BushMedicine - Having a Family (NSFW)

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(Crack fic involving sexy time and mpreg which happened by magic so if you aren't interested in that, look at a different fic i made =P)

it had been a year since the event of being a mercenary working for the now dead mann brothers and now everyone has settled down, some of the mercs ended up being together and they were sniper and medic who were now married for 6 months, soldier and engineer who were also have been married now for 8 months (soldier literally saw engineer and asked him to marry him after not seeing him in a few days while on his adventure saving mann.co from grey mann, his robots and the TFC team 'read the comic if you don't get it') while zhanna and miss.pauling became a couple making scout feel jealous and upset after hearing miss.pauling was a lesbian, spy went back to scout's mom with the disappointment of scout while scout ended up finding a girl like him in personality but looked similar to miss.pauling, heavy and demo went back to their parents for a while before retiring in their own homes somewhere quiet, pyro went off back to his business and everyone was happy.
Today was the 6 month anniversary since sniper and medic have been married and medic wanted to something for it that both him and sniper will never forget, sniper was in the kitchen of their big home that has 3 bathrooms with one downstairs and 2 upstairs, one having a bath in it and the other having a shower and 3 bedrooms with the 2 other bedrooms as spares, sniper was leaning on the desk having his morning coffee when medic joins him
"hi darlin', you look cute today" sniper says and compliments medic
medic blushes and then he goes over to sniper and leans on him affectionly
"you know what day it is today, liebe?" medic says and sniper knew but he pretended he didn't as he jokingly thinks
"umm...is it your birthday? no! that's in september, umm...is it christmas?" sniper teases and medic does a sigh of affection
"no, you handsome dummkopf, it's our 6 month wedding anniversary" medic says affectionly and he puts his head in sniper's neck
"oh, 6 months? i thought we've been married longer" sniper says affectionly and he puts his arm around medic "so what do you want to do on this special day?" he asks and medic smiles with a idea
medic then turns to sniper's neck and starts nibbling his neck making sniper slightly aroused and realise what medic wants
"oh, you want to do that? ok, let's go to the bedroom" sniper says after finishing his coffee
medic smiles happily and sniper and medic go to the bedroom after sniper puts his coffee cup in the sink, when they get to the bedroom, medic goes and shut the curtains while sniper takes off his hat and sunglasses and then goes over to sniper pinning him at the door
"my gut aussehend liebe, you look as handsome with your hat and sunglasses off as you do on"medic says affectionly and sniper smiles back at him
"well, you are handsome both with your glasses on and off" sniper says affectionly and medic giggles a cute giggle
sniper then grabs medic's face and he kisses him, medic kisses back and the kiss started sift but then it started to get rough, (here comes the sexy time!) sniper then pushes medic onto the bed where they continue to rough kiss/snog and while they were kissing now with tongue, they started to take each others clothes off till they were almost naked except for their underwear, sniper then pulls away from medic making him slightly disappointed but when he sees sniper's erected dick when sniper pulls his underwear off, medic's hormones flare up make him errect
"is that all for me?" medic asks wiggling happily as he was lying down
"all for you, darlin', all for you" sniper says in his deep voice and this made medic more aroused
sniper then grabs some lube from his side desk draw and rubs it on his dick making medic inpatient as he wiggles his hips, medic lifts up his legs seeing sniper was done and he wraps his legs around sniper
"do it, liebe, i'm ready" medic says in a seductive tone and sniper looked at medic ready to do it
sniper then slowly put his dick into medic's butthole making medic groan in pleasure and this made sniper more aroused and hormonal, sniper moves his hips slowly humping medic and medic kept groaning in pleasure which in turn was making sniper go fast also groaning in pleasure
"faster, my love, faster" medic says mid groan and sniper knew he didn't need to be told twice as he licks his lips
he started humping medic fast and medic moan loudly making sniper hormones spike up, sniper started moaning making medic super aroused and the pair were starting to get sweaty, sniper then started to feel like he was going to cum and medic felt the same as he had his head back and moaning, sniper kept humping medic hard making him moan a lot and then without warning, sniper cums into medic making medic moan in pleasure, not long after, medic cums and it leaks all over his stomech, sniper collapses on the bed next to medic and medic turns around to have a kiss
"you were great, liebe" medic says affectionly after the kiss and went in for another kiss
"thanks darlin', you were great too" sniper replies after he pulled away from the kiss then he got pulled back in again
