Fem BushMedicine - Lesbian Love

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On the blu team, all the mercs are females while the red team are males and they get along since the mann brothers are dead, all the females looked liked their male counterparts but with some slight differences, the female scout unlike the male scout was selfless and she would rescue anyone in need, the female soldier was caring and she understands every teammate, the female pyro unlike the male pyro loved her pegasus buddie balloonasus and she also love flowers, animals, dancing and singing wherever she is, the demolady like the demoman loves to drink but she love wine, she'll drink it wherever she goes and ends up drunk on the battlefield but unlike the demoman she always moody like she's on her period 24/7 and she can be friendly when she wants but mainly moody, the female heavy loves chocolate and candy (sweets), she is very strong like the male but she can also runs quite quick which the male can't do when he has his minigun, the female engie is chill like the male engie but she is also gets worked up quite easily, she works really hard but when she done working she's is a pleasure to hangout with, the female medic is a little like the male but she is more caring of her team but like the male medic she has love interest in the female sniper, the female sniper is very laid back and she loves tea, she loves the female medic and she visits her everyday to keep her company, lastly the female spy is very bossy, she likes to boss the others around and she's all talk but no think, she is also female scout's mother and scout knows this, scout wants to build a relationship with her but she's doing it slowly.
some of the girls on the team were in love with each other or with the males, the female soldier and engineer are in a relationship like the males, the female scout is in a relationship with mr pauling who is miss pauling's twin brother, the female heavy, demoman and spy are going out with their male counterparts and lastly the female sniper and medic are in a relationship, the female sniper and medic have been in the relationship for a year now and they are even engaged to get married at some point, they love to do thing people usual do in a relationship and nobody is stopping them.
one day the female medic was doing her work on medical thing for mr pauling when sniper comes in
"hello darlin'," sniper says going over to medic
"hi liebe" medic says and gives sniper a kiss "what you been doing?"
"just sunbathing outside" sniper says "have you been in here all day again?"
"ja i'm sorry but mr.pauling got me doing paperwork again" medic says
"oh darling come out with me for a while" sniper says
"ok liebeling" medic says and she gets up
both sniper and medic head outside and to sniper's van, when they get there they both go in sniper hammock and have a snuggle time
"your beautiful" sniper says and kisses medic on the cheek
"so are you liebe" medic says smiling
sniper giggles and she kisses medic on the lips
"wanna have some fun tonight, that paperwork can wait" sniper says cheekily
"hmm...maybe but you have to do one thing" medic says jokingly
"oh and what's that?" sniper says
"remind me to do the paperwork in the morning" medic says and they kiss again but deeper
sniper smiles and then she picks up medic bridal styal and takes her inside her camper van to do the sexy time, after the sexy time both of them pass out completely naked with medic sleeping on sniper's shoulder and sniper smiles before going to sleep herself.

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