away but soldier was hugging him
"i'm going to miss these moments together, sweetheart" soldier whispers and engineer nods
"yeah...me too, honey, but i'll be back though, soon and as i said eariler, i'll phone you everyday when ever i cam to check up on you and JD so you better promise to look after JD and keep this house tidy, got it?" engineer says and soldier nods happily with a hum
engineer gives soldier one last kiss after they go to the door and then he leaves in his truck with both soldier and JD waving him off
(flashback end)
"soldier?...soldier!" miss.pauling says trying to snap soldier out of his daydream
it works as soldier shakes his head and looks over at miss.pauling confused then around the windows to see that they had stopped moving
"what?" soldier says confused as he looks down at JD who was still asleep
"we are here, lets go" miss.pauling says as she looked serious and then she gets out of the car
soldier watches her get out of the car and then he follows behind her making sure JD was still asleep and comfy as he gets out, meanwhile at the top of the building soldier and miss.pauling had parked in front of and pyro was sitting in the meeting room with other people, he was the boss of the building and to him, the people that were in the room with him were gray people that were talking gibberish to him, he was bored but then suddenly, he sees a rainbow out the window in front of him and he runs over to see a baby miss.pauling and soldier with baby JD with some torches in their hands while standing on a cleaner platform
"pyro! it's us! meet us at the front door!" miss.pauling yells as she and soldier wave the torches
they see pyro clap happily and he bolts off out the room leaving everyone in the room looking stunned on what happened  while miss.pauling lowers the cleaner platform, when they get to the bottom, they wait for pyro to come out after putting out the torches and when pyro comes out, he goes straight for soldier and hugs him happily
"hey pyro, how have you been, buddy" soldier says happily while pyro hugs soldier and then pyro backs up looking excited
pyro had been visiting soldier and engineer during the weekends when he wasn't busy and he had become some kind of older son to the pair, he has also became a good big brother to JD and tries spends loads of time with JD before he goes back to work, engie and soldier are happy to see him when he comes over and he's also surprisingly a good babysitter
"hey pyro, do you wanna come with us and get everyone back together?" miss.pauling says happily in a baby voice and pyro smiles and claps happily smiling at miss.pauling then at soldier
"who are we getting next?" soldier asks as he watches pyro get in the car
"either demoman, spy or scout and i choose spy" miss.pauling says as she looks at a list and she points to spy's name
she goes to the car and soldier was about to do the same when a newspaper blows in his face, he takes it off and he was about to scrunch it up when he looks at it and gets worried
"umm, miss.pauling, you better look at this" soldier says after getting in the car joining pyro in the back and holds out the newspaper page to miss.pauling
miss.pauling takes the page and she gets worried as she looks at the page, on the from was a picture of mug shots of spy and scout who have been arrested at teufort city which was a worry, the page claims they were arrested for robbing a bank which miss.pauling knows isn't right
"right, it's time to do a jailbreak" miss.pauling says seriously as he's he starts up the car
miss.pauling then drives off like a madwoman while soldier holds onto JD and his helmet while pyro holds onto the chair in front of him which was the passenger seat, meanwhile in teufort jail and scout was talking to himself trying to figure out he with spy can escape the jail while spy was sitting at a table in the middle of the room with some small food and holding some small cutlery, spy was calmly eating then the next second, he had killed a cellmate who was a tough muscley guy with tattoos all over him
"spy! stop killing the cell mates, we are already in a lot of trouble as it is!" scout says annoyed after seeing the dead body of the cellmate
"well, i can't help it when they are trying to kill me, i'm just defending myself" spy says emotionless and keeps eating his food
"aww, man! we are so going to be hung!" scout says with his voice sounding both upset and annoyed "and it's all thanks to you! if we didn't go into that bank! i'll be home with my ma by now" he adds as he points at spy angryily
spy sighs as he doesn't acknowledge scout and he remembers what lead up to this, he was about to go home when scout stopped him and ask could he get a lift, spy originally said no but when scout mentions his mom, he changed his mind and invited scout in the car as long as he could make a stop first to the bank, scout was okay with it and they went to the bank, when they got to the bank, all they did was walk in and then cops arrested them for seemly no reason until it was revealed the townspeople hate them and the other mercs for ruining the peace of teufort with their fights at the 2fort buildings so now they are stuck on jail waiting for their hanging trial which was today, suddenly a cop comes up to the jail doors and he opens the door
"come on, you two, it's time" the cop says as points away from the door
scout and spy look at each other and then walk out with the cop following them behind and another was in front, back with miss.pauling, soldier, JD and pyro and they had finally made it to teufort after miss.pauling's speedy driving
"right, pyro, you come with me to the library and soldier, you find where scout and spy and being hung and try and stop it as long as you can! got it?" miss.pauling says to pyro and then soldier
"alright, miss.pauling!" soldier says with a salute and he walks off with JD still in his baby carrier, miss.pauling goes off with pyro and they head to the library while soldier walks around the town until he realises he needs a disguise as he didn't want to be recognised so he goes into a clothes store after taking off his jacket coat, a bit later and  he comes out with a white shirt, comfy trousers and trainers while JD had a small baby bucket hat in purple on his head
"right then, JD, let's find the city boy and the frenchie!" soldier says as he looks at JD who giggles happily as he looks at soldier
soldier smiles and he goes off to find spy and scout, in the library and miss pauling was asking the librarian for every book that they had on the mann brothers and mann co, the lady paints to the isle of the book and pyro goes down it with pyro, she then asks pyro to burn all the book she hands pyro and he happily claps as he starts a fire, soon enough, all the book were burnt to a crisp with the library staff horrified by what pyro did while the kids were happily enjoying the fire with pyro
"right, now that's done, i need to see if soldier has saved scout and spy so then we can get demoman" miss.pauling says in a rush and she looks at pyro "come on, pyro, let's go!" she adds looking at pyro and pyro nods before following miss.pauling like a dog
back with soldier and he sees that spy and scout were about to be hung in the middle of the town with people looking happy as they hooded up torches and pitchforks, soldier was worried on what he should do and he starts to think
'come on, brain, i know we don't work together very well but we have to to rescue the city boy and the frenchie!...*sigh*what would engie do if he was here?' soldier thought and he gets sad hoping that thinking of engineer would help him
suddenly, he see something in the corner of his eye and he looks down to see JD holding up a little soft toy gun that he grabbed from home which engineer made for him that looked similar to soldier's righteous bison, soldier then gets an idea as he looks at the toy gun and he runs off, he then comes back with a righteous bison and he aims it at the ropes above the spy and scout, meanwhile all the towns people were getting all riled up while spy looked dead inside and scout was panicking, the mayor of teufort steps onto the stage and everyone cheers
"alright everyone, it's time to say goodbye to these men but they won't be a bother to our town anymore!" the mayor says and everyone cheers as the mayor goes over to the lever
what everyone didn't see was that the rope were being half burnt though as soldier fires the bison at the rope burning them in half, both scout and spy see this and they smirk a little before looking miserable again
"goodbye, men, it was nice knowing you" the mayor says in both a kind way but there was some venom in his voice
the mayor then pulls the lever and both scout and spy fall down while the townspeople cheer but then they stop as spy falls to the floor standing up not getting strangled while scout also not being strangled lands on his butt
"ouch!" scout says as he rubs his but while he stands up
spy then grabs scout and he goes invisible and walks about the townspeople but looking like they were running away to the right tricking them
"they went that way! get them!" the mayor says fooling for spy's trick and the townspeople ran away to the right
when the townspeople and the mayor were gone running off really far, spy and scout reappear next to soldier and he was smiling at the pair with his goofy smile
"whew! thanks, soldier, we owe ya one!" scout says as he rubs his cheek while smiling
"don't thank just me, thank JD too, he's was the one who gave me the idea to use my bison" soldier says happily as he points to his and engineer's baby in the baby carrier
"spy! scout!" miss.pauling says as she runs over to soldier, spy and scout with pyro not that fat behind her  looking happy to see scout and spy
"hi! miss.pauling, long time, no see!" scout says happily to see miss.paulimg but then was suddenly hugged by pyro "good to see you too, pyro" he adds while trying to breath and he pats pyro on the head like he was a puppy
pyro let's go and he claps his hands happily until he sees a dalmatian puppy walking around and he lights off before running off
"pyro! wait!" scout says and he goes off after pyro
"so, miss.pauling, is there a reason you are collect us?" spy says as he lights a cigarette after he grabs one from his disguise kit
"i'll explain later, can you all go and wait for me in the car? i need to check something before we go and get demoman" miss.pauling says and she runs off somewhere leaving soldier and spy confused
"pyro! can you let go of the puppy! it could belong to someone and we need to go!" scout says annoyed as he tries to get the dalmatian puppy from pyro but he wasn't letting go
soldier and spy watch before spy shakes his head while pinching his nose and then he goes over to round up pyro and scout to the car, miss.pauling ended up going to a alley where she meets the adminatrator who didn't want to be seen
"ok, so, i already have, soldier, spy, scout and pyro and i just need to get demoman who i'm getting next, heavy, medic and sniper and you already have engineer with you" miss.pauling says as she looks at a list then up at the adminatrator "but, what do want us to do after i got everyone?" she adds as a question with a tilted head
"i'll tell you when you've collected the austraillium from new zealand and make sure gray with his robots and his mercs don't find you, they are starting to get on your tracks" the adminatrator says and miss.pauling looks worried "i need to go back now but before i go, give this to the dumb helmet one, it's from the texan" she adds as she holds out a letter
"umm, okay" miss.pauling says confused but she takes the letter from the adminatrator
she then walks off going back to the car and she looks at the list again until she gets to the car, she gets in to see spy was in the passages seat while pyro, scout and soldier who has now changed back into his mercenary uniform were rammed in the back
"soldier, this is for you, it's from engineer" miss.pauling says as she hands soldier the letter
soldier takes the letter happily and he opens it to see what engineer had to say
'dear my soldier boy and my son, JD, i hope you are doing well with miss.pauling, i miss you both so much and i do hope to meet you both soon, i do feel like a sitting duck being left out on the adventure y'all are going to have without me but i have a old lady to keep alive, again, i hope you see you both very soon for that much needed love and affection and promise me you won't get hurt, hurt JD or do something stupid, okay, lots of loves and kisses, engineer xxxxxx' the letter says and soldier smiles and blushes a little when he reads the letter
