All The Mercs - Baby Respawn Glitch

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It was a beautiful day outside and all the mercs are getting to battle, while medic was sorting out the setting to his medigun he notice the respawn machine (i imagine there is respawn machine is every base, it looks like a electrical box on the wall but with a pic of a respawn logo) looks broken, there was sparks flying off it and looks worn out

"hmm...i will tell engineer about this later" medic thought to himself, he grabbed his notebook from his pouch and wrote in it before walking to where everyone is

when he got there, everyone was raring to go and the countdown has started for the doors to open, medic finished fiddling with his medigun, grabbed his crossbow and bonesaw and went to stand by heavy to charge up his medigun, he went around to the others to till the meter was full and when the countdown reach 0, everyone ran out and did their thing

After the battle, medic was going to engie's workshop to tell him about the respawn machine when he bumped in sniper

"oh hi sniper, what you up to?" medic said

"hi doc, i was going to the kitchen to get something to eat, what you doing?" sniper replied

"i'm going to see engineer, i saw earlier that the respawn machine looked...broken" medic explained

"well i'll come with you, the food can wait" sniper said

"ok then, follow me" medic said and both of them went to engineer's workshop

when they got there, medic knocked on the door but they was no reply, medic knocked again and this time he got shuffling noices but still no answer

"Engineer! you in there, it's medic" medic shouted but they was only shuffling

medic opened the door and poked his head though and what he saw made him pull his head out again with a shocked face

"what happened?" sniper asked

"well... it seems engineer can't help us at the moment, he's to busy teething" medic said worried

"teething? isn't that what babies do" sniper replied

"yes it is and that what's he doing cause... he is a baby!" medic said looking thought the door "look"

medic holded the door to let sniper see and sniper poked his head thought the door, when he looked in he said a baby with a big helmet on and goggles around his eyes teething at some metal, sniper poked his head back out and looked at medic the same look medic gave to him when he saw the engie baby

"what happened to engie" sniper said after a long pause

"it's seems this was the cause of the respawn machine and i'm guessing if engie is a baby, the others will be babies too" medic said

"what do we do?" sniper questioned

"well i'll grab engie, you find the others and we'll put all of them in the living room and figure out something from there" medic explained

"ok" sniper said and ran off while medic went into the workshop and grabbed engie

"come along now engie, let's put you in a safer place" medic said in a calming voice, engie made some funny noice while medic was picking him up and he kept saying "sentry" and "dispencer" a lot while medic was taking him the the living room

Meanwhile sniper went into the rec room to see if anyone was there, when he got there he saw spy baby sitting on the table with a lollipop stick in his mouth and strangy, he had his mask on and it fitted him even tho he was a baby, he went over to the spy baby and picked him up

"look what we have here, the spook has been babyfied and now you can't do a thing" sniper said jokenly

the spy baby looked at sniper and crossed his arm with a annoyed look on his face, sniper chuckled and walked out the rec room with spy baby and put the spy baby with the engie baby, when he got there medic was watching engie baby who was sitting on the couch and eating a biscuit that he found in the cookie jar

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