the pair kiss for a bit as it started to get rough again and medic was starting to get hormonal again as his dick was starting to get errect again, medic then pulls away from the kiss and he turns around so his butt was near sniper's dick, medic then started rubbing his bum on sniper's dick making him errect and sniper smiles as he puts his arms around medic spooning him
"again, love? aren't you tired?" sniper asks and medic shakes his head
"more" medic says simply with hunger in his voice and sniper smiles as he rubs his hand on medic's manly chest
sniper then starts rocking his hips into medic as his dick went into medic's butthole again and medic moans in pleasure, sniper then leans into medic's neck and starts biting his neck giving him love bites which made medic moan more
"yes, sniper, love, keep...going *moan*" medic says enjoying the love biting and the humping
sniper does keep going and he soon feels like he was going to cum again and he starts humping faster, medic keeps moaning and groaning making sniper more aroused and soon, sniper cums into medic's butt again with a satisfying moan, sniper then watched as medic cums and then they stayed lying on their right side and sniper still had his dick in medic (end of sexy time!)
"that was amazing!" medic says happily yet exhausted "best sex i ever had" he adds as he was starting to pant
"yeah, best sex i ever had too, even our honeymoon sex was good but i liked this one better" sniper says and he hugs medic close to him
the pair lied in the bed till they both fall asleep and they were happy as they slept, 2 weeks after the anniversary sex, medic was feeling funny, he kept throwing up his food every morning and he didn't know why, at first, he though he got the flu and ignored it as he though it would go away but it was now 2 weeks and he kept doing it, it was even making sniper concerned as he kept comforting him and had no clue what was going on, medic then realises that morning sickness was related to early pregnancy but they was no way he was pregnant...was he? he's a guy, there was no way he was pregnant but he decided to buy a pregnancy test from the convenient store to see, he goes into the bathroom connected to his and sniper's bedroom and he takes the pregnancy test out of the box, he then pees on the test and then waited a mintue for the results, after a mintue, he checked the result to see a plus which confirm he's pregnant which made him gasp
"i'm pregnant?!...but how?" medic says in shock then says in confusion after some silents
he then remembers that magic exists as he with the other mercs knowing merasmus and there exist loads of wizard and witches conventions, that's what merasmus told him anyway and by him p, he meant all the mercs as merasmus is too honest, anyway, medic looks at the rest again seeing it was still positive and he leaves the bathroom to find sniper, sniper was in the kitchen having a coffee and a cupcake medic got for him from the store when medic appears
"hi darlin'...what's wrong?" sniper says happily seeing medic and then asks seeing medic looking worried and guilty
"umm...ich bin schwanger..." medic says in german as he forgot to say it in english and this made sniper confused
"what?" sniper says confused as he never heard that word before
he's heard medic say a lot of german words and learn german from medic but that word he never heard medic say before, he knows 'ich bin' means i'm but the third word he's confused about
"...i'm...i'm...pregnant" medic says then finally admits and this makes sniper more confused
"what? how?" sniper says confuse then smiles a bit "i mean, i happy you are but how?" he adds so he didn't want medic to feel negative about the pregnancy
"i think it was magic but i don't know, i just know that i'm 2 weeks pregnant, look" medic says and he shows sniper the positive pregnancy test
sniper looks at it and then he get up from his seat to go and hug medic, sniper puts his hands around medic to hug him and medic hugs him back feeling warm and comfy
"we are going to be dads!" sniper says sounding happy and medic smiles
"yeah...i wanted to wait till our year anniversary for us to think about kids but this is okay too" medic says also happy and sniper pulls away from medic
they then have a kiss and medic now didn't mind he was pregnant as sniper was happy he was, about 6 months later and medic was now almost 6 months pregnant, his belly was as big as a big basket ball under a shirt and it turns out he's having twins, a boy and a girl twin which he knows he got from his great aunt and uncle who were twins, his chest has gotten slightly bigger and his nipples have enlarged and were poking out but he wasn't lactating yet, the only problem he's having with his pregnancy is that at some night, the twins decide to have a kicking match which is slightly painful but it was entertaining to watch as little would poke up from his belly and sniper loves rubbing his belly to try and calm the twins down which sometimes works, he also found out that engineer was 2 months pregnant when medic announced his pregnancy to him and now he was almost 8 months pregnant with a boy, soldier was so excited to have a son but engineer was worried that soldier might staple himself onto their son too much to the point soldier thinks that their son is a mini him, medic told him to just calm him down and to keep an eye on him do he doesn't go too far which engineer replied that he will.