soldier then shows the letter to JD who didn't know how to read but he can tell he was happy by soldier's happiness, spy and miss.pauling then talk about what was going on with scout chipping in while they drive to the airport to head to scotland, the group then get to scotland and they hop on the private plane that miss.pauling hired out while in teufort, meanwhile in scotland in a castle type home and demoman was lounging on the couch watching tv while having the eyelander sword next to him and his mum harassing him wanting him to get a job when they all loads of money
"i'm not getting another job, mum, that mercenary job was the best job i've ever had!" demoman shouts up to his mum and slumps on the sofa annoyed
'i think you should, it could shut her up' the sword says and demoman looks over at the sword looking annoyed
"why don't you shut up and go marry me mum if you are siding with her!" demoman says annoyed as he points to the sword
'i would if she was a lot younger' the sword says cheekily and demoman huffs as he crosses his arms angrily
suddenly, the door gets knocked on and demoman answers it with his mum still complaining at him
"i'm getting it, mum, calm down, will ya?!" demoman shouts up to his mum before he opens the door to see miss.pauling, scout and soldier with JD still in his baby carrier were there while spy and pyro were sitting in the car
"demoman! i'm glad you are here!" miss.pauling says happy to see him and demoman looked confused seeing the trio
"hey demoman, long time, no see, you cyclops" scout says happily with a little wave and soldier also waves with his goofy smile
"miss.pauling? what are you lot doing here? i thought the mercs disbanded 5 months ago?" demoman says confused as he looks between the trio with his right eye
"we come to get everyone back together as it's really urgent, so, are you coming?" miss.pauling says happily and this makes demoman grin happily
demoman then shuts the door for a few minutes and then returns wearing his mercenary uniform looking really happy
"alright, time for one last mission with all me mates! let's do this!" demoman says happily and he goes over to the car
miss.pauling smiles and she goes over to the car where there was 5 men, a baby and her in the car but luckily, this will be the last time they will be using the car as they were heading to the airport, meanwhile in teufort and gray mann was there with some of his hired mercenaries at the teufort library, he was angry as he found out that miss.paulimg with pyro had burnt all the evidence of the mann brothers with mention of the adminatrator and he knows he needs to stop miss.pauling with her mercenaries, they go back to their base where they are met up with the other of gray mercenaries and they were all older versions of the classic mercenaries with classic merc scout, soldier, pyro, demoman, heavy who was the leader, engineer, medic, sniper and spy
"right, it seems that the adminatrator's assistant with her mercenaries are heading to get the australium which is located in new zealand so that is where i need you all to go" gray says to the mercs and they all nod seriously while the classic heavy looked smug
"okay, boss, let's head out, men!" classic heavy says and the others cheer before heading off
"i hope they get the australlium soon, i don't know how long i have left till this one runs out" gray says to himself as he looks in the direction of his australlium life support machine on his back
meanwhile, back with miss.pauling and the mercs and they were now at the airport
"okay, so, demo, scout and pyro, you go off to siberia and get heavy while me, spy and soldier go and get sniper and medic" miss.pauling says as she hands demo 3 tickets to siberia  as well as a picture of heavy which was taken by scout back when they were working together
"ok, lassie, we'll be back before you can say 'mixing drinks', come on, lads, let's go and get the heavy!" demoman says happily and he goes off with scout and pyro following him
this now left spy, miss.pauling and soldier with JD and they headed in the opposite direction to demo, scout and pyro, a few hours later and miss.pauling had landed in australia with soldier, JD who was surprising quiet during the plane ride and spy while demo, scout and pyro were in siberia looking for heavy, with demo, scout and pyro and the trio were looking for someone who recognises heavy and they felt like they were getting nowhere until they get an answer with a little old lady in a shop
"aww, yes, i know him, lovely man who lives in the mountains with his mom and sisters, it's a bit cold up there so do you three wants some coats?" the old lady says and demo smiles with a soft nod
"we would love that, ma'am, this cold is making my young friend over there about to become a ice sculpture" demo says kindly and he points over to scout who was shaking like a electric toothbrush from being so cold while pyro is trying to warm him up by hugging him but it wasn't working
"mmm, your a sweet man" the old lady says happily and she then goes off to grab the coats
the old lady returns with 3 coats and demoman kindly takes then off her thanking her before lightly tossing scout and pyro their coats
"oh, and before you go, do be careful out there as there are bears walking around looking for food and they aren't friendly towards people" the old lady says as demo, scout and pyro get to the door heading out
"don't worry, ma'am, we have dealt with much more threatening thing then bears in the past so i think we can take on some bears" demo says smiling and he looks at pyro and scout before they leave
the trio then set off to the mountains to find heavy
"why did i get the thickest coat? i feel like i'm wearing one of heavy's coats" scout asks as he was having a bit of difficulties with the coat
"because, lad, you were the most cold out of all of us and i didn't want you to freeze to death" demo says as he turns to scout briefly
"well, thank! i know if soldier came with us instead of you, i know he would refuse those coats as 'they aren't american' or something like that" scout says smirking then getting annoyed thinking on what soldier would do
"aye but at the same time, he has JD with him so he would probably accept a coat for him and he also been living with engineer so hopefully, engineer would of helped put some intelligence in his helmet brain of his" demo says amused and this makes scout chuckle
"yeah, hopefully" scout says after chuckling and the trio keep walking
after walking for a while, they find a crashed plane so they go to investigate as they were curious
"hmm, this plane is full of honey" demo says as he opens the unopened wooden box in the plane to find many jars of untouched honey jars
"oh cool, what else is in there?" scout says then asks as he goes to investigate
pyro does too as demoman keeps guard for any bears and the pair rummage though the plane until they find some stuff, they first find a load of t-shirts and then a hotdog outfit that had a skeleton inside it which freaks scout out
"shh! lad, you could alert the bears!" demo hisses as scout after scout screams
"i only screamed as i wasn't expecting a skeleton inside this hotdog outfit" scout says as he shows demo the skeleton arm then point to the other skeleton on the snowy ground
suddenly, some roars were heard and then a group of 4 bears appear freaking scout out as he jumps into pyro's arms, demo looks around trying to think on what to do until he eyes the honey in the boxes
"quick, grab the honey and throw it at the bears! i think they can smell the honey" demo says as he points to the honey pots in the box
scout looks at them too and he smiles as he jumps off pyro going over to the box, he then grabs a honey jar from the box and he throws it at one bear which it catches the jar in its mouth, the bear then opens the jar and starts tucking in which it loved, scout then throws the jar at the other bears and they aldo the same as the first bear where they open the jar with their mouths and tick into the honey
"whew, that was close, great thinking, demo!" scout says happily and relieved and he holds out his fist to demo
"aww, it was nothing lad" demo says happily and does a light fist bump with scout
suddenly, pyro starts freaking out and starts pointing ahead of demo and scout, the pair look over and they see a large figure coming over to them, they smile as they recognise who it was and it was heavy who didn't look happy to see the trio
"heavy, we are so glad to see you, lad, we need you to join us as mann co is in danger so miss.pauling is gathering us up to stop mann co going under" demo says and explains and heavy still doesn't make a emotion
"hmm...where is miss.pauling?" heavy asks as he looks at scout, pyro and demo
"she's gone to australia to get sniper and medic then we are going to new zealand for some reason, the only one who isn't in the team is engineer as he's busy so it's going to be us 8 and miss.pauling" scout explains and heavy hums until a roar was heard
the 4 turn to the noise and there in the distance was a giant brown bear which made scout, demo and pyro freak out until scout faints dramatally while demo and pyro watch him go down, meanwhile in australia and soldier and miss.pauling has reached sniper and medic's house which was a farm house with a nice growing farm around, spy wasn't with them as miss.pauling had sent him off to hire a boat to use to get to new zealand
"wow, this must be the home sniper grew up with, they really did a good job redecorating the place and making things grow again, before this place was like a house in a desert wasteland" miss.paulimg says impressed by how nice the place looks
"they must of did it for lucy" soldier says casually and miss.pauling looks at soldier confused
"lucy? who's lucy?" miss.pauling asks confused with a head tilt
"their daughter, she appeared a day before JD did as well as when the break up happened" soldier says looking confused on why miss.pauling didn't know this while pointing to JD who was looking calm
"...right?...anyway" miss.pauling says still looking confused on how that could happen but then she changes the subject as she goes over to the door
meanwhile inside and sniper was laying on the sofa in the living room keeping an eye on lucy who was playing happily with her toys while medic was in the kitchen making food for him, sniper and lucy, sniper was wearing a casual outfit which was a flannel shirt, thin trousers and slippers while medic who was also wearing a casual outfit was wearing a flannel shirt looking similar to a hawaiian shirt, thin trousers and slippers, lucy was wearing dungeness with the medic logo on the chest area which was also a pocket and a shirt with the sniper logo around it, suddenly, the doorbell goes off
"i'll get it!" sniper says as he gets up
"okay!" medic replies from the kitchen still doing the food
sniper opens the door and he sees miss.pauling and soldier with JD standing there and he made a face of both smirking and a bit if disappointment
"hi sniper! it's nice to see you!" miss.pauling says happily and soldier waves at sniper
"hi sniper, we are getting the team back together so we are here to get you and medic while scout, pyro and demoman are collecting the heavy" soldier says in his goofy honest way and sniper looked confused while he feels medic walk up behind him
"oh hello, miss.pauling and soldier! it's been a while since we've last met!" medic says happily to see the pair and soldier waves at him after medic lets the pair inside
"so what is this about getting the team back together?" sniper says as he sits down on the sofa
miss.pauling sit down on another sofa and soldier sits down after he puts JD opposite lucy, the 2 babies look at each other then squeak happily before they start playing with the toys on the floor while JD beings out his toys from his pockets he took from home, while they were playing, miss.paulimg explains to sniper and medic what was going on and how they were going to new zealand to see if the remaining austrailium was still there as they was the last known location of the potassium like gold bars
"so, are you two coming with us?" miss.pauling says after she finishes explaining
"i would love to! having one last mission with my old teammate sound fun!" medic says happily loving the idea of having one last mission together as a team
"yeah, it'll be nice to meet the others again after almost 6 months, by the way, where's engineer? you didn't mention him?" sniper says calmly then gets confused as he remembers miss.pauling not mentioning engineer
"he told me that he is keeping an old lady alive" soldier says happily as he takes out his letter from engineer from his pocket
"yeah, he is with the administrator so we kinda already have him on the team" miss.pauling says and she smiles happily until her phone rings "hello?" she says after answering the phone
"hey miss.pauling, it's demoman, we have found heavy and he is being a little reluctant about joining the team but we are slowly getting though him" demoman says on the other end and miss.pauling can hear girls giggling on the other end
"that's great, when you are done getting heavy, all of you come to australia on the next plane and we will all meet you at the docks on the east end of australia" miss.pauling says happily and she hears demo humming before talking subducly to someone "who are you talking to?" she asks confused and feeling a little left out
"heavy's 3 sisters, they are lovely ladies, anyway, got to go, see you all soon!" demo says happily then he hands up the phone
miss.pauling looks at her phone after demoman hangs up and then puts it away to look at sniper and medic
"so, are we ready to go, the others will join us soon at the docks spy is instigating" miss.pauling says and both sniper and medic nod before they get up
"yeah but we'll be right back" sniper says and they go off upstairs
after they were gone, miss.pauling gets another call so she answers it
"hello?" miss pauling says and looked confused
"hey, miss.pauling, this is spy, the docks you told me to look at seems to be find with us using a boat, the australians here are all weak from not having any austrailium in their system anyway so they can't really fight back" spy explains and miss.paulimg smiles a little
"that's good, spy, we'll meet up with you soon, we just got sniper and medic with us and demo, scout and pyro will be joining us soon" miss.pauling says happily and she hears spy sigh on the other end
"ok, miss.pauling, see you soon" spy says and he hangs up the phone
miss.pauling looks at the phone not really surprised that spy didn't say much and then she looks over at soldier who was happily watching the 2 babies playing with each other, soon, sniper and medic were ready as they came downstairs in their mercenary outfits and they all leave the house after sniper put on his baby carrier to carry lucy
"don't tell me you are bringing your baby too?!" miss.pauling says as she looks at sniper and medic annoyed as she sees lucy in the baby carrier sniper was wearing
"we have to! you came on so short notice and my parents sadly died 2 months ago so we have nobody to look after her!" sniper replies shouting a little and medic could tell he was still a little upset about his parents passing
he was there when sniper's parents passed and he loved sniper's mom as she was a little sweet lady while he kinda liked sniper's dad even if he was grumpy and stubborn, the pair sadly died together from old age as they did have sniper quite late in their relationship and age but austrailium managed to help them have him when they were both in their 40s
"oh...sorry to hear that sniper, i didn't know..." miss.pauling says looking guilty and soldier who was standing next to her looked at her angryily
"it's okay...i'm over it now thanks to medic and lucy...anyway, shall we keep going" sniper says calmly yet trying not to cry then he changes the subject
miss paulimg nods and she with soldier, sniper, medic and the 2 babies went into the car miss.pauling and soldier came here with and they head off to the docks where spy was waiting for them, a while later and everyone was at the docks where spy was there with a boat the group could use, before they headed off, miss.pauling tells scout and heavy to go off to the uluru to see if there was any austrailium there so scout and heavy went off on a motorbike to the ulura leaving, solder with JD, pyro, demo, medic, sniper with lucy and spy going with miss.pauling to new zealand, the group wait in the boat for what felt like forever but it was only 2 hours and soon, new zealand was in sight but it was just a small building on a little island with nothing else but grass and a few trees
"is that it!? that's new zealand?" sniper says as the boat was parked on the island
the group get off the boat and they look around the island until they decide to go into the building, miss.pauling went in first with the other following behind her and they see that the building had a lift going up
"a lift going up? did the people of new zealand decide to live in the sky?" medic asks as he looks at the lift then at sniper
"yeah, the new zealanders were very highly intelligent people and they decided to build a sky kingdom about 40 years ago, they've been up here since and it also where we decided to keep the reminding austrailium as it turns out, austrailians aren't the brightest people ever when they have processed austrailium for a long period of time" miss.pauling explains as she gets on the lift with the others following her and she fiddles with the lift buttons
the lift did jolt a few times but then it goes up with everyone looking around at the ground seeing things as the lift keeps going up, soon, the lift reaches the top and it was a big dome that was almost reaching space as looking up shows space but it was a bit at the top as the dome was still on earth, the group of 7 stepped out of the lift and they all look around to see that the place felt like a abandoned theme part, there was nobody around and it was odd as this place back 30 years ago was thriving with people, well, that's what the administrator told miss.paulimg anyway
"where is everyone?" soldier asks as he looks at miss.pauling then at the others
"i don't know..." miss.pauling replies unsure and she brings out a piece of paper from her pocket "let's go this way" she adds while pointing in front of her then she starts walking
the others follow her while looking around and then they reach what looks to be a town hall but it looked run down and almost falling apart
"what happened to this place? looks like nobody has been living here in ages" medic says when he sees the building then looks at sniper
sniper shrugs and the group all head inside the run down town hall, meanwhile with scout and heavy and the pair were heading to the ulura, they were on a motorbike with scout driving and heavy behind him lightly holding on to scout's shoulder for support
"so...did you know your dad, because i do and he's a jerk, that french idiot abandoned me when i was a baby and it want till i join the team that i've finally met him in person" scout says trying to start a conversation
"little spy does disappear a lot but heavy knows he does have a soft side, even for you" heavy replies and scout scoffs rolling his eyes
"as if and it's it's true, he would of stay with me ma and looked after me with her, he died like her after all even after i was born" scout says annoyed and he looked grumpy as he kept driving
the pair soon reached the ulura and they investigate the big orange mountain like rock
"hey! this is hollow" scout says after banging on the rock hearing it sound hallow
"it's because this ain't real, miss.pauling told me this was where they hid the austrailium after they found it in the mines" heavy says emotionless and he pushes the wall revealing a secret door
"whao! well, that's  cool, i guess" scout says a little shocked on hearing that the ulura wasn't real and it was just a giant mesh sculpture to hide austrailium
the pair go inside to reveal a mine area and they were standing on a balcony, scout looks down the balcony while heavy stood next to him and the pair see that the mine was empty
"this place is as empty as a empty packet of cheese puffs" scout says seeing nothing as he looks down the mine
suddenly, scout's neck was grabbed by a whip and he struggles to pull himself up
"heavy! help!" scout crocks out as he struggles and heavy goes to help
he grabs scout and pulls on the whip to pull it off scout, the whip comes off and then heavy jumps down still holding scout to his side and he finds saxton hale and a woman with blonde hair, the pair explain to heavy while thinking scout was a child as he didn't have facial hair that they were there for the austrailium like what heavy and scout were sent there for but it wasn't there, heavy and scout then go with saxton as he thinks gray is behind the stolen austrailium, back with the others and they couldn't find anything in the hownhall so they decide to head to the 'castle' which was a not very well painted wooden cutout of a castle
"whoever painted this isn't a very good painter" soldier says as he looks at the castle "pyro is a better painter then this" he adds as he points his thumb to pyro to his right
pyro hums with a nod and he then wished he has a paintbrush and bottles of paint to redesign this cutout to his liking, the group go inside the 'castle' which turns out to be a house and they look around to see that it looked like someone had been living here as it was way cleaner then the other places
"hello? is anyone here! we are here to talk about something important!" miss.paulimg shouts out with spy next to her
suddenly, out of nowhere and a man and a lady come out from a secret door on the floor, they scare the group even the babies so soldier and medic had to calm them down which they do, the pair felt familiar to sniper as he looks at them but he couldn't put his finger on why
"hello everyone, welcome to new zealand, the country in the sky!" the man with the long white beard says and the group look at him confused "i am billy and this is my wife, lana" he adds as he points to himself and then his wife
"hello, i'm miss.pauling and this is my mercenary team, soldier, pyro, demoman, medic, sniper and spy, we are here send by helen aka the administrator to talk about the austrailium you have stored" miss.pauling says as she points to everyone and soldier, pyro and demo were the only ones who waved back
"austrailium?...oh, you mean that gold potassium stuff!" billy says after forgetting what miss.pauling was talking about but then remembers "well uh...you see..." he adds looking guilty and miss.pauling was waiting for the worse
"we accidentally used all of it to paint our bedroom!" lana says speaking up and she grabs a bottle of wine from the counter
"what?!" miss.paulimg yells flabbergasted and she falls to the ground with spy putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her
"yeah, we didn't know what to do with it until we found out we could melt it so we melted all of it and painted our room as well as our late son's room" lana says after she chugs her wine down "we can show you if you like" she adds as she goes to the stairs
the others watch her and billy follows behind her, the others look at each other then they follow the new zealand pair upstairs
"hey, do you think the guy with the hat and sunglasses looks like our-?" billy whispers to lana as the pair get to the room
"yeah but it also looks like he's gay for that white coat guy and had a child with him so let's just say our son is dead" lana replies and billy nods seriously then turns to the others "this is our room! do you like it?" he adds as he shows off the room
miss.pauling looked shocked but in a good way as she started to feel hopeless and like she wasted her time, spy could see this and he leaves the room looking serious
"and this is our late son's room, he sadly died from birth complications so we kept the room to honour his memory" billy says being a very convinced lier and miss.pauling looked heartbroken
"...there must be some way to peel it off, the administrator is counting on us to bring the austrailium to her and now it's wall paint!" miss.pauling says starting to panic and she goes to the wall trying to peel the austrailium off the wall
"we've tried that, it doesn't come off after you paint it on" lana says as she tales another swig at her wine now getting drunk
suddenly, out of nowhere, lana and billy were shot in the heart and head killing them instantly and miss.paulimg gasps as they fell to the ground with the red wine spilling onto the carpet, the group head out the house to see what caused the gun fire and it was the classic mercenaries here to collect the group, the classic medic sniper then shot everyone with a tranquilliser dart and it knocks them out instantly, both lucy and JD cry by soldier, sniper and medic falling down but then they were both picked up by the classic merc pyro and engineer
"aww, well aren't you just the cutest little lady ever!" the classic pyro says after she takes off her mask and she snuggles lucy who giggles a little but she was still upset
the classic engineer looks at JD and he felt something familiar about him, JD looks at classic engineer and then he smiles and does the grabby hands making classic engineer get reminded of his son, dell, he then looks at soldier who was laying on the floor and he starts to think until the classic soldier lightly hits him on the arm