it was a nice afternoon and medic was sitting on the sofa in the living room eating chocolate chip ice cream wearing his thick winter pyjamas but he could only do up 2 buttons post the top of the pyjamas so his belly was exposed and he watching a random tv show on the tv, he then sees sniper come in the room and he was shirtless as it was hot outside and he came in to get a drink of cold water
"hi darlin', i'm surprised you're not hot in those clothes, it's stinking hot out there" sniper says after grabbing a glass of water and going in the living room to talk to medic
medic didn't say anything as he was staring at sniper's bare sweaty chest and was starting to blush hard, sniiper sees thzt medic was looking at his chest and starts rubbing his chest making medic blush more, sniper then thought medic was getting hot and was going to ask till he saw a bump in medic pyjama bottom, suddenly the pyjama bottom fell down a little and it revealed medic's super erect dick making sniper smile, sniper then also spots that little stains were appearing on medic's pyjama top and he can tell he was lactating
"medic, honey, you wanna go upstairs and...have some fun?" sniper says flirty and with a deep voice and this made medic nod fast with a blush and his dick twitch
sniper smiles and he picks up medic bridal style, medic may look heavy now with him carrying twins but to sniper, it was like carrying a box of toys, sniper takes medic to the bedroom and when he gets there, he puts medic down on the bed, shut the curtains and then climbs ontop of medic, (sexy time!) sniper then unbuttons medic's top seeing his nipple leaking milk and sniper licks his lips
"let's see what you taste like" sniper says on a sexy tone and goes to medic's right nipple
sniper then starts suckling on medic's nipple getting milk in his mouth and medic wiggles and moans in pleasure as sniper was feeling around his body mainly his bum and dick, sniper still kept drinking from medic's nipple now pummelling the nipple like a cat to get all the milk out and when he does, he moves to the left nipple
"you taste really delicious, i wouldn't mind doing this to you if you start lactating again" sniper says in his deep voice making medic moan and his dick twitch then sniper starts drinking from medic's left nipple
as sniper drank from medic's nipple, medic felt so well taken care of and was super hormonal, he kept feeling his dick twitch and pulse as he can feel sniper nibble at his nipple, when sniper was done with the left nipple, both nipples were now dried up of milk and sniper licks his lips as he goes in front of medic's face
"i didn't know you were that delicious, darlin' now...let's sort out this" sniper says and he goes down to medic's erect dick sticking out of his pyjama bottoms
sniper pulls off medic's pyjama bottoms and then takes off his trousers and underwear making them both naked, sniper then sees medic has turned to be on his hands and knees and was wiggling his bum ready to go, sniper sees that since being pregnant, medic's bum has gotten bigger as before they were small and looked flat when he wore his medic trousers but now they were the size of half footballs and they were really jiggly
"oh, look at these dumplings" sniper says in his sexy voice and put both hands on medic's bum "so jiggly...and so sexy" he adds as he jiggles medic's butt
"all for you, my liebe" medic says in a sexy voice and this made sniper erect and aroused
"oh goody!" sniper says with his sexy voice and he grabs the lube
he coats his dick in lube and then puts his dick in medic's butthole making medic moan in pleasure, sniper jumps medic as medic howls in pleasure as his baby belly hangs and his moobs slightly hang as well, medic's butt, belly and moobs rock to sniper's humping rhythm and both sniper and medic were enjoying the sex as they both moan in pleasure, soon sniper cums into medic and medic cums onto the floor relieving him from his hormones, (sexy time end) the pair then lie in the bed and sniper starts rubbing his right hand on medic's baby bump
"you are so cute, handsome and now i know you're delicious as well" sniper says and he starts nibbling medic on the neck
"well, you're such a good husband, i will never ask for another one" medic says before giggling at sniper ticking his neck with his teeth
"aww, darlin', i love you" sniper says and kisses medic on the lips
"i love you too, liebe" medic replies pulling away from the kiss and then pulling sniper back into the loving kiss