"you coming, fred?" classic soldier says and classic engineer looks at soldier again who was getting picked up by classic heavy
"yeah, coming" classic engineer says and he follow classic soldier to the ship they took to get here which did smash though the dome
once all the tf2 mercs were on the ship, the classic spy counted them then goes over to the classic heavy
"they are missing their heavy, scout and engineer" the classic spy says calmly as he goes over to classic heavy
"we'll find them later, right now, let's get back to the boss for our pay" classic heavy says and he goes to the front of the ship sitting in the driver's seat
he controls the ship out of the hole they made in the dome and then they all head to gray mann's lair with the tf2 mercs still unconscious, a while later and the tf2 mercs were put into 2 cells, miss.pauling, spy, demo and pyro in one cell and sniper and medic in the other with soldier also meant to be in there but he was taken by classic pyro to be interrogated even though soldier knew nothing and he actually liked being interrogated for some reason all on his own, JD and lucy were safe as they were playing in the office room with some baby toys that classic engineer gave the pair while classic heavy was talking to gray mann, back with soldier and he was getting his was getting his teeth drilled when he suddenly had a random thought, in the thought, he saw engineer getting upset that JD was dead then engineer walks away from soldier after taking off his ring making soldier upset, he then comes back to reality and he gets determinate to go save JD not just for his sake but for engineer's sake too so he rips himself out of the chair breaking the ropes, classic pyro was surprised by soldier's random outburst then she recovers going to the door to block soldier
"nah uh uh, hon, i'm not done with you yet" classic pyro says as she holds up the drill in her hand
"move, woman! i got to go find my son!" soldier says seriously and he goes to push classic pyro out the way
she dodges him a little early making soldier grab the pipe to her air container on her back, he apologised for grabbing it and he puts it back not realising he put it in the suit, the suit then starts to inflate and then classic pyro dies being cooking by the heat of the canister only leaving a bit if her suit behind
"...that was accidentally easy, now to go and-!" soldier says to himself and he was about to leave to find the others then JD but then his leg was grabbed
he stops to see it was gray mann and he asks soldier to take him to miss.pauling which he does, meanwhile in the cell with demo, pyro, spy and miss.pauling and demo was daydreaming that his liver has left him as he hasn't had any alcoholic drink in what felt like forever when he with the others have been in the jail for at least 12 hours now, miss.pauling was sitting next to spy and she felt like she failed the administrator as she couldn't get the austrailium as the last of it was on a wall in the now destroyed new zealand as the classic mercenaries destroyed the place looking for the austrailium but couldn't find it, spy looked uncomfortable by the cry while pyro was poking demoman to try and get him off his left leg which he was using as a pillow
"please don't cry, miss.pauling, it's not your fault, it's everyone's else's fault" spy says trying to cheer miss.pauling up
"thanks for try and cheering me up, spy" miss.pauling says recovering a little from her outburst
suddenly the classic spy comes in disguised as heavy and miss.pauling fell for it as she accidentally reveals to him where the administrator is located which the classic spy tells over the blocky phone he had making miss.pauling look more guilty, suddenly, soldier comes from the left corridor and punched the classic spy in the face getting hit under spy where spy strangled him to death using his leg chains
"miss.pauling, this old man wants to talk to you" soldier says seriously and he drops gray onto the floor next to the left wall
he then helps demo, pyro and spy out if their chains then runs off as miss.pauling was helped out of her chains by spy, gray and miss.pauling talk and all miss.pauling and spy know before gray dies is that the administrator was up to something very big and very worrying before spy asks miss.pauling about if she has been keeping lies and secrets from him and the others, meanwhile with sniper and medic and sniper was having a dream that his parents were happy with him and they were also proud on what he is doing and admitting that they like medic even if he was a bit insane and crackers before he wakes up to medic yelling for him
"mmm...medic?" sniper says as he sits up and he  sees that medic was being interrogated by the classic medic "medic!" he says panicking and he tried to break out of his chains but couldn't
"oh look, your boyfriend is awake, i wonder if you talk if i do this" the classic medic says and he points a gun to sniper's head
"i don't know what you want me to talk about, cousin!" medic says annoyed and sniper looks at him confused
"wait, you two are cousins?" sniper says confused and medic nods looking sad
"yes, he's my older cousin by 5 years, he was the one that suggest i join the team fortress team after his team got retired" medic says admitting and sniper looked shocked learning something new about his fiancé
"it's odd to me that you went for someone younger after you divorced your ex-wife, heidi, also a man too, i didn't even know till we found you that you were gay but looking at you, it should of been obvious" classic medic says as he holds up sniper's head to look at him making sniper snarl then goes over to medic
"i only divorced her because she cheated on me many times in the past, it was her fault, not mine, i also knew i was gay since i was 13 but i couldn't date men as i was loyal to my parents" medic says snarling annoyed and sniper looks at medic shocked but interested
"so now that your parents are dead for a while now, you can now date men, huh? they'll be so disappointed in you for doing that as they watch you from the heavens" classic medic says and medic looked annoyed as his anger raises "oh ans speaking of family, care to explain why you two brought a baby along with you? who's baby did you steal, cousin?" he adds and medic huffs annoyed
"that's our daughter! she appeared the morning before we split up and we believe she was born with magic involved, i didn't steal her from anyone and if you dare harm her in any way, i will gut your organs from your body!" medic says getting more and more aggressive
sniper looks between the medic and the classic medic in awe but then he feels his chains coming loose, he looks to his left and he can barely see it but there was spy invisible unlocking the chains with a key he had, he then hands sniper the key and goes off into the corner to watch what happens, sniper scoots over to medic acting like he was still chained up and he undoes medic chains around his wrists while classic medic talks to him, suddenly after sniper does the leg chains, classic heavy comes in and he looked peeved
"medic, what are you doing?! i told you to leave these ****er alone and get to the lab!" classic heavy says looking angry at classic medic
"i'm sorry i was just-" classic medic says putting his hand up and trying to explain but classic heavy cuts him off
"never mind that, we have a problem as our pyro and spy were just killed and now the others have escaped, we need to go and stop them!" classic heavy complains and medic looked surprised to hear that while sniper didnt seem to care as he knew "now come on! we got to ****ing stop them before it's too late!" he adds and he runs off
the classic medic watches him go and he was about to turn around to tell medic to stay there but then he was suddenly stabbed hard in the chest with a bone saw, he collapsed to the ground dead and it was medic who stabbed him out if rage and aggression, sniper looked at him stunned then goes over to him
"umm...can i explain things later when it's calmer..." medic says after sniper wraps himself around medic lovingly
sniper hums with a nod and then he pulls medic into a kiss which was full of love and a bit of passion, after the kiss, the pair look at each other for a moment then a alarm goes off meaning it was time for them to go
"you go to miss.paulin' and the others, i got to sort out something" sniper says and medic looked confused until he figured out what it was
medic nods seriously then he runs off to the right while sniper with spy tagging along declocking himself head to the left, outside and miss.pauling, demo and pyro were trying to run but they were captured by blood sucking robots making them weak, as miss.pauling was unconscious, she had a dream that she was in a desert and in front of her was a door, she enters the door and she sees that inside was the adminatrator sitting at her chair looking at the monitors, they have a talk until the adminatrator goes mad and this causes miss.pauling to wake up to see demo fighting and winning ageist the robots, she then spots medic putting the blood back into pyro and he smiles as he goes to miss.pauling
"are you okay now, vermissen pauling, i tried to put in all your blood but you might have some of pyro's blood in you" medic says and explains as he was crouching next to miss.pauling
"i'm fine but what's going on over there?" miss.pauling says sounding exhausted and she points to demoman
"demo's blood has alcohol in it so the robots are getting alcohol poisoning from drinking the blood, it's why it's let you and pyro go...by the way, where's soldier? i notice he wasn't here" medic explains then asks as he looks around
"i don't know, he ran off when we were trying to escape, i think he went to go look for his son or something" miss.pauling having no idea where soldier went
suddenly both miss.pauling and medic see some parachutes in the sky and miss.pauling runs over when she realises it was scout and heavy
"hey miss.pauling, i'm so happy to see you!" scout says happily and he hugs miss.pauling making blood come out of her eyes
"oh! don't do that! the blood is still trying to settle in" medic says looking digested while scout also looked disgusted as he pulls away from miss.pauling
"scout, please tell me you found austrailium at the ulura" miss.pauling says seriously after recovering and scout looked disappointed
"we tried but there was nothin' there, instead we did find saxton hale with his cute buff girlfriend, i think her name was maggie, they are-? oh, i guess they didn't jump out with us" scout explains then he notice both saxton and the lady named maggie wasn't with them
"heavy lad, your sister are really lovely, i hope you find a good man for them as they are really desperate to have fun if you know what i mean, haha!" demo says as he goes over to heavy and he lightly jabs his elbow into heavy's stomach
"heavy will, move them and mama somewhere when this is over" heavy says looking a little annoyed that demo had been messing with his sister
"aye, why don't you and your family come and move into my home with me, i have loads of rooms for you, your mum and your sister and our mums could hang out together, i know my mum is lonely and she can use a friend to talk to, your sisters could also explore scotland and see all the lovely places and men that are there" demo explains his idea and heavy thinks about it
"...hmm...i like idea, i will tell family when i get back home" heavy says smiling at demo and demo smiles at him
that's a good lad, i'm sure mum won't mind to have guest for a bit" demo says happily and the pair high 5 on it
"umm guys, sorry to break up your chat but look!" miss.pauling says tapping demo on the shoulder and she points to a horde of robots appearing all over the place
"umm...what do we do about them, we don't have any weapons!" scout says panicking a little then he looks up "hey look, boxes!" he says making everyone look up
"what does it say, scout?" miss.pauling asks as scout catches a box
"sub-submakeen-submaween" scout says unable to read the box as he a slow reader
another box lands behind heavy and it contained sasha, he beloved minigun, he goes over to it and he hugs it tight
"sasha, my love, where have you been" heavy says happily and he holds it down
everyone grabs their gun and then they go up ageist the robots with both saxton and maggie joining the mercs, meanwhile with sniper and him with spy went to go deal with the classic sniper which was easy as the classic sniper was monologuing to spy a bit too long so sniper got his head shot on him, they then sit down for a moment until deciding to go though the corridor instead of the window to join the others, meanwhile and soldier was looking around the base for JD and lucy
"JD! where are you, baby?" soldier says calling out for his son
"yo, soldier!" the voice of scout and soldier turns around to see scout zooming over to him "here ya are, you helmet head, miss pauling sent me to find ya, she was a little worried that the robot got to ya" he adds looking relieved he found soldier
"what? no, i'm busy looking for JD and lucy" soldier says looking at scout confused on what he was talking about
"oh yeah, i forgot you brought the baby with you but, medic and sniper brought their baby too?" scout says and looking confused and soldier nods lightly "oh, okay, anyway, here's your rocket launcher and a shotgun, you might need it" he adds and holds out soldier's rocket launcher and shotgun with ammo after grabbing them from his bag
soldier smiles as he grabs his rocket launcher and shotgun from scout and then scout smiles seeing how happy soldier was, scout was about to run off back to the other when he was stopped by the classic scout
"so, you are the new scout, look really young, are you sure you should be in this war, boy?" the classic scout says walking up to scout who starts walking back
"oh umm...yeah! i'm the strongest man you'll ever know and the most athletic, i bet you can't double jump and run in circles like i can, you moustached old man!" scout replies insulting and then he bumps into soldier who hadn't moved from where he was
scout looks to see why soldier wasn't moving and he sees that the classic soldier was standing in front of him holding out his own rocket launcher while soldier had the shotgun
"so...your this team's soldier...you don't look very bright, did you come in from stupid town or something?" the classic soldier says as he smokes a cigar and the classic scout chuckles at the joke
scout and soldier didn't know what to do as they were back to back of each other while the classic scout and soldier were closing in on them to fight them, scout tries to think of a plan but he couldn't come up with anything until he did
"soldier, swap places with me!" scout tells soldier and soldier had to think for a second till he got what scout wanted to do
"ok, city boy!" soldier says and he with scout swap places
it was now soldier verse classic scout and scout verses classic soldier, scout then used soldier for height as he jump onto soldier's shoulders then goes up high and then he kicks classic soldier in the head making him fall back, soldier used his shotgun on classic scout making him bolt about but then he got the idea to use the rocket and shotgun so he used both, the classic scout dodged the rocket but then was hit hard in the chest but the shotgun causing the classic scout to die easily, scout and soldier then high 5 each other seeing that the other was down and soldier gives scout a proud smile
"ow! that was uncalled for" classic soldier says as he sits up only to see soldier and scout pointing at his head with the scattergun and the shotgun "wait! why are you even all the way down here? shouldn't you be at the front sorting out the robot?" he asks confused why these 2 were so far down
"i came to find him and he came to find his son, you know, the babies?" scout says like it was obvious and he looked mad
"the babies are in the office with fred, our engineer, but please don't hurt him" the classic soldier says sounding scared and this made soldier go from angry to worried
he reaslises that seeing classic soldier like this protecting classic engineer made him think of him with engineer and how much he cares about him
"...take me to him" soldier says sounding serious and classic soldier stands up with a nod
he walks ahead and soldier follows him while scout watches soldier go still pointing his shotgun at the classic soldier, scout was confused why soldier didn't kill classic soldier but then he shrugs and runs off until he bumps into sniper and spy
"hey guys, haven't seen you in a minute, soldier has just gone that way with the classic soldier to go find the babies, you wanna come destroy some robots with me?" scout says happily with a wave then explains happily
"sure, mate, i need to go see if medic is okay" sniper says also happily and scout smile "spy, are you coming too?" he asks spy who looked emotionless
"...hey scout, can i talk to you for a moment?" spy says suddenly while looking a tiny bit guilty
"uhh, sure, whatever" scout says and sniper walks away a few feet wondering what spy wants to talk to scout about
"scout-" spy says when sniper was gone but scout cut him off
"look, i know your my dad but it doesn't explain why you left me fatherless all my childhood and especially my teen hood when i needed a dad the most! you are a terrible parent, you know that" scout says annoyed looking mad then he turns away
"...scout, the thing is, i was always there, i saw you at your first baseball game, i was so proud of you when you got that home run, i wanted to defend you when your half brothers were bullying you but your mom wouldn't let me and even though i 'wasn't' there, i was so busy with my job that i couldn't spend most of it with you, i wish i could but-i guess that is how you feel about me then i will leave you and your mom alone after this" spy explains full of emotion and scout looked surprised by spy
"...wait! i don't remember seeing you at my baseball game, only me ma was-...wait, you were me ma?!" scout says as he was thinking until he got the idea and spy nods
"yeah, i sometimes disguised as your mom, it was why she was always there even when she told you she couldn't make it due to one of your brothers or work, i took her place just for her sake and to see you happy and when you smile, you made me think i was so happy to have you, even if it was a accident" spy explains and scout looks at spy for a moment
suddenly, a hit of sadness hit scout and he couldn't help but tackle spy into a hug, spy wasn't expecting it and he didn't like that scout was crying on her 2,000 dollar suit but then he felt a warm feeling of scout's mother smiling at the pair making him smile and hug back, meanwhile back outside and heavy, demo, pyro, miss.pauling, medic, saxton and his gf were destroying the robot and having a good time, suddenly, demo who was firing grenades at the robots spots the classic demo firing stickies at a wall hoping someone walks next to it, demo thinks until he gets an idea
"oh, pyro!" demo says happily and the pyromaniac lights up hearing his name going over to demo "you wanna help me out, lad?" he asks pyro with pyro nodding happily in reply "good, follow me!" he says happily and pyro cheers before going with demo
the pair then stop next to the wall where the stickies are and then then demo whispers the plan to pyro who adores the plan when demo was done, demo smiles seeing pyro likes the plan and he stands on the walls in front of them while pyro stayed crouched looking at demo
"ok...oi! classic demoman! over here, you swine!" demo says calmly then he shouts getting the classic demoman's attention
the classic demoman snarls at the insult and he grabs his grande launcher, he fires some grenades at demo and demo waits a moment until he smiles
"pyro, now!" demo yells out and he jumps off the wall
pyro then holds up his flamethrower and he airblasts the granades launching them back to the classic demo who looked shocked
"oh f***-" the classic demo says before blowing up into peices
"woo! way a go pyro!" demo says happily and the pair have a high 5 making pyro clap
what the pair didn't see was a stray bulletin coming out of nowhere and hitting demo in the leg, demo cries out in pain and pyro panics calling for medic, medic then comes over and he tells demo to lie down while sending pyro to go help heavy, the pair then have a talk about random stuff until demo brings up his eye and medic tells demo he had grown a eye for demo for ages but the eye socket was cursed which is why demo cannot have a eye, he also guiltily admitted that he had berg messing with demo's memories so he doesn't remember the event of the monoculus' different ways it has attacked on halloween making demo have a memory wipe, demo then goes off to he,on the others, medic then starts putting his stuff away and he was about to put away the last item until he was grabbed hard on the back of his clothes and pulls up to reveal the classic heavy
"what have you done to my medic, you ****er!" classic heavy says looking aggressive and medic looked scared
"uhh, well, i may have...you know...killed him" medic says looking guilty but he wasn't sorry about it as he gave a grin after
the classic heavy then throws medic to the side and this got the attention to both heavy and sniper who was coming out the building with spy and scout smiling
"you insane b****! you'll pay for killing the medic!" the classic heavy says and he was about to punch medic until heavy punched him first
"you leave doktor alone!" heavy says defending medic as sniper comes over and sits next to medic
"are you alright, love?" sniper says comforting medic who nods at sniper's question
"yeah, just a bruise that the medigun heal up, nothing to worry about" medic says happy to see sniper again and then he and sniper look over at heavy and classic heavy
"finally a equally strong opponent, this fight will be epic! let's go big guy, show me how strong you are!" the classic heavy says and heavy gets angry
the classic heavy throws the first punch and then heavy throws his own punch which was harder, the pair went back and forth with then punches, kick and wrestling moves while sniper and medic watches, meanwhile with miss.pauling and she stepped out of the battle to phone the adminatrator
"'ello?" miss.pauling hears engineer says and she sigh in relief that someone picked up
"hey engie, it's miss.pauling, is the adminatrator there?" miss pauling say then asks sounding stressed
"yes but no, you see, she's died but she will come back to life in a moment, just waiting for the austrailium to kick in, speaking of, did you get any?" engineer says and miss.paulimg looks guilty
"i tried, i really tried but i can't seem to find any, the one in new zealand is gone to the wall and there doesn't seem to be any left!" miss.pauling says stressed and engineer sighs disappointed in the other end
"well, that's a bummer, i guess this one i have here is the only austrailium left and it will only last her a few months at least, by the way, where is soldier? i wanna talk to him" engineer says as he looks at the vile of austrailium then asks looking worried for his fiancé
"umm...hold on a sec, scout!" miss pauling says and she calls over scout
"yes?" scout says when he goes over to miss.pauling
"where's soldier?" miss.pauling asks as she holds out the phone so engineer can hear
"oh, he was following the classic soldier to the location of JD and lucy, they're being looked after by the classic engineer named fred" scout says and he smiles at miss.pauling
"wait? fred the classic engineer!" engineer says sounding shocked and confused
"yeah, that's what scout said, anything wrong?" miss.pauling says confused as she puts the phone back to her ear while scout stood next to her
"...no, it's fine, i have to go, talk later and tell soldier i miss him and i'll see him soon" engineer says and he hangs up the phone
"hmm, that was odd" miss.pauling says as she looks at the phone then puts it away
"what were you talking to hard hat about?" scout asks after miss.pauling puts her phone away
"oh, just checking on the adminatrator, shall we get more robots?" miss.pauling says simply so she wouldn't give too much away and she holds up a revolver
scout nods and smirks then they go off to fight some more robots, with engineer and he slumps down on the chair next to him as he puts his head on his hands, he then looks up at a picture of him with his dad and he sighs as he looks at it, he couldn't believe that where his dad had been gone all this time, still working for his original team, he grew up with his dad most of the time as his mom wasn't in the picture making his dad have full custody of him, engineer was a big daddy's boy and he wanted to be an engineer like him and his grandfather when he grew up so he studied hard at school to do it which worked, then at 16 after leaving school, he moved to university where he hears that his dad went missing and he only got a few letters from him until he stopped sending them after he finished university, he then was on his own with no parents, grandparents or even any aunts or uncles as engineer's dad was a single child like engie was, he always wondered where his dad was all these years and now he knows he's been working for his old team before he met his mother.