as they were kissing which was turning into snogging, the babies were kicking and both sniper and meduv put their free hands on medic's baby bump to feel the twins kicking, 2 months later and medic was now almost 9 months pregnant an almost reaching the due date of the birth of the twins, medic's baby bump was now the size of 2 big watermelons stacked ontop of each other and when he walked, he looked like a penguin, sniper thought it was cute and medic hoped he never has to walk around till the twins were born, medic also heard from engineer that he has finally had his baby and soldier adores him to the point engineer didn't know if he was the mom or soldier, both sniper and medic congratulated then and they have told the pair the son is named felix, soldier and engineer were surprised when medic told them he and sniper were having twins and both soldier and engineer told them both congratulations and good luck which they told they they will manage.
medic was in the bedroom eating ice cream, cookies, chips (crisps), chocolate and pickles as for some reason, the twins were making medic's cravings bad today, medic was eating the chips (crisps) happily as he had his right hand on his baby bump where he can feel the twins kicking and moving about, sniper then comes into the room and sees medic with food around him, his baby bump sticking out as his shirt he was wearing only covered his top and back, no trousers on as medic had a big bottle attached to his dick so he wouldn't have to get up all the time to go to the toilet and instead pee in the bottle and medic staring at him with a smile which sniper thought was adorable
"hey love, you okay?" sniper asks as he joins medic on the bed
"ja, just chilling here and eating, the twins want a picnic today" medic says and he sticks a block of chocolate in his mouth
"that's good" sniper says then he notice medic was starting to lactate as his shirt was getting stained "you want me to deal with that for you?" he asks and points to medic's shirt licking his lips in thirst
medic looks down at his shirt then pulls his shirt off making him naked
sniper then goes on and starts drinking from medic's left nipple making medic all tingley, he looks down at sniper and then rubs his hair with his left hand while still having his right hand on his baby bump, he rubs his belly affectionly as he feels the twins kicking softly and he felt happy as he lies back and eats a scoop of ice cream, soon sniper was finished on the left moob and he goes over to the right and drinks from the right nipple
"are you going to keep doing this when the twins are born?" medic asks as he rubs sniper on the back of the head and then over his baby bump
"hmm...maybe, if the twins don't want a drink and you are lactating" sniper replies lifting his head up for a second then going back to drinking
medic smiles and he pets sniper on the head making sniper sigh happily as he was still drinking, when he was done, he goes back to the left side of medic and he puts his left hand on medic's baby bump to feel the twins
"have you thought of names for them?" sniper asks looking over at medic and medic nods
"i was thinking calling the boy 'luddy' mixing mine and your names together and the girl...'mindy' which sounds like the female version of your name" medic explains and sniper smiles with a happy nod
"i like them, luddy and mindy" sniper says and says the names out loud
medic shivers at how nice sniper says the names and sniper pulls medic into a kiss which made him pee a little in the bottle, after the kiss, medic eats a pickle and sniper takes a chip (crisp) and eats it happily, half a month later and medic goes into labour, he soon gives birth to the twins with luddy being born first and then mindy, sniper and medic love them and they were a happy addition to the family, the twins live a happy 18 years with sniper and medic with loads and good and bad memories and now luddy is a doctor in a famous hospital and mindy became a pet photographer, soldier and engineer's son felix became a mechanic of technology but also a player for the american football team, he is also going out with mindy and they have their wedding coming up next year while luddy is dating zhanna and miss.pauling's daughter grace.
it was a happy life for sniper and medic and now the pair have retired and live together in the house they raised their twin children in as they sit in the front garden in rocking chair enjoying each other company.
The End

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