suddenly, he hears the adminatrator gasp awake and he goes over to her to check on her, meanwhile with soldier and he was finally taken to the office where he was happy to see JD and lucy were okay
"JD!" soldier says happily and this makes JD look over at him
he smiles as soldier picks him up and he hugs him then he looks at lucy who was clapping happily while giggling
"hi lucy" soldier says happily to see lucy and he picks her up after putting JD in the baby carrier
"hey...before you go" the classic engineer says as he walks over to soldier with classic soldier not that far behind him "can you tell me...what is the name of your engineer?" he asks and soldier was a little suprised by the question
"umm, it's dell conagher, why?" soldier says honestly yet confused as he holds lucy in his arm
the classic engineer then starts tearing up looking both upset and proud and the classic soldier comforts him by side hugging him, soldier stood there confused and he looks down at JD who was teething on a teething toy
"s-sorry, do you have a picture of him?" classic engineer says trying to calm himself down as he looks at soldier again
"oh uh...yeah, here you go" soldier says and he pulls out a picture of him and engineer during a new year's party a year ago that sniper took
the classic engineer looks at the picture and stares at engineer who was happy with no goggles on his face as they were around his neck, soldier was next to him looking at him lovingly and soldier smiles thinking of that party, he then sees classic engineer crying and the classic soldier comforting him with a hug and soldier was a bit lost on what was going on
"do you know what's going on, lucy?" soldier says asking his friend's kid who didn't have a clue as she looked clueless "oh okay, well, i better go now and leave you two alone" he adds and he was about to leave but he was stopped by a soft shoulder grab as it was the classic engineer
"please, before you do go, i need to tell you something" the classic engineer says calmly after recovering and soldier looks at him then classic soldier a little confused but was ready to listen
meanwhile back outside and the robots were almost all defeated but the fight between heavy and classic heavy was still going on, sniper and medic watches from afar but medic wanted to help heavy win ageist the classic heavy so he looks around, he then remembers something in his box and he opens it rumging around in the box, he then pulls out a big dart and he looks over at the classic heavy's neck then to sniper who had his rifle close to him
"hey sniper!" medic whispers to sniper as he leans close to him
"yeah, love?" sniper replies also whispering wondering what medic wanted
"i want you to put this dart in your rifle and then fire it at the classic heavy's neck" medic explains still whispering and sniper takes to dart off him
"okay but why?" sniper whispers as he puts the dart in his rifle taking out the bullet
"the liquid in the dart contains some thing which should help heavy win the fight" medic whipsers and sniper nods as he points the rifle to the classic heavy
the heavy and classic heavy were still fighting when suddenly, a dart hits the classic heavy in the neck, he flinches a little to the dart and then he pulls it out, he looks over to sniper and medic who wave at him with guilty grins but then medic's turn evil when the classic heavy starts feeling delirious as his eyes start to get dizzy
"quick heavy, take him out, you have the upper hand!" medic shouts at heavy who nods seriously at medic
heavy then takes a full blown swing at the classic heavy then he was tossed a shotgun by sniper who found it next to his rifle, he then shots the classic heavy and it hits him in the heart making him start to die, the other come over minus soldier and engineer and they tell the classic heavy to stay down as they were team fortress 2 then classic heavy dies
"that was cool, miss.pauling! when did you get so badass?!" scout says after they walk away from classic heavy
"i agree with scout, that was pretty badass" spy adds and this makes miss pauling blush till she remembers something
"*gasp* the life support machine!" miss.paulimg says and she runs over to classic heavy with spy and scout watching her
she searches the body till she finds the life support machine and she looks at the insides to see it was empty
"oh dang it!" miss.pauling says annoyed as she throws the machine to the ground
"that does explain why classic heavy put up good fight" heavy says as he realises pointing to the machine now on the floor
"i wonder where soldier is, he's been gone a awfully long time that he missed our fight the robots" medic says wondering where soldier was
"i'm sure he's fine, he's probably listening to some backstory or something" sniper says more guessing then anything
"hmm, that's probably the case, so now what?" medic says shrugging then he turns to miss.pauling
"oh umm...i haven't really thought of that far yet, i guess i better phone the adminatrator and have a talk with her" miss.pauling says and she takes out her phone
"hello everyone! i have come with the babies and some friends" soldier says happily as she approaches sniper and medic with both babies and both classic soldier and classic engineer behind him
"lucy! oh, i missed you so much!" medic says as he happily takes lucy off soldier to hug her
lucy giggles happily as she was spun around then hugged then she giggles again when sniper hugs and kisses her after taking her off medic
"oh! you look familiar, are you perhaps-?" miss.paulimg says to classic engineer looking at him like she had seen him before
"i'm fred conagher, dell conagher's father and the classic engineer, i was told by soldier over there that this is the team my son works with" classic engineer says happily and miss.pauling smiles at nods happily
"yep, he's been a great help to this team and hopefully the last conagher to be part of this mann war as all 3 mann brothers are dead" miss.pauling says calmly and classic engineer nods as he glances over at JD
"not all of them, there is still gray mann's daughter, olivia" saxton says chipping in "speaking of her, i haven't seen her in a while, i wonder where gray put her" he adds as he looks around
"oh, i think gray left her at the mann co building with some robots" classic soldier says remembering gray saying where olivia was
"i wish there was a way to get my company back, i feel it's staring me right in the face" saxton says annoyed and he starts pacing
"i don't know why you want it back, saxton, the pauling lady just said the mann brothers are now dead so there is no need for you to stay in the company" maggie says looking sad and annoyed and saxton looks at her confused
"mags, can you tell me why you don't want me working for mann co? you've been complaining about me being in it ever since i took over from my dad so you know it's a family company so why are you ageist it?" saxton asks and explains while looking serious as he holds maggie on her arms gently
"...okay, i'll spill, i just don't want you being so forced down by mann co, before yoh took over, you were so adventurous, so happy fighting every animal you could, so...so free! but then when you took over, you became...more focus on the company and not on that freedom you use to have, you even forgot about me which is why i went to work with charles for a while" maggie explains sadly and saxton looks at her like everything made sense to him
"oh...i didn't realise-i'm sorry" saxton says and he sits down on a rock while maggie looks at him "and i didn't forget about you, i would never forget you and that cute face with those adorable freckles" he adds being too honest and he puts his hand on his mouth realising he had revealed too much
"aww, saxton, you think my freckles are adorable, you're so nice" maggie says as she bends down and puts her hands over saxton's after she grabs his hand over his mouth
"anyway, i want to be with you, i really do, i like you, maggie, you are the strongest woman i've ever met and seeing you wrestle a tiger a few years ago made me feel love i didn't even know i had" saxton admits making maggie blush hard "but i can't leave mann co to a literal child to control! that's weird, so this is what i'm going to do so listen" he says seriously and maggie looked annoyed but she was listening "i will get mann co back from that girl but then i will retire letting someone i know and trust to take over...like miss.pauling over there!" he explains then he points to miss.pauling who was talking to scout
"the adminatrator's secretary? are you sure? she looks a little...young?" maggie says as she looks at miss.pauling not really knowing a word to describe her
"well, it's good that they're young and the adminatrator is in her deathbed anyway with australium going extinct so she'll be perfect for the job! she's even a workaholic so that's a bonus!" saxton says happily and maggie smiles a little
"okay saxton, i'll go with your plan" maggie says calmly and saxton smiles as he gets up
"that's my girl" saxton says as he helps maggie up and the pair smile at each other sweetly full of love that they've missed "right then, everyone! we are heading to mann co, i'm getting my company back!" he announces to the other and they shrug happily accepting the plan
the group then go off to a plane that was sitting outside the lair and everyone gets in, even classic engineer and soldier who felt a little sad that their colleges have all died but the comfort of each other and the fact that classic engineer was going to see his son again made then forget their colleges a little, the plane sets off and the group were off to mann co to stop olivia and to get mann co back briefly for saxton, meanwhile somewhere and engineer was following the adminatrator who was now 50 years younger being in her early 30s down a corridor
"where are we going?" engineer asks as he follows close to her confused
"dealing with something that has been nagging me for a long time" the adminatrator replies and she goes over to a very big door
the adminatrator puts in a number code into the door and it opens after accepting the number, the adminatrator and engineer go into the room behind the door and in the room was loads of pictures from the adminatrator's family tree from her mom, grandma, aunt, sister and any woman in her family but no men which made engineer confused, he then goes over to where the adminatrator was which was a control panel and he was watching her mess with it
"dell, you see this map" the adminatrator says as she looks at the map in front of her
"uhh, yeah, that's the map of teufort...don't tell me you are going to blow up teufort as that's very cliché for villains to do" engineer says after looking at the map then looks at the map then at the adminatrator worried
"no, as you said, it's to cliché, instead, i'm going to send this satulite up into space where it will send a signal to everyone's brains to make them forget this entire fight ever happened!" the adminatrator says first calmly then gets aggressive making engineer looked worried as she reveals a satulite that was in the ground "you see, dell, this pointless war has been going on long enough not only for me and my family's sake for the hale family too, all for a long feud of triplet brother hating each other for no reason" the adminatrator explains annoyed as she goes over to the control panel
"yeah i get that and i also understand erasing the memory of it happening but there will still be memories of the fight in books, statues and building" engineer says looking worried as he took his hat off to fiddle with it
"i already sorted the books out by asking miss.pauling to burn them all that mention me, the mann brothers and the story while the statues and building can just be forgotten as i can't do anything about them, but just in case, i will send mini missiles to destroy them" the adminatrator explains as she flicks a switch and missiles come out around the satulite
"umm...okay, i won't stop you as this is a good idea but...what about us, the mercenaries and miss.pauling i mean, we don't want to lose memories of our time together as even though it was rough fighting clones of ourself in a different colour and then taking down gray mann robots, we still had fun doing it and our friendship with each other is like we are a big family" engineer explains calmly yet a little sad as he still fiddles with his hat from nervousness
"...hmm...i get that, i don't really want to lose my memories of this either...if i wasn't on my deathbed so, i came up with this room" the adminatrator says looking bad and she flicks a switch
a room appears and it was a very big room made for about 20 people in mind
"this room will protect you from the bean which will last an entire day so there is some supplies in there to last days, even weeks, so you with the other can hide in there when the satulite is ready to fire the beam" the adminatrator explains as she points to the room
engineer smiles and then looks over at the control panel seeing a countdown starting from an hour, meanwhile back with the others and they had finally reached the mann co building after a few hours flight which at some point, everyone took a nap which some of them deserved, when they get to the top of the mann co building, they see olivia sitting at saxton's desk and she was surprised to see him again
"hey! why are you back?! and where's my dad?" olivia says confused but offended that saxton was back and saxton slams his hands on the desk
"i'm sorry, kid, but your dad is now dead and i'm here to take my post back" saxton says and olivia looks at him suspiciously
"...i don't believe you but if you want you spot back, fight me! i know you can't" olivia says and she puts in her fighting gloves
she gets down from her spot and she puts up her fists ready to fight saxton but he didn't looked phased, the mercs looked confused why there was a child here and maggie was-well she looked shocked and stunned for some reason
"i won't be fighting you...he will!" saxton says and he points to soldier dramatically which was more towards JD
"what?!" everyone says confused and saxton went over to soldier to more point towards JD
"the baby i mean" saxton says and everyone sighed thinking he was going to let soldier fight a 6 year old
soldier takes JD out of the baby carrier and he looks at JD going from confused to proud before he puts the baby in front of olivia
"go get her, son!" soldier says happily after he puts JD on the floor and JD smiles at soldier then he puts up his fists ready to fight
olivia was now stuck as she could fight a baby, she tried anything and everything to fight but she didn't want to hurt the 5 month old who was still ready to fight but his had a attention span of a puppy so he ended up teething on his right fist
"ugh! fine! i give up, you can have your stupid company back!" olivia says surrendering and the others cheer happily except for maggie "i didn't want to anyway, it was boring here and nothing to do" she adds complaining and she starts to walk away
she was about to leave when she was stopped by maggie, maggie was inspecting her which made her uncomfortable but then maggie holds up something which olivia had somehow seen before, it was a shoe which she feels like she saw before until she remembers that she remembers finding the exact same shoe while looking around her and her dad's house and her dad claimed that the other shoe was lost when she was playing outside
"i know that shoe, i have seen it in my dad's desk draw a while ago, why do you have it?" olivia says confused and maggie starts to tear up
"yes, i knew you could be, you see, your dad isn't your dad, he took you when you were a baby from me 6 and a half years ago...olivia, i am your mom" maggie says and olivia gasps hearing the news
"yo-you are?!" olivia says shocked and maggie nods happily yet slowly
"yes, your original name is alice but gray named you olivia instead, did he tell you about your mom?" maggie explains
"he just told me that my mom wasn't with us but he would not say what he means, i did not know if she was dead or did not want to see me" olivia says and she was thinking on her original name
magic smiles sadly then she pulls olivia in for a hug which to olivia felt warm and familiar, she hugs back and now she was wondering who her real dad was if gray was her foster dad, back with the others and they were cheering happily for JD for helping saxton to get his company back, saxton liked that he got his company back but he was also feeling bad that he didn't want to break his promise to maggie so he had a idea
"as ceo of mann co, my first rule is to step down and make miss.pauling the new ceo of mann co!" saxton says proudly and everyone cheers at miss.pauling
"what! me? but-" miss.pauling says but cut herself off thinking about it
"what do you say, miss.pauling? you will be jobless after this with the adminatrator also not being able to commentate in the matches and i know you are a very busy woman to the point you are a workaholic, so what do you say?" saxton says hoping miss.pauling would say yes
"umm...okay, sure!" miss.pauling says happily accepting the offer and the others cheer happily for miss.pauling
"good, now that's is all dealt with, what do we do now?" saxton says confused yet happily on what the next step of the plan was and more asking miss.pauling what she wanted to do as she was now the new ceo of mann co
suddenly the phone rings which was miss.pauling's phone and she picks it up wondering who was calling her
"hello, pauling?" miss.pauling says and she looked confused
"hello pauling, it's me, i want you and your team to come down to my location and meet me in...'the secret location', don't make me wait now, i have important things to tell you and i haven't got long left so hurry!" the adminatrator says on the other end then hangs up
"hello? adminatrator? oh...okay, we need to go!" miss.pauling says and she goes off with the other trying to ask what was going on but they still followed her
"where are we going?" scout asks as he catches up running next to miss.pauling
"we need to go to the adminatrator's office, there is something there she needs all of us for" miss.pauling replies and soldier almost stops as he realises he was going to see engineer again and he smiles happily with his goofy smile
saxton also tried to go with them but he was stopped by maggie as the pair need to talk so they went into the office and shut the door, back with the others and they head to the bottom of the building where they find themselves in a channel tunnel and they go though it taking a cart
"this channel has been here for years from the looks of it, where does it go?" classic engineer asks miss.pauling with classic soldier and soldier with JD next to him
"it take us to the location of the adminatrator, saxton uses this tunnel to get to here from time to time as he's too lazy to take transport especially when she technically she not that from from the mann co building" miss.pauling says as she turns around to look at the others
"where is saxton and that lass, maggie? there were with us but now there are gone?" demoman says as he notice the pair were gone
"they will catch up, i think they are having a talk about stuff" miss.pauling says and she turns around again to look ahead but she was really hiding her stress
"miss.pauling, are you okay? i know hearing that you will be the new ceo of mann co is hard on you but i know you can do it, you've worked for the adminatrator for years and we've all seen how hard you work yourself, it's quite hard but you seem to love it as you still worked even when you decided to take a vacation so, i know you can do it" scout says in his rambling but it was a surprised to miss.pauling on how much scout cared
"...thanks scout" miss.pauling says smiling and scout runs the back of his head bashful
"aww, it was nothing, really" scout says embarrassed and hoping not to mess up now
the group soon make it to the location and they get out of the cart, they look around and see it was a secret bunker far away from society, heavy then soon recognises this place as well as pyro as the pair came here to ask the adminatrator for new weapons with pyro getting most of them while heavy only got a banana, the group look around with some of them looking amazed they've never seen this place before and then miss.pauling leads them to a room with a big door but the door was open
"finally, you all are here" the adminatrator says catching the attention of everyone
"helen! you...you look beautiful!" miss.pauling says getting a look at the adminatrator and she looked shocked how beautiful she was
"engie!" soldier says happily seeing engineer again as he holds up his hands
"soldier-boy!" engineer replies happily seeing soldier again after not seeing him in almost 2 weeks
soldier hands JD to classic engineer as he was the closest to him and the pair run to each other giving each other the most happiest hug ever with soldier spinning engineer around and laughing happily, everyone was had a mixed focus on the adminatrator as they were confused on how young she looked as they know she was older then what she looked and at soldier and engineer who was hugging each other happily, after the hug, soldier and engineer look at each other smiling and then engineer look behind him to see his dad standing there with JD who was doing the grabby hands towards engineer
"dad?" engineer says as he walks over to his dad
"hello son, long time, no see" classic engineer says smirking as engineer walks over to him and he takes JD of classic engineer
"i-i uhh, i have so much to ask you" engineer says as he takes his giggles off to see that he was tearing up
"i know, son, i want to apologise for not being in your life after you finished university, i wanted too but the others wouldn't let me message you, not him, i mean mainly the heavy of my team, he was very strict to the idea that you didn't need me anymore because you were a adult now, i didn't believe it so i did keep a diary writing to you about all the things i did while you were away, i also kept the letter you've sent me over the years, look" classic engineer explains while pointing at classic soldier at one point then he holds out a diary and a folder that he grabbed from his backpack
engineer takes the diary and notebook after handing JD to soldier and then he gets too emotional as he goes over to classic engineer and hugs him crying, classic engineer was surprised at first then he starts getting emotional as he also hugs engineer back having that father son moment that they desperately needed after many years apart, soldier and classic soldier watch smiling and JD had no idea what was going on but was happy to be involved, meanwhile with sniper, lucy and medic and the pair had sat down on some chairs near a small control panel and medic looked lost in thought
"so, care to talk now, about what that classic medic said" sniper says not really pushing it but more asking as he looked curious
medic sighs and then he explains everything, he explains that he did have a wife in his 20s but then he divorced her after he turned 30 after finding out she had been sleeping with someone and got pregnant with them, he then was single for years until he joined the tf2 team when he was 36 where he met sniper and he fell in love with him even if he was 10 years younger them he was, he also had a bit of a crush on heavy but that just just a bromance at the end of the day as medic saw heavy like a brother
"do yeah, that's the story, i know it ain't much but i want you to know that i don't regret loving you and i still don't, i love you so much and i'm glad that i have had lucy with you" medic says finishing the story and sniper looked interested then he smiles
"i love you too, doc, i don't regret loving you either even if i'm your second relationship" sniper says smiling and this makes medic smile too
lucy squeaks happily from the baby carrier and the pair smile at her as she then yawns starting to feel sleepy, from across the room and JD also yawns also feeling sleepy and he drops off to sleep in soldier's arms smiling that he can feels his dad's presents meanwhile with miss.pauling and she looked confused on what the adminatrator was up to after the adminatrator told her what she did with the austrailium and her plan
"helen, i understand why you are doing this but you don't have long left, you have 30 minutes left and you are wasting it as we speak, there is also nobody left in you line to leave your money too or to remember you by" miss.pauling says sounding serious but sad at the same time
"i know that, fiona!" the adminatrator says to miss.pauling now named fiona kinda aggressively making miss.pauling flinch back a little shocked "sorry, it's just that i don't really want anyone to remember me or what my family did for the mann family, it was all wasted on a useless war that could of been prevented if the brother still had their mother" he adds and miss.pauling looks in interest
"what do you mean? are you saying that the brothers are blaming each other for the death of their mother for decades?" miss.pauling says thinking about it with her hand on her chin and she gets a confirmed him from the adminatrator
"they blamed each other and ignored gray for the death of their mother when in truth, it was just the time period and the lack of help during the birth that killed their mother, if they were born 100 years later, their mom would of got the help she needed to survive the triplet birth" the adminatrator explains as she goes over to the control panel "and i know the real reason you want me to live longer, fiona, you are in love with me and have since we met, you poor girl, in love with a old woman like myself is pretty selfish if i do say so myself, being in love with someone much younger them me isn't right, you should go out and find someone around your age to be in a good relationship with, even if you do ignore the man who has been lovesick for you" she explains as she grabs miss.pauling chin with her hand then glances over at scout who was looking at the rockets
"...but who do i go with?" miss.pauling says sadly and the adminatrator looked sorry for her before she removes her hand from the young girl
"there are loads of woman out there to your fancy, heavy's sisters for example look your type as well as saxton's girlfriend but she belongs to hale so go and find someone like them" the adminatrator says as she starts pushing buttons on the controls
miss.pauling stays quiet as she looks at the adminatrator then she looks up at the screen seeing that there was 18 minutes left until the satulite and the missiles go off, she wished she got the austrailium to help helen last longer but she knew she will be basically trying to date a really old woman and she knew the adminatrator was right in that she needed to date a girl her age, back with the mercs and heavy as he looks around at everyone realises that this would be probably the last time he gets to hang out with everyone before they split up for good with them
"everyone! we need to talk!" heavy says and everyone looks over at him
scout, soldier, pyro, demoman, engineer, medic, sniper and spy gather around heavy while classic soldier and engineer step back while they had lucy and JD knowing it was a meeting between the team
"what's up heavy?" scout asks wondering what was wrong
"this is sad to say but this will be the last time we will be together as team so i want to say...thank you for being my friends" heavy says and everyone smiles as they look at each other
"yeah, i'm glad i met all of you and we got to work together on different things, like the time with the tumours in the bread causing the big bread monster" engineer adds happily and he glances at soldier when he talks about the bread monster which soldier looked away guilty
"that was kinda fun, i liked the time where we got to bond over the campfire being ourselves and having a good laugh about anything" sniper says and the others hum happily
"i loved the time where i first put the ubercharge machine in all of you starting with heavy, that was amazing to see that i had created something powerful for the team, i'm sorry again for archimedes going into your chest, scout" medic says and he looks at scout looking sorry
"that's okay, he's a cute guy when he isn't in my chest, anyway, i also remember the times we got to see our base for the first time, it was great to choose our rooms to stay in and getting to know you all for the first time" scout says happily and the others smile at the memory
"i remember the time i first drank scrumpy, it was delicious and i've never been without it since" demo says happily and the other laugh at demo
"i remember the time i first made my begger's bazooka, i know it was just a hunk of junk but engineer helped me make it work and it became a good robot killer" soldier says happily as he smirks at engineer as he puts his arm around him and engineer smiles at him
pyro mumbles on how he remembers when gray mann's robots attacked for the first time and how it took medic a year to make the energy sheild and the boxes to revive the teammates when they are down, he also mumbled on when the team got new weapons and how happy they were when they got the weapon for the first time and everyone nods agreeing with him
"we did have some good times together, i am going to miss it" engineer says sadly and the other nod
"unless we do a yearly meet up or something like that" soldier adds mindlessly and everyone looks at him shocked "what?" he says confused on why everyone was looking at him
"soldier, you are a stupid genius!" engineer says happily and he kisses soldier on the cheek "we could meet up at our old base every year to have a day of chatting, having fun and just being together again like old times, what do you all say?" he explains and the others like the idea
"but what date should it be on?" scout asks a little confused
"how about...october 10th, it's the day we first met and when we all moved into the base" sniper says and the other smile at that idea
"well, it's settled, every year on october 10th, we will meet up at the old base for a yearly reunion and meet up again for old times sake" heavy says and the others agree with a hum or nod
scout then puts his hand out to do the hand wave and everyone smiles as they do it too, they then cheer as they raise their hands up and they all laugh afterwards, miss.pauling smile as she watches from a distance then she hears the adminatrator fall over behind her
"helen!" miss.pauling says shocked as she goes on the floor with the adminatrator
"fiona, please, get everyone into the room over there" the adminatrator says as she points to the room across the room "it will protect your and the others memories from the satulite and please, for one last request, live your life to the fullest, i will meet you very soon and i will be a different woman when i do see you again" she adds and then she gives miss.pauling a kiss on her lips
the adminatrator then dies as she suddenly turns old and miss.pauling starts to cry, at the same time, the rockets start going off and engineer tells everyone to go in the room at the back, everyone does even saxton and maggie who just joined except scout who goes to grab miss.pauling
"come on, miss.paulin'! we need to go into the safe room!" scout says as he pulls miss.pauling up
she was still crying when the pair get into the room and scout shuts the door after he gets miss.pauling in the room, the satulite rockets fire sadly cooking the adminatrator's body as it goes into the sky leaving almost nothing and then when it was in space, the missiles come off the satulite heading to all the places that reminded people of the mann brothers, even mann co was destroyed and the new zealand dome in the process,  the signals begins making everyone on earth started to forget about mann co, the mann brothers and everything involving mann, within 24 hours, everyone except the ones in the safe room forgot everything about the mann and it was life like no war happened, the satulite soon drifted away when it work was done and it destination was unknown.
the group that was hiding in the safe room soon came out when the timer on the door was at 0 and they look around to see everything was a mess and destroyed, miss.pauling was sad about helen's death but she decided to get over it for helen's sake, the group then went back to their normal lifes with scout reintroducing spy to his ma who was very happy to see spy again and glad that scout had accepted him as his dad.
soldier and engineer went back home now with classic engineer and soldier in toe being the grandparents to JD and engineer having the much needed family bonding time with his father and now his father in law as it turns out that classic soldier and engineer had been a married couple for years and it also turns out that engineer was the cause of the same magic that made JD, soldier was also happy to have a family as he had been on his own for years after his parents had died and he almost forgot everything about them, pyro went back to work for his company while still visiting soldier and engineer on weekends to help them look after JD.
demo and heavy were now living together with demo's mum, heavy's mum and his 3 sisters who were very glad to be out of russia and to be somewhere amazing, one of heavy's sister which was shanna ended up dating miss.pauling and heavy was happy with it while his other 2 sisters were dating men under heavy's supervision, heavy and demo mums were also getting along with heavy's mom telling demo's mum to calm down while demo's mum was helping her to be more strict towards heavy and the girls which got heavy and demo a little worried.
and lastly, medic and sniper moved back to their home in austraila where they spend their days looking after lucy while growing a farm which was going really well as they were getting a lot of money for the crops that they grew making them rich, the pair did feel bad that lucy didn't have any family members other then her parents but they didn't mind as she also had the others as her uncles.
saxton hale and maggie decided to settle down together with olivia which turns out to be the daughter of saxton and maggie, the reason why olivia had black hair is because maggie's dad have really black hair and genetics made it so that olivia now renamed to alice by olivia's request had black hair instead of brown or blonde hair, alice did have blonde hair when she was a baby but it soon turned black when she grew up, saxton and maggie were finally happy with each other and they lived their happily ever after with their daughter.
miss.pauling took over mann co which was renamed to 'pauling industries' which ended up being a weapon paint business which ended up being very popular and miss.pauling with her girlfriend, zhanna soon gaines enough money to buy a house, get married and have some babies via sperm donor, the pair were happy with their 2 children which were both girls and they got they happy ending.
for years the group kept their promise and met up with each other every october and they all missed each other every year, JD and lucy grew up going to the place every year and the pair soon grew into having romantic feeling for each other by the time they were teenagers, scout soon found a girl he liked named mary who was a almost carbon copy of miss.pauling and she also liked scout back, the pair soon had a child together named william and he was just like scout in personality but also a bit like spy too.
many years later in the year of 2000 and sadly all the mercs have passed away from a sudden illness or old age leaving behind JD and lucy who were now in their 30s and william who was 28, JD and lucy were happily married and they had 2 kids together called john and ellie while william was a single father to a daughter called jackie, the trio were friends and every october 10th, they meet up going to the grave of the mercs to leave flowers and have a talk about what they've been up to though out the year, they always felt like they were being listen too as they talked and it was true as they couldn't see then9 mercenaries hovering above their graves listening to the kids talk and sniper, medic, soldier and engineer were proud on what their kids have become.
The End

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